Lowering Healthcare Costs and Promoting Wellness Through the Vegan Lifestyle
conscientious viewers,
to Healthy Living.
This week we examine
how the vegan lifestyle
can significantly lower
the cost of food,
health insurance
and healthcare while
promoting wellness.
We’ll hear the views
of three individuals
in the US who’ve made
important contributions
to the field of public health:
Dr. Pamela Popper,
a vegan nutrition expert,
naturopath, and founder
and Executive Director
of the Wellness Forum,
Dr. Neal Barnard,
a vegan physician,
researcher, bestselling
author and President of
the Physicians Committee
for Responsible Medicine
and Ellen Jaffe
Jones, a vegan former
TV investigative reporter
and anchor, certified
personal-fitness trainer
and author of
“Eat Vegan on $4 a Day.”
Food Costs
We hear first
from Ms. Jaffe Jones,
who shares
how a plant-based diet,
free from meat, fish, eggs
and dairy products,
can substantially reduce
our grocery bills.
I wrote,
"Eat Vegan on $4 a Day"
because I saw so many
stories on the news
that said you can't
eat well on a budget.
I just felt like reporters
need more resources than
that very biased opinion
that, in order to
eat healthy, it has to
cost a lot of money.
I have eaten this way
most of the last 30 years.
So I knew personally
that it wasn't true.
And I also knew that
it costs so much money
when you don't eat
this way, not only
at the grocery store,
but then when you start
getting the diseases
of affluence
like cancer, diabetes,
and heart disease.
You know,
a bypass surgery
in the United States
can cost upwards
of US$100,000
to US$200,000.
So if you really
average out, as
we liked to do when I was
a financial consultant,
the cost
of that bypass surgery
into the cost
of a US$5 burger,
that US$5 burger may
actually cost like US$100
or US$1,000,
depending on
how many years you live
and how many burgers
you eat.
So it's not just as simple
as what you save
at the grocery store.
It's the amount of money
you have to pay
when you get sick
or when you have to
go to the hospital
or when you have to
hire people to help you
when you are so debilitated.
How is it possible to eat
on just US$4 a day?
It is simpler
than one might think.
The big secret to
eating well on US$4 a day
is buying foods in bulk,
and buying them
when they're on sale.
For example,
a big bag of beans
at a big box store
is about 10 cents
for a four-ounce serving
of cooked beans,
with high fiber, and is
a great source of protein.
You compare that
at the same big box store
to the cheapest form
of hamburger meat.
Now that's going
to be 30% fat.
I don't know what else is
in the other 70%,
stuff you wouldn't want
to eat anyway.
But that is going
to cost about 60 cents.
So burger meat is six times
more expensive
than bean protein.
And if you start going
to more expensive cuts
of meat like tenderloin,
for example, it's going
to be even more expensive.
And if you go to
a restaurant,
it's going to be
even more expensive.
So, you really
save a lot of money
by eating bean protein.
And even if you don't buy
the biggest bag of beans,
canned beans are
only twice as expensive
as cooking beans
from scratch.
And it's just
not a big deal to
cook beans from scratch.
My book has a lot of tips
on how to do that
in a quick way,
in an easy way.
I give all the proportions
of water to beans.
So if people have
never cooked beans
from scratch,
it's not a big deal.
Ms. Jaffe Jones has
several recommendations
regarding shopping
for groceries.
First, make sure you eat
before going shopping,
as we tend to buy
“impulse foods”
when we’re hungry.
Second, purchase
fruits and vegetables
when they’re in season
or on sale.
Third, if the price of some
of the fruits or veggies
is exceptionally good,
buy extra quantities and
freeze or dehydrate them
for use in the winter months
when prices
are much higher.
There's a great deal
of variety
in a plant-based diet,
even eating on US$4 a day.
The big secret to
eating on US$4 a day, is,
“beans, greens,
and grains.”
The more extended answer
is to cook foods
in their natural states.
Stay away from the frozen
processed food aisles.
Shop the perimeter
of the store.
But it's very easy
to have beans be
the source of your protein,
whether it's lunch
or dinner.
You can combine it
with a wholegrain,
and even grains are only
about 5 cents to 10 cents
more expensive
per ounce than beans.
So when you
combine those two,
you get all your calories.
And then you have
plenty of money left over
to go buy the vegetables
and the fruits that might be
a little more expensive.
But even a banana
costs only 22 cents.
So it is nature's
perfect “fast food.”
You just don't need
to buy Twinkies.
For the price
of one Twinkie, you can
have three servings
of bean protein.
So you really can
save your health so much
by looking at
different options
in the plant kingdom.
People say, "Well, isn't that
kind of a boring diet?"
And I go, "Excuse me?
There are 90 different
fruits and vegetables
out there.
So if you don't like one or
two fruits or vegetables,
try another one."
Produce comes
in a wide range of colors,
and for good reason.
Nature gave us
these beautiful colors
and foods. Why?
So we would eat them;
so we would be
attracted to them.
And I like to say, "Eat
the colors of the rainbow,
because nature
did a great job in putting
almost every color
with an associated
anti-oxidant or nutrient
or vitamin that makes you
just want to crave
that purple cabbage
or the eggplant
or a red apple
or a yellow squash."
There are just so many
different colors out there.
They're great
and they're cheap.
Many meat-based recipes
can easily be converted into
delicious, money-saving
vegan dishes.
An example
of a specific recipe
would be if you're
used to making chili
with hamburger meat.
Given the example
of beans costing 10 cents
versus the same quantity
serving of hamburger meat
costing 60 cents,
just in that meal alone,
if you're cooking
for your family,
you can see how
this would multiply out
not only over that meal
but over that day,
the course of a week,
the course of a year
and a lifetime.
The savings are really
phenomenal when you
start multiplying this out.
And that's just the food
that costs money
at the grocery store.
When you figure out
that you don't need
the US$100,000
bypass surgery,
the savings are tremendous.
One of the best ways
to save money and
improve one’s health is
to avoid purchasing
processed foods.
Cookies and crackers
are probably
some of the worst kinds
of processed foods
that you can buy,
in part because
they’re so addictive,
but they’re also
very expensive.
So if you are eating rice
as a whole grain by itself,
that’s going to cost you
maybe 10 cents
to 15 cents
for a quarter-cup serving
(45 grams),
and that’s going to
fill you up for that meal,
as opposed to
a package of cookies,
which costs
maybe US$3-US$4.
Another big one
would be cereals
that are very processed
and very expensive,
in the big boxes.
Then when you look
inside the box there’s
not quite so much inside,
and a whole a lot of sugar,
a lot of
high fructose corn syrup
in many products,
a lot of added sugar
in different forms.
What I like to eat
in the morning is
a quarter cup of oats,
and that cooks
into a half-cup serving.
And I add some fruit to that
and that costs me
maybe 20-25 cents;
verses 50 cents to a dollar
for a grocery store
serving of
the same quantity.
And that doesn’t
even include the fruit.
Once people experience
how wonderful they feel
and how much money
they save
on a plant-based diet,
they become
enthusiastic advocates
of the vegan way.
My book has only been
out four months
and already I'm getting
a tremendous response
from people on Facebook.
I have close to
and the response really
has been amazing.
People are getting the book
and within a week
of reading it saying,
"I'm already
seeing a difference."
And some of the people
are already vegan.
Some of them are not.
So especially,
when they're not vegan
and they trade out
a few meat meals a week
for bean protein,
for example,
they really start to see
some significant savings.
And if it's more than
just them, say they have
a family of four,
it's really quite noticeable.
And I give a lot of tips
in the book
about how to save money
at the grocery store.
And it's important
to understand that it's not
just looking for beans
in quantity
but there are other ways
to save money,
like understanding
that products, especially
the more expensive
products, are placed
right in front of your eyes,
at eye level,
so you will be sure
to buy those things.
And understanding
what the stores are doing
to try to get us to buy
is important, too.
Healthcare Costs
But saving money
on grocery bills
is only the beginning.
Consuming animal products
leads to many serious,
life-threatening illnesses
which are
entirely preventable.
It is really important
that you understand you
will save not only money
in the choices of the food
that you buy, but
by avoiding the diseases
and illnesses that making
poor food selections
will cause.
Many people tell me,
and I certainly have had
this experience, that once
they adopt a vegan diet,
they don’t get sick.
Every time
when I was younger
and I used to run
a great distance
like six miles,
I would get sick
like clockwork.
And since I have adopted
a plant-based diet,
I just never get sick.
When most people
make this change,
they never go back.
They are amazed how
delicious the food tastes,
how colorful and vibrant
it is, how energized
they feel by it.
And then, when
they start saving money
on their medical bills,
they’re going like, “Well,
why didn’t I start this
20 years ago?”
And how much time is lost
because they didn’t
start it sooner.
So my advice would be:
“Do it now. Don’t waste
another minute.”
You’re going
to have so much energy.
You’re going
to save so much money,
and I think it’s something
that you will never regret.
Mounting scientific
research is revealing
the direct relationship
between eating
animal-based foods
and rapidly climbing
healthcare costs.
In 1995, Dr. Neal Barnard
and colleagues conducted
an extensive study
comparing the prevalence
of hypertension, cancer,
diabetes, gallbladder
disease, obesity-related
musculoskeletal disorders
and food-borne diseases
in meat eaters and
vegetarians in the US.
The researchers
then calculated
the medical costs, including
needed physician
and hospital services
and prescription drugs,
due to meat consumption.
When we compare people
who eat meat and
those who don’t eat meat,
the people who eat meat
have a higher risk
of certain diseases,
heart disease,
certain forms of cancer,
high blood pressure,
diabetes, obesity
and some others.
And when we look at
the frequency
of those diseases,
and we associate
the added healthcare costs
that come with them,
we could determine
the proportion
that’s attributable
to meat consumption.
And the result is shocking:
Meat consumption
increases healthcare costs
in the billions of dollars
every year.
In the US we’re
in the trillions of dollars
in medical costs.
And a very substantial
portion of that
is related to the fact
that the Americans follow
a very unhealthy diet.
And unfortunately
it's getting worse
year by year.
In the 1990s,
we calculated that
US$30- to US$60-billion
of medical costs
were directly attributable
to meat consumption,
just for a very few
health conditions.
We were being
very conservative.
Since that time,
it's been 15 or more years,
those costs have
escalated dramatically.
of animal products
is the primary cause of
heart attacks and strokes
which, according to the
World Health Organization,
are the world’s
most common diseases,
and account for
about 23% of
all annual deaths globally.
We know
that in the United States,
the cost of a (coronary)
bypass surgery,
just one bypass can be
between US$100,000
and US$200,000.
So if you are able to
avoid that surgery,
whether you pay for it,
the insurance company
pays for it
or the government
pays for it, that is just
for one person.
If you multiply that by
all the heart procedures
that could be avoided,
I think billions of dollars
could be saved, billions.
And the bottom line is
preventable diseases
are just not sustainable.
It doesn’t matter
who pays for them.
It’s not only the medicine
that is used
to treat cancer, but
the caregiver expenses
that must be maintained.
Again, billions of dollars
will be saved
if we can avoid
just one of these diseases.
So the numbers add up
really fast, and we have
very clear data on the cost
of caring for people
with various conditions.
If you have
multiple sclerosis
in the United States, it’s
about US$50,000 a year
to take care of you.
So, somebody’s
insurance company is
paying for that;
diabetes, US$11,777;
Crohn's disease,
30-some thousand dollars.
Those are all diseases
we can get rid of.
And then what’s the cost?
According to the Centers
for Disease Control
and Prevention,
68% of all adults
and nearly one-third
of children in the US
are considered either
overweight or obese,
and these conditions
often lead to diabetes,
a leading cause of
blindness, amputations,
and loss of kidney function.
Diabetes is
an enormous drain on
the US healthcare system,
costing an estimated
US$128 billion
in 2010 alone.
We have got to do
something about kids.
And parents have a lot of
erroneous attitudes
about food,
some of which are
a result of advertising.
Our kids’ diets
are getting worse
at younger ages,
and so they're getting
sicker and fatter earlier.
And the ramifications
with this are severe
because when you start out
your adult life sick
and overweight,
the cost monetarily
is outrageous.
But the cost in terms of
the quality of your life
is horrendous.
When I was 20 years old,
I thought I was invincible.
I don't see a lot of
20-year-olds feeling
that way about themselves
right now.
They're tired, they’re sick,
they're overweight.
I can outrun
most 25-year-olds in
the gym and a yoga class.
medical expenses
are not only a concern
in the US, but in many
other countries as well.
The health costs do differ,
but the trend
that we are seeing
in almost every country
is towards increasing
meat consumption, and
that follows increasing
affluence and increasing
ease of distribution.
In China, meat intake has
increased by about 50%
in the last 10 years,
and behind it will come
more and more diabetes,
more and more
healthcare costs,
more and more expenditure.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
has also spoken
on many occasions about
the extremely high price
of eating meat,
as during this excerpt
from a September 2008
interview on the US-based
Sound Radio.
Meat eating
cause heart disease,
over 17 million people
perish each year
due to heart attack
and high blood pressure.
I’m talking all this
according to the World
Health Organization,
and United States
health agencies etc., etc.
Twenty million people
survive heart attack
but related ongoing cost
of their case is enormous.
The cost of burden of
cardiovascular diseases
to individual
and government alone
in United States is
US$700 billion per year!
It’s not me
who is speaking.
It’s your
government research.
And now, cancer,
more than 940,000
colon cancer cases yearly
and nearly
a half a million people
die from it each year.
In the US alone,
cancer treatment
cost US$6.5 billion.
Prostrate and bladder
cancer affects more than
half a million people
every year.
Researchers have identified
chemical substance in
cooked, fried and grilled
meat that’s considered
direct cause of cancer
and people who eat beef
4 or more times a week
are found to be
4 times as likely to be
having colon cancer than
those consuming less.
And concerning diabetes,
246 million people
are affected by this.
And the cost of it
is US$174 billion.
Add it all together
from the top up to now,
how many billions
we spent just concerning
treating people with
meat-related diseases.
And that’s
in the United States alone.
And obesity is 1.6 billion
adults are overweight
with 400 million more
who are obese.
The cost
of individual treatment
for that is US$93 billion
per year and another
2.6 million people
die from problems related
to being overweight.
How much do firms
in the US spend on
employee health insurance?
What is the connection
between the vegan diet
and company productivity?
Our experts answer
these and other questions
after this brief pause.
Please stay tuned
to Supreme Master
Welcome back to
Healthy Living,
as we continue
with our program
on how the vegan diet
can promote wellness
while substantially
reducing healthcare costs.
The estimated amount
expended on healthcare
in the USA is now
over US$2 trillion a year,
more than any other
industrialized country
in the world.
This steadily rising figure
means ever higher
health insurance premiums
for both individuals
and companies.
So many people, especially
in the United States
are going bankrupt
because they can't afford
either insurance
or the diseases
that they're getting,
that insurance companies
won't pay for,
or can't pay for.
The average employee is
costing their company
on a family plan,
something in the vicinity
of $1,500 a month.
That’s a lot of money.
That’s a lot of money.
Some plans
are more expensive,
some plans
are less expensive,
but any way you cut it,
it’s a lot of money.
Illnesses caused by eating
meat, dairy and eggs
not only drive up
healthcare costs,
they also cripple
company productivity.
You have a lot of
direct costs and then
you have indirect costs.
If somebody doesn’t
show up for work today,
that’s one thing, but then
if they show up for work
not feeling very well
day after day, and their
productivity is decreased,
that’s a little harder
to measure.
It's the person that
calls you at seven
in the morning and says,
“I’m not coming in
today, I’m sick.”
Or, “I’m not coming in
today because
I have a sick child.”
And so here you’ve
a company with maybe
12 or 15 employees
and now we got to
scramble around and
cover this person’s work
and we were going to
have a staff meeting today
but we can’t do it
without this key person.
What is the solution to
these rapidly accelerating
health-related expenses?
Health insurance
companies have begun to
recognize the importance
of what we eat.
Scott Forslund,
Vice President of
Corporate Communications
for Premera
Blue Cross,
a health insurer in the US,
has stated,
“The connection
between a vegetarian diet
and reducing the costs
of these high-impact
health conditions
is clear as a bell.”
Dr. Popper,
Ellen Jaffe Jones,
and Dr. Neal Barnard
all agree that the best way
to reduce
healthcare expenditures
is through communities
the plant strong diet.
So I think this is really,
at least in my mind,
very much a solution,
that if everybody
went vegan, we would
save so much money
in insurance
and medical costs.
The solution's so simple.
It’s the food.
And it’s so simple that
people have trouble
believing it.
Everybody is looking for
some new discovery,
some new procedure.
(But) it’s the food.
All we have to do is
teach them how to
eat different stuff.
And contrary to popular
belief, their grocery bill
goes down.
This is not
an expensive way to eat.
It’s a very cheap way
to eat, actually.
And so, again, it’s
back to everybody wins.
If the entire US population
could somehow all adopt
a healthy vegan diet,
we would easily
save US$150 billion,
every single year,
this year, next year,
and next year.
That will be a big burden
off of the taxpayers,
but also off of the
government and the state
and local governments
as well.
That figure that I just gave
doesn’t include the cost
of disability, lost income
and when a person
can’t work, and they
can't pay taxes anymore,
or they need
long-term nursing care.
The cost I gave was just
for the doctors’ bills,
and the hospital bills and
the prescription costs alone.
It is many times higher
when we include those
extra indirect costs.
There are so many cases
where a person already
has a disease
or a health condition,
when they change their diet,
everything does get better.
So, for example, a person
has got extra weight
or diabetes, hypertension,
or even artery blockages
that lead to heart disease.
When they change
their diet,
all of those things improve.
And then
all the medical costs
that they’re using
for treating them, whether
that’s for medications
or doctor visits,
that all drops as well, and
it can drop dramatically.
And I’m amazed
at how many women
probably could have
avoided a hysterectomy
if they’d had a doctor
who said, “Why don’t try
a plant-based (diet).”
And I am also astounded
at the amount of money
that could be saved
with women
who are seeking answers
in the medical community
for menopause treatments.
If they could just try a,
plant-based diet.
Food really
is powerful medicine.
That’s now pretty clear
that if a person follows a
healthy, plant-based diet,
it will really promote
health in a good way.
The next step, though,
is how to implement it
So we have
a couple of models
that I think are useful.
One is
in the business setting.
You can offer healthy,
vegan meals right
in the company cafeteria.
And you can offer
a little bit of assistance
to people who want
to make a diet change.
It’s easy to do, and
the business saves money.
We’ve tested it at
one of America’s biggest
auto insurance companies,
and they loved it.
The second model is
in office practices.
Instead of doctors
just treating one patient
at a time, in addition to that,
the patients can come
into the waiting room
all as a group.
And you do a cooking class.
And you do it once a week.
So they may see
the doctor here and there,
but if you give them
extra support
in changing their diet,
it makes the doctor’s life
a whole lot easier.
We’ve tested that out
and it works really well.
So if we give people
the tools at work,
at the doctor’s office,
in schools where people are,
to help them
change their diet,
I think that’s going
to really be the answer.
In the US, one can
purchase a hamburger
at a fast-food outlet
for 99 cents.
A study by the Center for
Science and Environment
estimated that
the true cost of
a hamburger in the US,
government subsidies to
the livestock industry,
the harm to public health
from consuming beef and
environmental damage
caused by producing it
is US$200.
Given its
wide-ranging health
and financial benefits,
Dr. Barnard believes that
the plant-based lifestyle
should also be
highly encouraged
by the US government.
Right now,
our government
in the United States
really needs
to change its focus.
It’s very much focused
on promoting
agricultural products,
cheese consumption, and
promoting high prices
for meat.
And to do that, it buys up
meat and cheese
and puts it in schools,
for example.
And the dietary guidelines
are not very progressive.
All of those things
need to change so that
children are getting
lots of the vegetables
and fruits that they need,
beans and whole grains
that don't have
the animal fat in them.
We’d have
a healthier population,
and we save some money
in the bargain.
During a November 2009
videoconference with
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
held in Washington DC,
USA, she discussed
how the US government
can help its citizens
live healthier lives
and save our planet by
prohibiting the production
of all animal-based foods.
Meat causes
hundreds of billions –
hundreds of billions! –
of US dollars in
medical costs alone, and
economic burdens on
families and governments.
Not to mention
the pain and suffering
of the families, of course,
unimaginably great
and lifelong.
And all the while, we are
suffering illness,
losing lives, grieving
over lost loved ones,
family members;
losing happiness;
losing money
due to the animal diet.
We are the ones who
are paying the industry
to continue producing
this problem, producing
meat, fish and the like,
with our hard earned
tax money that’s used
to subsidize them.
The US government
could, of course, redirect
the billions of dollars
now spent on
livestock subsidies to
help farmers switch to
organic vegetable
and fruit agriculture.
That will be a great help
to your country and the
health of the Americans.
The government could
use these powerful tools to
spread campaigns about
veg alternatives,
bans on meat, and laws
to help people switch to
organic, vegan farming
and consumption.
That is, we save
US$32 trillion in
climate mitigation costs,
and having a healthy
vegan population
is a good deal,
good business deal
in all positive aspects.
There is a very good
reason for the American
government to abolish
meat, fish, eggs and dairy
– all the animal products
We must stop
animal production now
and at all cost if we
want to keep this planet.
I repeat: We must stop
animal products right now
and at all cost if we
want to keep this planet.
I have always looked to
the American people and
their great government
leaders as one of the
best living examples of
democracy and freedom,
integrity, of our world.
I must tell you truthfully
that the meat industry
is unbefitting
to the greatness of
your country and of the
great American citizen.
Don’t you agree, sir?
Thank you.
Great people deserve
great things.
Great people lead
great lifestyles.
So we have to do away
with the un-great things
and we have to
begin the great things,
for the great people,
great country like America.
I pray, sir, that the ones
who are aware and
want to save the children
will do something
about it, and fast,
to stop this horrendous
criminal system
that is killing us and
destroying our planet,
and that we must not
allow any longer.
Thank you and God bless
your faith in the Divine,
in your leaders,
and yourselves.
God bless America!
Dr. Neal Barnard,
Ellen Jaffe Jones,
and Dr. Pamela Popper,
we deeply thank you for
your valuable insights on
how widespread adoption
of a plant-based lifestyle
can significantly reduce
our grocery bills, prevent
many types of illnesses,
and materially reduce
national healthcare costs.
We truly admire
the leadership each of you
has demonstrated in
the area of public health,
and may you enjoy
every success in all your
future noble endeavors.
We also deeply thank
Supreme Master Ching Hai
for promoting the wise,
life-saving vegan solution.
For more information on
today’s featured experts,
please visit
the following websites:
Dr. Neal Barnard
Ellen Jaffe Jones
Dr. Pamela Popper
Books by all three experts
are available at
Perceptive viewers,
thank you for joining us
for this week’s episode of
Healthy Living.
May we soon live
in a vegan world
of great abundance,
where all beings enjoy
lasting wellness
and happiness.
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