
Irish Tea Brack and Candied Peel Scones for St. Patrick's Day

Watch video :     March 26, 2009

Tea Brack
600 milliliters tea (strong)
1 pound dried fruit (currants, sultanas, raisins, etcetera)
1 pound sugar
1½ pounds flour
2 teaspoon mixed spice
1½ tablespoons Egg Replacer
30 milliliters water
Agave syrup for glossing (optional)
Serve with soy butter,
jam, and soy cream (optional)

Candied Peel Scones
600 grams self-rising flour
¼ teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
60 grams sugar
150 grams candied peel
250 grams soy milk
150 grams vegan margarine or butter
Flour (for rolling)
Serve with soy butter,
jam, and soy cream (optional)

Tea Brack
  1. Soak the dried fruit in 600 ml of tea the night before.
  2. Added 2 teaspoons of mixed spice to 1½ pounds of sieved flour.
  3. To make 1 egg replacer, use 1½ tablespoons of the egg replacer to 30 mililiters of water, and mix.
  4. To start preparing, add in the egg replacement mixture into the soaked dried fruit bowl with tea. Mix.
  5. Preheat the oven at 175 degrees for 5 minutes.
  6. Add in the flour into the tea mixture, and stir well. Make sure all the fruit and flour is well mixed together.
  7. Take 2 pounds loaf tins, lined them with grease proof paper, and try to divide the tea mixture evenly among the tins.
  8. Put it into the oven for about 1½ hours at about 170-175 degrees.
  9. After 1½ hours, the brack should be cooked. Just test the cooking by inserting the skewer in through; if it comes out dry and clean, then it must be cooked.
  10. For a shiny surface, just use agave syrup to paint over. This is optional.
  11. Remove the grease proof paper and cut down in slices.
  12. Serve this with a little margarine, sunflower, soy. Or serve with a little vegan butter, or jam.
Candied Peel Scones
  1. The candied peel is simply lemon and orange peel that has been crystallized in sugar. This can be bought in the supermarket or health food shop.
  2. Into the flour, make a little well, and then add in ¼ teaspoon of salt and 3 teaspoons of baking powder.
  3. Add in the sugar and the dairy –free sunflower spread margarine.
  4. Mix them around until it resembles fine bread crumbs.
  5. Add in the candied peel.
  6. Make a nice little well in the center and mix in the soy milk.
  7. Mix them all with hands until the dough is nice and clear the bowl.
  8. Mix until the consistency is nice, soft and wet. Not too dry and not too wet either.
  9. Spread some flour on the board, and then take half of the dough, and cut them into once inch pieces, square pieces. Try to make the same size for all of them.
  10. The oven should be set ready for baking at 200 degrees.
  11. Roll the pieces on the board, knead it so that shape is nice and square.
  12. Arrange the pieces in the baking tin, and put them into the oven for about 15 minutes.
  13. Serve the peel scones with soy margarine and jam.

Cooking with Chef & Author Miyoko Schinner: Homemade Vegan Cheeses and Dips

Watch video :     March 26, 2009

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Homemade Yogurt
1 + 3 cups soy milk (plain or vanilla)
½ cup cashew nuts
2 tablespoons pre-made vegan yogurt or acidophilus

Lemon Peppercorn Vegan Yogurt Cheese
Vegan homemade yogurt, made into cheese
Nutritional yeast
Lemon juice
Lemon zest (organic)

Sun-dried Tomato Garlic Herb
Vegan Yogurt Cheese
Vegan homemade yogurt,
made into cheese
Nutritional yeast
Lemon juice
Garlic, minced
½ teaspoon thyme
½ teaspoon marjoram,
Fresh basil, chopped finely
Sun-dried tomatoes
Additional herbs: oregano, lavender, etc. (optional)


Basic batch

1. Pour pre-made yogurt in a bowl lined with cheesecloth(sieve) and set it in a cool place,
let it drip all day 12-24 hours. Make sure you have double layer of sieve cloth.
2. Add the nutritional yeast, salt and a little bit of lemon juice as well.
3. Divide it into 2 batches so we can flavor it differently.

Flavoring; -Sun-dried Tomato Garlic Herb Vegan Yogurt Cheese

4. Add some finely minced garlic, add 1/2tsp thyme, also 1/2 tsp marjoram.
Also cut some fresh basil leaves into very fine pieces and add in as well.
You can always change the herbs; oregano, lavender, etc.
5. Mix everything.
6. Line a bowl or some mould with some Saran[plastic] wrap to shape the cheese.
You can put sun-dried tomatoes on the bottom if you like.(or leave it plain)
7. Just pat it and fold the Saran wrap over it.
8. Keep it in the refrigerator for several hours to set and then un-mould it, you turn it over.

-Lemon Peppercorn Vegan Yogurt Cheese

4. Wash the lemon. You'll be using the zest, make sure it's organic.
With lemon zest make sure you get no more than just the outside skin.(The white is bitter.)
5. Put a dash of lemon juice in there too. And stir.
6. Same moulding as before, just put peppercorn on top of it.

*Miyoko: if you’re going to be making cheese out of yogurt, let your yogurt sit longer so that it gets tangier and thicker, if you want a dessert topping, don’t let it sit out as long

Cooking with Chef & Author Miyoko Schinner: Homemade Vegan Yogurt & Cream Topping

Watch video :     March 22, 2009

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Homemade Yogurt
1 + 3 cups soy milk
(plain or vanilla)
½ cup cashew nuts
2 tablespoons
pre-made vegan yogurt
or acidophilus
Cream Topping
1 cup
vegan homemade yogurt
1 cup coconut milk
2 tablespoons
agave nectar
Vanilla extract
Fresh fruit



1. Cup of soymilk, half cup of cashew nut into blender, blend it slowly for 30 seconds.
2. Pour the rest of soy milk into a pot, add 1. and heat it up until it's warm to your skin.
3. Add 2TBS pre-made vegan soy yogurt or some acidophilus(start with unsweetened or vanilla)
4. Just mix them and pout into a jar, rap up with towels and let them sit in room temperature or warm place 4-8 hours(check the tanginess until it suits you)

<Cream topping>
5. Put coconut milk(to 1cup soy yogurt, 1cup coco) and agave sirup. Little bit of vanilla also. Stir them.
6. Spread over some organic berries.


Chef Diogo Ramos Presents Creamy Vegan Chocolate Truffles with Apricot Slivers (In Portuguese)

Watch video :     March 22, 2009

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Creamy Vegan Chocolate Truffles with Apricot Slivers
Muscovado sugar (or vegan brown sugar)
Apricot slivers
Cinnamon or powdered sugar
Tofu Veggie Moqueca (Traditional Brazilian Seafood Stew)
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
Cayenne chili pepper
Sunflower oil
4 tablespoon palm oil
150 grams tofu
200 ml coconut milk
5 cups tomato sauce


  1. Mash the tofu in a pot.
  2. Put the pot on a stove and let it boil.
  3. Add in the muscovado sugar, mix well. Keep stiring while the sugar and the tofu is boiling.
  4. The sugar will start to melt and the tofu will start to release water. Continuously stirring.
  5. When the tofu is losing water and become a little grainy, add in the cocoa. The cocoa will absorb in all the water.
  6. Pour the cocoa little by little.
  7. After adding the cocoa, the liquid is decreasing. Taste if it suits the taste, the bitterness of the cocoa or the sweetness of muscovado sugar. Always leave it a little more bitter because after blending it and it cools down in the fridge, the truffle becomes sweeter.
  8. When the mixture becoming thicker and hard to stir, then it is ready to mix it in the blender.
  9. It is important to blend it when it is hot. Blend it until it reaches the right consistency which is creamy and smooth.
  10. Pour it into a bowl and put it in the fridge so that it can harden up.
  11. Afterwards, get 2 spoons and shape the truffle.
  12. Take the apricot slivers and make a flower on top.
  13. Add a final touch with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

Chef Diogo Ramos Presents Tofu Veggie Moqueca (Traditional Brazilian Seafood Stew) (In Portuguese)

Watch video :     March 22, 2009

1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
Cayenne chili pepper
Sunflower oil
4 tablespoon palm oil
150 grams tofu
200 ml coconut milk
5 cups tomato sauce


1. Cut the bell peppers into small pieces(around 5mm*60mm)
2. Chop coriander(optional) very finely
3. Chop chili pepper finely
4. Cut tofu into large cubes. each piece into 9

5. Pour some edible oil and saute bell pepper until they glow.
6. Then put in onion, stir well.
7. Add palm oil and coconut milk. Boil for a while
8. When in starts bubbling add the tomato sauce
9. When it's totally cooked without the white color, add very little chili pepper
10. Add wakame kelp and stir. Cook for 20 mins.
11. Put in tofu and coriander, wait 5mins tosaturate both
12. Serve with cooked rice.


<tomato sauce>
1. Base - Boil the tomatoes, peel the skin, dice it and blend it and strain it. Always peel the skin for sauce.
2. Cook 1. with onion and nutmeg.

Always clean the kitchen board and knife with water. Diego cleans with alcohol

Fenugreek Flavored Potato and Peas with Indian Sooji Chilla (Semolina Pancakes) (In Hindi)

Watch video :     March 22, 2009

Fenugreek Flavored Potatoes and Peas:
Green peas
4–5 tablespoons fresh fenugreek leaves
Tomato purée
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon cumin powder
½ teaspoon coriander powder
Green chilies
2 teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon oil

Sooji Chilla (Indian Semolina Pancakes):
3 tablespoons semolina
2 tablespoons graham flour
1 tablespoon wheat flour
¼ teaspoon cumin powder
1 pinch carom seeds
Fresh coriander leaves
Green chili
Pinch baking soda
Ground black pepper
2 teaspoons oil

Fenugreek Flavored Potato and Peas
  1. Boil the potatoes and cut into small pieces.
  2. Boil the green peas.
  3. Chop the fenugreek leaves finely.
  4. Preheat 1 tablespoon of oil, and then add in the cumin seeds.
  5. When the cumin seeds begin to crakle, add in the potatoes. Mix well.
  6. Add in the boiled green peas. Mix well. Let it sauté for a while.
  7. Mix in the fenugreek leaves. Allow it to cook for a couple of minutes until the fenugreek leaves start giving out a pleasant aroma.
  8. Mix in the tomato puree.
  9. Add in the salt, the cumin powder, coriander powder, black pepper powder according to taste. Keep the flame low. Mix well.
  10. Cook the dish for about 2 minutes.
  11. The dish is ready. Garnish it with chopped green chilies.
Sooji Chila (Semolina Pancake)
  1. Take 3 tablespoons semolina, 2 tablespoons graham flour, 2 tablespoons wheat flour.
  2. Add in fresh finely chopped coriander leaves.
  3. Add in the cumin powder, the carom seeds, the black pepper powder, a pinch of baking soda and salt to taste.
  4. Add green chili for spicy taste.
  5. Add in a little water slowly. Keep mixing.
  6. The batter must be smooth, without lumps.
  7. Heat the pan. Add in 2 teaspoons of oil, and then spread it all over the pan.
  8. Take some of the batter and spread it over the pan. Use low heat.
  9. Cook the batter until both sides are golden brown.
  10. Press continuously with gentle pressure so that the pancake batter cooks properly from the inside.
  11. Place the pancake onto a plate. Serve it with bread and tomato ketchup or just have it as it is.

Flavorful Veggie Fajitas with Guacamole (In English)

Watch video :     March 12, 2009

Flavorful Veggie Fajitas
6 tortillas, garnished with lime and cilantro
1 organic sweet onion
1 green organic bell pepper
1 yellow organic bell pepper
1 red organic bell pepper
1½ cups organic mushrooms, sliced
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 organic avocado
Juice of 1 lime
1 jalapeno
1 shallot


Fajita mixture
1. Put the mushrooms into a large bowl.
2. Slice half of onion. Break up pieces into thin strips.
3. Cut the bell peppers into half. Remove seeds. Also slice into strips as well.
4. Add the chili powder to the oil and stirr up. Pour into the vegetables to coat them. Set them aside and allow to marinate for a moment.

5. Cut avocado in half. Remove the pit. Scoop around with spoon to get the good stuff. Put it in food processor.
6. Jalapeno, cut the top, cut in into half and carefully remove the seeds. Chop it into smaller pieces.
7. Cut the shallot into small pieces. Dice into fairly small pieces.
8. Cut the lime in half. Squeeze the juice out before putting into the blender. Add the juice as well.
9. Blendeverything togetherfor 1 minute until it becomes smooth. Put it into fridge for 10 min.

10. Add the marinated vegetables into a very high-heated wok. Stir-fry it for 6-8mins. Season them with salt and pepper.
11. Warm your pan 95-120C so it's warm. Flip the tortillas after 1-2seconds. Take them out. Add one scoop of fajita mixture. Roll them.


Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Red Beans

Watch video :     March 12, 2009

Creamy Cauliflower Soup
1 head organic cauliflower
1 cup water
½ cup onion
Piece of ginger root
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
Cumin seeds
Mustard seeds
Red Beans
1 can organic red beans (kidney or Mexican red beans)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
¾ –1 onion
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon pepper
Italian spices



1. Take 1 cup of water put in the pot and turn on the stove.
2. While waiting it to boil, chop onion roughly for blending.
3. Cauliflower break it into little pieces
4. Put in 2&3 wait about 5-10 mins
5. When 4. is nice and soft, simply pour everything into blender and blend it
6. Put it right back into original pot

7. Peel ginger and smash it and cut them as finely as possible
8. Add 1TBS oliveoil into pan and pre-heat it
9. Put cumin seeds, mustard seeds in the pan and wait until it pops
10. Then put in ginger, stir while counting 30 seconds
11. That goes right into Cauliflower mix
12. Add 1 tsp seasalt and stir.

<Bean dish>

1. Add 1TBS oil into pre-heated pan
2. Shop onion more finely(not for blender), cook it in the pan and stir wait for 5mins
3. When onions are golden brown, take red beans and toss them in
4. Add a half tsp salt, pepper and your favorite italian spices
5. Stir them and warm them for a while

Serve them nicely, with some coriander or etc after your taste
& enjoy!

An Irish Good Morning Making Soda Bread (In English)

Watch video :     March 12, 2009

Irish Soda Bread
470 milliliters soy milk
2 teaspoons vinegar
500 grams plain flour
2 teaspoons bread soda
1 teaspoon salt
55 grams vegan butter, melted

1. Sift the flour to make lighter.
2, Add bread soda and salt, melted vegan butter and stir to disperse the butter.
3. Add in soymilk and stir it around, make a thick dough. If you need add more flour to it.
4. Pre-heat the oven at 90 or highest one there Fahrenheit, about 45 mins.
5. Transfer 3. onto a board. Put flour on the board before you put the dough.
6. Knead the dough, shape it.
7. Add melted vegan butter to the tin, so the dought won't stick.
8. Put dough on 7. and cut a cross shape for air getting through.
9. Bake them for 45-50mins.


Traditional Bavarian Zesty and Savory Cabbage Stew (In German)

Watch video :     March 12, 2009

¼ cabbage (or a small one)
5 potatoes
4 carrots
1 small shallot
1 liter vegetable broth
1 package (500 grams) sauerkraut Vegan tofu wienerwursts
1 tablespoon oil
Served with:
Non-alcoholic beer


1. Peel the carrots, cut them into thumb size
2. Cut the potatoes and cabbage, onion also
3. Add some oil to the pot
4. Saute carrot, cabbage with shallot until onion becomes gold color
5. Pour in 1 liter with dissolved vegetable broth in it. And add one more liter.
6. Cook until the cabbage sinks down and then add potato and sauerkraut
7. Wait until potato is fully cooked(around 15min)
8. Cut the vegan sausage into finger size and add in the pot
9. Stir them around
10. Serve with baguette and non-alcoholic beer


Any vegan recipe and image can be reproduced if left intact with credit given to Supreme Master TV and each page linked to www.suprememastertv.com