Shining World Compassion Award:
Dr. Ian Clarke – Bringing Health Care and Change to Uganda – P1/2
Everywhere in the world,
we can observe
and be touched
by acts of kindness.
People from all walks of
life, faiths, and cultures
extend themselves
beyond the call of duty
to help others
Through their noble deeds,
humanity as a whole
is elevated.
To commend
virtuous actions and
encourage more people
to be inspired
by their examples,
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
has lovingly created
a series of awards,
including the Shining
World Leadership
Award, Shining World
Compassion Award,
Shining World Hero and
Heroine Awards, Shining
World Honesty Award,
Shining World Protection
Award, Shining World
Intelligence Award,
and Shining World
Inventor Award,
to recognize some
of the most exemplary,
generous, caring,
and courageous people
who walk amongst us.
Dr. Ian Clarke wears
many hats, as
a physician, entrepreneur,
adoptive father, mentor,
and the first Caucasian
mayor in Uganda.
He is the founder
and chairman of the
International Medical
the leading provider of
private medical services
in Uganda.
Dr. Clarke(m): My name is
Dr. Ian Clarke.
I’m an Irish Ugandan,
born in Ireland,
naturalized Ugandan
citizen and I have lived
in Uganda with my wife
and family here
for over 20 years.
I first came to Uganda
in 1987.
I have been working as
a family doctor
in Northern Ireland.
As a doctor, I felt that
really I want to be
offering services where
they were needed,
and we had a strong
Christian faith, and
we wanted to practice
our faith
in terms of meeting
humanitarian needs.
We came to Uganda
just after
there had been a war.
We went to a place called
the Luweero Triangle,
where there had been
a lot of massacres,
and there was
tremendous need; and
also when Uganda was
at the beginning
of the HIV epidemic.
People were dying of
HIV and of
TB (tuberculosis).
So, I came with the idea
that we would do
rural health care and
just primary care, but
we quickly found that
it was necessary to
have a health facility.
And so, we appealed to
friends and churches
and charities just to
send some money, and
we built a small clinic.
And the small clinic
grew until it was
a fully-fledged hospital.
So, we were offering
services to the rural poor
there, and we worked
there for about six years.
HOST: In the aftermath of
the civil war, Dr. Clarke
and his wife Roberta
filled a severe need
for health care
by establishing
Kiwoko Hospital.
It still serves
the community in
rural central Uganda.
Dr. Clarke originally
intended to stay
in Uganda
for a two-year mission.
But feeling at home
among the friendly
Ugandan people,
he instead launched an
amazing enterprise over
the next two decades.
Dr. Clarke(m): We came to live
in the city, in the capital
city, in Kampala, and
started another hospital,
which is an international
That’s a private hospital,
it’s not funded
by donations.
It’s funded by
what people pay.
HOST: At International Hospital
Kampala, Uganda’s
leading private hospital,
the income from
the middle class patients
is used to help cover
the treatments
for the less fortunate.
Here, every day, lives are
saved and the standard
of health is raised.
Dr. Helena Nam(f): My name is
Dr. Helena Mam, I’m
a consultant oncologist
or cancer specialist,
trained in London (UK).
But I have had
the privilege of working
in Uganda since 2006,
mainly working
for Hope Ward in the
International Hospital,
which is a charity ward.
And it’s free-of-charge
sponsored treatment
for those who are really
vulnerable in society,
for people who are
struggling with
one meal a day, or even
you find children who
have been brought in
from the bush, who
have been left abandoned,
people from the IDP
(internally displaced
people) camps, orphans,
There is a huge section of
Ugandan society which
really have no hope, and
here the hospital is about
trying to give hope
to those patients who
really need it the most.
Translator (m): She was brought here
by a person who
recommended to her and
gave her some advice
that at International
Hospital Kampala,
there is a free treatment
of cancer.
The operation was done
by the administration of
Hope Ward, plus all
the care and everything
that was used for her,
at a free cost.
So, she is very grateful
and thankful of
Hope Ward,
that if at all it wasn’t
Hope Ward at Kampala
International Hospital,
really, she doesn’t know
how her life
would have been.
Dr. Helena Nam(f): Wilson first came to
International Hospital
Kampala in October
2010, and
when I looked at him,
this little boy was like
a skeleton.
Now, his mother
had passed away and
the father had run away.
By the time they found
little Wilson,
he was starving;
he couldn’t move.
He had wounds all over
the skin, he had bed sores,
his hair had gone,
he couldn’t see.
So, they brought him to
International Hospital
to Hope Ward, where
Ian Clarke accepted him
for compassionate
sponsored care.
Now, many months later,
you can see this little boy
now has learnt to sit,
with the help of
intensive physiotherapy.
His skin has come back.
He’s now able to see
with the help of glasses.
His hair has come back.
He has had
several operations to
raise contractors of
his tendons which allow
his feet to be
in the right position.
And really, this little boy
now has hope.
Also with the help of
his carer Annette, who is
a relative, an auntie,
who came to his help.
And we have had several
patients just like this now,
who now have a hope
and a future of life ahead.
Oh sweetie…
Oh he’s not going to
let go today.
Some days you’re okay,
other days you’re just…
Dr. Clarke(m): We’re using
the good facilities that
we have in International
Hospital to make those
available to people who
have got really desperate
but complicated conditions.
What we want to show
is that even though
this may be
a resource-poor country,
it doesn’t mean that
it has to be sub-standard.
And it can be very good,
hygienic, nice conditions.
It can be
with compassion from
the nurses.
And it can be the best
of medical care as well.
HOST: Dr. Clarke has
the caring heart of a doctor
plus the vast vision
of an entrepreneur.
Apart from
the International Hospital
the International Medical
Group also includes
the International Air
Ambulance, International
Medical Centre,
International Medical
Foundation which offers
subsidies or free services
to patients who cannot
afford the fees,
International Health
Sciences University, and
International Medical
Group Construction.
The growth has been
simply astonishing since
the first modest clinic
was built in Kampala
15 years ago.
Catherine Kahare: I’m a student
at International Health
Sciences University.
I’m a second year
nursing student.
It has been a wonderful
school, the best I have
ever seen in Uganda.
The technology and
everything educational
and practical is the best
I have seen in the country.
And I believe that when
I’m out of this school,
I will be a better person
than the way I came,
and I will be able to help
my community, to make it
a better place to live.
HOST: Perhaps even more
remarkable than
his ambitious health
endeavors is the fact that
Dr. Clarke accomplished
so much even while
facing illness himself.
Dr. Clarke(m): I think I’m just stubborn.
I think, yes, sometimes
I have been forced out of
my comfort zone,
because for example,
I have had cancer twice,
and that definitely
forces you out of
your comfort zone.
I had chemotherapy.
It was very nauseating;
it wasn’t pleasant at all.
And those kinds of
experiences, they make
you evaluate your life.
You know,
what is my life about?
Is it about not taking risk?
Is it about just day-to-day
humdrum, or what
do I really believe in?
And what do I want to do
with my days?
Each of us has a destiny,
and it’s up to us to
make sure that
we realize the destiny.
Jemimah Kiboss-Kyeyone: One thing he talked to me
about is always
follow through;
never just assume
something has been done.
And I see him do that.
When he brings a patient
and makes sure
they’re on the bed,
he comes to visit them
and makes sure
you’re treating them well.
And this is not someone
who will pay him back
in any way.
I think that’s inspiring.
He could have built
a big magnificent career
in the UK, but he came to
perform surgeries
in Luweero.
That is selfless, and
I think that’s inspiring,
and he believes that
a difference can be made.
And his compassion.
He’s very compassionate.
HOST: In March 2011,
Dr. Clarke won
a landslide victory when
the Ugandan people
voted him to be mayor
for Makindye,
one of Kampala’s
five city divisions.
Within a few months of
his election,
roads were repaired and
life was visibly improving,
much to his co-citizens’
The Right Reverend D. Zac Niringiye (m): My name's
David Zac Niringiye.
I serve as bishop
in the Church of Uganda.
I have known Dr. Clarke
for certainly
more than 20 years now.
I have visited Kiwoko,
and seen what God did
through this man
in establishing
an amazing hospital,
which has now become
suddenly a regional
hospital in the area,
and subsequently,
in his establishing of the
International Hospital
Kampala, which began
as the International
Medical Centre.
And then establishing an
entire insurance system
that supports that.
I mean, simply amazing!
And now,
the Health Sciences
And now, he’s a mayor!
A passion really to be
able to bring help and
hope for the poor.
So, he is a man who
had been passionate and
is settling down so much
in this country, focusing
on the entire health
of the people.
HOST: For his selfless dedication
to his Ugandan
Supreme Master Ching Hai
honored Dr. Ian Clarke
with the Shining World
Compassion Award,
along with US$30,000
to humbly support
his noble endeavor,
with her heartfelt
salute and gratitude.
Dr. Clarke (m): I must say that I was
really quite shocked that
this Lady,
who doesn’t know me…
First thing was,
how did someone from
the other side of the world
find out about me, and
then how did that person
then decide to give me
not only an award,
but also this substantial
donation of US$30,000?
So, I’m very touched.
I mean, after I got over
the shock, and
the next thing you say is,
“Is it real?”
And then, “It is real.”
So I’m very touched and
I wish
Supreme Master Ching Hai
every blessing in terms of
what she does, in terms
of touching people’s lives
and touching the world.
The encouragement
of somebody saying,
“We want to affirm
what you’re doing.”
Because the affirmation
has come,
not just in the health side
but also in the involvement
as a civic leader,
to do something there.
And so, I’m very, very
grateful and very touched.
HOST: Tune in next Saturday,
December 10 as this
2-part program continues,
with the presentation of
the Shining World
Compassion Award
to Dr. Ian Clarke,
plus more about
his inspiring endeavors
as an entrepreneur
and leader in the
Ugandan community.
Thank you for
your kind company today.
Coming up next is
Words of Wisdom,
after Noteworthy News,
on Supreme Master
May you be blessed with
health and happiness.
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