Dr. Steven Farmer: Listening to Our Animal Spirit Guides - P1/2
Hallo, enlightened viewers,
and welcome to
Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants.
Have you ever wondered
why a raccoon
unexpectedly crosses
your path?
Or why a crow suddenly
lands on your balcony?
On today’s program,
we present the first
in a two-part interview
with American author,
retired psychotherapist,
spiritual teacher,
and shaman
Dr. Steven Farmer,
who will discuss such
questions and provide
answers based on
his years of experience
with animals.
Author of the bestselling
books “Earth Magic,”
and “Sacred Ceremony,”
Dr. Farmer also hosts
a weekly radio program
called Earth Magic Radio.
The term “shamanism”
includes a wide range
of practices used to
communicate with
the world beyond
physical appearances.
How did Dr. Farmer
become interested in
I spent many years
as a psychotherapist, and
I would say an unusual
knowing quite a few of
my colleagues, and
I really began to be
curious about spirituality
and how that fit into
And then
about 20 years ago, I was
introduced to shamanism.
I’d sampled
different spiritual paths,
different religions,
throughout my life and
I’d always been curious
about them in many ways
and really was trying to,
like I think many people
do, find the right path.
And I did
a two-day course on
core shamanism and
I went, “This is home.”
“This is where I belong.”
And I do believe it’s
in my DNA somehow,
an ancestral connection.
And so,
for a period of time I was
very careful and ethical
about how I would
employ that in my practice
in psychotherapy,
but certainly some of the
principles of shamanism
kind of seeped into
the work that I would do
with people, and
I had a very, very
successful practice.
It was through his study
of shamanism that
Dr. Farmer came to
believe that it is essential
to re-connect with animal
guides and Mother Earth.
He writes about this
his book, “Earth Magic.”
“Earth Magic,”
it’s the name of
my latest book.
It has become more of
an umbrella for the work
that I do.
So, “Earth Magic”
really is the idea that
the world is magical.
I remember a book
years ago called,
“The Re-Enchantment
of the World,”
by Bruno Bettelheim.
I love that title, and
in a sense that’s what
we’re talking about.
Enchantment is from
a French word which
means “to sing.”
So one version would be
to really “sing the world”
or to listen to the song
the world has to sing to us.
And that re-enchantment
is part of the magic.
According to Dr. Farmer,
animals are here to
help us in life.
The elephant,
with his imposing power
and strength, reminds us
that we can overcome
all obstacles.
The swan’s message
is that we’re beautiful
just as we are.
If we think our life is
too serious, we can
call on the spirit of
the dolphin to develop
playfulness or better
communication skills.
And the hummingbird
is here to cheer us up
and bring us joy.
I have a little hummingbird
that comes into
the backyard.
I heard her name is
Heather, so I call her
Heather the hummingbird.
And she comes and floats
around one of the trees,
it’s just starting to blossom
here in the late fall,
early winter.
And I swear
the last couple of days,
she’d be sitting on
that branch and I’d be
just looking at her, and
we’d be in communion.
And to me, that’s magic.
Or stories I’ve heard,
speaking of hummingbirds,
where hummingbirds
will come,
and flutter right in front
of your face.
So it’s to reawaken
that deep, relatively
unconscious memory
of our relationship
with the natural world.
It’s more the experience
of the magic, that we are
just part of the web of life
here on the Earth,
this big hunk of rock
that’s floating through
space in this vast universe,
and we have the privilege
of actually existing
on this planet at this time.
So, let’s wake up,
and just really enjoy the
beauty and the majesty
of this planet
as we go through these
Earth changes
that are occurring.
Animals may come to us
to deliver
specific messages, but
we must closely observe
the circumstances
to understand
what they’re telling us.
When I see an animal
here, especially
in an unusual way or
through repetition,
there’s some significance
that we can go into
about that.
And it doesn’t have to be
the physical animal.
Like here in Laguna Beach
we do not see a lot of
bears around here.
But the bear spirit
can show himself
through symbols.
You have a dream about
a bear, and you wake up
and you go, “Wow,
that’s pretty weird.”
And then all day long
you’re thinking about
that dream.
And then you go to
the supermarket,
you hear somebody
talking about bears.
You turn on the TV and
there’s a show on bears.
There’s something
pretty significant
happening at that point.
For many years
Dr. Farmer’s
“power animals,”
the raven, the wolf,
the snake and the owl,
have been assisting him
in his work.
Raven’s a magician, and
it’s perfectly in alignment
with what we were
talking about earlier
about Earth Magic.
There’re a lot of different
creation stories where
the Raven is the one
responsible for bringing
from the darkness
into the light, that
which is created and
what we see before us
in the physical world.
So he’s very creative,
a great manifester, which
is true about me too.
With the help of
my spirit guides I’m very,
very good at manifesting.
Another one is Wolf.
Wolf’s spirit has been
with me
quite a few years.
Wolf is a great teacher
and is an astounding
I’ve asked Wolf to be
here with us today
just to keep us all safe
and protected.
I like having him around
because he can provide
a bubble of protection
if you will,
a psychic protection.
He’s also a teacher,
incredibly loyal, dedicated.
Third one is Snake,
Snake Spirit, who’s been
with me the longest.
The other one is the Owl.
Owl has been with me
quite a while too.
Owl was a more primary
power animal when
I was a psychotherapist.
One of the gifts of Owl is
to see into the shadows,
to be able to see what
other people don’t see,
to be able to see
those shadows in myself
that I may or may not
be aware of.
And that was
the gift of Owl.
Turtle is yet
another animal who has
Dr. Farmer’s life.
Turtle has just been
showing up a lot lately.
And, I mean amazingly so.
Now I refer back to
an earlier book that was
published about seven,
eight years ago, the
“Power Animals” book.
And in there, Turtle gave
me a message to convey.
And I’ve got to tell you
exactly how he said it.
And this is how
he sounded
in my inner voice.
I would sit
at the computer and
wait for the message.
And I said, “Turtle Spirit,
give me the message.”
What message do you
want me to convey to
others through this work?
And I took a breath
and here’s what I heard,
exactly like this:
“Slow down, you’ve got
all the time in the world.”
The next day we went to
an animal sanctuary.
It is on the Big Island
in Hawaii, the Big Island
of Hawaii near Kona.
And guess
what was there?
Land turtles or tortoises.
We went down to go
swimming and of course
it’s not unusual,
in itself, but there were
some sea turtles there.
And Turtle showed up
the other day.
I was sitting at
the breakfast table and
my stepdaughter Serena,
eight years old says,
“Steven, I’ve got some
new earrings.”
I said, “Oh, great!
What are they?
Show them to me.”
Guess what they were?
I mean, again and again
and again
Turtle has showed up.
When I feel myself
speeding up too much,
I’ll hear,
“Slow down. It’s okay.
You’ll get there,
Tortoise and the Hare.”
And I swear
I get everything done
that I need to get done.
In fact, if anything,
I think I’ve been more
productive since Turtle
has been inhabiting
my consciousness.
When an animal shows
up in an unusual way
or repeatedly or both,
that animal is another
expression of God or
Spirit or Great Spirit,
Source, whatever you
want to call that force.
God’s okay with me,
God and Spirit
I use interchangeably.
grand central sends you
a hummingbird and then
suddenly you get a smile
on your face
and you cheer up.
How could you not smile
with that little being
that’s doing this
at 120 beats per second.
I believe sincerely that
Spirit is wanting to
help us human beings.
You know, we need it.
We need it right now.
Also a talented musician,
Dr. Farmer both
composes and sings
songs as another
powerful way to convey
his message of peace.
He now performs
one of his songs,
“Breathe Again,”
co-written by
Martin Jordan.
I hold my fist tight
and my teeth are
sinking into my skin.
My eyes are aching,
and I’m feeling forsaken,
don’t want to let it in.
There’s nowhere to run
and nowhere to hide.
You can always conquer
you can never divide,
Every moment
you’re young, you can
never grow old.
Please take me back
to the truth of my soul,
So I can breathe again.
I wanna breathe again.
Everything changes,
nothing is written in stone.
You never have to
go it alone.
I hold out my hands
for all to see.
I shout to the heavens
please set me free,
So I can breathe again.
I wanna breathe again.
Does everyone on Earth
have an animal
spirit guide?
What’s the best way to
become one with nature?
To find out the answers
to these and other
questions, please join us
again tomorrow
on Animal World:
Our Co-Inhabitants
for the concluding part of
our fascinating interview
with Dr. Steven Farmer.
For more information
on Dr. Steven Farmer
including how to listen
to his radio show,
please visit
“Earth Magic”
and Dr. Farmer’s other
books and publications
are available
at the same website
Thank you for watching
today’s program.
May we forever respect,
protect and love
our animal friends.
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