
An Afternoon in Sweden:Fresh Coffee and Coffee Cake (In Swedish)

Watch video :     February 16, 2009

Stuffed Yellow Peppers
3 yellow peppers
Pre-cooked rice (white and wild rice)
Handful of basil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ onion, chopped
½ can of tomatoes
Salt and pepper to taste.

Stuffed Red Peppers
3 red peppers
2½ cups cooked chickpeas
1 can tomatoes
1 tablespoon soy sauce
3 tablespoons tomato paste
3 tablespoons Indian curry
½ bunch of coriander
Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Grind the almonds and set it aside.
  2. Pour in the flour into a bowl.
  3. Add in the sugar, and then the cocoa. Mix.
  4. Take the ground almonds and then pour in the water into the mixing bowl.
  5. Pour in the oil. Mix everything.
  6. Add in some vanilla sugar, a little coffee and a pinch of salt. Mix.
  7. Pour the mixture into a mold and then put into the oven at 150 degree for about half an hour to 45 minutes depending on how sticky you want it to be.
  8. Meanwhile, roast some coffee in the coffee roast pan.
  9. When most of the coffee beans are already a little brown, lower the heat.
  10. Grind the coffee finely with the grinding machine.
  11. Pour the coffee into the coffee brewer and stir carefully.
  12. Let the coffee come precisely to just a boil, not more.
  13. The coffee is ready to drink with the cake.

Creamy Mushroom Stroganoff Delight

Watch video :     February 16, 2009

1 cup shitake mushrooms
3 baby portabella mushrooms
1 cup white button mushrooms
2 potatoes (diced and fried or baked)
2 Boca Burger patties
½ package pasta noodles
12 ounce vegan sour cream
1 tablespoon vegan butter
1 cup vegetable broth
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon vegetable broth powder
1 tablespoon soy paste
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Pepper to taste

  1. Boil some water in a pot.
  2. When the water is about to boil, add in 2 pinches of salt and add in the pasta noodle.
  3. Stir evenly. When the pasta noodle is almost double in size, drain it out.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the mushrooms in different shapes and sizes so it adds a little different uniqueness to each mushroom.
  5. To prepare the Boca Burger, pre heat the pan until it is very hot, add some oil and spread it around and then add in the Boca Burger.
  6. Stir the Boca Burger while adding the seasoning such as: the sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of vegetable broth powder and a little bit of pepper.
  7. Add in a tablespoon of soy paste and a teaspoon of soy sauce.
  8. Keep stirring.
  9. Take out the Boca Burger from the pan, and set it aside.
  10. With the same pan, add in a tablespoon of vegan butter and when it is hot enough add in the mushrooms.
  11. Stir them up and add an couple grind of pepper.
  12. Cook the mushrooms until they look like they’ve absorbed some of the butter.
  13. Pour in the vegetable broth into the mushrooms.
  14. Add in the cooked Boca Burger into it.
  15. Add in the fried or baked potatoes.
  16. Add in the noodle pasta.
  17. Finaly, add in the vegan sour cream. Mix.
  18. Serve it on a plate and decorate it with some fresh parsley.

A Delicious Paraguayan Tradition: Vegan So’o Apu’a (Vegan Meatball) (In Guaraní)

Watch video :     February 14, 2009

Ground soy protein
Scallions (green onions)
Ground pepper
Soy sauce
Served with:Cassava


1 Add some edible oil to the pre-heated pan.
2 Add garlic to 1.
3 After garlic is cooked well, add in soy protein
4 Add some soy sauce & cumin to add flavor
5 Add green onion and cook together.
6 Cool it for a while.

7 Use some sunflower oil. or any other oil.
8 Add the leftover garlic and onion
9 Add carrot, tomato, zucchini, green onion, oregano
10 Cover up and wait for a while to cool.
11 Stir it well and add some salt.
12 Pour in the water. wait until it boils up
13 While waiting, add some cornmeal to the broth.

14 Put some water to the corn meal to dissolve it.
15 Put a little oil and salt and make it like a dough
16 Make them into small balls.
17 Put in each soy protein inside it and roll them to balls.
18 And let them swim in the broth.
19 Cover up.
20 Boil them together until they're all cooked
21 Add a little oregano in the end.
22 Serve them with Cassava

Sweet Loving Gifts:Chocolate Truffles and Dates filled with Almond Pâté (In French)

Watch video :     February 14, 2009

Chocolate Dusted Truffles
½ large bar (16 squares) vegan dark chocolate
2–3 teaspoons raw vanilla sugar (fair-trade, if possible)
1 tablespoon vegan butter
2–3 tablespoons water
Cocoa powder (fair-trade, if possible)
or shredded coconut
1 teaspoon hazelnut or
almond powder (optional)
Favorite essences (optional)

Dates filled with Almond Pâté
Organic dates, pitted
5 heaping teaspoons almond powder
4 teaspoons vanilla sugar
Favorite essences (optional)

To Package the Loving Sweet Gifts:
Clean recycle gift box
wrapping paper (brown or craft paper)
Decorating materials

  1. Put the chocolate squares in a bain-marie (double boiler).
  2. To help the chocolate melt, add a bit of water, not too much, just about 2 or 3 tablespoons. And it’s added gradually because it depends on the quality of the chocolate.
  3. When the chocolate has melted, with a bit of water in it, add the vegan margarine or butter, about 1 tablespoon.
  4. Mix it so that the mixture is smooth with a chocolate taste that is a bit toned down.
  5. Add a bit of sugar, depending on the taste.
  6. Mix them all.
  7. Add a bit of hazelnut powder or almond powder or orange essence or mint as preference.
  8. Mix and then put the mixture into the refrigerator for a few hours.
  9. To prepare the almond pâté, mix almond powder with some sugar, depending on taste.
  10. Add a bit of water depending on the texture of the mixture.
  11. Add it gradually, a teaspoon at a time until the mixture can stick together or it all come together and makes a ball form.
  12. To have more flavors, just add orange essence or coconut or almond flavoring.
  13. The almond pâté is ready to be filled into the dates.
  14. Take a small amount of almond pâté and then form into a shape that will fit in the date.
  15. When the chocolate has cooled and hardened, then it is ready to be shaped into balls to make truffles.
  16. Roll the chocolate ball in the cocoa powder.
  17. Arrange the chocolate truffles and the dates filled with almond pâté in a decorative box.
  18. Ready to be presented.

Vegan Chocolate Amasake Brownies (In English)

Watch video :     February 14, 2009

1½ cups whole wheat pastry flour
1½ teaspoon baking powder
½ cup grain coffee
½ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup oil (neutral flavor such as deodorized sunflower oil)
½ cup rice syrup
1½ teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 jar (1¼ cups, about 380 grams) amasake
½ cup raisins
½ cup walnuts
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Soy milk or water (optional)
15 x 20 centimeters baking dish

1. Prepare baking dish(15*20cm), add a little drop of oil in there and spread it out evenly so the brownie doesn't stick afterwards.
2. Lay a pre-cut sheet of baking paper so the bownie comes out easier.
3. Prepare a bowl for the dry ingredients. Sift everything together so it aerate and mix well. Flour, Baking Powder, Grained coffee, Cocoa Powder.
4. Mix 3. by stirring it.
5. Another bowl for the wet ingredients.
6. Put neutral oil, rice sirup, vinegar, 1/4 tsp salt, amasake 1 jar(1and 1/2 cup) in the bowl and mix well so the oil doesnt float around.
7. Pre heat oven 170-180c (335-350F)
8. Add 6. into 4. Mix well, also use rubber spatula for the bottom. Don't overmix to prevent too much gluten.
9. Add the raisins.
10. Cut the walnuts roughly, just a littlebit and add them, too. (Better when you toast them little bit beforehand, about 5mins on 150c or 300F)
11. Pour everything into the baking dish.
12. Spread it out to the sides a littlebit, make sure the thickness is about 4cm or 1and1/2inch).
13. Put it into oven, bake for 27-28mins
14. Put it out from the baking dish and cool it for a while.

Preparing for Valentine's Day, Part 1: Baking Heart-shaped Morsels of Love

Watch video :     February 9, 2009

(Makes 12 cookies)
Chocolate Heart and Star-shaped Morsels of Love
¼ pound or ½ cup
vegan margarine
½ cup raw organic cane
sugar (or agave nectar)
½ teaspoon lemon zest
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon soy milk
1¼ cups flour (white,
whole wheat, both)
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons
dark cocoa powder
(grated vegan
dark chocolate)
2 teaspoons dried ginger

Perfect Vegan Icing
½ teaspoon
vanilla extract
2 cups
confectioner’s sugar
6–8 teaspoons soy milk
4 teaspoons agave nectar
(or corn syrup)
Assorted food colorings
Wrapping Paper
Plain wax paper
Colorful wrapping tissue
Gift tags (optional)


Preparing for Valentine's Day, Part 1: Baking Heart-shaped Morsels of Love

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees Celsius.
  2. Take the vegan margarine and put it into a large mixing bowl.
  3. Using an electric hand mixer, turn the setting up to medium to cream the margarine.
  4. Make sure the margarine is light and fluffy.
  5. Add in the sugar and blend again until everything is smooth and thoroughly mixed.
  6. Add in the soy milk, the vanilla, and the lemon zest.
  7. In a separate bowl, sift the flour to remove any lumps.
  8. Sift the cocoa.
  9. Put in the salt and the baking powder together.
  10. With the medium setting, mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.
  11. Make sure everything is well blended.
  12. Rolling the dough out so it will turn into a base for great cookies.
  13. Take a well floured board and take the dough and dumpt it all onto the table.
  14. With hands, just start kneading the dough together into a ball.
  15. If the dough is too dry, just add a bit of water or a bit of soy milk to it.
  16. When the dough is form into a nice ball, take a pin wheel which already flour a little bit.
  17. Take the pin wheel, apply even pressure to both hands, and start rolling out the dough.
  18. The aim is to make the dough into about ½ an inch of thickness.
  19. Shape the dough into heart and star form.
  20. Transfer the cookies to the baking sheet, arrange it so that they’re not touching.
  21. Put the baking tray into the preheated oven.
  22. Bake the cookies, and when they’re done, put them on the cooling rack before putting the icing sugar.
Preparing for Valentine’s Day, Part 2: Decorating Heart-shaped Morsels of Love

  1. Put the confectioner’s sugar into a bowl.
  2. Add in the soy milk. Stir and whisk with a whisk until it’s blended thoroughly.
  3. When the right consistency achieved, add in the agave and the vanilla.
  4. Add in about 2 drops of coloring. Stir.
  5. The decoration can be made by one of two ways: by filling into a tube or by dipping the cookies.
  6. To dip the cookies, just pour about half of the icing out onto a plate. Take a cookie, dip and just press down slightly.
  7. When taking the cookie up, just suspend it for a little while for the icing to drip off, and then turn it over.
  8. Sprinkle something on the icing for decoration.
  9. The other way is to fill in a tube, put the cap back on, hold the tube upside down. Make sure the icing doesn’t drip out.
  10. Just drop the icing by following contour of the cookies.
  11. To make a creative wrapp for the cookies, make the tissue paper into heart shape. Hold the tissue paper into half. On the creased edge draw half of a heart, and then, using scissors, cut out the heart.
  12. Place a paper towel on the table and take a piece of wax paper, about 30 centimeters in length, and place it on top of the paper towel.
  13. Sprinkle in the paper tissue hearts with different colors, different sized hearts, and place randomly on the paper.
  14. Take a second piece of waxed paper and place it on top of the first piece, so the hearts are right in the middle.
  15. And then take the second piece of paper towel and put it on top of the wax paper.
  16. Take the iron, put it on medium heat, and just run it over the wax paper. Be careful not to touch the iron to the wax paper directly because it will melt the wax paper.
  17. To check to see if it worked, just lift up the paper toweland see if the paper is transparent and the hearts are seen.
  18. Cut the pieces of paper to size and wrap the cookies.
  19. With some tape, tape together the top and tie a ribbon around it to make it decorative.

Golden Crispy Nori Tofu with Portuguese Tomato Pepper Rice (In Portuguese)

Watch video :     February 9, 2009

Tomato Bell Pepper Rice
200 grams organic brown rice
Bell peppers
Tomato bouillon paste or tomatoes
½ tablespoon salt
Olive oil

Crispy Nori Tofu
Nori seaweed sheets
Ground pepper
Golden Batter
Soy sauce
Wheat flour, type 65
Served with fresh vegetables

  1. Slice the onion finely.
  2. Chop the garlic.
  3. Chop the pepper according to taste.
  4. Add some olive oil into the pressure cooker pan and heat it.
  5. Add in the onion, the garlic, and the pepper. Saute them just a little bit.
  6. Pour in the water and salt into the pressure cooker.
  7. Add in the rice.
  8. Turn the heat to maximum.
  9. Stir to mix it evenly.
  10. Put in the tomato bouillon paste. Mix.
  11. Let it cook for about 20 minutes on low heat.
  12. Meanwhile, prepare to make the golden pieces of tofu.
  13. Cut the tofu into half and then make them into rectangles.
  14. Put some salt and pepper onto it.
  15. Take the nori sheet and put the sliced tofu onto it.
  16. Roll it up. In order for the nori not to unravel, use a toothpick.
  17. To prepare the batter for the tofu pieces, take the corn flour and add an adequate amount of water so that the batter won’t be too runny.
  18. Mix the batter and add in a little bit of soy sauce.
  19. If the batter is too thick just add more water, or if it is to runny add more flour.
  20. Meanwhile, preheat some olive oil in a frying pan.
  21. Put in the tofu wrapped into the batter and the cover it with wheat flour so that the batter will stick to the tofu.
  22. Fry to tofu by holding the toothpick. Fry until both sides are golden brown.
  23. The rice is ready.
  24. Put the rice on a plate, arrange the fried tofu and garnish it with some vegetables like beets, turnips, and carrots or any other vegetables as preference.

Tempeh Chickenless Salad, Sandwich, and Dip (In English)

Watch video :     February 5, 2009

8 ounces organic tempeh, cut into small pieces
2 tablespoons organic rice vinegar
2 tablespoons organic soy sauce
1 tablespoon vegan poultry seasoning
1½ tablespoons mustard
2 tablespoons organic ketchup
¼ cup Vegenaise (vegan mayonnaise spread)
4 tablespoons water
¼ cup green onion, chopped
¼ cup chopped parsley
¼ cup chopped celery
Served with:
* Bread, lettuce, tomato slices,
and vegan butter spread to make
a “Tempeh Chickenless Salad Sandwich”
* Or with tortilla chips as a “Tempeh Chickenless Salad Dip”


  1. To prepare the tempeh, turn on the burner to high heat.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, and 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar.
  3. Cut the tempeh into small pieces, and add it straight to the liquid.
  4. Give it a good stir. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the liquid to absorb into the tempeh.
  5. Turn the burner off.
  6. While the tempeh is still warm, add about 1 tablespoon of the vegan poultry seasoning.
  7. Stir it really good and allow the tempeh to cool off.
  8. While waiting, chop up the vegetables for the dressing.
  9. Start with the celery. Cut it about the same size as the tempeh.
  10. Place the celery in the big bowl. And then cut the parsley and the green onion.
  11. Take about 2 tablespoons of Vegenaise, 2 tablespoons of organic ketchup, and 2 tablespoons of organic mustard.
  12. Stir them well.
  13. In the same sauce pan, crumble the tempeh a little bit. Add this into the dressing. Stir it, mix it really well.
  14. The tempeh is ready to be served.
  15. Take the sandwich bun, and cut it in half.
  16. Spread the sandwich with a little bit of soy butter and a little bit of the tempeh spread, some lettuce and a nice sliced tomato. And then top it with the half bun.
  17. The sandwich is ready. It can be served with a nice tossed salad with citrus and strawberry in a light vinaigrette dressing. Or use the tempeh salad as a dip and serve that with tortilla chips.

Singaporean Lo Hei: Symbols of an Auspicious New Year (In English)

Watch video :     February 5, 2009

2 carrots
½ radish
1 bowl crackers (golden brown in color)
Chrysanthemum flower
2 slices pomelo
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons plum sauce
Lemon juice
3 tablespoons ground nuts
Leek, preservedand sweetened
Radish, colored green
Preserved vinegar ginger,colored with brown sugar
Green radish, preserved and sweetened
Tangerine peel, shredded and sweetened
Vinegar ginger, colored red and sweetened
2 small slices lemon
Abalone mushroom
2 tablespoons sesame
1 teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
½ teaspoon 5 spices powder


  1. Shred the carrots and the radish with a slicer.
  2. Put the sliced carrots and radish in a bowl and let it dry.
  3. When the carrots and the radish already become dry, arrange it on a wide plate, and top it off with the petals of the chrysanthemum flower and the pomelo.
  4. Arrange the crackers inside the plate.
  5. Put in the abalone mushroom on top of the chrysanthemum flower.
  6. Squeeze out the lemon juice.
  7. Addthe pepper, the cinnamon, and the gold nuggets.
  8. Pour over the oil and plum sauce over it.
  9. Ready to be tossed and served

Traditional Aulacese (Vietnamese) Pickled Pink Patty of 4 Flavors(In Aulacese)

Watch video :     February 5, 2009

400 grams fresh pomelo peel
300 grams green papaya
150 grams filtered water
50 grams ripe tamarind
50 grams fresh red beet
6 tablespoons cooking oil
2 teaspoon alum
1 tablespoon coarse salt
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon ground pepper
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons seasoning powder
1 tablespoon of salt


  1. Peel the pomelo. The pomelo peel has 2 parts: an outer green part and an inner white part. Discard the green part entirely, and keep only the white part. The green part taste bitter.
  2. Make thin slices for the white part so the bitterness can be rinsed off.
  3. After finish shaving the pomelo peels, put them into a pot and start cooking.
  4. Take the pot, add in the salt and the alum. Add in a bowl of water and then cover it with a lid and cook on high heat.
  5. Meanwhile, take the unripened papaya and slice it into fine strands or use grater.
  6. After done with the grating, put in a bit of salt to soften the papaya, and then use a cloth to wring dry all of the moisture. After that, cut them shorter.
  7. When the water boils, add in the pomelo and let it well cooked for about 15 minutes. Put the lid back on.
  8. Meanwhile, take the tamarind and put it into 150 grams of filtered water to make a tart sauce.
  9. Squeeze the tamarind. When all the sourness of the tamarind has been extracted, take out and discard the seeds.
  10. For a red beet color, cut the red beet into tiny cubes and then put them into a bowl and add in 4 tablespoons of water. About 5-10 minutes later, a reddish beet color will seep out. Filter it out, keep only the reddish colored liquid.
  11. When the pomelo water already boils, take out the pomelo peels and put them in a bowl of cool water.
  12. Rinse them out about 4 times with cool water to remove all the bitterness. Pour it out into a colander as such to let them cool. If the pomelo’s taste not bitter anymore, then enough with the rinsing.
  13. Use a cloth to wring them dry and then put them in a bowl.
  14. Separate them out evenly and then pour in the tamarind juice.
  15. Mix them thoroughly and then pour in the lemon juice. Keep mixing it well. When the pomelo have softened, use hands to knead them well for about 10 minutes.
  16. When the pomelo already smooth, add in the red beet coloring and then mix.
  17. Add in the sugar, salt, and the rest of the seasoning and mix everything well.
  18. Prepare the pan, add in a bit of cooking oil. Heat it.
  19. Add in half of the minced garlic, and stir.
  20. When the garlic has almost browned, take the roasted garlic out.
  21. Turn the stove back on and add in all of the pomelo peels. Stir fry on low heat for about 15 minutes.
  22. Keep stir fry until the pomelo peels are dried and stick together.
  23. Pour in the remaining portion of cooking oil and mix evenly for a few more minutes so that the oil can be absorbed by the pomelo peels. Turn off the heat.
  24. After the pomelo peels have completely cooled, mix in the half of the fresh garlic.
  25. Add in the pepper.
  26. Add in the papaya. Mix them up evenly.
  27. The pomelo and the papaya mixture is ready to be formed into patties.
  28. Take a round mould, fill in the mixture, press down on it.
  29. To decorate the patty, put on it a sliver of garlic and a sliver of chili pepper.
  30. Use a cellophone wrap with ample room to wrap the pink patty airtight.
  31. After that, put the wrapped patty into a box to preserve them airtight.
  32. Leave them for about 2 days until they become firm and tart from the pickling, and then they’re ready to be served.
  33. The pink patty can be served with bread, sticky rice or vermicelli noodles.

Any vegan recipe and image can be reproduced if left intact with credit given to Supreme Master TV and each page linked to www.suprememastertv.com