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Alternative Living Flyer
수프림 마스터TV 안내 책자
채널 선전
견본 책자- 즉각 깨닫는 열쇠
생활의 지혜
Tip to keep your house smelling good and fresh
I’m Mooyi the cow. Today’s tip will keep your house smelling good and fresh. The next time you vacuum, add a ball of cotton wool soaked with a few drops of aromatherapy oil, like geranium or lavender, into your vacuum cleaner bag. Then when you vacuum, any smell will be replaced by the scent that you chose and added.
Placing your cards and cookbooks in a clear plastic bag before preparing the dish
it’s time for a tip, with me, the Parrot M'Caw. If you find that your recipe cards and cookbooks need to be better organized, you can accomplish this, quite simply by placing your cards and cookbooks in a clear plastic bag before preparing the dish. This will keep them from getting soiled and preserve your recipes longer. Thanks for tuning in,
What’s a good way to clean the blender?
Hi dear viewers, Lionardo is my name. Have you ever wonder what’s a good way to clean the blender? Here’s one way that might be make it easier, especially for the hard-to-reach parts around and under the blades. As soon as you’re done using the blender, rinse it, fill it half way with warm water, and add a quarter cup of vinegar. Then turn the blender on, and let it work the liquid for about a minute. Pour out, rinse well with warm water, and the blender container should be nice and clean. Thanks for listening in to today’s tip.
Tip for buying fruit and vegetables - buy locally grown fruits and vegetables
Hi, it’s me Trumpy the elephant. How about a little tip for buying fruit and vegetables? There are many reasons to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables, and today I would like to share one with you. Locally grown fruits and vegetables have longer to ripen, making them much tastier. Because the produce will be handled less, locally grown fruit does not have to be picked when not yet ripe to allow time for shipping. This means that you are going to be getting delicious peaches, figs that gently peel open, and melons that were allowed to ripen on the vine until the last possible minute. Thanks for listening in, on Supreme Master Television.
tip that might bring satisfaction to one’s life - Get involved in a volunteer activity where you help others.
Hey, hey, it’s another wonderful day here on Supreme Master Television. It’s me Herrrrman the happy horse. Today we’ll share a tip that might bring satisfaction to one’s life. Get involved in a volunteer activity where you help others. Few activities result in greater satisfaction than the act of giving selflessly from the heart. When you help others, you are naturally likely to feel a sense of belonging and inner joy for yourself. These days one can even go on volunteering holidays, that can bring balance and meaning into ones life.
Tip on making time to relax
Thanks for tuning in for the tip of the day with Uncle Oinkster. Today’s tip is about making time to relax. I know, I know, there is so much to do, and if you're not doing it you're thinking about doing it. To relax you need to give yourself permission, to grant yourself a little time in which to practice relaxing. Fifteen minutes a day of relaxation practice can help a lot. A good practice is to lie down on your back, close your eyes, take a few deep breathes and then consciously relax your toes and feet, then your, legs, torso, arms hands and fingers, shoulders, neck, face and head. Go through each body part slowly, and then lastly feel your entire body totally relaxed.
Tip about effective dish washing
Hallo there, it’s me again Bearnard the bear. Today’s tip is about is about effective dish washing. To get the best out of your dishwashing, just add a few tablespoons of vinegar along with the dishwashing detergent. The vinegar dissolves the grease and leaves dishes bright and sparkling.
Tip for keeping your car engine battery terminals in good condition.
Hi, I’m Jennypurrrr the cat, it’s time for a tip. This is a tip for keeping your car engine battery terminals in good condition. The easiest and quickest way to remove heavy corrosion from your car engine battery terminals is to pour carbonated soft drink over them. It will eat the corrosion away. Baking soda mixed with water will also do the trick.
a few tips that can keep ants away without hurting them.
Woof, woof. I’m Ruffie the dog. I hope that you are keeping well, a pleasure to see you again. Have you ever had ants coming into the house? Here are a few tips that can keep them away without hurting them. To deter the ants you can use ground cinnamon or the herb called catnip; sprinkle it on their path and where the ants are coming into the house. What also works well is a mixture of two-thirds of a cup water and one-third of a cup of vinegar. The mixture can be sprayed on the ant path.
Tip for gardeners - Simply place 5-6 bulbs and about 3 tablespoons baby powder in a sealed container
Hallo dear viewers, it’s me Oinky, the piglet. Here is a tip for gardeners. Many savvy gardeners use medicated baby powder to dust flower bulbs before planting them. Simply place 5-6 bulbs and about 3 tablespoons baby powder in a sealed container and give it a few gentle shakes. The medicated-powder coating helps both reduce the chance of rot and keep away moles and grubs, so that you can have beautiful flowers.
Tip for very busy people that will improve their lives - take some time to relax
Welcome dear viewers. I’m Lionardo the Lion, and I have a tip to share with you. It’s a tip for very busy people that will improve their lives. The tip is quite simple -- take some time to relax. Taking some time for yourself can boost well-being and productivity. So when you feel the need to recharge your energy, you can get some fresh air, take a short walk, grab a healthy snack, or sit in quiet meditation.
Tip on household energy-saving tips for a healthier environment and greener jungles
Today, I, Trumpy the Elephant, would like to share with you household energy-saving tips for a healthier environment and greener jungles. Something all of us can enjoy, I’m sure. When thinking of energy conservation, think of household appliances. They account for about half of all the power used in homes. Energy savings can be substantial with some careful planning on our part. We can make our refrigerator more efficient by keeping it at a warmer setting and ensuring the cooling coils at the back of the refrigerator are clean and free of dust. When using the clothes washer, washing in warm water instead of hot water can save 50 percent of the energy costs. In addition, front loading washing machines use 40 per cent less water than top-loading machines. The International Energy Agency states that, if consumers choose new appliances carefully, they could cut global residential power consumption by 43 per cent. Together we can make a big difference.
If you are thinking of putting up fencing, consider this
Hallo there, dear viewers, it’s time for the tip of the day with me, Herrrrman the Horse. If you are thinking of putting up fencing, consider this: A 2-meter typical fencing panel costs about £25 pounds ($50 US dollars) and excludes the cost of posts and concrete. For the same amount of money, you can buy 50 hedge plants (40–60 cm high) that will give you 10 meters of thick hedge. It does take time to grow, but it looks nicer and the plants can clean C02 emissions.
Did you know that most libraries don’t just loan books?
Hallo again dear viewers, it’s me again, Bearnard the Bear. Today’s tip is about libraries. Did you know that most libraries don’t just loan books? They also rent out music cassettes and CDs, movie videos and DVDs, and even games. So, if you can, why not visit your local library? By sharing we reduce carbon emissions and packaging waste, and we also save costs
some automobile efficiency tips
Hallo dear viewers, it’s me, Jennypurrrr the cat. Today’s tip comes from the US Department of Energy. Did you know that you can save energy and money while still driving your existing automobile? Here are some automobile efficiency tips. First, the most fuel efficient highway driving speed is 60 mph. By reducing your average speed from 65mph to 60 mph you can save about 9 percent of your fuel bill. Accelerating and braking slowly will also save you fuel; it is also a safer way to drive. Other ways to save fuel include keeping the engine properly tuned, replacing air filters regularly, keeping tires properly inflated, and also try to combine and limit the trips you make. Thank you to the Department of Energy for these useful tips. Driving efficiently saves us money, energy resources, and it helps to preserve our wonderful world. Thanks for listening. Have a purrrrfect day.
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::: 긴급상황 지구온난화 :::
칭하이 무상사의 메시지: 지구를 구하는 해결책
우리의 지구를 구하자 - 기후변화 관련 최신뉴스
구호 소식
육식 산업
온실 가스
벌목으로 인한 사막화
생물다양성 손실
극단적인 기후
식량 부족
인간에 미치는 영향
북극 해빙
해수면 상승
물 부족과 공해
메탄에 의한 급속한 지구온난화
전지구적 비상사태
비건 솔루션
친환경 기술
기후변화에 대한 과학자들의 목소리
기후변화에 대응하는 정치인들
칭하이 무상사의 환경에 대한 말씀
칭하이 무상사와의 기후변화 컨퍼런스
기후변화 정보 키트
기후변화 캠페인
기후변화 관련 비디오
유엔 보고서
생활의 지혜
자료 원본