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이로움과 해악정보
종교 속의 채식주의 전단
Alternative Living Flyer
수프림 마스터TV 안내 책자
채널 선전
견본 책자- 즉각 깨닫는 열쇠
생활의 지혜
How to benefit the environment by reducing what we use
Today’s environmental tips will demonstrate how to benefit the environment by reducing what we use. There are many opportunities to reduce. Simplify your life as much as possible, and only keep belongings that you use and enjoy on a regular basis. By making the effort to reduce what you own, you will naturally purchase less and create less waste. Switch from disposable to reusable products, including food and beverage containers, writing pens, razors, and shopping bags. Furthermore, you can buy and sell your items online on sites like eBay and barter bee, donate computer equipment, recycle your old cell phone and use both sides of paper. There are many other ways to reduce waste too, like using the library and buying a lawnmower with your neighbor. Reduce, reduce, reduce.
A few tips on how to attract butterflies
If you want butterflies in your garden, here are a few tips on how to attract them. Flowers of similar colors grouped together are attractive to butterflies, and when you select flowers for your garden, choose a variety of nectar-producing plants. Also, try to provide sufficient types of flowers so that there are blossoms throughout the season. This will entice a continuous succession of new visitors to a yard. It is especially important to have flowers in mid to late summer, when most butterflies are active. Flowers with multiple florets that produce abundant nectar are ideal. Enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.
Try this brown sugar scrub recipe
Cluck, cluck, cluck, I’m Clucky the chicken with today’s tip on Noteworthy News – Positive News for a Better World. It’s relaxing to treat ourselves to simple pleasures sometimes. For a good exfoliating face that will leave your skin invigorated and soft, try this brown sugar scrub recipe. First, grind rolled oats into a fine powder, using a coffee grinder or blender. In a clean bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of the ground oats, add 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons aloe vera, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients until you have a smooth paste, and gently massage onto damp skin. Then rinse off with warm water. Now, doesn’t that feel wonderful? Just take good care and love yourself. As Supreme Master Ching Hai said, “If we know how to love ourselves, later we will know how to love others.” Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Brazil, June 16, 1989 (Originally in English) http://sm21.net/gdc/htm/125/e125.htm Cluck, cluck, cluck,
The best way to preserve the flavor of your herbs and spices
The best way to preserve the flavor of your herbs and spices is to store them in airtight containers, out of sunlight and away from heat sources. So it’s best to store spice jars and containers in the pantry or a cupboard.
Tips for storing ginger
I’m Skippy the rabbit and would like to present to you some tips for storing ginger. Fill a clay pot with clean white sand or sandy potting soil and bury the fresh ginger root in the sand. Keep the soil slightly moist to dry. You can keep ginger this way for months and furthermore, it even continues to grow. Another storage method is to clean a fresh ginger root and place it whole in a freezer bag and freeze. When you need some, just grate the amount needed, while still frozen.
How to make your own microwavable heating pad.
I’m Oinky the piglet Cocka-Doodle-Dandy the Rooster, and today’s tip is on how to make your own microwavable heating pad. To make one, simply cut two pieces of cloth in the size and shape you wish your bag to be. Some prefer a square shape; others prefer tubes or more rectangular shapes. There are quite a few different sizes and shapes to choose. To fill the bag, you can use grains, beans, even flax seeds. Furthermore, for a soothing fragrance, you can add spices, herbs or essential oils. For the fabric, use cotton, be it plain, prints, flannels, denims, old towels and even socks. You can also choose to make cozy, removable and washable outer pouches.
If your plants have dusty leaves, give them a shower.
I’m Mooyi the Cow, presenting Noteworthy News’ tip of the day. If your plants have dusty leaves, give them a shower. You can use a sprayer to do this with, but if you don't have a sprayer, you can put them under the shower or in the tub. Doing this will automatically improve the health of the plant and make it look a lot better.
Tip about attracting birds to your garden
Today’s tip is about attracting birds to your garden. If you feed birds in a protected area, and offer fresh water and a safe place to nest, birds will linger in your yard all year round. Avoid feeding the birds breadcrumbs, which are not good for birds, particularly in winter when they should consume high-energy foods, such as suet, fruits, nuts and oily seeds. You can also experiment with birdseed to see what different birds you can attract. Try hulled sunflower seeds, thistle, safflower seed, black oil sunflower seed and white millet. A birdbath is also a sure way to attract birds. Make yours more appealing by setting a few stones in the water. May your garden become a sanctuary for the birds.
Gardening tip about weeding
I’m the parrot M'Caw. This is a gardening tip about weeding. This may seem obvious, but it really does work. Every time you see a weed in your flower or vegetable beds, pull it up. This keeps them from flowering and spreading their seeds. It’s also easier to weed when the ground is wet.
Tips for green traveler
I’m Lionardo the Lion, bringing you the environmental tip of the day. If you are concerned about the environment, why not be a green traveler? Many hotels and resorts have adopted conservation practices, so you can book your lodging at places clearly interested in protecting the environment. Furthermore you can let housekeeping know that it's not necessary to change towels and bedding each day. Turn off the lights, television and air conditioner when you leave your room. If available, use the hotel's electronic checkout program to reduce paper waste. Thank you for being a green traveler, and have a wonderfully blessed day.
Tip for about volunteering
I’m Herrrman the Horse. Today’s lifestyle tip is about volunteering. These days there are many options to volunteering: you can check with hospitals and many charity organizations. Pick something you will enjoy and feel good about. Someone out there could use your help. It also could be an opportunity to gain new skills and appreciate people.
Have you ever found yourself with many things to do around the house
Hi, I’m Cock-a-Doodle Dandy the Rooster, bringing you the tip of the day on Supreme Master Television. Have you ever found yourself with many things to do around the house but never seem to get around to? If so, here is just the right tip for you. Every morning, think of a small goal to achieve by the end of the day. For example, you might have laundry to do, the garage to clean, papers to organize... If you just do one of those things each day, it will be easy to get through them. Jot your goal down in the morning and check it off when done. You will start to feel like you are accomplishing things and feeling good about it. Thanks for watching, and see you soon.
Tip about giving to charity
Hi there, dear viewers, and thanks for tuning in for the tip of the day with yours truly, Uncle Oinkster. Today’s tip is about giving to charity, which you may find helpful; it will certainly help others. Every week, you and your lovely family can place one or two non-perishable items into a box. When the box is full, take it to a shelter for the homeless. Your charitable deed will be greatly appreciated. Being involved with a charity uplifts our spirits and makes us feel more closely connected with others. As Supreme Master Ching Hai said, “Sharing, it's just like planting more seeds, and then it will grow more…and then you get some back, more than you have sown and then even left over, to sow for the next harvest, again and again. You never lose.”
First aid tip about burns - use toothpaste instead
This is tip of the day. I’m Clucky the chicken with a first aid tip about burns. If you burn yourself and there is no cream for burns in your first aid box, you can use toothpaste instead. Burn pain can be relieved first by putting the burn straight under cold running water, then covering it with the tooth paste. Relief will be instant.
Tip helps us to feel good and grateful for what we have - Count your blessings.
Meow, meow, hi there dear viewers, thanks for listening in to today’s tip. This is Jennypurrrr Kitty Cat reporting for Noteworthy News. Today’s tip helps us to feel good and grateful for what we have. Count your blessings. Normally, we have many things to be thankful for that we never stop to think about, like a home, a loving family, friends you enjoy, a job, a sunny day, things you have learnt, experiences you’ve lived, even things like shoes, or a warm comfortable coat. Being aware of the things you have can make you feel appreciative, relaxed and happy. Give it a try and have a lovely rest of your day.
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::: 긴급상황 지구온난화 :::
칭하이 무상사의 메시지: 지구를 구하는 해결책
우리의 지구를 구하자 - 기후변화 관련 최신뉴스
구호 소식
육식 산업
온실 가스
벌목으로 인한 사막화
생물다양성 손실
극단적인 기후
식량 부족
인간에 미치는 영향
북극 해빙
해수면 상승
물 부족과 공해
메탄에 의한 급속한 지구온난화
전지구적 비상사태
비건 솔루션
친환경 기술
기후변화에 대한 과학자들의 목소리
기후변화에 대응하는 정치인들
칭하이 무상사의 환경에 대한 말씀
칭하이 무상사와의 기후변화 컨퍼런스
기후변화 정보 키트
기후변화 캠페인
기후변화 관련 비디오
유엔 보고서
생활의 지혜
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