Half the world’s population will face serious food shortages within the century. 14 (University of Washington researchers, in Science, 2009) Harvests already distressed by drought or floods in Russia, Germany, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Ukraine, Pakistan, etc. (Sept 2010) 15 Food prices
rose 5% globally in August 2010. In Mozambique, food riots in response
to raised bread prices led to 10 fatalities and 300 injuries. (Sept
2010) 16,17,18 High food
prices that sparked deadly 2008 food riots worldwide were due to a
combination of climate change and increased demand for animal feed from
populations in India and China. (UN World Food Program)19 The number of people suffering from hunger exceeded 1 billion for the first time in 2009.20 Over 9 million people die worldwide each year because of hunger and malnutrition. Five million are children.21
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Are we short of water,food?
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