The Coronary Health Improvement Project: Promoting the Vegan Lifestyle – P1/2
Hallo, cheerful viewers,
and welcome to
Healthy Living
on Supreme Master
Today’s program is the
first in a two-part series
featuring our interview
with staff and clients
from the Coronary Health
Improvement Project
(CHIP), a low-cost
instructional program
that helps people
change their lifestyles to
prevent and reverse disease
through the vegan diet.
In CHIP’s courses,
participants learn
to decrease their
cholesterol, triglyceride
and blood-sugar levels
by losing weight, lowering
their blood pressure,
changing their diets
and stopping smoking.
The CHIP program
was created
by Dr. Hans Diehl.
And he’s
a Seventh Day Adventist,
with a commitment
to inform the world
about the importance
of a positive lifestyle.
And so, his mission is
to spread it
throughout the world.
There are CHIP chapters
almost in every city,
and it's growing
by leaps and bounds.
In founding CHIP,
Dr. Diehl,
who is the director
of the Lifestyle Medicine
Institute of Loma Linda,
California, USA
and the clinical director
of the Coronary Health
Improvement Project,
was motivated
by the efforts
of an epidemiologist
in Finland, who had
improved the health of
people with heart disease
and lung cancer in one
of the nation’s provinces,
and visionary American
inventor Nathan Pritikin,
who found that
many Western diseases
stem from eating foods
high in cholesterol and
saturated fat, especially
animal products.
In a Finnish province
the death rate of men
who were just
in their 40s and 50s
was abnormally high.
Most were succumbing to
coronary artery disease.
In the 1970’s
Dr. Pekka Puska was
determined to bring down
this group’s mortality rate
and was successful
using a community-based
intervention model.
This method of
bettering public health
deeply impressed
Dr. Diehl and
became the foundation
of CHIP’s format
for changing lives.
Nathan Pritikin,
an inventor
with numerous patents,
was told he had
coronary artery disease
at just the age of 41.
Mr. Pritikin refused
to be a victim and started
examining health data
to see if there was a way
to resolve his condition.
He discovered that those
who had a cholesterol level
of under 160 milligrams
per deciliter
almost never had
coronary artery disease.
Another fact
he discovered was
a number of conditions
that are prevalent
in Western societies,
coronary artery disease,
typically do not occur
in those who exercise
and follow a simple,
whole-foods diet,
high in unrefined,
fiber-rich carbohydrates
and very low in fat.
Dr. Diehl learned
that Mr. Pritikin
used simple changes
in clients’ dietary,
smoking and exercise
habits to dramatically
improve conditions
such as heart disease,
diabetes, high blood
pressure, gout,
arthritis and obesity,
which Nathan Pritikin
called “diseases
of dietary abundance.”
Intrigued by this approach,
Dr. Diehl visited the first
Pritikin Longevity Center
in Santa Barbara,
California, USA, where
Mr. Pritikin informed him
that the Center’s success
rate was “about 80%.”
Amazed at this percentage,
Dr. Diehl did
a statistical analysis
to determine
the precise success rate
and found that it was
actually even higher.
Eighty-three percent
of Mr. Pritikin’s formerly
hypertensive clients who
had been on medication
were drug-free
and had normal
blood-pressure levels.
Dr. Diehl then observed
that the Center’s program
promoted a fiber-rich diet
centered around
unrefined grains, fruits,
vegetables and legumes.
The program also prescribed
progressive exercise
for its participants.
Seeing clients’ rapid,
consistent and almost
miraculous improvement
under the staff’s
close medical supervision,
he wondered how this
lifestyle-change method
could be implemented
at the community level.
Instead of having people
spend thousands of dollars
for treatment
at a private institute,
he thought,
perhaps the same results
could be obtained
at a much lower cost,
thus reaching a broader
segment of society.
For the next few years
Dr. Diehl worked
as a research fellow at
Loma Linda University,
USA lectured about
the possibility
of reversing many
of the chronic conditions
in Western societies
through lifestyle change,
and soon developed
a following.
Finally, in 1986,
CHIP began when the
Creston Valley Hospital
in British Columbia,
Canada invited him
to conduct
a four-week program
in its community
of 5,000 adults.
During the program
Dr. Diehl delivered
40 hours
of instructional lectures
to some 400
enthusiastic participants.
Since that auspicious
beginning, CHIP has
graduated over 50,000
participants worldwide.
We’ll now hear from
the CHIP director
for Los Angeles,
California, USA,
Ed Cabil about the nature
and mission of CHIP.
The way
we get the message out
about the importance of
adopting a vegan lifestyle,
we go to schools,
we go to churches,
we go to restaurants,
vegan restaurants.
And so we put articles
in the newspapers,
we go to the media
to spread the word.
And people come, because
people are suffering.
And we have a message
for people who suffer,
and that is:
Change your lifestyle,
and the lifestyle change
will facilitate a reversal
of your condition.
What are
the main components
of the program?
The CHIP program
is very simple.
There are only actually
three components.
That includes 16 lectures,
three times a week.
We have a medical doctor
who takes a pre-
and post-test
for their blood levels:
cholesterol, triglyceride.
We actually take their
blood pressure as well,
and their body weight.
And so we can tell
pretty much if these people
are already a candidate
for what we call
“the metabolic syndrome.”
So if they have three
of the five risk factors,
we provide them
the education.
Then we provide them
the meals because
if you change people
to a vegan meal,
the food has to taste good.
So we provide
delicious vegan meals,
so they don't miss
the meat and the milk and
the dairy and the cheese
and all the fat
and the butter and
the cream and the sugar.
And then
we provide support.
Support means
that we continue with
an alumni program,
following the 30-day
CHIP exercise.
And we provide
restaurant experiences,
cooking classes,
just great things
for people who desire
to make a positive change
in their health.
Who typically
attends CHIP’s events?
We have people come
from all ranges of life
and cultures and
ethnic backgrounds, just
people who are suffering.
People who are suffering
are looking for help.
They are desperate.
And usually the people
who come to us
are people who have
gone to the doctor,
and their doctors
have told them,
"Well, it looks like
you are going to be on
a lifetime of medication."
And so they choose
not to be on
a lifetime of medication.
And so as a result,
CHIP is available.
And they come.
Mr. Cabil attributes
CHIP’s high success rate
in constructively
transforming lives
to the methods it uses
to teach the program’s
core principles.
There are actually
six levels of thinking.
And knowledge is
the lowest level of thinking.
So we have a program
designed to take them
to the level of
comprehension, and then
let them be able to apply
what we teach them.
But the most important thing
is that we allow them
to analyze and then
digest the informational
parts of CHIP,
and the diet part
and the exercise part.
But the total part
that we give them
is the evaluation,
where they make
a sound judgment
based upon all the facts
that they have gathered,
from knowledge,
from comprehension,
from application,
from analysis,
from synthesis.
And so
when they reach level six,
which is the highest level
of thinking, evaluation,
they make sound judgments.
And as a result of that,
they continue
to stick with the program.
They do not fall apart.
They do not revert
back to their old habits
of eating hamburgers
and all that.
I am committed
to helping people to live.
I lost my wife
to breast cancer,
20 years ago.
And from that point,
I had vowed that I would
do everything I could
to make sure people live.
And I know
that health is the thing
that lets you know
that now is the best time
of your life.
And so without health,
you can’t have a good time.
So I feel good
because I see people
have a good time.
When they come through
the CHIP program
and they are happy,
and when we go on our
alumni trips and vacations,
I can just see so much joy
in there.
So I just feel good
because I know
that I made a difference.
Finally, we asked
Mr. Cabil for his view
on how CHIP influences
the communities it serves.
One of the biggest
influences CHIP has had
on society as a whole
is that it comes out of
Loma Linda University.
Loma Linda, California
is the home of
Seventh Day Adventists,
and Seventh Day Adventists
are the healthiest group
of people in the world.
There is actually
a health study
that’s done on Adventists
to support that claim.
But most importantly,
the world understands
that now degenerative
diseases can be reversed
because of the powerful
media presentation of
Dr. Oz and Dr. Esselstyn,
Dr. Neal Barnard,
and quite a few others.
Because of that,
CHIP is local, and
they can reach CHIP.
And as a result,
they can come to
a local CHIP chapter, and
they can benefit from it.
So, the word of mouth
now is spreading.
Our thanks Ed Cabil,
for providing us
an excellent introduction
to the Coronary Health
Improvement Project
and how its program
is bettering public health
across the globe
through promoting
the vegan diet and exercise.
We are very happy
to know that many lives
have been saved due to
the benevolent work
of CHIP staff members
like you.
For more information
on the Coronary Health
Improvement Project,
please visit
Please join us again
next Monday
on Healthy Living
for the second
and final part
of our informative series
on the Coronary Health
Improvement Project,
which will feature
real-life accounts by people
that CHIP has helped
to a better, healthier life.
Thank you
for watching our program.
May all beings
be forever blessed
with vibrant health
and inner peace.
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