The Vegan Way: Staying Trim and Slim this Holiday Season and Beyond
Welcome, fitness-
conscious viewers,
to Healthy Living
on Supreme Master
Do you ever feel
increased pressure
during the holidays
to watch your weight
and avoid overeating
due to the many tempting,
high-calorie foods
and drinks available
at this time of year?
Do you also find yourself
seeking dietary options
that are healthy,
low in calories and
still tasty and satisfying?
On today’s program
we’ll discuss nutritious,
meat-free alternatives
to traditional fare
that can help you
stay vibrant and
at your optimal weight
during this season
and all year long.
Speaking in a video
message presented
during a June 2009
climate change
conference held in
the Veracruz, Mexico,
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
discussed how meat
destroys public health.
The health risks of
eating meat are more and
more evident these days.
As a so-called food, meat
is simply one of the most
unhealthy, poisonous,
unhygienic items
that could ever
be ingested by humans.
We should
never eat meat at all
if we love and cherish
our health and our life.
We will live longer
without meat, healthier,
wiser without meat.
Meat has been
scientifically shown to
cause all kinds of cancers,
also heart disease,
high blood pressure,
stroke and obesity.
The list goes
on and on and on.
Let’s begin by examining
the epidemic of obesity
and its related diseases,
which now affect
millions of people
worldwide, along with
some ways to
overcome them through
a plant-based diet.
In their 2009 study,
“Meat Consumption is
Associated with Obesity
and Central Obesity
Among U.S. Adults,”
Drs. Youfa Wang
and May A. Beydoun
of Johns Hopkins
University in Maryland,
USA found that
the meat-based diet can
significantly increase the
risk of becoming obese.
Obesity is defined
as having a body-mass
index (BMI) of
30 or higher, with
BMI being a measure
for human body fat based
on a person's weight
and height.
The researchers
used survey data
of the US population
to examine the links
meat consumption
and body mass, waist size
and central obesity
(fat deposits around
the abdomen).
They found that
participants who ate
large amounts of meat
were 33% more likely
to suffer from
central obesity.
In fact, higher intakes of
“all meat” and
“other meat” products
were associated with
a higher overall BMI
and waist size, whereas
vegan foods such as
fruit and vegetables
had the opposite effect
of reducing BMI.
Besides the obvious
physical challenges
of being obese,
this meat-related
condition also increases
one’s risk of acquiring
many chronic ailments,
such as
high blood pressure,
high cholesterol,
coronary heart disease,
stroke, type 2 diabetes,
uterine, breast
and colon cancer,
liver and gall bladder
disease, sleep apnea,
respiratory problems,
and osteoarthritis
(degeneration of cartilage
and its underlying bone
within a joint),
all of which
are on the rise
in the United States
and other nations.
The Johns Hopkins
researchers state,
“Our analysis based on
the recent nationally
representative data shows
a consistent, positive
association between
meat consumption and
[obesity] measures
among U.S. adults.
This may suggest diets
that promote high meat
consumption, such as
the Atkins diet, might
lead to higher BMI,
waist circumference
and obesity.”
Drs. Wang and Beydoun
also note that
other studies support
their results and affirm
the negative impact of
meat consumption
on human health,
weight control
and the environment,
concluding that
the meat-based diet
should be avoided
for the sake of our health
and the well-being
of the planet.
Although the study by
Drs. Wang and Beydoun
specifically addressed
adult obesity,
in recent decades
the issue of childhood
obesity in both developed
and developing nations
has also become serious.
As a report on the US
Department of Health
and Human Services
website states,
“Overweight and obesity
in children are significant
public health problems
in the United States.
The number of
adolescents who are
overweight has tripled
since 1980 and
the prevalence among
younger children
has more than doubled.”
The same report also
notes that the detrimental
health effects of obesity
are causing the need
for medical care
to rise dramatically:
“Hospital costs alone
associated with
childhood obesity were
estimated at $127 million
during 1997–1999
(in 2001 constant
U.S. dollars), up from
$35 million during
A key factor causing
this trend is
the longstanding
but erroneous view,
in Western countries,
that meat-based protein
is needed for
adequate growth and
development in children.
However, as stated
on the website of People
for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA),
“Many well-meaning
parents don't know
that meat can contain
dangerous toxins and
that feeding meat
to their children increases
the odds that their kids
will become obese and
develop life-threatening
Support for PETA’s view
comes from a study
entitled “Prevalence of
Obesity in School-Going
Children of Karachi”
conducted in Pakistan.
The study examined
a cross section of
284 students in grades
six to eight from
four different schools
in Karachi.
A questionnaire was
administered, heights and
weights were measured,
and a modified criterion
for Asian populations
was used to calculate
the children’s BMIs.
Of the participants,
52% were found
to be underweight,
34% were of normal
weight for their age,
6% were obese and
8% were overweight.
Of all the obese children,
70% belonged to the
higher socio-economic
status (SES) group,
while of the underweight
children, 63.3% were
in the lower SES group.
the obese children,
65% ate meat every day,
compared to 33%
of the normal kids.
The researchers
concluded that
socio-economic factors
are important
in determining BMI
in children since obesity
and being overweight
increase with rising SES.
They recommended
that higher SES groups
should be the focus for
weight-reduction efforts,
with meat intake
being a key factor
to be addressed.
One individual
who is taking action
on this issue in the US
is Terry Mason, MD
former Commissioner of
the Chicago Department
of Public Health
in Chicago,
Illinois and current
System Chief
Medical Officer of
the Cook County Health
and Hospitals System.
In 2006 he launched
the Restart Program,
a now-annual event
that encourages
Chicago residents
to make their diets
meat-free for the entire
month of January.
Dr. Mason expressed
his wish that the Program
would help people enjoy
healthier, happier lives,
with weight loss
as an added benefit.
One of the unintended
of going to
a more plant-based way
of eating, which is not
why I tell people to do it,
is that you will
lose weight, and it’s
a natural sort of thing.
I’m not saying do this
as a weight-loss strategy.
You do this because
your heart will thank you.
Your kidneys
will thank you.
Your pancreas
will thank you.
Your colon will thank you.
All of these organs
that are important for us
will thank you for making
their jobs a lot easier.
Dr. Mason’s motivation
is partly based on
his concern for the
school-aged children
of his city, who,
like the students
in the Karachi, Pakistan
study discussed earlier,
also suffer from obesity
and being overweight,
but on a much larger scale.
We’re overweight!
Twenty-five percent
of our children
in the city of Chicago
start school overweight.
We should eat food;
I’m not an anti-anything.
This is a pro-message
so people eat food.
There was a great article
that was in the New York
Times magazine.
The name of the author
escapes me right now,
but basically he said,
and I think it's perfect,
"If you can’t pronounce it,
you probably
shouldn’t eat it."
If you read the label,
and you can’t pronounce
what’s there, you
probably shouldn’t eat it.
This advice from
Dr. Mason can easily
be applied
to choosing natural,
vegan foods for
the holidays and the rest
of the year as well.
Another advocate of
plant-based foods who is
making a difference
in the movement toward
a healthier world
is acclaimed nutrition
expert and author
Joel Fuhrman, MD
of the United States.
A member of
the Board of Directors
for the US National
Health Association
and the Advisory Panel
for The Physicians
Committee for
Responsible Medicine,
Dr. Fuhrman works
tirelessly to promote
plant foods as a means
of averting disease
and achieving optimal
weight and health.
In a 2009 interview
with Supreme Master
Dr. Fuhrman said
the following about the
link between processed
foods and disease:
Right now
fast food companies
and processed foods
are spreading
all over the world and
people are becoming
more overweight,
more obese, having
more heart attacks,
more diabetes,
more strokes
and even more cancer.
The good news is that
nutritional science has
advanced to the point
where we can
have people
not have heart attacks,
we can win the war
against cancer,
we can stop people from
having strokes and as
they become more elderly
they don’t have to
become demented
in their later years.
The secrets that
we have learned to
protect ourselves
have to do with nutrients.
There are two types
of nutrients.
There are macronutrients,
and the macronutrients
contain calories and
those are called fat,
carbohydrate and protein.
And if you eat too many
too much fat,
too much carbohydrate,
and too much protein,
we can become overweight
and we promote aging,
and promote heart
attacks and strokes.
Now food also contains
micronutrients and
micronutrients do not
contain calories.
They are things like
vitamins and minerals
and phytochemicals.
So which unprocessed,
high-nutrient food
alternatives does
Dr. Fuhrman suggest
we use to lose weight,
avoid disease and
maintain optimal health?
Number one is beans,
beans like kidney beans,
navy beans, lentils,
and split peas.
Beans have something
in them called
“resistant starch.” And
resistant starch doesn’t
raise the glucose level.
It promotes weight loss.
It’s broken down
by bacteria in the colon.
The bacteria in the colon
the resistant starch into
short chain fatty acids,
and those fatty acids
protect us
against colon cancer.
Switching to
nutritionally sound
and environmentally
friendly organic vegan
alternatives can help
reduce one’s waistline,
maintain the health of
one’s family and
contribute to
a greener planet.
Thank you
splendid viewers
for watching this week’s
edition of Healthy Living
on Supreme Master
May everyone
enjoy a safe, healthy
holiday season.
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