What the Animals Tell Me: Renowned Telepathic Animal Communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick - P2/3
Hallo, insightful viewers,
and welcome to
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
On today’s program
we present the second
of a three-part series
featuring Sonya Fitzpatrick,
one of the most widely
recognized and respected
animal communicators
in the world.
She has worked with clients
from around the globe,
including Hollywood
actress Tori Spelling
and vegan talk show host
and actress
Ellen DeGeneres
and is the author
of several popular books
including “What
the Animals Tell Me,”
and “Cat Talk: The Secrets
of Communicating
with Your Cat.”
Ms. Fitzpatrick also
hosts a weekly
call-in radio show called
“Animal Intuition”
on Sirius Satellite Radio
and previously hosted
a series on the television
channel Animal Planet
called “The Pet Psychic.”
The UK-born
Ms. Fitzpatrick currently
lives in Texas, USA
with five dog and 12 cat
companions as well as
a family of frogs.
Why might
our animal companion
suddenly display
inappropriate behavior?
Sonya Fitzpatrick now
some of the reasons.
You’ll have a cat that will
suddenly start to urinate
all over the house.
To the human companion,
they don’t even understand
why there’s a change
in behavior but
there’s always a reason.
So now,
I’m talking to animals
almost every day.
And this particular reason
is they're emotional.
Animals feel.
They have
very deep feelings.
And they sense this and
they know everything.
They’re very smart.
They know everything.
And what happens is,
we use a lot of chemicals,
people do in their homes.
They don’t go green
with their products
and they see all this
advertising on TV.
“Oh spray this
and it’ll be better.
It’s animal friendly.”
None of those chemicals
are animal friendly.
In fact they’re killing
our animals.
By spraying
all these toxic fumes,
using bleaches,
different floor cleaners,
our home becomes
a vacuum of poisons.
And also, animals will
put down their scent.
I mean I had a lady
the other day, she said,
“But my cat’s been
urinating all over the bed.”
Well those covers
hold the scent.
So I say to go green
with everything.
Vinegar and water
is a great cleaner.
Baking soda is great.
So if you do that, that
can often stop your cat
from urinating on the floor.
Or some people
even rinse out
their litter boxes
with bleach.
Cats' sense of smell is
much stronger than ours.
If you can smell it,
believe me, it’s unpleasant
for your animals.
If you can
go into your home,
you may have
a cleaning company
and they used it
so that you can say,
“Oh that smells nice!”
To you!
But those chemicals
aren’t doing you any good
and they’re doing
even more harm
to the animals.
And lots of vets
don’t understand
sometimes why cats die.
Any chemical is not good
for humans or animals
to be inhaling all the time.
Be very, very careful
about what you use
in your home.
And don’t take any notice
of advertising.
And people today,
they’ve gotten to be
fanatical about cleanliness.
And bleach in a litter box!
Can you imagine!
You can smell it!
Some of them
will not use the litter box.
And they’ll go outside
of the litter box because
they can’t stand the smell.
Sit down
and really think about
what you’re using
in your home
for the animals.
Because animals
will suddenly stop eating
through having been
poisoned by chemicals.
Then the next thing,
they suddenly can almost
go paralyzed
where they stop and
they’re not walking and
they suddenly will again.
And eventually they’ll die
because those poisonous
gases they're inhaling
are going through
all their organs.
Animals are very small.
They’re very close
to the ground.
And it kills
a lot of our animals.
People don’t even realize
what’s wrong with them.
So really be careful
when you are
cleaning your home.
Anything chemical,
don't use it.
Through the years,
Ms. Fitzpatrick
has communicated
with thousands of cats.
She explains
another common mistake
people make when caring
for their feline friends.
A lot of people just
don’t know what is best,
because they take their
veterinarian’s advice.
And another thing that
vets always advise here,
which is
a horrendous thing to do,
is declawing your cat.
I never heard of that
until I came to America.
Declaw your cats?
It’s so painful!
And people worry about
their furniture.
You can train a cat.
Get a scratching post.
Put catnip on it.
Put two-sided tape
on the back of your sofas.
I mean,
you’re literally doing
a terrible, terrible thing.
And you're
mutilating your cat
when you take out
her front claws.
And they can grow back.
And it’s very painful
for the cat.
And the cat knows.
And they will often
revert to biting.
And if they do get out,
they can’t climb a tree,
they can’t
protect themselves.
And it’s
the most painful thing,
and it’s the most terrible
thing that you could do
to the animal you love.
It’s just that people
don’t understand that.
And I talk about it
all the time.
Cats are very sensitive
in another way
in which few caregivers
may be aware.
I had a client this week, and
she couldn’t understand
why her cat suddenly
started to attack her.
And she said, "Every time
I stroke my cat,
he turns around
and bites me."
what they don’t realize is
that animals have
a network of nerves
under the skin, some are
near to the surface.
But when you do this
to a cat, and some people
do rough up their cat,
they don't just do it gently.
People go like this.
When you do that,
you can cause static.
So the cat
will turn immediately.
The cat thinks,
“Why is my mother
doing that to me?
And how dare she!”
And he will turn around
and bite.
So often the biting
is caused through
something unseen,
which is static.
And it’s builds up
when you keep doing this.
So I tell to people,
“Scratch him on the head.”
So that was the reason
why the cat
was biting his mom.
And people just don’t
understand that animals
are much more sensitive.
Though it may not seem
significant to us,
even being left alone
for a few hours is more than
some animal companions
can bear.
They may let us know
their unease
through different ways.
So one of the reasons
that people call me is
that their cat has a change
or urinating
outside the litter box.
And there's lots of reasons.
If people go away,
cats and dogs
get emotionally upset.
And how else
can they tell us than
by just making a mess
on the floor,
or not going outside?
They will actually
be making a mess
in the house to say,
"Hey I’m hurting."
So I always say to people,
"Tell your cat
that you’re going away.
Tell your dogs
you’re going away.”
They understand.
Tell them you’ll be back,
and talk to them
while you’re away,
because you have
a direct contact.
And people will say,
"Well I don’t know
how to talk to animals
like you do."
I said, "You’re doing it
but not recognizing it.
So you talk to them.
They know.”
And what about
introducing another pet
into the home?
I think with dogs
there’s a way of doing that.
I think you need
to ask the dog and cat's
permission if you can
bring another animal in.
Even if you don’t hear
the cat or dog's answer,
at least
you're acknowledging
that you’re including him
in this particular process.
So always ask them.
And tell them
how good they are
and how now
you need their help in
looking after the animal
that is coming in.
Because then
that makes them feel good.
But when you are going
to bring a new dog
into the home,
do not bring her
straight into the house.
Make sure you bring
your dog outside
when you bring
the other dog home.
Take them both
for a walk together.
That's the first thing
they must do,
because that's
a pleasant experience
for both of them.
And then
when you come back,
bring them both in together,
so that you do not
bring the other dog
into that dog's territory,
which is going
to be possessive.
And make a big fuss,
of the other dog
and walk them,
and be happy together.
And then they come back
and they're coming
into the house together,
and you won’t have
that territorial thing.
Thank you Ms. Fitzpatrick
for providing
these highly useful tips
to make our
animal companions’ lives
more comfortable and safe.
Surely the animals
thank you for your kind
advocacy on their behalf.
For more information
on Sonya Fitzpatrick,
please visit:
or follow her on
Books by Ms. Fitzpatrick
are available at
When might
our animal companions
get frustrated with us?
Do animals know
whether or not we follow
a plant-based lifestyle?
What made
Sonya Fitzpatrick decide
to adopt a family of frogs?
To find out, please
join us again tomorrow
on Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants
for the conclusion
of our interview
with Ms. Fitzpatrick
Thank you smiling viewers
for joining us today
on our program.
May we all make
a new animal friend today!
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