STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Pig Farms, A Documentary: Dire Agony From First Breath till Last - P2/3    
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The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals, praying that you will help to stop it.

Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in Spanish, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

This is the Stop Animal Cruelty program on Supreme Master Television. Animal Equality is an international non-profit organization based in Madrid, Spain that seeks the abolition of animal slavery.

Key to meeting their objective is the promotion of lifestyles free of all animal products. Sharon Núñez is a co-founder of Animal Equality and their president and spokesperson.

Animal Equality was born in 2006, and the objectives of Animal Equality are to publicize animal abuse and raise awareness of “speciesism,” the discrimination of someone based on their species, and to publicize animal exploitation, and put an end to it.

Speciesism is similar to racism or sexism in that we believe we can do harm to animals, that we can… for our benefit because they do not belong to our species . Speciesism has all sorts of terrible consequences for the animals.

Today we present the second in a three-part series featuring excerpts from an Animal Equality- produced film entitled “Pig Farms” which documents the findings of 60 Animal Equality activists after investigating 172 different pig farms across Spain.

Last week, we saw how female pigs in factory farms are turned into breeding machines, being continually artificially inseminated and then giving birth to babies they are not allowed to nurture as they normally would, all the while living under inhumane confinement and utter filth. We now bring your further excerpts from the documentary “Pig Farms.”

Pig Farms – An Animal Equality documentary

As with the gestation crates, the farrowing crates also cause terrible wounds. The absence of movement means although nails grow constantly they are not worn down, making it hard for the pigs to stand up or keep proper posture inducing chronic pain. In this scene we can see the sow with her womb hanging out. This dreadful condition, known as a prolapsed uterus, occurs due to the high number of births which these breeding sows are subjected to. Infection and diseases are a constant feature in the lives of these animals.

Living in all the filth that builds up on these farms causes eye infections in both mother and young. These infections can turn into ulcers, eventually resulting in the loss of vision. Some pigs have untreated open wounds which can become infected from the dirt, and in many cases this leads to death for the animal.

Bodies of the pigs who were not able to withstand the conditions they were forced to live in pile up on the floors and in the waste bins. Various piglets died while we were filming them. This little piglet has an infection on her face which if not properly treated will spread to the rest of her body.

This scab, you see how is lifts up.

And why does this happen? If you take…

This I believe, happens if they have been bitten a lot.

This becomes pus… on her body and it changes…

And these scabs are the beginning, and the piglet’s body eventually becomes like cardboard. The farmers have decided to kill her themselves; because they do not think they will make a profit from her.

And how….and how would you kill a pig like this one?

By striking her with an iron bar.

But like this…?

Look…her little feet are also swollen…

What, what did you say? What?

Like this

A scab forms, one scab that becomes…


They don’t care that you grab them like the way you’re doing?

No, no.

Kill it…. You won’t report this will you? Oh no! But I’ll cover my face

Get down from there.

He’s filming

I’ll take a picture also, Okay?

No, no, I…

Man, this is easy, huh?

In the end I can’t do it, huh?


Yes, yes. Within the next two minutes it won’t be breathing.

She will die after several minutes fighting in vain for her life and drowning in her own blood. What we can see here is not an exception or an isolated case, many farmers routinely kills pigs in this way. Sick mothers are killed with a bullet to the head, some will receive a lethal injection from a vet, while others will be abandoned to fate and die slowly.

Ironically to try and reduce the stress on the pigs, music is played in the sheds in an attempt to calm them down. Due to the overcrowded conditions and the lack of hygiene, pigs suffer from a range of illnesses and respiratory problems. To attempt to bring these under control, the animals are given antibiotics and other medicines for almost the entire time they are exploited.

Mutilation and marking

Only a few days after birth these piglets are subjected to a number of mutilations which cause them terrible pain, to avoid problems caused by confinement or to improve the meat’s flavor.

Tail Docking

Tail docking also occurs just a few days after birth. Sharp pliers cut off part of the pig’s tail to avoid tail-biting caused by the stress of life in confinement.


"You make an incision, and...I clean here..."

Castration is routinely carried out on almost all male pigs. A worker inserts each pig into a metal brace or violently grabs each piglet before making an incision in the testicles and pulling them off. This painful and distressing procedure is performed without any anesthetic.

Teeth Clipping

To clip the teeth, the piglets are handled by the farmers as if they were mere objects. Canine teeth are cut off with pliers causing pain and in many cases bleeding gums.

Doesn’t it hurt them?

Man! First…

Here they really bleed!

Yes, right at the base… right at the edge of the gums.

This is when … when it has been cut right at the edge.

Identification with ear tags and tattoos

Identification is carried out by perforating the ears of the animals with an ear tag, or using tattoo pliers fitted with ink-filled spikes.

This is the farm’s number… so when he is transported he isn’t taken to the…. the sheet that goes with the shipment must list the pig’s code.

The fear and pain suffered by each and every one of these animals is unimaginable.


At 21 days after birth the piglets will be taken from their mother. At this point she will return to the gestation area to be inseminated once more. When it is no longer profitable to re-inseminate a sow she will be sent to the slaughterhouse which occurs after her fifth or sixth litter.

The small ones are… Her babies whom she will never see again will be transported in crates stacked on top of each other to the weaning zone or directly to the slaughterhouse.

Sharon Núñez and other Animal Equality members, we salute you for producing “Pig Farms” to awaken the world to animal cruelty and for standing up for rights of our animal friends. We share your vision of a vegan world soon in coming where animals and humans live in happiness together.

For more details on Animal Equality, please visit

Righteous viewers, thank you for joining us on today’s program. Please join us for the final part in our three part presentation of “Pig Farm” next Tuesday on Stop Animal Cruelty. Enlightening Entertainment is up next, after Noteworthy News. May all beings know Heaven’s love and grace.
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