Dr. Habiba Sarabi: Afghanistan’s Peacemaking Governor (In Dari)
Good People, Good Works
will be presented
in Dari and English,
with subtitles in Arabic,
Aulacese (Vietnamese),
Chinese, English,
French, German,
Indonesian, Italian,
Japanese, Korean,
Malay, Mongolian,
Persian, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish
and Thai.
cheerful viewers,
and welcome to
another edition of
Good People, Good Works
on Supreme Master
Imagine a scene where
businesses are thriving
along a town’s main street,
people meet and greet
one another with
warm hugs, and children
happily walk to school.
This is a common sight
in Bamyan, one of
Afghanistan’s safest,
cleanest provinces,
and this pleasant lifestyle
owes much to the wise
leadership and efforts of
the first and only female
provincial governor
in Afghanistan’s history,
Her Excellency
Dr. Habiba Sarabi.
Today we’re pleased to
feature our interview
with Dr. Sarabi, who
will share her ideals and
vision for a more peaceful,
green Afghanistan.
My name is
Habiba Sarabi.
I am the governor of
Bamyan Province, and
I trained as a pharmacist.
My background is medical,
but I’m involved with
politics due to
my commitment to
the people of Afghanistan.
Dr. Sarabi was born
in Mazari-e-Sharif,
northern Afghanistan
in 1956 to
an ethnic Hazara family.
In medical school,
she specialized
in hematology.
After graduating, she was
awarded a fellowship
by the World Health
Organization and did
further training in India.
She left Afghanistan
with her children and
went to Peshawar, Pakistan
when a Taliban-led
government took control
of Afghanistan in 1996.
When the Taliban regime
ended, Dr. Sarabi
returned to her homeland
and immersed herself
in politics, serving in
His Excellency President
Hamid Karzai's
government as Minister
of Women's Affairs
and Minister of
Culture and Education.
Having visited Bamyan
Province previously,
Dr. Sarabi was deeply
impressed with the region
and the people and
sincerely wanted to help
them build new lives.
In 2005 she was appointed
Governor of Bamyan
by President Karzai.
I made a request to
President (Karzai) if
I could go to Bamyan and
work and help the people,
and of course it was
difficult at the beginning,
but he accepted and
I went there and
when I saw everything
over there,
the environment,
the (World) Heritage site
and everything, I thought
it’s better to have a plan.
Without a plan
we cannot do anything.
So I started to make
a plan with UNESCO,
the Culture Master Plan
for Bamyan.
I worked with the Ministry
of Urban Development
to make the city plan for
Bamyan, and after that
the Management Plan for
the Culture Master Plan
was another issue
that with the support
of UNESCO we did.
The picturesque city of
Bamyan, the capital of
Bamyan Province, lies
in a remote, mountainous
valley through which the
ancient Silk Road passes
and is where the famous
1,500-year-old statues
called the Buddhas of
Bamyan once stood.
The city is located about
240 kilometers northwest
of Afghanistan’s capital
Under Dr. Sarabi’s
needed infrastructure has
been built in the region
and various social needs
have been addressed.
I was appointed in 2005,
and now it’s the sixth year
that I am working there.
There are a lot of
changes in Bamyan.
For example,
the big change that
we have, there was no
asphalt road in Bamyan
before, so we have
big changes there,
an asphalt road.
You can see the asphalt
road inside the city and
also our national park.
And also Bamyan will be
connected very soon to
Kabul by an asphalt road.
This is the biggest change.
Of course,
at the moment we have
the City Master Plan and
the new town is growing
up, and our education
system is set up.
And we have some 320
schools, and with these
320 schools, 119,000
students are studying
and out of these
119,000 students,
43% of them are girls.
We have one provincial
hospital, we have
three district hospitals,
we have more than
65 health facilities.
So I have made hundreds
of kilometers of road
in Bamyan Province.
These are the biggest
changes that I was able
to bring to Bamyan.
Determined to preserve
the region’s environment
and natural wealth
for future generations
of Afghan children,
Dr. Sarabi has embarked
on a cause to turn
Bamyan into a model
green city in Afghanistan
with the help of many
The landscape of Bamyan
is unique, something
very beautiful and
the nature of Bamyan
is very beautiful.
So we as human beings,
we should keep it,
we should protect it.
So there were some
organizations involved
with the environment,
so I thought that
it’s better to encourage
these organizations
to work with us.
So I supported them and
they were very happy and
of course this support
made us stronger.
And some of
the organizations used to
do some vegetation,
especially the watershed
Now we have plenty of
watershed programs
around Bamyan to
have more trees
and more green areas.
Bamyan Valley has
a nice and beautiful
Bamyan is on the list of
World Heritage sites, and
eight sites are included
in this list.
I made the Eco-tourism
Program in Bamyan.
This Eco-tourism Program
is running very well.
And the Ecotourism
Program organized
two times this year and
last year the Silk Road
Festival, and thousands
of people came and
visited, enjoyed, and
participated in
the Silk Road Festival.
Comprised of a chain of
six beautiful turquoise
lakes, Band-e Amir,
in the western part of
Bamyan Province, is
a major tourist attraction.
In 2008, in cooperation
with the US Agency for
International Development
and the Wildlife
Conservation Society,
the Afghan government
declared Band-e-Amir
the first national park
in Afghanistan.
During the 1960s
there was a plan to
announce Band-e Amir,
the lakes,
as a national park,
but it didn’t happen.
And 2008, I was able,
with the support of the
international community
and some other
to announce Band-e Amir
as the first national park
in Afghanistan.
Dr. Sarabi’s commitment
to safeguarding
Band-e-Amir’s ecology
has won her recognition
from the global community.
She was named one
of the “Heroes of the
Environment 2008” by
the prestigious American
news magazine Time.
The first time when
I went there I was with
my family and nephew,
and he was young,
very young, about
six, seven years old.
When I saw all the rubbish
around the lakes,
I became very sad and
started to clean and there
were some young boys,
but they were watching me.
And I talked with them
(and said) that
it’s a shame that if you
just watch and we have
the responsibility to
clean our environment.
And after that I thought
that Bamyan is very clean,
and it’s my responsibility
as a governor,
a person responsible
for the province
to not allow damage to
this clean environment,
so I announced
for the municipality,
for the mayor, and
the Department of
Environment to announce
to the public and also
to the market to collect
all the plastic, especially
the black plastic,
and then don’t allow
plastic anymore.
This is another
interesting thing that
I always encourage
the youth and some
volunteer organizations
to do, campaigns
for the environment.
Dr. Sarabi has even
traveled internationally
to promote
environmental protection.
And we did work with
some other women from
different countries,
a lady from Thailand,
the other one
from the Caribbean.
The name of the campaign
was Women and
Environment, Women’s
Role in Environment.
So we conducted
a good campaign
in the United States
in Washington DC.
And we had so many
meetings with the
decision-making people
and even with the
(US Secretary of State)
Hillary Clinton.
We had the meeting and
asked them to care about
the environment and
make environmentalism
a global strategy.
As the first and only
female provincial governor
in Afghanistan’s history,
Dr. Sarabi is indeed
a strong role model
for Afghan women in a
male-dominated society.
Afghan women have gotten
a lot of things since 2001.
One of the things
that Afghan women got
was political rights.
For example,
in Afghanistan we have
a quota of 26% of women
that can participate
in the parliament.
This is something that
I think is quite unique
in the region.
So for women
the rights for education,
rights for health service,
these are the things that
Afghan women are
getting gradually and
women to be in the public,
women being included
in the decision-making
bodies, these are
the positive things that
Afghan women have been
getting since 2001.
Dr. Habiba Sarabi believes
true leadership includes
taking into account
the people’s views
and conducting
open government.
I was able to continue to
stabilize all the peace
in Bamyan because
I built up a trust
between the people and
the local government.
And I shared everything
with the people.
And so people,
they should know about
everything that’s
going on in Bamyan.
So that’s why when
we share everything with
the people, and
take advice or get some
feedback from the people,
there will be trust-building
between the community
and also
the local government.
If we can build this trust,
sustainable peace
will be everywhere
in Afghanistan too.
I'm praying to have
prosperity and peace
in Afghanistan.
We salute you,
Your Excellency
Dr. Habiba Sarabi, for
your determined, selfless
commitment to creating
a cleaner environment
and enhancing
community welfare
in Bamyan Province.
May Allah forever bless
Afghanistan with
stability and prosperity.
Thank you for joining us
today on
Good People, Good Works.
May Divine love shine
in all corners of our planet.
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