Kidnapping Canines: Southeast Asia's Vile Dog Meat Trade
The images
in the following program
are highly sensitive
and may be
as disturbing to viewers
as they were to us.
However, we have to
show the truth about
cruelty to animals,
praying that you will help
to stop it.
On this week’s Stop
Animal Cruelty program
we’ll examine
the gruesome truth
behind the illegal
dog meat trade
in Southeast Asia
with John Dalley of
the Soi Dog Foundation,
a non-profit charitable
group that helps
homeless, neglected
and abused dogs and cats
on the island of
Phuket, Thailand.
The word “soi” in Thai
means side street or alley.
The group is also active
in helping rescue
the thousands of canines
and felines struggling
to survive the flooding
in Bangkok and
surrounding areas that
began in October 2011.
Dogs have always been
referred to generally as
“man’s best friend.”
And there are good reasons
for that in modern times,
of course; we see dogs
used in a huge variety
of purposes by man,
from looking after people
with physical disabilities
and blindness,
through security work,
and working
with the police.
Sadly, however,
this beautiful friendship
is betrayed in some parts
of Asia, where
millions of dogs are
slaughtered for meat
and also have their fur
barbarically ripped
from their bodies while
they’re still conscious
for use in so-called
fashion garments and toys.
An even more shocking
fact is that the victims
of this heartless trade
are often
the stolen companions of
loving families who have
no idea of the tragic fate
of their beloved
animal friends.
In Thailand alone,
approximately 1,000
dogs are captured,
smuggled and sold
in neighboring countries
every day.
The vast majority of them
that we are seeing now
that have been exported
are pets stolen
off the streets.
They are all extremely
friendly dogs.
And it’s clear that
they’ve all been pet dogs
or certainly had
an awful a lot of contact
with humans because
they are not frightened
of humans.
And many of them
are trained.
Dogs are acquired by
gangs who will pick these
dogs up off the street;
they will steal them
from people’s gardens,
and pet dogs, whatever.
And they will transport
them by truck back
to Ta Rae where
they are then contained
and once there are
sufficient numbers
some will be killed there
if they’re not
in particularly
good condition, dogs
for local consumption.
But the vast majority,
and this is the trade
we are trying to stop, will
be illegally transported
to Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
The conditions under
which the stolen dogs
are transported prior
to slaughter
are beyond inhumane.
As a result, many die
from suffocation
or severe injuries
long before they reach
their destinations
in nearby nations.
Now the way they do this is,
in effect,
and you have to see
these cages to believe it,
but a cage is actually
probably about
the size of this table.
A bit shorter than this but,
that height and
about that width.
So if you can imagine
a cage like that
they will stuff between
10 and 12 dogs alive
into a cage that size.
The dog literally can't
move; he’s probably
bent in position.
These cages will be piled
onto the trucks, with
several hundred dogs
per truck.
The cages will stack high,
three or four across.
The dogs in the middle
generally have suffocated
to death way before they
get to Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
They are driven to the
Mekong River and from
there transported over,
put back on the trucks
and then driven
all the way across Laos
to Âu Lạc (Vietnam);
no water, no food,
they literally cannot move;
so tightly packed that
they’re just stuck like that.
One of the first dogs
we brought down
from Nakhon Phanom
(Province) was initially
In actual fact,
she’s now running.
She still has some nerve
damage. But X-rays show
one of the tail bones,
lower, the first tail bone
where the tail joins the back
has been dislodged
and trapped the nerve.
That was causing
the paralysis; fortunately
it was temporary.
But you can see how
this happens because
dogs are pushed
in all sorts of different
positions and angles
and bones will be broken
and dislodged, removed
just by simply packing
these dogs into cages.
Dogs who somehow
survive the ghastly trip
are extremely terrified
and wounded,
yet they don’t know that
the worst is yet to come.
The methods of slaughter
inflict severe agony and
are chillingly torturous,
all out of
the sickening belief that
causing immense pain
prior to killing
raises the adrenalin
of the animals and thus
tenderizes the meat.
That’s the belief, which is
actually totally untrue.
If anything,
the opposite is the case.
But these dogs often
have their legs broken,
They’re skinned alive
either by dipping them
in boiling water
to get the skin off or
they’ll use blowtorches
on them while they’re
alive to remove the skins,
hang them up,
do all sorts of things
before they are
actually killed. And it is
this horrendous way of
killing these animals.
And there’s also
other beliefs.
We find in Phuket
the dogs disappear
often around
the New Year period.
The workers there,
they look for black dogs.
And they believe
the black dogs
for some reason taste
better than a brown
or a white dog or have
different properties.
Again a ridiculous belief,
there’s no evidence
of that at all. But people
believe these things.
Same as they believe
in China with,
the tiger parts
and aphrodisiacs.
There’s no basis
for that whatsoever.
Dog meat particularly
is very popular
in the winter
in Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
because they feel
it’s supposed to be
a meat that warms.
Once again
there is no evidence
to suggest that at all.
In August 2011,
police in the northeastern
Thai provinces of
Nakhon Phanom and
Si Songkhram rescued
over 1,000 dogs
when they intercepted
four trucks attempting
to smuggle them out of
the country and
sell them for their meat.
Sadly, the lives of 119
of the dogs could not be
saved because they died
of suffocation in their
utterly cramped cages.
Because it’s such a
remote area in Thailand,
it’s very difficult to stop.
The four trucks
that were seized,
two of them belonged
to local government
and one belonged to
(Aulacese) Vietnamese.
And whenever there is a lot
of money involved,
people are greedy and
corruption comes in.
And certainly
the governor of
Nakhon Phanom Province
has now stopped
two of these convoys,
but these convoys
go on all the time.
It’s not once
every few months,
this can be every night
dogs are being
transported over the river.
The stealing of dogs
is obviously illegal;
it’s theft in any country;
in fact, it’s illegal but
proving that is difficult.
Indeed, all that’s left
at the end of this
tragic process is a
disease-ridden corpse.
Where these dogs
are coming from, rabies
is endemic in that area.
And there’ve been
in the handling of dogs
for the dog meat trade,
in kitchens and restaurants,
contracting rabies
from handling dogs.
documented cases of
people who have not
handled dogs,
but have eaten dog meat,
dying from rabies.
In addition, certain parts
of dogs can be very
poisonous to people.
Like the liver is very high
in vitamin A, which
would be poisonous
to a human being.
So, there is a danger of
rabies being spread
in Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
from the dogs
that they’re importing
from Thailand.
canines are also being
murdered for their fur.
We have dogs that
we’ve rescued in Phuket,
from labor camps, that
were being skinned alive.
Again, there’s the belief
that it’s easier to skin
a dog alive than it is dead,
which doesn’t
make sense either.
But furs, there’s a big
industry with animal fur
in Asia for making of
little pet toys, fur toys,
and the fur will go for that.
That’s generally
what it’s used for.
What is the Soi Dog
Foundation doing
to help stop the heinous
dog meat industry?
We’re looking now at
ways of getting together
with organizations
in other countries
to try to put pressure,
to demonstrate, give
petitions to embassies
in different countries
asking the Thai
government to, in effect,
help to stop
the (dog meat) trade
to Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
and Southern China.
What we’re looking at is
stopping an illegal trade.
All that will be needed
would be a team
from Bangkok, totally
unassociated with
the area
(northeastern provinces),
to go up for a period
to just enforce. Ensure
the laws are enforced.
Thailand doesn’t
want this, you speak
to the Thai people.
It’s abhorrent to them,
they don’t like it.
Probably 98% of
Thai people would want
this trade to stop.
Please make a conscious
choice today and help
end cruelty to animals;
be vegan, not only
to save the lives
of other beings,
but also your own.
Let animals be our
friends, not our food.
John Dalley,
we appreciate the efforts
of the Soi Dog
Foundation to halt
the dog meat trade and
for its years of service
to the canines and cats
of Thailand.
We pray the Foundation’s
life affirming work
continues and that
it rescues many more
animals in the future.
For more information on
the Soi Dog Foundation,
please visit
Intelligent viewers,
this concludes
this week’s edition of
Stop Animal Cruelty.
May all animals
be eternally blessed
by the Creator.
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