еще Sea otter fatalities linked to global warming via algal blooms - 29 Sep 2010 UK leaders and co-citizens speak out on factory farms - 26 Sep 2010 Experts urge more crop farming and plant-based lifestyle to end Mongolian desertification - 29 Jul 2010 Agricultural pollution ruins nature and harms health - 14 Jul 2010 Nepali women set out on eco-ascent of world’s tallest peaks – vegan style - 8 Jul 2010 Harmful pesticides fed to parasite-ridden farmed salmon - 7 Jul 2010 Global methane from the livestock industry underestimated - 5 Jul 2010 еще Melting permafrost intensifies greenhouse gases. - 23 Feb 2011 Account from scientists calculates methane emissions from freshwater sediments. - 21 Jan 2011 Continued Arctic methane release raises threat of runaway global warming.- 2 Jan 2011 Learning From the Past:Mass Extinctions and Global Warming with Dr. Peter Ward Permafrost at Mt. Fuji and in Siberia melting at alarming rate - 28 Sep 2010 Antarctic melt is speeding methane releas - 23 Sep 2010 Warming Arctic oceans could result in devastating methane release - 30 Jul 2010 еще The impact of meat production & consumption on climate changeUN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet UN green crusade plans tax on livestock wind Stop Eating Meat and Save the Planet? Letter by Paul McCartney and Rajendra Pachauri People urged to eat less meat and dairy products to save the planet Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet Livestock and Climate Change Better world: Global green heroes unep.org earthtimes.org еще -
::: СОС Глобальное потепление ::: РЕШЕНИЯ для ПЛАНЕТЫ от Высочайшего Мастера Чинг Хай Избранная информация о перемене климата Спасем нашу планету - Последние новости о перемене климата Причина Животные продукты Парниковые газы Deforestation Вегетарианство и перемена климата Эффекты Food Shortage Water Shortage & Pollution Sea Level Rise Потеря биоразнообразия Экстремальная погода Влияние человека Океаны Таяние полярного льда и айсбергов Срочность Runaway Methane Global Warming Планетарное ЧП Relief News Решение Веганское решение Organic Farming Green Technology Scientists on Climate Change Political Leaders on Climate Change Climate Change Public Service Announcements Climate Change Conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai Высочайший Мастер Чинг Хай об окружающей среде Ресурсы Решения для перемены климата Видео о перемене климата UN Report What VIPs Say Daily Tips Resources Annual Sea Ice Minimum Get or update the Flash Player to see this player.nearly all the ice could be gone from the Artic Ocean by the end of summer 2012
- NASA climate scientist Dr. H. Jay Zwally -We have passed tipping points. We have not passed a points of no return. we can still roll things back, but it is going to require quick turn in directionDon't eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- that's how you can help brake global warming
- NASA's top scientist James Hansen -
- Rajendra Pachauri - the Chief of the United Nation's Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on Climate Change -