What the Animals Tell Me: Renowned Telepathic Animal Communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick - P3/3
Hallo, amiable viewers,
and welcome to
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
On today’s program
we present the conclusion
of a three-part series
featuring Sonya Fitzpatrick,
one of the most widely
recognized and respected
animal communicators
in the world.
She has worked with clients
from around the globe,
including Hollywood
actress Tori Spelling
and vegan talk show host
and actress
Ellen DeGeneres
and is the author
of several popular books
including “What
the Animals Tell Me,”
and “Cat Talk: The Secrets
of Communicating
with Your Cat.”
Ms. Fitzpatrick also
hosts a weekly
call-in radio show called
“Animal Intuition”
on Sirius Satellite Radio
and previously hosted
a series on the television
channel Animal Planet
called “The Pet Psychic.”
The UK-born
Ms. Fitzpatrick currently
lives in Texas, USA
with five dog and 12 cat
companions as well as
a family of frogs.
Why I love working
with animals is because
they don’t carry
any baggage
and they’re very honest
and they’re very straight.
They’re not complicated.
Human beings
complicate everything,
don’t they,
at times, some of them.
Animals don’t.
They’re just wonderful
to work with.
They always have love,
they are always honest.
And I much prefer
working with animals
than humans.
Let us now hear about
the emotional lives
of animals
from Sonya Fitzpatrick.
For example, do animals
experience grief
in the same way we do?
The thing is, they feel
stronger than people do.
They have
very strong emotions.
When a dog dies,
when an animal dies
in the house,
the other animals grieve.
They’re grieving.
They miss that animal.
They miss the animal
being around
just like a human does.
It takes them time,
and sometimes
they never get over it.
Now this little girl
had two Spaniards,
and they were
really, really close.
And Daisy died.
And then Sally went
and laid by the grave.
She wouldn’t eat.
In a week,
she died of starvation.
She couldn’t live
without the dog.
And that is
very strong emotions.
They feel everything.
Do the animals sometimes
get frustrated with their
human companions?
They get depressed and
the frustration sometimes
comes out in different ways.
With the birds, they’ll
peck their feathers out.
They haven’t got anyone
to talk to.
And if you get a kitten,
get two cats, not one.
They always have
company with each other.
And they always have
each other to be with.
But if you get only one cat,
then you suddenly
leave her for
hours and hours on end,
and she gets depressed.
They get frustrated.
They don’t understand
why they are being left.
Or you have a dog,
and you just suddenly
put him out in the yard,
and they never
have any interaction.
It’s so hard and cruel
to do that to them.
I always say to people,
“Put yourself
in the animal’s place, and
see how you would feel.
That’s the best way
you can do it.
How would you feel if
you were in a cage all day?
Some people go out
and leave their animal
in a tiny cage all day.
Ms. Fitzpatrick
can converse inside
with amphibians
and reptiles as well.
She rescued
some frog friends
she discovered
languishing away
in a retail store and has
a wonderful relationship
with them.
They were suffocating
in a little container.
So many of them
were dead.
And so I gently got the ones
that were alive,
put them on the cart,
got a big tank and a pump,
because they needed
to live not just in a jar.
They'll die in a jar.
They need oxygen.
And I'm coming through
the checkout and
the woman said to me,
"Oh you don't want
to take those.
They're nearly dead.”
And I just looked at her,
and I said to her,
“That is why
I'm taking them.
I'm hoping that
they're going to survive.”
And now, I've had them
for seven years.
And they're
a big part of my family.
They live in my kitchen.
I talk to them
every morning.
And they are intelligent.
And they have great love
for each other.
I mean,
they have taught me a lot
since I’ve had them
because I've never
lived with frogs
so close before.
I had always
loved frogs outside,
but I had never actually
lived with these frogs.
And they came into my life
and they are very
important to me now.
They love each other.
They understand.
I talk to them
and they come up.
And they look at me.
They know
when the food is going in.
And sometimes I’d perhaps
be rushing around and
I haven’t always fed them,
you don’t have to
feed them every day,
and sometimes if I don’t
feed them every day,
they get upset about it.
And I hear them
telling me in my shower,
“We need food!”
So I will come
and give them food.
But when I’m living
with the animals,
I’m usually watching TV.
They’re watching TV
with me.
And they understand
a lot of TV too.
Your emotions,
your feelings are going up
when you’re
watching a film,
and they understand it.
Do you think being
vegetarian or vegan is
helpful in communicating
with animals?
Yes, eating meat
is deadening.
It’s dead flesh.
It holds you down.
it holds you down.
And I honestly believe
that I wouldn’t be
as accurate
and as good at what I do.
I always say to people,
“It is not I that does this.
I receive and transmit.
I receive
the animal’s language.”
I can’t take credit for that.
It’s just that I find that
by not eating meat,
that I’m lighter.
To me,
there is no difference
between eating a cat to me
than eating a cow.
How do they
help humanity, (Love)
the animals?
All the time
you see animals going
into nursing homes, and
they’re helping people.
They make people
feel joyful when
they stroke an animal,
their blood pressure
goes down.
They say people
who have animals,
their blood pressure
is lower than people
who don’t have animals.
So we feel the love.
They’re putting love out
all the time.
And they teach people
to love.
I think that’s
the incredible thing.
People love their animals;
some people love their
animals with a passion.
They love them more than
any other human being.
And so therefore
they teach us how to love.
They’re constantly
putting out love,
and we feel love for them.
So I think that’s
a very important thing,
the fact that animals
do teach us love,
because that’s
what the universe wants.
I mean the Beatles
wrote that song,
“All the World Needs Now
is Love, Sweet Love,”
and that’s exactly right.
That’s the message
that they give to me.
To the world, love is
the most important thing,
and that’s the message
from the animals
that they give out.
Love is
the most important thing.
And it is.
What can we do
to help the animals?
If we see an animal
in distress,
get up, do something,
and help him.
That’s what we can do.
You see a dog
walking along the road
or a cat in distress,
help her.
If you see a wild animal
in distress, there are
all these wonderful places
that people run and work
with possums
and raccoons.
And you can get them
to a facility
where they can be helped
if they’re injured, or a bird
has a wing that’s broken.
I picked a bird up once,
it was a big pelican
a pelican type bird.
And she had a fishing hook
in her wing.
So we went out and we
threw a blanket over her.
And we held onto her beak
so she couldn’t bite.
And I took her
in the garage
and I had this chair
with an iron back.
And she sat there all night.
And the next morning
we phoned up
the bird sanctuary
and we asked them,
“Could we come in?”
They said “Yes.”
They mended
the bird’s wing.
They found out where
I picked the bird up,
they brought her back
and they let her go.
And I was walking
my dogs the next day,
and that bird
circled around me,
barely just over my head
and thanked me,
and went away.
That’s how intelligent
and how much they know.
I always say that’s what
feeds people’s souls is
when they do something
for an animal
or they do something
for a human being.
It makes you feel so good.
It’s a wonderful feeling.
Love is
the most important thing
in the universe.
Love for each other.
Love for the animals.
Love for the environment.
Love for everything.
In a February 2005
gathering of
our Association members
in Hungary,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
discussed an episode of
Sonya Fitzpatrick’s program
“The Pet Psychic”
she had viewed where
Ms. Fitzpatrick explained
why a dog was not well.
The animal world is
fascinating, fascinating.
If you can talk to
the animals, they tell you
a lot of things.
There was one show
in America,
when I was there.
There was a psychic,
an animal psychic.
She can talk to dogs,
dogs or other animals.
And it was a live show.
They bring different dogs
there. And then one time,
the owner was asking
why his dog had been sick,
like tired
and not active anymore.
And the doctor didn't know
what was wrong.
So the psychic concentrated
and talked to the dog.
And then she said that
“Your dog tells you that,
because you use
all these chemicals
to clean the house,
so he cannot bear it,
and he's sick.
So he begs you
not to clean with
the chemicals anymore.”
And at that moment,
that dog went
and put the paw
into her hand, you know,
like “Shake hands.”
That dog never knew her
He came to her and then
put the paw on her arm.
It was very touching.
The dog came to her and
put the paw on her arm,
in her hand, like that.
And then,
oh, it was very touching.
At the moment
she finished the sentence,
he came and did that.
And it's so obvious,
you know?
(Thank You for telling us.)
Thank you!
Ah, he was so happy.
Many thanks to you,
Sonya Fitzpatrick,
for sharing these
fascinating insights about
the inner lives of our
animal co-inhabitants.
Your work builds a bridge
of better understanding
between us
and our animal friends,
helping to create greater
peace and harmony
in our world.
May Heaven
forever bless you,
and all the animals.
For more information
on Sonya Fitzpatrick,
please visit:
or follow her on
Books by Ms. Fitzpatrick
are available at
I’m Sonya Fitzpatrick.
Be Veg,
Go Green
2 Save the Planet!
Thank you,
tender-hearted viewers,
for your company today
on Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
May all beings
know true happiness
in a vibrant vegan world.
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