Dr. Konstantin Korotkov:Seeing the Unseen With Electrophotonics - P1/3
Welcome to this week’s
Science and Spirituality
where, in the first
in a three-part series,
we highlight the
highly intriguing work
of Russian biophysicist,
inventor, and pioneer
of the innovative
scientific field
called electrophotonics,
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.
Dr. Korotkov,
who is based in
St. Petersburg, Russia,
invented the Gas
Discharge Visualization,
or GDV, technique by
which the energy fields
emanating from humans
may be viewed
in real time.
Among other areas,
GDV is being applied
in predictive medicine.
Those trained to use
a GDV device can detect
health issues
so clients can make
lifestyle changes
to resolve the condition
or receive medical care
from a doctor right away.
Dr. Korotkov is also
the author and co-author
of several books,
including “Measuring
Energy Fields:
State of the Science,”
“Science, Aura
and Consciousness:
New Stage of Scientific
Understanding” and
“Light after Life.”
Let’s now welcome
Dr. Korotkov to our show.
My name is
Konstantin Korotkov.
I’m a professor
at the National Research
University in Russia,
dealing with
technical science.
At the same time,
I’m deeply involved
in testing athletes,
Olympic teams,
Para-Olympic teams,
and consulting worldwide
for health issues for
different health centers.
For many years
I worked in the (former)
Soviet Union on different
governmental projects
in science related
to laser optics,
quantum physics,
and solid-state physics.
At the same time,
I was very interested
in oriental philosophy,
in oriental wisdom,
and in Chinese medicine.
Finally I came to
understand that without
understanding energy,
without understanding
the human spirit,
we can’t get
a real understanding
of the world. We have
many types of energy,
and we can measure it
with many different
As the current era advances,
science is venturing
into new frontiers
to explore what’s beyond
the physical dimension
and being used
to reaffirm the teachings
of ancient spiritual texts.
Many scientists have
acknowledged that we
are more than biological,
physical and
chemical entities and
are indeed also divine,
spiritual beings.
It is recorded in the Book
of Genesis that God said,
“Let there be light.”
In ancient traditions
they tell about different
layers of energy fields.
From a physical
point of view,
those are frequencies.
So we emanate light.
We emanate frequencies
in a very big range.
And we can divide
this range into
some specific parts
as we do in our software.
But again from
a scientific point of view,
it’s mostly for convenience,
because in reality
it’s a continuous spectrum.
One of the instruments
to measure energy
are bioelectrography
It was in 1777 when
a German physicist found
that in electrical fields,
you can see light coming
from some subjects.
It is all related to
electricity and photons.
Our team was able to
transform this
to a new stage.
So it is transformation
from photography
to digital computer
and digital analysis.
So we study light emanated
by different subjects
in electrical fields.
The question is whether
it's possible to study
this light without
electrical fields.
Yes, it's possible.
Those are self- emanating
So we all emanate light,
and this light comes both
from living beings and
from inanimate subjects.
Dr. Korotkov and
his colleagues have
conducted much research
to demonstrate
to the world that
the Gas Discharge
Visualization technique
has many applications
in the medical field.
From the very beginning,
we had clinical studies
with GDV cameras
in top level hospitals,
universities, first in Russia,
then the United States.
We collected a lot of
clinical data, and based
on this clinical data,
we can have
statistical information
on good health, disease,
and disturbances in health.
By reading light
coming from the fingers,
doctors can predict
weak points of
the human organism.
And this is very important,
because our goal
is not to treat illness,
but to prevent it.
If we can detect problems
in the very early stages,
we can prevent it and
not allow it to develop
into some disease.
It's very well-known
if you can catch,
for example,
cancer in early stages,
it may be treated
very efficiently.
We work in the line of
predictive medicine,
medicine of health,
and our goal is to give
people information
and recommendations,
what should be done
to keep them healthy
all the time.
For example,
in our medical academy,
they made studies
on people after surgery,
and they found that
by measuring energy,
they can predict the
outcome of the surgery.
It’s very important
for doctors to define
this particular person
can survive surgery
or it's better to leave it
as it is. A lot of people,
mostly elderly people,
after surgery, may
become very depressed,
so it is really very
unpleasant and dangerous.
By measuring energy,
we can predict
this condition, and then
take precautions.
By measuring
people’s energy, it is
mathematically possible
to define the probability
of hypertension.
We have a big line of
research with
our oncological institute
of Russia, with top level
professors interested
in maintaining
the health of people.
So by monitoring people,
week after week,
after treatment,
we can really see
how they are developing,
and we can prescribe
treatment to improve
their conditions.
Why does
the Gas Discharge
Visualization technique
specifically measure
the energy emanating
from the client’s hands?
Dr. Korotkov now
explains the reason.
Our hands and our fingers
are the most sensitive
parts of our body,
they have the most
amount of sensors
compared with all other
parts of the body, and
we have the highest part
of the sensitive area
in our brain related
to the hands and fingers.
It is possible
to connect information
on the fingers with
the Chinese meridians.
We created a map of
correlation between the
fingers and the meridians,
then it was
clinically verified
on thousands of patients.
Our Supreme Master
Television correspondent
had a Gas Discharge
Visualization technique
assessment done to
measure his health status.
Let’s us now
find out the results.
And we can nicely see
the discharges around
these fingers here.
The computer calculates
the data and shows them
in a picture that shows
the human body.
So now it is about to
evaluate the photography,
to interpret,
and we can see the pixels
in this area.
It is counting the
light points and gives us
a figure of energy.
We have 13,000 pixels
and symmetry of 82% here.
The symmetry means
the dissemination
over right and left.
Energy of 82 to 100%
is good.
This picture shows
the psychic condition
(left side) and
the physical condition
on the right side.
We have 28,000 light points
in the physical realm
and symmetry of 94%;
that means the client
is in top physical shape.
So, by measuring
the fingers,
and images or light
coming from the fingers,
we recreate in
the computer the model
of the energy field
around the body.
And it was tested in many,
many experiments.
We have a lot of people
in the world who can see
energy, can see auras,
so we correlated
our measurement
with their vision,
and it was proven that
there are really
very high correlations.
When we have some
holes in the energy field,
those holes may be some
weak functional activity
of the organ system.
So the difference
between our instrument,
our approach,
and an ultrasound,
or tomography (MRI),
we don't look to
the structure of the organ,
we look to
its functional activity.
If you eat
appropriate food,
you’re absolutely
in good condition;
if you eat wrong food
then it creates a lot of
negative emotions,
a lot of negative feelings.
Our diet affects not only
our physical health,
but also our mental,
psychological and
spiritual well-being.
Since time immemorial,
sages and enlightened
masters have strongly
advocated the avoidance
of animal flesh.
When animals
are slaughtered,
they go through
tremendous trauma,
anxiety and fear.
So when meat is
consumed by humans,
the animals’ negative,
agonized energies
are transferred into
the meat eaters’ bodies,
their energy fields.
Over time, this distortion
in the energy fields
results in illness
and disease.
In general,
the main factor that
influences energy fields
are anxiety and stress.
The negative factors
in life.
You may have anything
from the environment,
changing of conditions ,
but it may have
a very low influence
compared with
your own inner peace.
If people don’t have
peace and calm
in their soul, their
energy field will never be
in good condition.
If people
don’t have the means
to calm their mind,
their consciousness,
then of course they have
a lot of problems.
Our negative emotions
influence not only
our own field,
our own system
but it has influence
on other people as well.
So people who are in
bad negative condition,
bad moods
and negative moods,
they send this condition
outside to the environment,
to other people.
More and more
physicians and
other health experts
are encouraging people
to switch to
a plant-based diet
for optimal health
and longevity.
Avoiding meat, dairy
and eggs rids our bodies
of the pressure
and negative energy
transmitted from
these animal products
to our cells.
On numerous occasions
Supreme Master Ching Hai
has spoken about
why an organic vegan diet
should be embraced
by everyone
around our world,
as in this May 2008
videoconference held
in Seoul, South Korea.
Now, the vegetarian diet,
which is benevolent
so it will bring you
happy energy
and that in turn will
breed more happiness,
will attract
more happiness and
when you’re happy
everything will be better.
Our sincere thanks,
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
for introducing us
to the amazing
Gas Discharge
Visualization technique.
Your research
is truly uniting science
and spirituality.
For more information
on Dr. Korotkov,
please visit
Dr. Korotkov’s book
"Light after Life:
A Scientific Journey
into the Spiritual World"
is available at
Please join us again
next Monday on
Science and Spirituality
for part two of
our three-part series
on the work of
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov,
when he will
shed more light
on our divine connection
with one another
and the environment.
Thank you
friendly viewers for
your company today
on our program.
Coming up next is
Words of Wisdom,
after Noteworthy News.
May we always
emanate loving energy.
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