Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge - P1/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du.

Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “A Tiger That Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge” chronicles a young man’s experience on the path of spiritual practice for eternal liberation. The story also offers counsel for renunciates to build strength on the protective power of the spiritual community and the guidance of the respected master while on the noble journey of the soul.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge,” written by the Venerable Thích Chân Tính and produced by Hoằng Pháp Temple.

It will be presented in four episodes, with performances by Bhiksu Tâm Khải as Head Monk, Bhiksu Tâm Hải as Discipline Monk, Thiên Bảo as Hùng, Thanh Điền as Hùng’s Uncle, Kinh Quốc as Brother Hai, Công Ninh as Foreman, Dương Cẩm Lynh as Hà, Hoàng Mập as Plump Novice, Hoài An as Thủy’s mother, Lý Nuôi as Skinny Novice, Bích Vân as Thủy, Châu Kha as Thúy, with the participation of respected monks in Hoằng Pháp Temple and other artists.

Please join us next Thursday for part 2 on Supreme Master Television.

Supreme Master Ching Hai caringly sent gifts to the artists and professionals who participated in the opera “The King Who Plowed,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television. They shared their thoughts and expressed gratitude toward Master. Continuing from last week, following are heartfelt words from the performing artists and professionals who have contributed to glorify and enhance Âu Lạc’s theater arts.

Opera actor Mạnh Hùng as Sấm:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television viewers, today Supreme Master Ching Hai sent her care and gifts to us artists. This is truly a very great happiness.

Opera actor Mạnh Hùng and actress Trang Nhung as Hương Sen dedicated to Supreme Master Ching Hai an excerpt from the opera “The King Who Plowed.”

I’m leaving, knowing not my return day.

O love, know you not my pain in separation? I’m not the person you love. Thus you leave the village and a once famous ancestral profession, which is in ruin now. Feel you not the torment?

My heart is tangled with a hundred cares. Who causes the woe of parting? Who took my many days and nights of hard labor? Such an ungrateful job, I want to leave it for good! What is there to regret about?

Our pains we cannot share with each other. Now you depart, knowing not the day of return.

Knowing not the day of return.

On the New Year occasion, I’d like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and all viewers a year of abounding health and happiness.

Actress Tuyết Lan as Hương Sen’s mother:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, today I’m very honored to receive Supreme Master’s gift

I am very touched by the love that Supreme Master Ching Hai has for our group as well as for me. This New Year, I respectfully wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff good health and a New Year with many new accomplishments.

Opera actor Quang Sáng as Village Mayor Cửu:

Today, we are very delighted to receive Supreme Master Ching Hai’s care, both mentally and materially. Supreme Master Ching Hai loves humankind as well as all animals. Her nature is truly noble. Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. On the New Year occasion, I wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff good health and a lot of new achievements.

Opera actor Duy Khương as Village Chief Quých:

I’m opera actor Quách Duy Khương. Supreme Master is an exceptionally compassionate person. She helps all those who are in trouble. She is a selfless spirit who not only helps human beings but also all beings. In the New Year, I would like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai good health and abounding happiness.

Opera actress Bích Việt as Miss Mai.

I would like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and viewers a New Year full of happiness and health.

And opera actor Mạnh Thắng as Attendant Nhỡ: I would like to send my best regards to Supreme Master Ching Hai, Supreme Master Television, and all viewers. Bích Việt and I would like to dedicate to Supreme Master Ching Hai and viewers a folk song from Hà Nam Province.

Gazing up to see the high mountain The road to the peach flower cavern is far Gazing up to see a precarious scenery Evening falls on a rocky and deserted forest Sun shines upon the tea orchard Hear you not birds’ song calling forth springtime? A sky azure, a thousand flowers display their bright colors. Our love is as beautiful as the myriad blossoms as the myriad blossoms.

We sincerely thank the playwrights, directors, artists and professionals who contributed your talents and efforts to bring about valuable chèo traditional operas. Thank you for your endeavors to preserve chèo, a performing art in Aulacese traditional culture. We wish you and your families all the goodness, upliftment, and happiness in life.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. Farewell and we’ll see you again.

A human life is ephemeral with both joy and pain. Who in this world knows not sorrow, as life is transient? Love one another, live for others. Look up at the sky above, look down at the deep river Learn to share to comfort each other. Together to brighten the world with a loving heart. Too much crying or sorrow would not change what happened. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears for romance, life, and money? Stand up, wipe away your tears, and start a new tomorrow. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again.

Please come down for your breakfast, ma’am.

It’s time for breakfast already, dear?

Yes. Please come in to have your breakfast.

Thank you.

Did you sleep well last night, Mom? Please have your breakfast.

Do you plan to go anywhere today?

Yes, Mom. I must go to work.

Today is Sunday and you still work?

I’m rushing to build the patriarch shrine for the temple to have it opened in time on October 15. So I need to work on the days off.

You know that I’m getting old?

I know.

You should settle down in marriage to ease my mind.

You worry too far in the future.

No one is certain about life and death. Just like your father – he was only 50 years old when he passed on.

You’ll live a long life up to 100 years old.

How do you know?

I can tell by physiognomy that you’ll live very long.

You’re beating about the bush to avoid getting married, aren’t you?

Life is long; I’ll think about it later.

But do it soon so that I have a grandchild to keep me company in my old age.

Hi, brother Minh!

Hi, brother Hùng!

How is the work?

It’s progressing well. The underground electrical installation needs to be done today so that it can be delivered to the carpentry group tomorrow.

Be careful when doing electrical work.

We’re always extremely careful. Safety is above all.

Be careful! I’ll go in to see the head monk for a while.

See you later.

See you!

Try to do it fast, brothers! (Yes.) Hùng Công! Encourage the brothers to speed it up.

Yes. Do it faster, friends!

Let me do it for you.

Greetings, Your Venerable.

Buddha be praised! Please have a seat.

Your Venerable, is there any other changes to that drawing?

No. Just proceed as is.

Thank you, Your Venerable.

Try to complete it in time for the opening at year’s end.

Yes, I’ll try.

Have some water! (Yes.) How old are you?

I’m 26.

When did you graduate from the school of architecture?

I graduated when I was 23.

Very good! You still have both your parents?

My father passed away over 10 years ago.

Do you have many brothers and sisters?

No. I’m the only son in the family.

Does your mother go to the temple regularly?

She does occasionally.

Bring her here someday to enjoy the scenery and worship the Buddha.

Yes, Your Venerable.

Take these books to read and understand more about the Buddha’s teaching.

Yes, thank you.

And this CD is for you mother.

I’ve always wanted to study Buddhism. It’s so precious that you give me this book.

Read it carefully to understand the fundamentals of Buddhism.

On behalf of my mother, I would like to thank you. Please allow me to return to work.

Try to do a good job.

Yes, Venerable. I take leave now.

Buddha be praised!

Electrical shock! Hurry up!

What happened to Minh? Take him the emergency hospital! Hurry up!

You just came? Have a seat, dear.

Auntie, I’m bringing you a box of moon cakes.

Thank you, dear. You don’t teach at school today?

No. Today is Sunday, so I’m off.

Oh, I forgot about that.

But Hùng is not home today, Auntie?

He went to work already.

He doesn’t take off even on Sunday?

I heard that he hurries to finish a construction for the temple, so he works on Sunday too. There he is.

Hi Mom, I just came back.

You just came to visit?


O Mom!

What is it, son?

The head monk gave you this CD about the Buddha’s life.

It’s so kind of him to send me a gift.

I give you this book.

Thank you.

Play it, son. (Yes.)

Halo, it’s me, Mom. Where are you going? Yes, yes, I’ll be home right away.

Mom, I’m going to change my clothes.

Auntie, I have something urgent. I probably have to go home.

Sure, dear.

Bye, Auntie! O Auntie, please tell Hùng I must leave to take care of something

Sure. Come visit me when you have time.

Yes. I take leave now.

Have some coffee, master. O master, your mother is not up yet.

Go call her again, please.

O ma’am! O master! O master! She doesn’t open the door still.

O Mom! Where’s the door key?


O ma’am!


Ma’am! Don’t scare me, please.

O Mom!

O ma’am! Ma’am!


Ma’am! What should I do now, master? O master!

Wake up, Mother! What’s wrong with you, Mom? Don’t frighten me, Mom! O Mom! Wake up, Mom! Don’t scare me, Mom!

Is it you, Uncle Năm?

Please come over to our place right away. My mistress... I don’t know what to say. O Uncle Năm! Please come right away! Please come right away. I’m so scared.

Don’t leave me, Mom!

What’s the matter, Hùng?


What is your mother’s illness? But... why...?

I have no idea. O Mom!

Call the doctor here for an autopsy to see if she was poisoned by anyone.

No, Uncle. My mom is gone already! Leave her alone. The doctor will cut her open. I don’t like that, and the procedure is complicated. We’d better think of my mother’s burial. O Mom!

Please allow me to take care of the funeral arrangement.


Come, everyone, to the living room to discuss the funeral.

A human life is ephemeral with both joy and pain.

Who in this world knows not sorrow, as life is transient? Love one another, live for others. Look up at the sky above, look down at the deep river Learn to share to comfort each other. Together to brighten the world with a loving heart.

O brother, like I said, help me rebuild my mother’s tomb.

Go take a look at the models then. I’ll build the tomb according to the model you choose.

Too much crying or sorrow would not change what happened. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears for romance, life, and money? Stand up, wipe away your tears, and start a new tomorrow. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again. Start anew, my friend. Mourn no more, she has gone already. Sorrow only makes life dismal. Wipe away the tears on your lips. As time passes, you’ll forget.

That’s all a human life is about: Name, birth date, death date. How meaningless!

Don’t be so pessimistic!

Don’t you see? No one has ever escaped death.

Don’t talk about death anymore. Today, we should go find a model of a tomb to build for her. What about that one?

That’s fine.

All right, we’ll use this style.

Stand up, wipe away your tears. Laugh to forget unhappy times. Sorrow only makes life dismal. Wipe away... Wipe away the tears.

Buddha has shown me the truth about the impermanence of life. His teaching guides my path. O Mom, I can’t get married to give you grandchildren. I’ll be a monk. I’ll follow Buddha’s path to find the Truth and be liberated from all suffering. Please forgive me, Mom. Come on in! Are you in yet, Tấn? What a beautiful house! O God! Wow, what a splendid decoration! Have you heard anything? Young master will explain it to us soon anyway. Oh, I think he’s coming out. Beautiful house! He’s coming. Greetings, young master!

Today, I invite everyone here to discuss some matter. You’ve been tenant farmers on my parents’ land all this time. Thanks to you that my family is well-off today. First, on behalf of my family, I thank everyone.

We’re grateful to your parents. We thank you. You’re very kind for sure. Thanks to your parents and you that we have a comfortable life. Thank you, sir and ma’am. Thanks, young master.

Please quiet down, everyone. (Yes.) Today, on behalf of my parents, I’ll donate all the land you have leased from us to do farming so that you’ll have full and permanent ownership.

We’re so happy! Your parents are very kind-hearted. Thank you, young master. Thank you very much. Our family is so blessed!

What is it you called me here for, Hùng?

There’s something I need to discuss with you.

What is it? Tell me.

My parents worked hard all their lives to secure wealth. When they died, they couldn’t bring anything with them. What belongs to the world, goes back to it. I find it so meaningless.
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