Dr. Konstantin Korotkov: Seeing the Unseen With Electrophotonics - P3/3
Welcome to this week’s
Science and Spirituality
where, in the conclusion
of a three-part series,
we continue to highlight
the very intriguing work
of biophysicist,
inventor, and pioneer
of the innovative
scientific field
called electrophotonics,
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
who is based
in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Dr. Korotkov is also
the author and co-author
of several books,
including “Measuring
Energy Fields:
State of the Science,”
“Science, Aura
and Consciousness:
New Stage of Scientific
Understanding” and
“Light after Life.”
The Gas Discharge
Visualization (GDV)
technique invented
by Dr. Korotkov allows
for the real-time study
of energy fields, or auras,
emanating from humans
and objects.
One of the instruments
to measure energy
are bioelectrography
It was in 1777 when
a German physicist found
that in electrical fields,
you can see light coming
from some subjects.
It is all related to
electricity and photons.
Our team was able to
transform this
to a new stage.
So it is transformation
from photography
to digital computer
and digital analysis.
Dr. Korotkov’s research
on the unseen world
of energy fields
and consciousness
is yet another example
of science bringing us
a closer understanding
of our true, divine nature
and innate creative powers.
The connection
with the universal power,
the informational field, is
a very complicated topic.
We were able to
measure a lot of people
who have this access,
this connection.
It was done
in special experiments.
A very special connection
comes in altered states
of consciousness.
At some moments,
if you are deeply
in a meditative state
or if you can transform
to this altered state
of consciousness,
you may have
this connection.
And it’s not only for saints,
it’s the same for artists,
for musicians, for poets,
for scientists, for engineers,
businessmen, and
high-management people.
It’s the main process of
inspiration and creativity.
Einstein wrote a lot
about spiritual topics,
about connections to God.
Newton was
a very spiritual person.
Mendeleev got his vision
of the Mendeleev (periodic)
table (of the elements)
in his dream.
So it is very typical
for a lot of scientists,
creators, musicians, poets;
it is the way of creativity.
Just as all human beings
and animals
emanate energy fields,
so do plants and
even inanimate objects
like water.
Since time immemorial,
spiritual teachers
have spoken of
a universal energy that
permeates all of creation.
The energy field,
this is a quantum property
of nature.
So, any subject
has an energy field.
In quantum properties
and in the quantum level,
we are the same.
We are just
the same as stones,
the same as minerals.
That’s why we are
measuring energy
from water, and
it is very interesting line
of study.
We are measuring
different subjects in nature,
and we are measuring
the environment,
with special sensors.
Truly, as science
delves more deeply
into the unknown
through such experiments,
we’re re-discovering
that we’re not limited
by the boundaries
of the material world.
The main message
that I got from
our measurements
in 15 years
is that we have our
consciousness power,
our mind power,
and with this power
we can recreate our life.
We can strongly
influence our energy field
and we can really
change our life.
Next, is our environment
that we live in –
water, air, food, and
environmental station.
And next is the level
of intercommunication
with other people.
We have special sensors
that allow us
to take measurements
of the energy
of the environment.
And I’ve been traveling
in different parts
of the world,
South America,
Southeast Asia, Russia,
Siberia, Africa,
and everywhere
we were looking for
places of high energy.
It was always the places
of worship.
We’ve been measuring
in churches,
in monasteries,
in temples,
in different countries,
in different regions.
And everywhere we found
that those are places
of very high energy.
A lot of these places
have been used
as healing places.
People coming there
have increased energy,
and they can be cured
of different problems,
because this place uses
the energy of the Earth.
And ancient people were
able to feel this energy,
and they were selecting
special places.
With our instrument,
we can measure this.
Without any doubts,
our Earth has its own
energy field.
Earth is communicating
with the environment,
with space,
with the cosmos.
Dr. Korotkov has also
investigated the power
of people across the globe
uniting in thought, prayer
or meditation
to achieve a common,
constructive purpose.
If you have
positive attention,
if you have
a positive attitude to life,
to the environment,
to other people,
then you make life
around yourself
much more positive.
You really can
change the environment.
As we are collective beings,
as we have our
collective information field,
together we can do a lot.
Development of spirituality
is a collective process.
If we include
more and more people
in this collective,
spiritual process,
it would change
the consciousness
of humankind.
People would come
together, and meditate
and pray for peace,
and I believe that
this is how spirituality
may be developed.
We did many experiments
of this kind, so
it's possible to measure
collective meditation, and
we did these experiments
in different countries.
We put the sensor
in the room where
people are meditating,
and we immediately see
the effect.
When we have
collective consciousness,
we have more and more
strong influence
on the world.
And of course
it’s important to have
a positive direction,
then positive collective
consciousness would
tremendously influence
our environment.
In the quest to modernize
and improve our
technological status,
humanity unfortunately
has become disconnected
from the very source that
has sustained our lives
and nurtured us.
As Earth citizens,
we have regretfully
neglected our duty
to be good stewards
of the environment.
It’s only the beginning
of the process of the
influence of humankind
on the Earth.
We did a lot of harm
to the Earth.
In the ocean,
you can find big areas
that are contaminated
with garbage.
We need to change
the attitude of humankind
to the environment,
and then it will be possible
for the Earth to restore
and embrace humankind
as a part of nature.
Organic vegetables,
fruits, grains, beans,
seeds and nuts are grown
without the use
of harmful chemicals,
and are thus the most
foods for enhancing
the well-being of both
humans and our planet.
of vegan organic crops
reduces the damaging
carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere
by absorbing
this greenhouse gas
in the soil.
Different types of food,
it’s absolutely different
energy; an organic apple
and an apple
grown chemically –
absolutely different energy.
An organic plant and a
chemically grown plant –
tremendous difference.
So, now we live
in a dangerous world.
We have so many chemicals
around ourselves
that it poisons
whole generations.
Those chemicals,
they create an
epigenetic transformation
of humankind.
And this is dangerous,
this is very bad.
Now epigenetically, a
new generation of babies
has a lot of allergies.
Why? Because of
the contamination in food.
It comes from parents
eating chemical foods.
We need to understand
that we have passed
this chemical century.
The 20th century was
the century of chemicals,
and people were thinking
that by transforming
chemicals, we can create
new medications,
new plastic things,
we can create new food,
that will be great
for humankind.
It was found not to be true.
We need
to come back to nature.
We need to use
the power of nature.
It’s very interesting;
in St. Petersburg,
around summertime,
they used to use
a lot of chemicals
in farming, in agriculture.
And our forest
was practically empty.
No animals, no bees,
no butterflies.
Now they don’t use
chemicals anymore.
They transform
into natural farming.
And there are
a lot of animals,
more and more every year.
This year we had many
butterflies in our fields
and our forests.
We have a lot of foxes,
rabbits, different activity
in the forest.
It means that after
we stop this chemical
contamination of nature,
nature can recreate itself.
And it’s not only
for animals, it’s
for ourselves as well.
So we need to get this
as a message, as a lesson.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
speaks about how
a global shift to
an organic plant-based diet
is the best way
to preserve our planet
as in this excerpt
from a November 2009
interview by Radio
Fórmula QR 92.3 FM
that is based
in Cancún, Mexico
and serves the state
of Quintana Roo.
We need to rethink
our lifestyle.
We have to rethink
the whole planet species
and survival, not just for
our enjoyment day to day
or momentarily.
We have to think
very unselfishly
as you have said.
Yes, just to be vegan
is very simple: that saves
all the lives on the planet –
saves the animals,
saves the environment
and saves the world
for our children’s future.
From the betterment
of human relations
to creating peace
among nations and
restoring the environment,
science now
acknowledges what
ancient spiritual traditions
have long understood –
that humankind has the
power to steer the course
and fate of our planet.
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov,
the implications
of your studies
on human consciousness
and intentions are both
meaningful and powerful.
We appreciate the time
taken from
your busy schedule
to speak to us about
your admirable work
that blends science
and spirituality.
May your fine research
to inform the world
on these important issues
in the future.
For more information
on Dr. Korotkov,
please visit
Dr. Korotkov’s book
"Light after Life:
A Scientific Journey
into the Spiritual World"
is available at
Thoughtful viewers,
thank you for joining us
today for the conclusion
of our discussion
with Dr. Korotkov.
Up next
on Supreme Master
Television is
Words of Wisdom,
after Noteworthy News.
May we always be
in touch with the
universal consciousness.
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