Fast Disappearing Sea Ice: Interview with Professor Peter Wadhams - P1/2
noble world citizens,
to Planet Earth:
Our Loving Home.
Professor James Hansen,
a leading climate scientist
from the US
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
warns of our planet
quickly reaching
a tipping point
if global warming
continues at its current pace
after which runaway
climate change will occur.
At that time nothing will
be able to save our planet
from non-stop cataclysms
such as the total inundation
of coastal cities
by the oceans,
extreme temperatures,
and catastrophic storms
and flooding that destroy
everything in their path.
One of the warning signs
we are on this path
to destruction
is the rapid melting
of sea ice, glaciers
and ice sheets in and around
the Arctic and Antarctic.
Disappearing ice causes
the reflectivity
of the polar ice cap
in the Arctic to be reduced.
When this happens,
solar radiation is absorbed
rather than being
bounced back into space
resulting in warmer seas,
even less ice
and a hotter world.
The climbing
ocean temperatures
are causing
a fast sea ice retreat.
In 2009 scientists
at the National Snow
and Ice Data Center
in the US estimated
that in the Arctic
just 10% of the ice
is older, thicker ice
and 90% is
newly created, thin ice.
Professor Peter Wadhams
of the University
of Cambridge, UK
will discuss the impact
of these troubling
ongoing processes.
My name is Peter Wadhams.
I am Professor
of Ocean Physics
here at the Department
of Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics
at Cambridge University.
I specialize in the study
of sea ice and
I run a research group
which works on the
thickness and properties
of sea ice,
and the motion of sea ice
and at the moment,
of course,
the climatic effects
of sea ice, the fact
that it’s disappearing.
So that involves
working in the Arctic
and in the Antarctic,
using underwater vehicles
to measure how the (ice)
thickness is changing.
If you look over
the last 20 to 25 years,
the Arctic has lost
nearly half of its thickness
just in that length of time,
and this is a bigger loss
than the decreasing area,
so the Arctic is shrinking.
It’s also thinning fast
so it disappears vertically
before it disappears
by shrinking sideways.
It’s reached the point
now where the ocean
is warmer
and the air temperature
is warmer.
So we’re reaching
what you could call
a tipping point where
the melt in the summer
is now great enough
that all of the winter ice
will disappear
and only the older ice
will stay
at the end of the summer.
There’s a big jump
in the amount of ice
that’s disappearing
every year.
If this pernicious pattern
persists, the sea ice
will continue to recede
until it vanishes completely.
Without action,
the day of this
unthinkable possibility
is closer
than most of us imagine.
The submarine data
and climate models
are both showing
continuing thinning
and continuing retreat.
The models actually show
wide varieties
of predictions,
but the conservative ones
are saying that perhaps
in 20 to 30 years’ time
all of the sea ice
will have disappeared
during the summer months,
especially in September.
But some predictions are
that it will happen
quicker than that.
I suspect it’ll happen
quicker because
lots of new processes
are coming into play.
A lot more wave energy
is formed because you
got now big ocean areas
which used
to be ice covered,
and the waves come in
and break the ice up
some more, and because
the ice is unconstrained
by land masses, it can
expand out and break up.
The rate of decay
or the rate of retreat
will increase
as the actual area
gets much smaller.
it’s like falling off a cliff,
it will just all go.
What are some of the other
negative consequences
of sea ice loss?
The continental-shelf
areas around the Arctic,
here the water
is very shallow; it’s
less than 100 meters deep.
As the ice retreats
in the summer,
the water itself can warm up
and it’s absorbing
solar radiation, it warms
the whole water column
right down to the seabed.
You can get up to about
five degrees (Celsius)
now in the summer,
and that means
the seabed reaches
five degrees (Celsius),
and that’s enough
to melt the permafrost
on the seabed.
And then
the permafrost melting
releases methane
and hydrates
that were trapped
underneath it.
So you’re going
to get methane releases
all the way around
the edges of the Arctic
in the summer.
They’ve already
been detected
around the Siberian Sea
and probably
we’ll be getting them
all the way around
and that will mean
an increase in the
atmospheric-methane level.
In 2010
a team of scientists led by
Dr. Natalia Shakhova
from the Russian
Academy of Sciences
studied the East Siberian
Arctic Shelf
and took samples of
methane concentrations
at various ocean depths.
They found that annually
a staggering seven
teragrams of methane
is being released
from the shelf,
with each teragram
equivalent to
1.1 million tons of carbon.
This quantity of methane
is the same amount
all the oceans
around the world
emit each year.
Methane has 72-times the
global warming potential
of carbon dioxide
over a 20-year period.
Known as
one of the “shorter-lived”
greenhouse gases,
methane has been
identified as one of
the most important gases
needed to be reduced
quickly in order to initiate
rapid planetary cooling.
It’s a very powerful
greenhouse gas,
although it’s shorter-lived
than carbon dioxide
so if you have a big pulse
of methane it would have
a big, immediate effect
on global warming,
really accelerated,
and the aftermath would
last perhaps seven years
before it fades away.
We’re likely to get nearly
all the methane from
the continental shelves
of the Arctic
and quite a lot from
under the tundra on land
all being released
within a few years, and
that would be a big rise
for global warming.
All these effects
unfortunately tend to be
positive feedback effects
that one effect has
a feedback which
leads to an increase
in the next effect
and that’s a case where
the retreat of sea ice,
which is mainly due to
warming releases
a lot of methane
from the open water
that’s created, and then
the methane levels
in the atmosphere increase,
that increases
the warming level,
and that increases the rate
of retreat of the sea ice.
Carbon dioxide lasts longer
because it’s taking part
in the carbon cycle;
it’s being absorbed
by the ocean and
by vegetation on land,
but it’s then
being re-emitted again
by the ocean,
having being absorbed
into plankton
and then released from
the plankton again
when the plankton die.
There’s a whole
enormous number
of different pathways
by which carbon dioxide,
that’s a pulse that you
put into the atmosphere,
lasts longer
because it’s absorbed
in different ways,
but then re-emitted again,
and it lasts
about 100 years.
So it takes 100 years for
the impact of a big pulse
of carbon dioxide
to completely disappear.
So methane is
more potent molecule
for molecule, but its effect
goes away more quickly.
Another highly detrimental
greenhouse agent
is black carbon or soot.
Its global warming
potential over
a 20-year period has been
calculated at up to 4,700
times the heat-trapping
effect of carbon dioxide.
Many studies
on black carbon show
that it plays a major role
in global warming
and is another
of the main drivers
of sea ice loss.
Black carbon is
an atmospheric pollutant
and it falls out
of the atmosphere
so it’s short lived.
When it’s
in the atmosphere,
it’s helping
to cause absorption
of incoming radiation.
When black carbon is
deposited on ice or snow,
it darkens the top layer,
and instead of
reflecting sunlight as
under normal conditions,
the darkened surface
absorbs solar radiation,
which in turn warms
the surrounding area.
As a result,
more ice starts to melt.
Average sea temperatures
have gone up between
half and one degree
(Celsius) worldwide
in the last century
and also average ocean
salinities have gone down
because of adding fresh
water into the ocean
from the retreat of glaciers.
So there have been two
very measurable effects
on the ocean.
And of course
the biggest one is
the warming of the ocean,
which is helping to
cause the sea ice retreat.
A study published by
the Worldwatch Institute
in 2009 calculated
that at least 51%
of human-caused global
greenhouse gas emissions
come from the cycle of
producing and consuming
animal products.
The cycle includes
cattle grazing, which
results in vast tracts
of barren land that can
no longer absorb CO2
and the clearing
of precious rainforest,
that also acts
as a carbon sink,
to grow animal feed.
The livestock industry
annually generates
approximately 37%
of the world’s
human-induced releases
of methane.
Thus humanity embracing
a plant-based diet would
quickly lessen the release
of poisonous greenhouse
gases that are causing
immense sea ice loss
and rising
planetary temperatures.
There’s many ways
in which a vegetarian diet
would help.
One is reducing
the amount of land that’s
used for looking after
domestic animals, and
there’re massive amounts,
especially as the world
is tending towards
more of a meat diet.
Our appreciation
Professor Peter Wadhams
for your clear explanation
of the dangers
our planet is facing and
the need for the world
to immediately address
the fast disappearing sea ice
at the polar ice caps.
May you successfully
continue your
very important research
that is bringing everyone
invaluable information
on the state of the Arctic
and Antarctic as well as
our Earth’s climate.
Concerned viewers,
please join us again
next Wednesday
on Planet Earth:
Our Loving Home
for the conclusion
of our discussion with
Professor Peter Wadhams
on the state of the Arctic
and Antarctic.
For more details on
Professor Peter Wadhams,
please visit
Thank you
for your presence today
on our program.
May we always
do our utmost
to care for our world.
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