Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: The Singing Voice of Trương Chi - P1/2 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!... Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do... I cannot please everybody, So I will please me! That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

“The Singing Voice of Trương Chi” is a chèo traditional opera based on a timeless love story in the treasure of Aulacese folk tales about Mỵ Nương, a young lady from an aristocratic family, and Trương Chi, a boatman with a noble singing voice and heart. The tale about the talented yet ill-fated singer has been the subject of many poems and musical compositions until this day.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “The Singing Voice of Trương Chi” by playwright Trần Đình Ngôn. It will presented in 2 episodes, with performances by Phú Kiên as Trương Chi, An Chinh as Mỵ Nương, Khắc Tư as the Prime Minister, Mạnh Phóng as the Village Elder, Phúc Lợi as Nobleman Hoàng, Tuấn Kha as the Sorcerer, Lã Khương as Guard Tốt, Mạnh Huấn as Guard Binh, and other artists.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May you and your family be graced with happiness and love. Farewell for now.

Immense are the silvery water and golden moon. My love is like the waves, yours the moonlight. A carefree boat at midnight carries the golden moonlight to shore. Leaving, would you remember my love? Waves are lapping on the riverbank. O beloved, let us forget not each other! The oars haven’t rested; I still wait late into the night. O my beloved!

Trương Chi! (Elder.)

I heard that you plan to go to the Western Palace?

What? You’re going to the Western Palace?

Elder and villagers, yes, I am.

I tell you honestly: You should not go there, son. At the mandarin’s palace, you’d incur more ill luck than good fortune. I advise against it.

Brother Trương Chi, you’re just a poor boatman. Why would the Prime Minister summon you there?

The Prime Minister likes my singing, so he asked for my presence at the Western Palace.

People love your singing. Let’s assume so. But you go there to accept praise and reward or to sell your voice too?

That’s right. You go there to accept praise and rewards, or to sell your voice too?

They have money to buy precious things; they may as well buy your singing.

May I take leave, Elder and villagers? I must go to the Western Palace to find out if it’s true that people in luxurious mansions also know how to appreciate a lotus in muddy water.

You should not go there, son. If you don’t bow to authority and bring out your sweet singing voice to flatter them, you’ll be charged for showing contempt and being arrogant. You may lose your head because of your noble heart.

The elder is right. Don’t go, brother.

Please forgive me, Elder and villagers. I have to go.

Trương Chi! (Elder!)

In planning a lifelong relationship, don’t forget that people’s hearts, though sometimes like a vast sea, are still strewn with spikes and thorns. Don’t forget that people’s hearts, though sometimes like a vast sea, are still strewn with spikes and thorns. O son, being poor by fate, don’t covet someone else’s lot. O son, being poor by fate, don’t covet someone else’s lot.

Thị Hường. (Yes.) Have you finished preparing?

Yes, I have.

You should help your noble miss receive Trương Chi courteously.

Yes, I’ve followed Your Excellency’s instructions exactly. Mr. Trương should be here soon.

Invite your noble miss here for me.

Yes, Your Excellency.

What a pity! She’s been lovesick for Trương Chi’s singing for days. A noble young lady, daughter of the Prime Minister, is pining for a boatman. But I do not mind, as long as my daughter is cured of illness.

O child, I’ve gratified your wish. I’ve had Trương Chi invited and you may meet him right here.

I’m very grateful, Father.

I also came from poverty. It is due to my diligent study, then dedication in a mandarin’s duty, that I’m trusted and promoted by His Majesty. Though the highest- ranking mandarin in the court now, I haven’t forgotten my time in hardship. I dare not look down on the labor class. It’s just that nobleman Hoàng came asking for your hand in marriage, and the Deputy Prime Minister is greatly favored by His Majesty. So it’s really hard for me to refuse them. O child, it’s not easy to choose one from the countless paths in life. Human’s assent must still have Heaven’s consent. In marriage, who wouldn’t depend on affinity?

Respected father, please allow me to once meet him whose singing resounds amid the emerald river. If fortunately it’s Heaven and Buddha’s will, please have pity and make my wish come true.

If you truly love the boatman, I won’t be small-minded. Han Xin was poor but later in command of many thousand soldiers. Who knows? The poor boatman may later shoulder national affairs. I shall let you freely decide for yourself.

I’m grateful, father.

Thị Hường! (Yes.) Is it reality or am I dreaming? Is it true that he will join me in a vow of love? Please advise me! What are the most beautiful words to say? Should I express my intention or let him take the lead?

Alas! I don’t know what is right to tell you. I’ve never made a vow with anyone. Please speak from your heart, gentle miss, then it’ll surely flow beautifully.

Later, in this Western Palace, not on the deep emerald water, his singing will lull me to peaceful sleep. Garden blossoms will be more fragrant and colorful. Yellow orioles will fly away embarrassed as their carol pales in comparison to his singing.

Noble miss, you look so beautiful today!

Not really! My appearance has withered due to many forlorn days.

Noble miss, the gray cloud has dissolved; the moon was dim but now is bright again. Flowers in spring breeze are evermore enchanting. Gentle miss, here is the mirror; take another look at yourself!

Lo, jeweled eyes! Behold, fair tresses, making you all the more lovely! Such love-yearning eyes, fairies wouldn’t easily possess. On the emerald river, he rests the oars to sing for her who’s been mesmerized and waiting. She waits for him to make a vow under the moon.

You know, his coming to me is like spring returning to flowers and leaves, like the pouring rain upon a barren field. I’m beautiful? No, no. How can I compare to his singing? Alas! What words can fully express my feeling? Know you not, I still wait for you. How I wish to convey my longing! Swallows flying at sky’s end as the Western veranda tilts its shadow.

Knowing the singer, you love him more ardently.

My heart is stirred with yearning every evening.

Mesmerized, you’ve become lovesick.

Respectful greetings, noble miss!

Thị Hường! (Yes.) Is it really him who just comes?

Noble miss, your wish has come true. Look, noble miss! Have courage and go out to greet him!


Noble miss! Noble miss!

Thị Hường! (Yes.) Please ask him to have a seat.

Precious guest, my lady asks that you have a seat and she will receive you.

Please forgive me. I... I’m weak and tired. I’ve just caught a gust of cold wind. Please have a seat!

You don’t feel well today. May I take leave so you can rest?

Please don’t leave so soon! When will I ever see you again? Today I invited you here to thank you for letting me enjoy your singing which resounds from the river.

My rural singing voice isn’t worthy of your golden feeling.

No. Your singing is very beautiful! Your singing is immense like the sea, gentle like a waft of breeze, warm like a kitchen fire in the winter, cooling like the summer’s rain. Your singing is sweet like the scent of orchid and lily, crystal clear like a precious gem. When you start singing, birds can barely fly, and clouds are reluctant to drift. Even the sparrow in the meadow or the yellow oriole in the shrine has to cease twittering to listen to your singing, how would those sentimental and melancholy souls not adore your voice?

Thank you, noble miss. You’ve offered beauteous praise of my singing. But I’m afraid this boatman’s singing doesn’t deserve your compliments. Perhaps it’s just your imagination, because how could an unrefined country man have any talent worthy of jade and gold?

No. I didn’t imagine it. Your singing voice is like that. I dare not look down upon the labor class and having always admired your talent.

I know. You would imagine a sweet orange to have bright red skin, a fragrant lily to have soft white petals. Yet you’re surprised to find an aromatic and tasty water caltrop to have an ash-like shell. Reality and dreams are two different things. I... I’ve done you wrong for bringing here the reality that ruins a golden dream.

No, no. Please don’t think like that! I invited you here because I love your singing. Please drink down your cup in honor of your voice.

Thank you, noble miss. Having known now the sweet, sour and bitter tastes, I feel no passion to drink with you this cup. Your jeweled words are respectfully appreciated. I bid you farewell.

The singing echoes from the long river amid strong tides. A silhouette tilts in the north-east wind. Who would understand how I feel? The lyrics contain seasons of rain and shine. I... I invited you here, yet I’ve displeased you. I’m really at fault. Here is a token of my gift to celebrate the day I meet an exquisite talent. Please kindly accept it. If you don’t think my father’s residence is small, please come here to water the flowers and trim the hibiscus wall. My father will reward you greatly. And I will be able to listen to your singing right in the Western Palace, not an echo from the river. Do you agree to it?

I appreciate your sympathy for a poor person, but I can’t sell my voice to anyone nor can I sell my dignity.

Even pure gold is spurned.

Noble miss, respect can’t be measured by gold and silver. I’m sure that if only to thank me for my singing, you wouldn’t have asked for me to come all the way to the Western Palace. Regretfully, I’ve turned out to be a different person than what you’ve been dreaming of. You’ve tried to be courteous, but your eyes quietly tell me: “What for do you come here? I just need your voice.” Noble miss, take another look! The mirror has been dropped and shattered.

I’ve lingered here too long already. I’d like to take leave, noble miss. The passengers, the oars and the water are probably waiting for me now. I wish you peace and good health.

You loved and pined for the boatman so much, but when you met him, you were indifferent.

Is that the truth? It isn’t what I dreamt of. His appearance is not as exquisite as his singing. Alas! Why does reality have to be so harsh? To whom shall I consign my love?

He’s indeed a noble person with respectable and admirable demeanors. Unfortunately, his unsightly appearance has obscured his inner beauty. Could it be that all his charm has gone into his singing voice? Gentle miss, he already came here, why did you let him go back? You want a flawless jade, but once having got hold of this one, you let it drop.

The mirror was broken for real? Is the mirror cracked, or is my face divided in two? One half is gentle and sentimental, the other half is arrogant and snobbish. The mirror has shattered, or the image of a faithful lover has dissolved with a beautiful dream?

Immense are the silvery water and golden moon. My love is like the waves, yours the moonlight. A carefree boat at midnight carries the golden moonlight to shore. Leaving, would you remember my love? Waves are lapping on the riverbank. O beloved, let us forget not each other! The oars haven’t rested; I still wait late into the night. O my beloved!

Trương Chi!

Not many people rise to paradise in one step. With wicked plots and cunning schemes, with clever tricks and a bit of kowtow, I’ll secure rank and title some day. Gem-studded palanquin, luxurious mansion... A golden dream! I’ll go sightseeing in a purple carriage with pomp and splendor. Many beautiful women will serve me intoxicating drinks with their ivory hands. What a thrill to be a man of rank and to have the commoners bow at your feet!

O nobleman! Serious trouble, O sir! Sir, it’s serious!

What’s the matter?

The medicine...

What happened to the medicine?

It’s burnt already!

O God! You’re good for nothing! Don’t you know? It’s not easy for the Prime Minister to allow me to take care of the ailing gentle miss.

Yes, I know.

My relationship with her depends on the medicine bowl. But you let it burn to shame me. You...

Please, please forgive me, sir. Yes, I know, sir. It’s said that burnt medicine or overcooked rice is bad luck.

That’s right!

But to you, even when the rice is good and the medicine is sweet, I still don’t see any good luck. (What?) I also heard this from the noble miss’ attendant.

What did her attendant say?

She said that the medicine was prepared very meticulously and brought all the way from the Deputy Prime Minister’s residence. (Right.) However the gentle miss never took it; she even showed disdain. I regret the effort of keeping my eyes wide open all dayand night. I regret my effort of serving you. I regret my effort of serving you.

Look, look! (Yes.) You can only serve me, all right! (Yes.) Now, go wash the pot and prepare another bowl of medicine, quickly! (Yes.) Hurry up! Wait! (Yes.) Try to serve me wholeheartedly. (Yes.) If one day I can marry the Prime Minister’s daughter, I’ll help you become a waterway patroller.

Well, sir! I wouldn’t dare. (Why?) You incite me to have high hopes. It’d only make me feel self-pity, lamenting my own lot, O sir.

Listen! (Yes.) I’m still alive and you’re crying, that means..

O sir, it went like this. Just now, when I sat fanning the fire for the medicine, I looked outside and saw a...

A what?

A toad. Goodness, it’s very stinky, sir!

I don’t see anything.

It’s sitting under a taro leaf. (Is that right?) He probably detected the fragrant scent from the noble young lady’s dress, wafting here all the way from the Western Palace.


Yes. He saw that the veranda there is a thousand times bigger than the taro leaf. So he tried to climb up. He jumped along the wall. But woe to him, the wall was vertical. The toad kept climbing up then falling down. Falling down, he tried to climb up again. He kept trying... until he was exhausted, then he dropped dead. (Really?) Seeing all that, I felt very sorry for the toad. So I ran into the garden right away, picked up a dry willow branch, and stuck it by the toad. O God, help the poor toad!

You’re such a pious man!

Indeed, a dead toad covets a beautiful maiden. An unemployed homeless dreams of sounding the village’s night drum. Do you know what, sir? I was so busy watching the toad that I forgot the medicine and let it burn.

Enough! You’re only good at being glib. Go clean up the pot to prepare another bowl of medicine! Quick!

Yes, I’ll go inside now to prepare...

Be quick! (Yes, sir.)

How is it? Is it done?

All done. I crawled under the bed of the noble miss and placed a charm at its front foot. But... it was a very difficult task.

Something is wrong with your charms lately. Many charms have been installed to no effect. The Prime Minister keeps using her illness as an excuse to decline my betrothal gifts. And she keeps rejecting me. Every time I went over to ask about her health, she wouldn’t let me get close to her bed.

A beautiful woman playing hard to get, that’s normal, sir. If she puts on airs, you must play humble. If she puts on airs, you must play humble. Even if you must crawl under her bed, do it anyway. Bow to one person, so that you can rule many thousands of people. If you want to be the Prime Minister’s son-in-law, you’ll have to yield at the Western Palace.

Right! That’s why I had to humble myself to crouch under a lady chamber’s curtain. It’s said that “a young man staying with his wife’s family is like crawling under the pantry.” Even if I had to creep under the pantry or crawl under the bed to be the Prime Minister’s son-in-law, I would bear it. Alas! High salary and title are like a dream of fame that keeps hovering before my eyes. Days of glory are awaiting me.

Sir, while crawling under her bed to install the charm, I heard her mumbling to herself about Trương Chi’s singing. So the singing voice on the river is more powerful than any love potion or charm.

Impossible! She didn’t care to look at the face of that boorish boatman.

It’s correct that she doesn’t like that boorish guy, but his singing keeps stirring her heart, evoking many fancy dreams. The noble miss aspires very high, while you haven’t got much. Thus, for the love potion and charm to be effective, you must eliminate Trương Chi’s singing right away.

So, my opponent is Trương Chi’s singing. Fine! I’m the waterway patroller in charge of rivers in this area. The area where he works is the meritorious land of the Deputy Prime Minister, my father. I’ll find a way to falsely accuse Trương Chi, then I can get rid of him easily as putting my hand in my pocket.

That’s right.

Why wait? Let him go see Heaven, finished!

Hold it! No need to kill him. Just forbid him to sing.

His singing keeps weaving lofty dreams, while I’m plain and coarse. I detest Trương Chi’s singing voice. I resent Trương Chi’s singing voice. Guards! (Yes.) Bring two sharp swords here for me!

Here they are, sir.

Are they really sharp?

Yes, very sharp.

Try it out for me to see!

Try it out where, sir?

If Trương Chi refuses to stop singing, behead him immediately.

Immense are the silvery water and golden moon. My love is like the waves, yours the moonlight. A carefree boat at midnight carries the golden moonlight to shore. Leaving, would you remember my love? Waves are lapping on the riverbank. O beloved, let us forget not each other! The oars haven’t rested; I still wait late into the night.

Hey, Trương Chi the boatman! Be quiet! You’re not allowed to sing! Come up here for the waterway patroller’s words of teaching.

That guy over there, listen! Who permits you to ferry people?

Sir, my family, for three generations, have paddled to ferry passengers. I’ve paid docking tax and ferry tax on time.

Your ferry business is considered all right, but listen to my question. Who gives you the right to sing?

Who permits you to sing?

Sir, people in this world, when they couldn’t fully express their excitement, they’d move their arms and legs; when their lament couldn’t yet relieve their grief, their tears would flow; and on moonlit nights with cool breeze, when their hearts are light, they’d think about worldly life and feel inspired to sing. To sing or not is permitted by their hearts.

Insolent! You gave yourself the right to sing anything you want?

Wretched! Now, are you going to sing properly? Just sing the song “A stork, a heron, and an egret…”

Just sing like that.


Just sing about goby and dory, the kind of song that lulls kids to sleep, then why would anyone forbid you?

That’s right! Just sing like that, why would anyone forbid you?

I sing about compassion in life and kindness among humans, for neighbors to care for one another, for families to be harmonious, for couples to express true love. Should that life-loving singing be forbidden?

There you are! It’s because that kind of singing brings harm. It makes a virtuous maiden in her chamber feel melancholy. It makes a gentleman on his horseback feel discouraged. Your singing incites students to think corruptly, speak wrongly and slight the sages’ books. It induces the country bumpkins to desire good food and beautiful clothes, not accepting their lots. Listening to your singing, a servant is dissatisfied with his master, a precious horse turns unruly. The land belonging to my father and me is flourishing on wealth and glory, but it could become unfavorable if we’re not careful.

You spoke very strangely, sir! We villagers are in love with Trương Chi’s singing. His singing makes vegetation lush, the water gentle, and the village happy and harmonious. His singing is like early morning air, like a pure drop of rain, like a white grain of salt and sweet-smelling rice. We villagers can’t be without Trương’s singing.

Now, now! It doesn’t matter if you’re with or without it. A land has its land god, a river has its river god. This region, within 10 square miles, is the meritorious land of the Deputy Prime Minister, my father. Above is the King who rules on behalf of Heaven, below are my father and I who lord over this territory. Therefore, besides the royal court’s laws, there are my and my father’s regulations. Listen to my dictate! From now on, the boatman Trương Chi is forbidden to sing.

How could you forbid unreasonably like that? Poor and now without the singing, how can people live on?

Reasonable? Your reason isn’t as sharp as mine. Guards! (Yes.) Tốt (Yes.), Binh (Yes.), sit right here to keep watch. As soon as he starts singing, behead him. (Yes.)

Let’s get some sleep to feel rested! With one on guard and the other sleeping, we’ll end up with only half a dream.

We can’t! If we sleep now, and Trương Chi starts to sing, we’ll be finished.

Look over there! Poor him! He craves to sing, so all day long he’s restless, tormented and distressed. What do you think? As for me, I feel so sorry for him.

O God! If you feel sorry for others, you’d only cause harm to yourself.

O Binh! (Yes?) How about we just let him sing a little?

Impossible! Look, he’s walking up over here.
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