
Polish Buckwheat with Soy Cutlets, Wild Mushroom Sauce, and Compote of Dried Fruit (In Polish)

Watch video :     March 8, 2009

Soy Cutlets
1 package (15 pieces) soy protein cutlets
½ liter vegetable broth
½ glass bread crumbs
1–1½ glass buckwheat
1–1½ glass water
Wild Mushroom Sauce
Mushrooms (butter boletes and bay boletes)
2 red onions
½ glass soy cream
Compote of Dried Fruits
½ liter of apple juice
Dried apples
Dried peaches
Sultana raisins
Piece of ginger


Soy Cutlets
  1. Soak the soy cutlets in the vegetable broth.
  2. Dry the soy cutlets. Drain all the excess water.
  3. Preheat some oil in the frying pan.
  4. Roll the cutlets in the bread crumbs.
  5. Add in the soy cutlets into the pan. Fry until both sides are golden brown.
  6. Add in salt and pepper to flavor it slowly.
  1. Chop the onions.
  2. Preheat the oil, and when the oil already hot, add in the buckwheat and roast it well.
  3. Pour in the water. The water should be at the same proportion with the buckwheat.
  4. Add in some salt and stir it for a moment. Let the buckhwheat boils.
  5. When the buckwheat has boiled, take it off the stove, and then wrap the buckwheat in a towel.
  6. Take the wrapped buckwheat to the bedroom, and place the buckwheat under the duvet for about 1 hour.
Wild Mushroom Sauce
  1. Soak the mushrooms in cold water and after some time, drain the mushrooms into a bowl.
  2. Squeeze the mushrooms by hand to releaseall of the water.
  3. Preheat a little bit of oil
  4. Add in the onions into the hot oil. Let it fry.
  5. Meanwhile, cut the mushrooms as preference and then add them into the frying pan.
  6. Stir the mushrooms quickly. Let it cook for awhile.
  7. Add in the soy cream, and mix them well.
  8. Add in some salt and some pepper to taste.
  9. Let them cook on a very low flame for about 2-3 minutes.

Compote of Dried Fruits
  1. Chop the fruit, except the sultanas, into smaller pieces.
  2. Preheat the apple juice.
  3. Peel a piece of ginger.
  4. Put all the chopped fruit into a pot. Mix them.
  5. Add in the sultanas, mix again.
  6. Add in the cinnamon. Mix.
  7. Boil the fruit mixture and leave it on a low flame for about 30-40 minutes.
Serving Suggestion:

Put the soy cutlets and the buckwheat on a plate. Add some tomato and cucumber salad on the side. Add some mushroom sauce on top.
Serve the compote fried fruit as the dessert.

Salat Oliv’e, Classic Russian Potato Salad(In Russian)

Watch video :     March 1, 2009

5 or 6 pickles
2 medium boiled potatoes
1 boiled carrot
1 cup canned peas
½ cup mung beans
½ teaspoon mustard
1 cup vegan sour cream
1 cup vegan mayonnaise
1/3 teaspoon black pepper
1 cut vegetarian ham
1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)
Vegetable oil

1. Cut the vegetables into small cubes.
2. Put 1 table spoon of vegetable oil and a little bit of water into the pot.
3. Add the veg ham into 2. and simmer for a couple of minutes. Don't forget to stir it.
4. While 3. boils, peel the potato. Remove all black of the potato.
5. Add everything to a big bowl.
6. Take out the ham, and boil the mung beans with plenty of water. for 20-30mins.
(better if you soak them before for a couple of hours.)
7. Cut the pickels and carrot into small cubes, add them to the bowl.
8. When the mung beans are cooked, mash them well and add to the salad.
9. Add the peas, vegan mayonnaise, vegan sour cream, black pepper, lemon juice, salt and mix them all. (if you prefer you can add onion too)

Compassionate Cooks Create a Hearty 3-Bean Chili

Watch video :     March 1, 2009

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon whole coriander seeds (or 1 teaspoon of ground coriander)
½ tablespoon cumin seeds (or 1 teaspoon of ground cumin)
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 yellow onions, chopped
2–3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon oregano
2 (or more) tablespoons chili powder
3 bell peppers (green, orange, yellow),
cut into squares
1¾ cannellini white beans (or great northern beans or navy beans.)
1¾ black beans
1¾ kidney beans
3 medium tomatoes (or 16-ounce canned diced tomatoes)
1 (16-ounce) canned corn Parsley, chopped
Gimme Lean [vegan] beef style or Yves Good Ground or Boca Crumbles
Served with:
Corn chips
Guacamole (avocado dip)
Tofutti Sour Supreme
(vegan cream cheese)
Or with grains:
Brown rice or
Amaranth or
Couscous or
Wehani rice or
Bulgur or
Barley or


  1. Heat up the pot using low medium flame.
  2. Add in a bit of olive oil. Let it heat up a moment.
  3. Add in some whole coriander seeds.
  4. Add in some cumin seeds.
  5. Add in some cayenne pepper.
  6. Wait for the spices to darken a little bit. Stir around.
  7. When the seeds are popping, add in the onions.
  8. Add in some garlic, some oregano, and some chili powder. Let it saute.
  9. When the onions look beautifully translucent, add in the peppers.
  10. Add in the beans.
  11. Add in the tomatoes and the corn.
  12. Stir, lower the heat, and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  13. When the tomatoes heat up and become part of the chili, add in the salt and pepper.
  14. For a “meaty” texture, add in some vegan Gimme Lean beef style or Boca Crumbles.
  15. Let it cook for a while.
  16. At the end, sprinkle some chopped parsley.
  17. Serve with some corn chips and guacamole, and put some Tofutti sour cream on top
  18. Ready to be served.

Kenyan Ugali and Skuma (Cornmeal Cake and Tomato Sautéed Kale) (In Swahili)

Watch video :     March 1, 2009

Ugali (Cornmeal Cake)
Cornmeal flour
2–3 glasses water
Skuma (Tomato Sautéed Kale)
6 small bunches kale
2–3 tomatoes
2–3 teaspoons turmeric powder


Ugali (Cornmeal Cake)
1.Add 2-3 glasses of water to the pot and boil it.
2. After it boils, add the flour. You have to check the amount of heat so it doesnt burn.
3. While adding the flour, stir it slowly, mix well with the water.
4. Remove it from the pot and turn over, shape it with watered cooking stick.

Skuma (Tomato Sautéed Kale)
1. Chop the kale & spinach and other veggiesfinely.
2. Dice the tomatoes finely.
3. Turn on the stove, add some cooking oil on it and wait for 2 min to heat up.
4. Add the tumeric 2-3 spoons.
5. Add tomatoes while slowly stirring.
6. Add a little bit salt and the chopped kale.
7. Cover them for 5-6min so they soften and shrink a bit.
8. Add spinach and stirr, cover also and leave for 5 mins.
9. Switch off the stove.

Cut the ugali like cake pieces, put some kale to make it good looking, serve it with skuma.

Indonesian Veggie Bakso Noodle Soup (In Indonesian)

Watch video :     March 1, 2009

Vegan bakso (meatball)
Fried tofu
Celery leaves
Fried red onion
Ground pepper
Dried ground red chili
Sweet soy sauce
Tomato ketchup
Cooking oil

1. Cook the noodles in boiling water.
2. After they're cooked and soften, take them out and turn off the stove.
3. Put in fresh water into the pot, turn on the stove.
4. After water has boiled, put in spices; 1tsp salt, 1tsp sugar, vegetarian bakso and cook them.
5. While waiting 4. to get cooked, cut the fired tofu.
6. Put the noodles in a pretty bowl for serving. Put tofu on top of it.
7. to 6, spread out the celery leaves, add pre-fried red onion, ketchup and sweet soy sauce.
8. Add the cooked veggie bakso beautifully,and then the broth.

Enjoy the heavenly meal!

Making Oscar Night Delights:Open Wisdom Sandwiches

Watch video :     February 25, 2009

Colorful Life Rollups Veggie Confetti Filling:
1 cup chopped black olives
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup red bell peppers (or any colors)
1 cup green bell peppers (or any colors)

Vegan Ranch Dressing:
(2) 8 ounce packages vegan cream cheese
2 teaspoons parsley
½ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon vegetarian flavor enhancer (natural mushroom seasoning)
Wrapped in:(6) 10 inch flour tortillas

Open Wisdom Sandwiches
1 package pumpernickel cocktail bread
1 package sliced vegan cheese
2 cans 6 ounce tomato paste

  1. Line the cookie sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Place the pumpernickel cocktail bread slices on it.
  3. Cut the zucchini and the carrot with a patterned knife, so they will look beautiful.
  4. Spread about a teaspoonful of tomato paste on the each slice of the cocktail bread.
  5. Cut the vegan cheese into smaller than a quarter pieces.
  6. Put some chopped olives for garnish.
  7. Put some chopped zucchini, some shredded carrot.
  8. Sprinkle some Italian seasoning on top.
  9. Finally, garnish it with some pine nuts and flax seeds.
  10. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F, and bake them for 12-14 minutes.
  11. After the time pass, take out the pan, and decorate it with some parsley leaves.
  12. Ready to be served.

Making Oscar Night Delights:Colorful Life Rollups (In English)

Watch video :     February 25, 2009

Colorful Life Rollups
Veggie Confetti Filling:
1 cup chopped black olives
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup red bell peppers (or any colors)
1 cup green bell peppers (or any colors)

Vegan Ranch Dressing:
(2) 8 ounce packages vegan cream cheese
2 teaspoons parsley
½ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon vegetarian flavor enhancer (natural mushroom seasoning)
Wrapped in:
(6) 10 inch flour tortillas

  1. Chop the green bell pepper, the yellow bell pepper, and the red bell pepper.
  2. Cut the celery into long stripes and then chop them into smaller chunks.
  3. Melt the vegan cream cheese in the pot using gentle heat for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat, and start adding the other ingredients one by one.
  5. First, add in the parsley, then the paprika, the Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and vegetarian flavor enhancer. Mix well.
  6. Place a clear wrap on top of the cutting board.
  7. Put the tortilla wrap on the cutting board.
  8. Put a spoonful of vegan cream cheese on the tortila wrap and spread it evenly.
  9. Sprinkle the chopped bell pepper on it.
  10. Sprinkle the celery, and some black olives.
  11. Roll it up.
  12. Wrap it with the clear wrap to keep it fresh and cut it and serve right before the time of consuming.
  13. For serving, cut the end of the tortillas so it will look pretty.
  14. Cut them into 1-2 inches wide.
  15. Put them into paper cups.
  16. Garnish it as preference.

Swirl of Perfection Creamy Coconut Chocolate Roll (In Hungarian)

Watch video :     February 25, 2009

Coffee Chocolate Dough:
250 grams sweet biscuit powder
10 grams castor sugar
10 grams cocoa powder
1 teaspoon non-alcoholic rum flavoring
1 large pinch salt
2 deciliters coffee
Vanilla Coconut Cream:
100 grams vegetable margarine
30 grams castor sugar
30 grams coconut flakes
10 grams vanilla sugar


Preparing Dough
1. Add and mix Biscuit powder, castor sugar, cocoa powder, salt, rum flavor, coffee together.
2. Knead it thoroughly until it's well combined.
3. Set aside and prepare the filling.

Cream Filling
4. Whip the veg margarine in a bowl. Try to whip it as fluffy as possible.
5. While whipping, add castor sugar, vanilla sugar, coconut flakes.

6. Place a plastic wrap(approx.35cm long) to roll the dough on it - We will roll the dough with it.
7. Roll the dough. around 0.5cm thick. (same thickness of cream)
8. Put on the cream, try to spread it evenly.
9. Fold the end of the dough, and start roll the plastic wrap from there.
10. Put the whole thing in the fridge for 2 hours.


Vegan Mayonnaise and Eggless Spanish Omelet (In Spanish)

Watch video :     February 19, 2009

Veganaisse (Vegan Mayonnaise)
½ lemon
1 glass sunflower oil
1/3 glass soy milk
Pinch salt
Eggless Spanish Omelet
5–6 medium potatoes
¼ –1 onion
Vegan omelet mixture
Chickpea flour
Water or soy milk
Soda water (optional)
Sunflower or olive oil for frying

Veganaisse (Vegan Mayonnaise)
1.Prepare a mixing container
2.Pour 1/3 glass soy milk, and 1 glass ofsunflower oil and mix it well.
3.Add juice ofhalf of alemon, and a pinch ofsalt.
That's the basic vegannaise recipe.
From now on, the flavours.
4.If you want to make Vegannaise Alioli(Garlic Vegan Mayo), you can add some garlic(ex 1/2 clove)
4-1. If you want to make Salsa Rosa(Pink Sauce), add 1/2 tomato. Or you can add anything after your taste.
5. Mix them well starting from the bottom and slowly going up.
6. If you want it more lighter, add some more soy milk.
7. Put in the fridge to cool.

Eggless Spanish Omelet
1. Peel the potatoes.(with peeler its easier) And cut them into pieces to fry easier.
For thebasic omelet, only potatoes will do. You can add more like zucchini, green pepper etc.
2. Cut a quarter od the onion, cut it thinly.
3. Put in the oil and warm it.
4. Prepare a bowl for the mixture.
5.Add a little bit of Chickpea flour to it and a bit of water and little salt also
and mix well. Can replace water with soymilk. (Can addvinegar to kill the taste)
6. Beat it, watching the texture it's taking.
7. Whip a bit to see a creamy texture.
8. Put the potatoes into preheated oil, enough to cover all the potatoes.
9. After a while stir it with spatula so it's done evenly.(approx 10-15min.)
10. Turn the heat higher, and after a while turn it over again.
11. Drain the oil and turn off the heat.
12. Add the potatoes into the mixture.
13. Put the heat again(keep low)and put the mixture into the pan.
14. Flatten it to a shape of an omelet.
15. Flip it to a dish. Do it 2-3 times to take the right shape.
16. When it becomes golden, it's ready.

Succulent Southwest Rice Creations with Chef Jason Wyrick

Watch video :     February 19, 2009

Smoked Spanish Paprika Rice with Moroccan Cured Olives
6–8 cups of water
1½ cups long grain brown jasmine rice
Juice of 1 lemon or lime
3 tablespoons diced oil cured black olives
1 tablespoon smoked Spanish paprika
¼ teaspoon ground cumin
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon olive oil
½ teaspoon black sesame seeds (optional)
Arroz con Canela y Chile Cascabel
(“Rice with Cinnamon and Cascabel Chili”)
1 cup rice
1 cups water
1 teaspoon lemon zest (grated lemon rind)
¼ teaspoon salt
1–2 cascabel pepper
2 cups coconut milk (or soy creamer)
2 cinnamon sticks
1 vanilla bean (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)
1 tablespoon agave nectar (or sweetener of choice)
¼ cup raisins (optional)
Smoked Spanish Paprika Rice with Moroccan Cured Olives

  1. Boil 4 parts of water and 1 part of long grain rice in a pot for about 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, peel the garlic and press it.
  3. Get the oil cured black olives cut up.
  4. When all the little rice grains have sucked up the water, strain away the excess water through a colander. Do not get rid of all the water because it’s going to go in a baking dish.
  5. Add in the smoked paprika powder. If you use a regular paprika powder, just throw in a little bit of extra chili powder, a few more extra olives, and some extra garlic so that the flavor will compare to the smoky paprika.
  6. Add in the garlic and the olive oil.
  7. Add in a pinch of cumin.
  8. Add in a little bit of oil on the rice to make sure the rice stays fully hydrated while it’s in the oven.
  9. Stir that around.
  10. To trap the steam in the baking dish, just got to cover it with foil.
  11. Bake it for about 20 minutes at 300-324 degrees.
Rice with Cinnamon and Cascabel Chili
  1. Boil 2 cups of coconut milk, 1 cup of water and 1 cup of rice.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the vanilla bean open right down in the center or just use about a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. Scrape the little tiny bean pods out from the vanilla bean. Add into the rice.
  4. Add in the cinnamon stick in the rice.
  5. Add a tablepspoon of the sweet agave nectar.
  6. Add in a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor of sugars.
  7. It is going to take about 30 minutes for the rice to cook.
  8. Just before the rice is done, throw in one cascabel chilies.
  9. Be careful with the chili, because the longer it cooks, the spicier the dish gets. Just get that nice subtle spiciness and that subtle chili flavor to it.
  10. Once the rice is done, put it in the dessert dish, put the little cinnamon stick on top, put the little cascabel chili on top, make a little line of sweet agave nectar on there, put the lemon zest on.
  11. The gourmet dessert is ready.

Any vegan recipe and image can be reproduced if left intact with credit given to Supreme Master TV and each page linked to www.suprememastertv.com