Shining World Compassion Award:
For the Love of Parrots: Canada’s World Parrot Refuge - P3/3
Everywhere in the world,
we can observe
and be touched
by acts of kindness.
People from all walks of
life, faiths, and cultures
extend themselves
beyond the call of duty
to help others
Through their noble deeds,
humanity as a whole
is elevated.
To commend
virtuous actions and
encourage more people
to be inspired
by their examples,
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
has lovingly created
a series of awards,
including the Shining
World Leadership
Award, Shining World
Compassion Award,
Shining World Hero and
Heroine Awards, Shining
World Honesty Award,
Shining World Protection
Award, Shining World
Intelligence Award,
and Shining World
Inventor Award,
to recognize some
of the most exemplary,
generous, caring,
and courageous people
who walk amongst us.
Today, we present
the concluding episode
of our visit to
the World Parrot Refuge.
This bird sanctuary,
operated by
the “For the Love Of
Parrots Refuge Society”
in Coombs,
British Columbia, Canada,
provides a “Home for Life”
for over 800 parrots from
more than 50 species
who have been abused
or had a caregiver
who could no longer
look after them.
The Refuge’s environment
is designed to replicate,
to the extent possible,
the birds` natural habitat.
Most of the inhabitants
are free to fly and forage
for food in the safety of
the 2,100 plus square meters
of heated indoor
free-flight aviaries.
Wendy Huntbatch,
the non-profit organization’s
co-founder and president,
explains how
running such a facility
is a very challenging job.
It’s my life.
The birds are my life.
I start in the morning
at 7 o’clock
and it’s just constant.
There’s things to do,
there’s staff to look after.
I’m feeding
the special needs birds.
And then I have
all the medications to do.
One bird got an injury
on her wing
so we had to fix that.
There’s always something
when you’ve got
800 plus birds.
I do the evening feed.
Then the last thing I do is
I go to the grocery store
to pick up
the vegetables and fruit
for the next day.
And I usually get home
by quarter to nine at night.
And I do this
seven days a week.
And it doesn’t seem like
a chore to me because
I love every minute of it.
Who in the world
gets to do what they love
every day of their life?
One of the many reasons
Ms. Huntbatch
and the Refuge’s staff
and volunteers enjoy caring
for the parrots so much is
that the birds are so clever.
Parrots are
highly intelligent.
You can tell
when you talk to them.
They also do telepathy.
And I can do telepathy
with many of them.
But you do know that
when you’re with them,
that they know,
they understand.
For instance, if one of them
gets a hurt toe,
they don’t just stand there
and be hurt or be bleeding.
If they can get
to one of us, they’ll come
and go like, “I’m hurt.”
So they’ll show you
the bad toe
or if they’ve got
a wing (problem),
they’ll show you like,
“I’m bleeding here.”
So they come
and seek you out.
Now that’s intelligence.
They find us
and then we’ll fix it.
And then they, of course,
say the inevitable,
“I love you.”
Because we always
say that to them.
We say, “I love you.”
And they always say,
“I love you.”
So they do know.
They do
completely understand.
The World Parrot Refuge
never turns away a parrot,
and will even accept birds
with special needs,
such as Nelson, Minka,
and Caesar.
Although in this area
there’re a lot of cages,
you’ll see
that the doors are open.
These birds are mostly
special needs in here.
Now Nelson, he’s known
to have been in this country
for 42 years, but he was
captured in the wild.
So heaven knows
how old he really is.
But he gets around
and he shuffles around
but he’s got
rheumatoid arthritis.
This little bird
in front of us here is Minka.
Minka came in
So you can see
there’s progress
being made there.
African Greys get
very, very upset very easily
when they’re moved,
but I don’t know
how many times
Minka had been moved
before we got her,
but she’s just doing
phenomenally well.
This is Caesar.
Caesar is blind.
One eye is blinded
from trauma.
He was abused.
When he came in,
he was so thin.
I didn’t know
how he could be alive.
And he was in a cage
with another bird.
And the other bird
was much younger
and much stronger and
of course ate all the food.
Unfortunately the food
was the snack food
covered in salt
that people eat.
And it was just dreadful.
He had next to no feathers.
I’m doing fine.
How are you doing?
And he eats really well now.
He’s put on
a lot of weight.
And he’s got
lovely feathers, don’t you?
For their loving care
of these vulnerable birds,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
the World Parrot Refuge
with the Shining World
Compassion Award.
Our Association member
Wendy Huntbatch
with the beautiful crystal
heart shaped Award plaque.
This is incredible.
This is just,
oh it’s just beautiful. Oh!
Supreme Master Ching Hai
also donated
CAD$20,000 to the Refuge
for their noble cause.
Thank you so much.
Thank you to everyone.
And thank you to
Supreme Master Ching Hai.
This is incredible.
CAD$20,000 will help
to save a lot of lives
and it’s
very, very important.
Thank you. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
also sent Ms. Huntbatch
a warm letter
of appreciation,
the following of which
is an excerpt.
Dear Ms. Huntbatch,
It is with much admiration
and gratitude
that we present to
the World Parrot Refuge
the “Shining World
Compassion Award.”
This Award is presented
in recognition of
your great success
in providing a loving
and caring home
for many Parrots
and for your selfless spirit
of service
to our intelligent
feathered co-inhabitants
creating a kinder
and more humane future.
Thank you
World Parrot Refuge
for bringing happiness
and security
to so many birds and
for being a noble example
of benevolent
unconditional love.
For passionately striving
to create an outstanding
sanctuary of safety,
for showing the godsend
these birds are,
and for being a dedicated
and noble role model,
we hereby applaud
and celebrate
the compassionate deeds
of the World Parrot Refuge
with special thanks
to the President,
Ms. Wendy Huntbatch
and the devoted staff
and volunteers.
With Great Honour, Love
& Blessings,
Supreme Master Ching Hai.
Thank you, thank you so much.
In response,
Ms. Huntbatch has
this touching message for
Supreme Master
Ching Hai.
When the letter came
and I opened the letter
and I read it,
I couldn’t believe it.
I cried and I cried.
And I read it again
and I cried some more.
I could not believe that
someone could see all this
in what we do.
Every day
we do what we do
because we want
to make the birds
have a better life.
We want to give them
a more normal life.
We want them to be happy,
to be parrots.
When I read the letter
and saw the words
that you’d put in there,
it just was the most moving,
most emotional thing that
has ever happened to me.
I didn’t even think
anybody was watching
what we do.
It costs
CAD$400,000 a year
to keep this place going.
And when your
(donation) came,
it was like a gift from God.
It really helped us
through a very bad time.
But it was the letter,
the words in the letter
that were forever
burned into my soul.
It just, it, I can’t tell you
how much. Thank you.
It was wonderful.
Hearing that
the Refuge is undergoing
challenging times,
with all love and respect
and gratitude for what
they do for the precious
beings of the planet,
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
is offering an additional
CAD$30,000 to help out
the World Parrot Refuge.
I had never considered
myself to be in a position
to be worthy
of such an award.
I do for these birds
what I do because
I just want the world to be
a better place, happier.
The world cannot manage
if one level of
living being disappears.
At the rate the parrots
are being robbed out
of the wild, most of them
are critically endangered
at this moment.
Some three years ago
became extinct.
This is not a way
that life should go.
So I do it,
and have been doing it,
and will continue to do it
for this reason.
To be recognized
by someone like you
is the most
overwhelming experience
a human could ever have.
Thank you so much.
The World Parrot Refuge
was gifted with
a number of
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
books, including
“The Love of Centuries”
and the #1
international best sellers,
“The Birds In My Life,”
“The Dogs In My Life”
and “The Noble Wilds”
as well as DVDs such as
“The King & Co.”
At the Award
presentation ceremony,
Wendy Huntbatch
took the opportunity
to acknowledge all those
who work at the Refuge.
Although this was started
by my husband and myself,
it has been with the help
of thousands of people
that we’ve managed
to pull it off
as far as we have.
The staff work for next
to nothing, but they work
with their hearts.
Without them
we couldn’t be
where we are.
We have volunteers
that come in and
do things for these birds.
Without them
we couldn’t be
where we are.
Without us, these birds
would have no home.
Ms. Huntbatch
has a sincere wish
for the future.
There are more parrots
coming in daily,
literally daily.
This morning at 6 o’clock
I looked at my computer,
“Would you take my
two Amazon (parrots)?
Would you take my
Moluccan Cockatoo?”
Six o’clock,
Sunday morning.
So this is
a never ending problem.
We have to work at
changing people’s minds
about buying parrots
for pets so that we can
eventually catch up with
those that do live to be 75
needing a home for life.
We do have to work at this
for a very long time,
but hopefully,
if the supply stops,
we eventually
will be able to say
“We’ve closed the doors,
because you don’t
need us anymore.” (Yes!)
We are deeply grateful,
Wendy Huntbatch and
all volunteers and staff
at the World Parrot Refuge
for your love, generosity,
and heartfelt kindness
in providing
a forever loving home
for all the birds
under your care.
You are an inspiration
and a beacon of light
in our world.
We wish you every success
in all your
compassionate endeavors,
and may your spirits
be lifted
to ever greater heights.
For more details on
the World Parrot Refuge,
please visit
Benevolent viewers,
thank you for joining us
today for our program.
Enlightening Entertainment
is coming up next,
after Noteworthy News,
here on
Supreme Master Television.
May the light and love
of Heaven always shine
brightly upon all beings.
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