Banteay Srei – Cambodia’s Citadel of Beauty (In Khmer)
The World Around Us
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pure-hearted viewers.
Welcome to
The World Around Us
on Supreme Master
With strong spiritual
roots, Cambodia
is known as the land
of temples.
There are astonishingly
more than one thousand
temples of Angkor,
the once capital of
the Khmer Empire.
Among them,
Angkor Wat is the
magnificent centerpiece
and one of the largest
Hindu monuments
in the world.
Most recognizable are
its five towers 65 meters
high like giant lotus buds.
In fact, Angkor Wat
is a great symbol of
Cambodia and is shown
on the country’s flag.
The Bayon Temple
is located to the north
of Angkor Wat, and
has 51 towers around it.
Built around 1190
by King Jayavarman VII,
Bayon is a Buddhist temple
but has Hindu
cosmological elements.
By being at the center
of the walled city,
it symbolizes the point
where Heaven
meets the Earth.
Built as a square,
the sides of temple
run exactly north-south
and east-west.
The Bayon Temple is
famous for its large stone
faces of the Bodhisattva
Phnom Bakheng is
King Yasovarman I’s
state temple,
a Hindu temple
dedicated to the god Shiva.
It was built
more than two centuries
before Angkor Wat
when the capital
of the Khmer Empire
was moved
from Roluos to Angkor
in the late 9th century.
Ta Prohm is unlike
most of the other temples
of Angkor, Cambodia.
It has become one
with the living jungle.
The trees, called “spung,”
have embraced
the temple halls
with its roots.
It is the result
of having been untouched
for centuries.
The successful adventure
film “Tomb Raider,”
starring Academy
Award-winning actress
Angelina Jolie,
features about 25 minutes
of footage of some of
the majestic temples
of Angkor.
In particular,
famous scenes were
filmed at Ta Prohm
for its unique atmosphere.
Now, let’s explore
in more detail one of
the most beautiful
temples in Angkor Thom,
which is the name of
ancient capital.
This temple we are
about to feature is known
as Banteay Srei.
Built in the 10th century,
Banteay Sri is
a Hindu temple complex
just north of Angkor Wat.
Immediately, visitors are
impressed by the deep
reddish pink sandstone.
It is famous for
its well preserved reliefs
that were easily carved
out of the wood-like
sandstone surfaces.
These marvellous
carvings show scenes
from ancient
Hindu legends.
Banteay Srei means
“Citadel of Women”
or “Citadel of Beauty,”
possibly because
the reliefs are so delicate
that they must
have been created
by a woman’s hand.
It is also smaller
and finer in scale
than other temples.
The temple’s shimmering
beauty attracts tourists
from all corners
of the world.
Let’s find out more
about Banteay Srei
with our knowledgeable
tour guide.
Here we are
on the second pavilion
and trees of
the eastern entrance
of Banteay Srei temple.
Over here on the wall,
where you see
inscriptions, which
lasted more than
a thousand years ago;
hard for us to identify
what type of language
it was.
And it really gives
information on the dates
and temple constructions
of Banteay Srei temple.
And they list some
Cambodian Buddhist
monks who (have)
expertise in literature,
who still can tell some
words on the inscription
that can be
So the majority of people
publicly cannot
identify and understand
most of the scriptures.
When visiting
Banteay Srei,
one must see
the intricate pediments.
A pediment is
an architectural element
that is triangular and
supported by columns
above a doorway
or opening.
Almost every surface of
the pediments
at Banteay Srei
are decorated.
For the first time
in Khmer architecture,
whole scenes of
Hindu myths appear on
Banteay Srei’s pediments.
Here we are
on the third entrance
on the eastern side
where you see
the wall pediments here.
Especially on this side,
at the end of
the first pediment, which
is so beautifully carved
in the form of
curved carving like
the human fingerprints.
And you move there
further to the second one.
Center of the pediment
there, where you see
goddess Lakshmi
appearing on an opening
lotus, two elephants with
holy water purify her
before her marriage
to the god Vishnu.
And she was guarded
by Garuda
(Lakshmi’s vehicle) with
detailed carving there.
The whole triangular
pediment has been
decorated and framed
with the serpent-shaped
body creature called
makara, with the three
different natural colors
on the triangular
pediment there.
It seems very unique
and so neat
on detailed carvings.
Banteay Srei
has an outer gate,
called a gopura,
that leads to the three
rectangular enclosures
of the temple.
The innermost enclosure
has three towers,
plus two libraries.
French archaeologist
Maurice Glaize, author of
“The Monuments of
the Angkor Group,”
commented that the
four library pediments
“are works of
the highest order.
Superior in composition
to any which followed,
they show
true craftsmanship
in their modeling
in a skillful blend of
stylization and realism.”
He also emphasized
the specialness of
Banteay Srei, saying,
the very particular charm
of Banteay Srei –
its remarkable state
of preservation
and the excellence of
a near perfect
ornamental technique –
one should not hesitate,
of all the monuments
of the Angkor group,
to give it
the highest priority …
the work relates
more closely to the art
of the goldsmith or
to carving in wood than
to sculpture in stone.”
Here we are inside
Banteay Srei temple.
Banteay Srei,
it loosely means
“Citadel of Women,”
which original name
(was) found
on an inscription called
Srei Tribhuvanamahesvara
(Great Lord of
the Threefold World).
A Hindu temple was built
under the reign of
the Hindu King
Rajendravarman II
in 967,
more than 1,000 years ago,
dedicated to
the god Shiva,
orientated to the east.
In 968, a year later,
the king first founder died.
Then the royal son who
was royal next successor,
who became crowned
at the young age,
(was) supported
by a spiritual suitor
(counselor), Yajnavaraha,
and his younger
Banteay Srei is unique
in that it was built
not by a monarch, but
by a counselor to the king.
This counselor
named Yajnavaraha was
an admired scholar and
humanitarian who helped
people who suffered
from injustice, poverty,
and illness.
The temple was dedicated
to the Hindu god Shiva,
hence its original name
was “Great Lord of
the Threefold World.”
This temple was
religiously and historically
constructed completely.
The other temples,
for example, Angkor Wat
or Bayon temples,
they were not completely
Temple of Banteay Srei
was one of the older
temples comparatively
to Bayon or Angkor Wat.
And this temple has been
called “the pink temple,”
because it has been
constructed from
the best quality of
the pink sandstone, which
was taken from
the natural quarry of
Kulen nearby here.
And this temple is also
called “the jewelry one,”
because this is so small
a monument but (has)
so beautiful and detailed
Look at the back there,
where you see
how detailed carvings,
they are sculpted.
And on it’s a bit
more different
Hindu legendary relief
and a small ornate statue.
Fortunately, the
Cambodian government
has wisely preserved
many parts of the temple
in museums,
while placing replicas
at the site.
Now, let’s explore
the three towers
of Banteay Srei.
Each tower has
four doors.
But only one of them
opens to the east
where the sun rises.
The others are false doors
for spirits.
Here we are
on the southwest corner
of the beautiful temple,
Banteay Srei.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you pay attention at the
so beautiful temple with
the detailed carving there.
It has been set up that
it lies on the same floor
of three towers, which
the south one was built
and dedicated to
the god Brahma,
the central one
for the god Shiva,
and the north one
for the god Vishnu.
Set into the five tiers
directly, where you see
the each tier corner with
the detailed tiny carvings
(that) symbolize like
a sample of the entire
big tower.
The five tiers symbolize
the five worlds
in Hinduism, and
only the eastern doors of
the three towers open to
the east orientation
of the temple originally.
But the other three doors
of every tower
are just faux doors,
well decorated and
carved in detail there.
And every part of
these temples (are)
with detailed relief on
Hindu legendary episodes,
tales and myths.
Further up there,
all the details there
including the two human
statues with human faces,
and some further there
with the human bodies
and animal heads, they
are newly constituted.
Original ones have been
retained in national
Angkor conservation
museum, replaced by
this new sandstone one.
Historically, when
these temples were
entirely abandoned
in 1431 AD, it was later
naturally over-grown.
By later years,
after the 16th century,
they still left it
under the jungle.
It was later found
by a French explorer
in 1914.
And in 1931-1936,
this had been cleared
and restored
under leadership of
French archaeologist
Henri Marchal.
The temple of Banteay
Srei is still daily visited
with thousands of people
Very fascinating and
detailed carvings.
King Jayavarman VII
once said that
his construction of temples
sprang from an intention
that was
“full of deep sympathy
for the good of the world,
so as to bestow on men
the ambrosia of remedies
to win them immortality…
By virtue of these
good works would that
I might rescue all those
who are struggling in
the ocean of existence.”
Indeed, the noble
Cambodian king’s wish
lives on today,
for the temples still
inspire awe in all
who visit them.
Perhaps many of us
visitors are also reminded
by their splendor that
we should strive to
rise above this
ephemeral world and
seek our immortal Self,
our Heavenly origin.
Our appreciation to
Cambodia for the efforts
in preserving this
precious cultural heritage
of Banteay Srei and
the other grand temples
of Angkor Thom.
May these glorious
monuments be treasured
always, and may Heaven
bless Cambodia with
peace and prosperity.
Gracious viewers,
thank you for being
with us today on
The World Around Us.
Coming up is
Words of Wisdom,
after Noteworthy News.
May your life
be serene and joyful.
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