Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Aulacese Rice Cake Rolls (In Aulacese)      


  • 4 banana leaves
  • strings (bamboo or any kind)
  • 1 kg glutinous rice
  • 100g black beans (or red beans)
  • 500g mung beans
  • vegetable oil
  • sugar
  • salt
  • seasoning powder


  • 200g veggie pork belly, veggie lamb and veggie chicken

Aulacese (Vietnamese) Rice Cake Rolls is an Aulacese tradition cake served during Lunar New Year. It’s wrapped in banana leaves accesible in most areas in Asia to have a distinct frangrant flavor. The soy protein and vegetables are enclosed in mung beans and rice, which makes it a complete meal for family gatherings.

Cooking Instructions

(1) Soak glutinous rice in water for 3 hours and then wash it thoroughly. Mix it with black beans or red beans to make it colorful.

(2) Soak mung beans for 3 hours and then mix it with vegetable oil, sugar, salt and seasoning.

(3) Prepare rice cake fillings with soy protein of your flavors. Sauté soy protein and season it with sugar, salts and pepper. Contine stir frying all soy protein until it turns golden brown.

(4) In this step, all ingredients are stacked on a banana leaf layer by layer. First, place a banana leaf on a flat surface. Put
glutinous rice and spread evenly onto the banana leaf. Stack mung beans and spread evenly on top of rice. Then addsauted soy protein in the middle for the next layer and contine stacking mung beans and rice separately.

(5) Watch the video for wrapping and tieing the rice cake.

(6) Cook the rice cake in the boiling water until rice is soft and translucent.

This dish is usually served with pickled leeks and pickled cabbage during the Lunar New Year celabration in Aulac.

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