Olivia Binfield: Britain's Amazing Animal Protector - P2/2
Hallo, affectionate viewers,
and welcome to today’s
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants,
featuring the second and
final part of our interview
with eight year old
British animal advocate
Olivia Binfield.
Olivia began
dedicating her life
to the protection
and preservation
of our animal friends
at the age of three when
she stopped eating meat
after learning animals
are killed to produce it.
She was always
interested in animals.
Even when she was a baby,
she would just
flip the pages
with the animals more
than any other pages.
So from very young,
I think, I noticed.
And she wasn’t interested
in any normal toys, dolls,
anything else like that.
She just wanted animals.
In 2011, she appeared
on the popular
British TV show,
“Britain’s Got Talent,”
and recited her poem
“Endangered Animals.”
What made you and Olivia
decide that she would
present her poem
about saving animals on
"Britain’s Got Talent"?
Because all the time
she’s been saying
she wants to tell people
and help people, and then
we saw an email about it.
And Olivia had this idea,
and we wrote it down.
And they asked us to come.
I didn't think
anything would come of it,
but it did.
She must have gained
a great deal
of publicity and fame
from her performance.
How has this affected her?
I don’t think
it's affected her at all,
because her passion
is not for wanting to be
public or anything else,
or be famous.
It's for the animals.
And when she went on
the show,
she wasn’t nervous.
I was, but she wasn’t.
And anything we’ve done
has always been
about the animals,
not about Olivia.
So she just sort of
takes it in her stride.
Here is an excerpt of
Olivia’s poem on tigers,
a species that
has nearly disappeared
from our world.
Eyes, red like fire.
Exquisitely designed skin.
We cannot
let the beautiful tiger
end up in the bin.
Watch him
glide gracefully above
the green jungle floor.
Yet only 3,000 left
in the wild,
there should be more.
Greedy poachers
breaking the law,
Ridiculous beliefs
by humanity
all must be shown the door.
We must not let
the creature disappear.
For that is
my most dreaded fear.
Olivia’s passion for
saving endangered animals
is well known.
So much
so that David Shepherd,
a renowned
British wildlife artist
and founder of
the David Shepherd
Wildlife Foundation,
invited her to become
an official ambassador
for his TigerTime project
which safeguards tigers
by helping
to prosecute poachers and
encouraging the public
to always shun medicines
with tiger parts in them.
David Shepherd
is a very famous artist.
And he draws pictures
of elephants and
lots of different animals.
And basically
he paints lots of pictures.
David Shepherd
took me to his place and
he gave me a paint brush.
And I helped him to
paint one of his pictures,
which was really good.
And I did some drawings.
And he gave me
that certificate.
To help do his thing
about saving the tiger,
I went with
this huge, soft toy tiger
to get some photos of that,
because it was going
to go into an auction.
And the picture
I helped do with him
also went in an auction,
to help raise some money
for the tigers.
Olivia’s love for animals
knows no bounds.
She’s even fond of bats.
Fruit bats,
like this one here.
I went through this
enclosure with this man
who knew about bats.
He’d been showing
some other people around
and he showed me around.
He went into
the enclosure
with some little bats.
And there were bats
There were some
on the ceiling,
and a few on the sides.
And there was one
on the side
who was really playful.
And I stroked him.
And he pulled my hair.
And he used his sharp claws
for clinging on.
And nearby,
there was a little bat center
where they looked after
injured bats.
Olivia loves to read.
And what are her favorite
kinds of books?
Ones about animals,
of course!
And I’ve got some
really nice books here.
And this one here,
"Spirit of the Wild,"
was a book
I got for Christmas,
by Steve Bloom, and it's
got lots of lovely pictures
with a little writing,
to show that animals
are our true friends
and that we should
look after them.
And I’ve also got
lots of different books
like this one.
And at the end
is an "Animal A to Z,"
which shows you
different types of animals.
And I’ve got a book here,
which I should get.
It's a little nice one.
Here it is.
I have to be careful
when I take it down
because it's next to a lion.
And it's called
“Caring Animal.”
It's to save Earth's
disappearing animals.
It’s got a map
on the front, where is it?
It’s a map which shows
where they come from.
Bactrian Camel
is the brown
which is scattered a bit
around here.
The Polar Bear is purple.
And that is
the Bengal Tiger,
which is orange.
Here and there's the yellow,
which is
for the Asian Elephant.
So these animals
are endangered.
What does that mean?
Endangered means that
they are disappearing.
And it’s all about
endangered animals,
which are on the brink of
extinction, dying forever.
These are some
Leatherback Turtles,
which are the largest
species of turtle.
And this is
where they are trying to
protect the turtles’ eggs.
They come back every year
to the area of the beach
to lay their eggs.
So, turtles sometimes
get tangled up in nets,
and pollution like
oil spills and stuff,
that gets into the sea.
And sometimes
they eat plastic bags,
and it gets caught
in their throat.
And sometimes, boats
and jet skis crash into them.
And sometimes
people get beaches and
they put hotels on them,
and if that was a beach
where they were born,
it means they don’t have
anywhere to lay their eggs.
And some people
catch the turtles
and eat them and
sell their eggs for food.
The ice is melting
because of global warming,
which is a big threat for
the Polar Bears and also,
their thick furs are
sometimes used as coats.
Whales are really big.
And sometimes
they're caught by whaling,
people who go out on boats
and just kill them.
There was this guy
who was a whale hunter.
And they told him to
stop doing it, and he did.
And he told other people,
and they all stopped.
The Orangutan,
from the jungles in Borneo,
their forests are being
cut down for farming land.
So every year,
they cut down
more and more
of the rainforest,
meaning there is
hardly any home left
for the Orangutan.
Olivia is
a true animal advocate,
often speaking
to other children about
our animal friends and
encouraging her peers
to take good care of them.
She does shows
for children or students.
She’s done a few
where they show
the different animals,
pass them around
and explain them
so that people can
understand a bit more
about the animals.
And I think it's quite good
because they tend to
listen more to a child
than they do to an adult.
So, I think it’s quite good.
I think she'd like to
have her own little show
where she could be on TV
and show all the animals
and explain it.
Does she inspire
a lot of other children?
Yes, I think so.
She makes them
think about things that
they probably haven’t
thought about before.
What do you think
lies in her future?
I’m sure it's with animals.
And I’m sure
she'll do a lot, hopefully,
to save them
and to make people
more aware of
what we can all do
to make the world
a better place
for the animals.
It's made me very proud
that she’s got such passion,
and such honesty and
the innocence about it.
It's lovely and
made me very proud.
Olivia has
some suggestions
for other children who
may want to help animals.
You can, at school,
ask your teacher
about the organizations
that are trying
to save Polar Bears,
and you can find out
more about them.
You can share that with
others, or organizations
and write a letter, and
maybe even give them
a donation to help.
Many thanks,
Olivia Binfield,
for your dedicated efforts
to safeguard the lives
and well-being of our
animal co-inhabitants.
You provide a marvelous
example for us all.
We pray
that your diligent work
continues to motivate
other young people
to follow
in your noble footsteps,
and may your projects
for the animals
enjoy lasting success.
We also share your vision
for a world
where all animals
are always treated
with love and respect.
For more information
on Olivia Binfield,
please visit
or follow her on Facebook.
Read her tweets at
Thank you for viewing
today’s edition of
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
May all beings
soon enjoy happiness
and harmony on
a peaceful, vegan planet.
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