Arctic sea ice reflects about 80% of the sun's heat, stabilizing the colder temperature of the ocean.
Based on the latest satellite data cited in December 2007 article, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) climate scientist Jay Zwally predicts that nearly all the ice could be gone from the Arctic Ocean by the end of Summer 2012.
Arctic Ice in September 2007 was: 23% below previous record low (from NASA satellite data) 50% below 1950 levels (from ship data)
Other records surpassed: Greenland surface ice loss is now 400% greater than 15 years ago. Surface temperatures in the Arctic are the highest in 77 years of record keeping.
There is hope: According to James Hansen, top climate scientist at NASA: “We have passed tipping points. We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back, but it is going to require a quick turn in direction.” SOS BE VEG. GO GREEN.
Dr. Gerald Dickens, associate professor of Earth Science at the prestigious Rice University, located in Texas, USA, and Editor-in-Chief of the American Geophysical Union's Paleoceanography journal, stated in an interview with Supreme Master Television:
(…BUT IT TURNS OUT THAT MOST OF THE CARBON, ABOUT 93% OF IT, IS IN THE OCEAN, NOT IN TREES OR IN THE ATMOSPHERE. So what's happening right now is we're adding a lot of carbon to the atmosphere. It's coming in much faster than it can go into the biosphere or into the ocean. So THAT'S WHY THE CO2 IS GOING UP VERY, VERY QUICKLY)
According to US University of California, Davis' newspaper, The California Aggie, published on March 4, 2008:
US professor says methane from Arctic lakes adds to global warming. In a talk presented at the University of California at Davis, Dr. Katey Walter, a professor of limnology and environmental research at the University of Alaska, stated that methane bubbling up from Arctic lakes is now being released into the atmosphere. This is due to melting of the lakes' permafrost layers resulting from climate change. According to Dr. Walter, who has personally conducted Arctic lake research in areas such as Siberia, this phenomenon causes further global warming because methane “fuels its own production” by melting even more permafrost layers once released.
Research by Dr. Gregory Ryskin at Northwestern University indicates that methane explosions from the ocean caused extinctions of 90% of marine species and 75% of land species 250 million years ago. In his report, “Methane-driven oceanic eruptions and mass extinctions,” he explains how methane gas, which had been trapped in the stagnant waters, was released, leading to the die-off of most marine and land life. Dr. Ryskin states: “…if it happened once it could happen again.”
Are we short of water?
1 serving of BEEF uses over 1,200 gallons of water
1 serving of CHICKEN uses 330 gallons of water
1 Complete VEGAN meal with TOFU, RICE, and VEGETABLES uses only 98 gallons of water
Be Veg. Go Green.
Are we short of food?
How many people in the world are hungry? 1.02 billion people
Grain currently fed to livestock is enough to feed 2 billion people.
And I said already 80% of it, will be cut almost immediately, and we can see the results in a few weeks. Because if you don't keep breeding more animals, and then there is less methane. And if we don't eat meat, then there is no transportation necessary for it and much less fuel needed. And all these people can be trained to do something else. And there will be less hunger because we will use the agriculture products, cereals, to feed humans instead of feeding more bred animals in the future.
So we don't have hunger anymore and there will be no more war because of hunger. So the effect is immense. Keep multiplying it, and then you know what I mean.
Be Veg. Go Green.
A meat-free vegetarian diet drastically reduces carbon footprint.
Over a one year period, per person:
Emissions from a meat-based diet is equivalent to driving a mid-sized car 4,758 km.
Emissions from a vegetarian diet is equivalent to 2,427 km - nearly 50% less.
Emissions from an animal-free vegan diet is equivalent to 629 km - 1/7 the amount of a meat-based diet, or 87% less.
Emissions from an organic vegan diet is 281 km - 94% less emissions than that of a meat-based diet.
Be Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet.
For more urgent details, please visit:
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Management: minimizes fossil fuel use; removes atmospheric CO2 emissions from the air.
If organic practices were implemented on the planet's 3.5 billion tillable acres, nearly 40 percent of current CO2 emissions could be absorbed! Source: Rodale Institute, USA
Try Organic Today! Be Veg, Go Green. Save the Planet.
For more information, please visit
You are watching Words of Wisdom Rebroadcast of the Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change ” Jakarta, Indonesia - October 22, 2009
MC(f): Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests - greetings. Welcome to Indonesia. Welcome.
MC(m): And we are both honored to be MC's of this special seminar entitled
MC(f,m): “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change.”
MC(f): This seminar is being jointly hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.
MC(m): Welcome!
We would also like to extend an especially warm welcome to hundreds of government officials, IPCC scientists, environmental NGOs, journalists and celebrities who have kindly taken time out of their, of course, busy schedules to attend this event. In addition, we would like to wish a warm Indonesian welcome to all Supreme Master Television viewers tuning in live across five continents via 14 satellite platforms to share this moment with us.
MC(f): It's very meaningful and timely for us to come together today to share information and discuss a solution to the adverse environmental issues which all beings on this planet are presently facing. Indonesia is one of the most resource-rich countries in the world, and possesses beauty beyond one's imagination. But Indonesia has also been greatly affected by climate change in recent years, and we appreciate this valuable opportunity to hold this climate change seminar here to discuss solutions to this global crisis. This seminar is being held as a part of the lead up to the 31st Session Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which will be held on the 26th of October 2009 in Bali, Indonesia.
MC(m): Speaking of Bali, Indonesia, now we would like to present a traditional dance from Bali. Once again, I repeat, this dance is coming from Bali, Indonesia genuinely. The title of the performance is “Tari Pendet.” Tari Pendet is a ritual dance that is usually performed in Balinese temples to welcome the gods before special ceremonies. The dance is presented here today by our Association members along with their friends as a welcome gesture to all of us present here, as well as to all the Supreme Master Television live viewers that are with us here in spirit.
MC(f): They also dance for the success of the IPCC Bali conference, and hope our message from today's seminar will be delivered to the Bali conference delegates. Now, let's enjoy this very special
MC(m,f): Balinese performance!
MC(f): What a colorful dance! Thank you, Tari Pendet dancers, for such an enchanting performance. This Balinese dance gives a glimpse into the cultural richness that exists throughout the islands of Indonesia. These charming and special Balinese performers are all young members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association who came here from Bali especially for us today.
MC(m): Wow, A long way from Bali, right?
MC(f): Let's give them another round of applause.
MC(m): Thank you. And yes, we wish to protect this beautiful cultural heritage of Indonesia against severe climate change. We are very honored to have Indonesia's Minister, staff of the Ministry of Environment, Madam Sri Hudyastuti here with us today. With great honor, we invite you, Madam Sri Hudiastuti to share a few words to open our seminar. Let's welcome the distinguished Madam Sri Hudyastuti with a warm round of applause.
MSH(f): In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you. May prosperity be upon all of us. First of all, we would like to apologize because we, the State Ministry of Environment, cannot bring the Minister to attend because presently we have a new ministerial inauguration.
Therefore, hopefully for the next event, ladies and gentlemen, we can have a chance to meet with them, perhaps both of them - the former Minister, Mr. Rachmat Witoelar, as well as the new Minister, Mr. Gusti. On behalf of the ministry, we apologize that he cannot give a speech. I have been authorized to speak on his behalf at this seminar today, the welcome speech from the State Ministry of Environment. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you. May prosperity be upon us all.
First of all, let's send our thankful prayers in the presence of Allah, praise be unto Thee the Almighty, for His blessing that the climate change seminar today can take place to welcome the next IPCC 31st plenary session, with the theme “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and Save the Planet from Climate Change.”
Next, I would like to express my gratitude to all brothers and sisters who are participating in this seminar, including the speakers as well as the audience who have taken the time to come to today's event. Respected audience, as we all know, since the industrial revolution in the 19th century the temperature on the Earth's surface has increased globally. This increasing temperature on the Earth's surface is partly caused by fossil fuel emissions, deforestation and the destruction of soil, and also by increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
We know this phenomenon as “global warming.” Global warming is the cause of the world's climate change. The increasing temperature on Earth will also cause polar ice to melt, thus raising the sea levels. As a consequence of this, small islands will sink. This statement is based on the evaluation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007, which states that from 1990 until 2005 the global average temperature has increased from between 0.15 degrees Celsius up to 0.30 degrees Celsius each decade. Thus, the global temperature increase since 2005 has been 0.76 degrees Celsius. Observations of the speed of sea level rise from the 19th to the 20th century have shown significant elevation, and in the 20th century alone, the predicted total increase is 0.17 meter.
Nowadays, climate change has become a global issue that everyone is talking about. On the international level, under the wings of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, almost every country in the world conducts routine meetings in order to cope with the climate change problem together. Indonesia is one of the countries, as a member of the climate change convention, which is vulnerable to climate change. We realize the importance of national preparation in facing the impacts of climate change. Therefore, when drafting national policies, the government has begun to include climate change issues on national development agendas.
One example that we can relate to is Presidential Regulation No. 5 - the national energy policy of 2006. That Presidential Regulation targets a decrease in energy consumption from fossil fuels and encourages the use of sustainable alternative energy. Furthermore, the Presidential Instruction No. 5, year 2008, is about the focus of economic programs in 2008-2009.
The government paid attention to the implementation of mechanism, clean development and reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries at the national level, where implementation of both of these activities had been agreed upon at the international level. Happy audience, the problem of climate change is a global problem which we have to face together. Contribution from the whole social stratum is absolutely needed so we can mitigate the speed of climate change.
Each group has to start considering the environmental aspect in their activities, such as government institutions, industries and non-governmental organizations, as well as each individual. Caring for the environment needs to be taught as early as possible to the youth, and also the eco-friendly lifestyle needs to be a priority. There are many things we can do as individuals to contribute to reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, such as: planting trees, saving on energy consumption, not using a motor vehicle for short journeys, maximizing the use of solar energy. Good air circulation in buildings also can contribute to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions.
Respected audience, today we can learn from vegan organic, including vegan organic farming, for a sustainable environment such as seedling planting using organic compost fertilizer - not using chemical fertilizer. These kinds of activities need to be developed more because they bring benefits not only for us but also for the next generation. We have to start to put our attention towards a sustainable environment. We cannot let the problem be handled by just a certain group or institution.
Therefore, from now on we have to increase our understanding of caring for the environment and start from small actions ourselves because we only have one Earth. Respected audience, in closing, once again, I invite all nations to become more aware of the direct impact of global warming and environmental destruction. Global warming and environmental destruction, as I've said before, can cause multiple impacts and have great influence on social and economic systems. Once again, I hope today's seminar will raise more of our awareness to the meaning and principle of environmental matters and increase our readiness in facing the upcoming climate change. Thank you. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
MC(f): Thank you, respected Ms. Sri for being with us here today and for all that you do in support of efforts to halt the environmental threats we are encountering.
MC(m): The climate change crisis we are now experiencing is a great opportunity for us to work together to save our environment through immediate, economical and effective solutions. Some of these solutions will be presented to us by today's speakers and, of course, all of whom are experts in their fields.
MC(f): We will show how adopting more healthy and sustainable eating habits is the fastest and most effective solution to save the planet. Now, we will present a video compilation highlighting the urgency with which we need to save the planet as well as some of the most simple and cost-effective solutions.
MC(m): Ladies and gentlemen, as we have seen, the situation is becoming very severe. But we still have hope! And all we need to do is act now.
The first thing that needs to be considered is to raise the awareness. Raising the community awareness that there is a global warming crisis, then we have an understanding on what the global warming is, what caused it, and after that, what we can do to overcome it. There are many ways in which it can be done, from the government or from institutions, and then from organizations - whether from groups like organic, vegan, or from other professional groups or as individuals.