Nutritionist Jeff Novick on Eating Right
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Healthy Living
on Supreme Master
This week we re-cap
an insightful interview
with award-winning
vegan dietician
and nutritionist
Mr. Jeff Novick
conducted during
the October 2011
Healthy Lifestyle Expo
held in Los Angeles,
California, USA.
Mr. Novick is based
in the US and currently
serves as vice president
for Executive Health
Exams International
and is the Director
of Nutrition for the Meals
for Health community
project that helps
low-income families to
achieve optimal health.”
He is also a lecturer
for two programs
which assist people
in transitioning
to a vegan diet:
the McDougall Program
run by
famed vegan physician
Dr. John McDougall
as well as
the Engine 2 Immersion
program started by vegan
fireman Rip Esselstyn,
the bestselling author of
“The Engine 2 Diet.”
He has also produced
a line of DVDs
on wellness including
“Jeff Novick’s Fast Food,”
“Should I Eat That?
How To Choose
The Healthiest Foods,”
and “Calorie Density:
How To Eat More,
Weigh Less
and Live Longer!”
Mr. Novick received
the Indiana State
Public Health Excellence
in Health Science Award
from the governor
of Indiana, and
Indiana State University,
USA awarded him
the Graduate-of-
the-Last-Decade Award.
He’s been interviewed
by national media outlets
such as Fox News
and appeared in the
American documentary
“Processed People.”
When I went on a really
healthy plant-based diet
I noticed
a lot of different changes.
I didn’t have
heart disease, diabetes
or any of those problems
that drives a lot of people.
I was just exploring ways
to optimize my life
and lifestyle.
I had been plagued
on and off with allergies
over the years and
those seemed to go away,
most all of them, so now,
it’s really an occasional
thing that might happen.
But the biggest change
was my energy levels.
I was always an active,
energetic person,
but it really changed
when I cleaned up my diet
and changed the way I live.
And getting up was a joy
now and
I just felt so much better.
Animal products are
the prime cause of many
dangerous health conditions
from diabetes and cancer
to heart disease.
Current research
conducted by esteemed
nutrition experts such as
Dr. T. Colin Campbell,
Dr. John McDougall
and Dr. Dean Ornish
among others, has shown
that not only are these
diseases preventable
but they are reversible too.
Eating a whole foods
plant-based diet,
meaning a diet free from
processed foods
and any animal products
huge health benefits.
I’ve been fortunate
to work with many,
what we call
“immersion-style programs”
over the last two decades.
And so,
I get to see the power
of a plant-based diet
in a controlled setting
where we really
get to implement it
in a person’s life
for anywhere
from three to five days
to several weeks or more
even in some of the places
I’ve worked,
where we’ve kept people
in a residential setting
for weeks and months
at a time.
And, diabetes goes away,
heart disease goes away;
high blood pressure
goes away;
metabolic syndrome
goes away; weight loss is,
you don’t have to
count calories.
They get to eat whenever
they are hungry till
they’re comfortably full.
So a lot of the struggles
that people have
with food and health, just
seem to start going away
the more they do that.
Of course there is valid
physical scientific reasons
why that happens,
but in the big picture,
that’s what happens.
And in addition,
we see things,
allergies go away
or auto-immune conditions
get better;
lupus and arthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis.
And currently I’m involved
with Dr. McDougall,
and we’re running a study,
on the effects
of a whole foods
plant-based diet
on multiple sclerosis.
And so,
we are doing that now,
it’s been about two years
we’re running a study.
Many people
who have made the switch
to a vegan diet have
noticed improvements
in their mental
and emotional state.
Some of
the mental benefits are,
sometimes maybe
not something that
you can directly measure,
but I know personally and
from working with people
over the years,
a much clearer mind,
ability to think and focus
and attention really
becomes much sharper.
Also, in general,
(you experience a)
better mood, you feel better,
(and experience)
less depression
and anxiety, especially
when you couple it
with an active lifestyle.
Eating well and exercising
and being active have
shown to be very effective
in reducing mild
to moderate depression.
So people having anxiety
or mental issues,
it can also really help.
There is an
unfounded concern that
by adopting a vegan diet
one will not consume
enough protein.
However this is
completely untrue
as plant-based proteins
are vastly superior to those
derived from animals
which are detrimental
to health.
Dr. Neal D. Barnard,
founder and president of
the Physicians Committee
for Responsible Medicine
noted that “A healthy diet
of beans, grains,
vegetables, and fruits
provides all the protein
you need.
In fact you are better off
getting protein
from plant sources.
While animal protein
can be hard
on the delicate tissues
of the kidneys,
plant proteins appear
to be free of this problem.
They are also free of
the risks of calcium loss
and kidney stones
associated with
animal protein.”
Another one of the myths
of a vegan or plant-based
diet is not getting
enough protein and
to be honest, it’s amazing
that this one has actually
lasted the decades
that it has, because
it’s virtually impossible
not to get in enough protein.
If you consume
enough calories
from whole plant foods,
you’re getting
enough calories to
maintain a healthy weight
and you eat
a variety of foods, then
getting in enough protein
it’d be impossible
not to do it.
So it really isn’t a problem.
So again vegetables,
you eat a lot of vegetables,
you eat a lot of
whole grains, and
you eat a lot of beans.
Beans are probably
one of the best sources
of protein there is.
What people don’t realize
is when you use
animal foods for protein,
you’re also getting in
saturated fat
and cholesterol
and you’re not getting in
any fiber.
Yet when you eat beans,
not only are you getting in
lots of good protein,
you’re also getting in
lots of fiber,
you’re getting in virtually
no saturated fat, you’re
getting no cholesterol.
So when you look at it
as a total package,
there’s no comparison.
With so much information
available today
on what foods
we should eat as well as
the various diets and fads,
knowing what is good
for us in terms of nutrition
can be challenging.
Mr. Novick has the
following useful advice.
And what we look at is
the overriding body
of evidence
and we look at that,
it really hasn’t changed
that much in 50 years.
Fruits and vegetables
are still good for you
and junk food
is still bad for you.
And a lot of
these peripherals
that they argue about
aren’t really
the health issue.
The basics are really
simple, your diet should
predominantly be based
on fruits, vegetables,
starchy vegetables,
intact whole grains,
legumes with a little bit
of nuts and seeds.
And those foods can
make up all of your diet,
all of your calories,
and it would be
the healthiest diet.
It’d be the least processed,
it would be
nutrient adequate,
more than
nutrient adequate and
that would be the best.
Apart from what we eat,
our lifestyles and thoughts
have a big effect
on our lives.
Exercise, clean air
and fresh water,
all enhance our well-being.
So physical fitness
is part of it.
In addition,
getting in pure air and
getting in pure water.
A lot of the water
is polluted, and the air,
most Americans
don't smoke anymore.
But for the 20% or so
that still do, they put out
second-hand smoke
and what's now called
third-hand smoke.
So, even though
I've never smoked,
I'm exposed to smoke.
So it's important for me
to make sure I have
fresh air and clean water.
I also need to make sure
I get adequate sleep, rest
and relaxation,
and an emotional poise
so we're not
too stressed out.
And that may be
through meditation.
Mr. Jeff Novick also
recommends “vitamin S”
or sunshine
to enjoy the best mental
and physical health.
Sun and sunshine
is important to us.
And again,
on an emotional level,
we all know it,
because we know
how good we feel
when we get out
to the sunshine.
And look where
people go on vacation
and everything.
They don't go to
dark caves.
They go to the sunny areas
of the world and
they spend their time out
in the sunshine because
it makes them feel so good.
And we know there's
a Seasonal Affective
Disorder where,
when the sun
isn't around as much,
people get depressed.
Clearly the way
to optimize health,
wellness and happiness
is through the adoption
of a whole foods
organic vegan diet.
This compassionate
lifestyle choice
not only benefits us
and our loved ones
but also holds the key to
reversing climate change
and many of the other
urgent environmental
problems we face.
Our appreciation
Jeff Novick,
for taking time
from your busy schedule
to speak about
wellness issues
and your benevolent
health promotion work
over the years.
Let many more people
hear your wonderful
message of vegan health
in the future.
For more information
on Jeff Novick,
please visit
Mr. Novick’s DVDs
are available
at the same website
Conscientious viewers,
thank you
for your company
on this week’s edition of
Healthy Living.
May all people soon adopt
the organic vegan diet,
for prime health
and a kinder,
more caring world.
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