STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Pig Farms, A Documentary: Dire Agony From First Breath till Last - P3/3    
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The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals, praying that you will help to stop it.

Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in Spanish, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

This is the Stop Animal Cruelty program on Supreme Master Television. Animal Equality is an international non-profit organization based in Madrid, Spain that seeks the abolition of animal slavery.

Key to meeting their objective is the promotion of lifestyles free of all animal products. Sharon Núñez is a co-founder of Animal Equality and their president and spokesperson.

Clearly, society does not know what happens to animals, does not know what goes on behind the walls of the slaughterhouses. And the purpose of the work of Animal Equality, and we believe of animal rights organizations, is so that society sees… to be the eyes of society to see the terrible suffering of those who are victims.

So that they know these individuals, the specific stories of animals that have terrible lives, that die in agony in slaughterhouses, so that they put themselves in their place and decide to choose a lifestyle that is respectful towards them.

Today we present the conclusion of a three-part series featuring excerpts from an Animal Equality- produced film entitled “Pig Farms” which documents the findings of 60 Animal Equality activists after investigating 172 different pig farms across Spain.

Pig Farms – An Animal Equality documentary

The piglets are crowded together in pens with metal or plastic slatted floors. Many of them develop enormous tumors, infections and illnesses for which no type of treatment will be given. These events are repeated with frequency in virtually all of the farms in Spain.


In the fattening houses the pigs spend around four months amid excrement, suffering from illnesses, infections, cannibalism and overcrowding. This will be their life until they reach 90 or 100 kilograms and are sent to slaughter. Pigs are very curious animals when not in captivity they spend the day digging in the ground or exploring their environment. Farms are prisons for them where the monotony and lack of stimulation makes them desperate.

The high concentrations of ammonia and other gases due to the accumulation of dirt, excrement and urine cause eye infections that can end up with a pig losing an eye. These gases give rise to respiratory problems in more than 70% of the pigs, which in many cases result in pneumonia and death. Contrary to popular belief, pigs are clean animals who avoid dirtying their living areas.

But on farms they are forced to live and sleep in their own excrement. On occasion, pigs even eat the excrement in the sheds where they are confined due to the occasional lack of water or food. Wounds frequently occur, and the lack of treatment leads to ulcerations and later necrosis sets in.

Due to their weight and the lack of calcium induced by the lack of natural sunlight, broken bones are frequent. During their time on the farm the pigs develop huge inflammations which can become abscesses of pus or tumors; in contact with the ground open wounds are produced which become infected.

In this footage various pigs can be seen with part of their rectum hanging out, a very common condition known as a prolapsed rectum. A tube to allow waste to be expelled fastened with a zip tie is the only treatment these animals receive. Many sick pigs who are close to dying are dragged out of the fattening pens so that they die in the passageway without access to food or water. Some pigs, while still alive, are thrown into waste bins full of corpses where they lie dying for hours.

Organic meat also implies suffering, deprivation and death for pigs exploited by this industry. All these pigs end up in the same slaughterhouse, killed by the same slaughterhouse workers, and in the same way as those exploited on intensive farms.


Despite the fact that pigs in the wild can live between 10 and 15 years, pigs exploited for their flesh are killed at only six months of age, while sows used for breeding are killed at three years old.

Pigs are transported in trucks which can generally carry up to 230 individuals, with each one weighing roughly 100 kilograms, giving each pig less than half a square meter of space. Journeys can last up to 24 hours. During transport, pigs do not receive food or water, adding if possible, more stress and suffering to the trip.

The slaughterhouse

For these animals it is the first time they see sunlight, and it will be their last. Many do not even make it alive to the slaughterhouse. More than 85,000 pigs die in Spain each year inside one of these trucks. After the stressful experience of the journey, they are unloaded into the pens of the slaughterhouse. Workers force them to move forward with electric shocks or by scaring them.

These pens are strange, squalid places. From here the pigs are able to hear the screams of pigs being slaughtered for hours. When pigs suffer stress they produce hormones which lower the quality of the meat and affect its flavor. All of which reduces the profits of the exploiters, so the animals are given showers in the pens before dying. When their turn arrives, the terrified pigs try in vain to resist moving forward. And the workers react by kicking, shoving or dragging them by their ears.

Pigs are stunned by an electric shock to the head which leaves them paralyzed so that workers can hang them upside down and cut their throats easily. By contrast, in other slaughterhouses pigs are placed in gas chambers with carbon dioxide where they temporarily lose consciousness. On many occasions these animals are fully conscious when their throats are cut, or they recover consciousness while they are bled to death hanging upside down.

In this film you have witnessed what life and death is like for millions of pigs in Spain. For many this reality has remained hidden until now. But the situation is equally as sad for many millions of other animals of different species throughout the world. All this happens because we are paying for it to happen because we want to eat other animals.

All of us know that animals can feel. They want to live, and they do not want to end up in a slaughterhouse. None of us would wish that if we were in their place. It is time that we put ourselves in their place and understand the injustice of what we do to them. It is in our hands to put a stop to this. It does not depend on anyone else. We can live perfectly well without consuming animal products or using them in any way. Think about it. Put yourself in their place. Go vegan.

Here are some final thoughts from Ms. Núñez about our animal friends and how we can best help them.

Well, if you really want to respect animals and want to end the terrible injustice they suffer, injustice for which there are no words, to describe the terrible suffering endured by animals, what we have to do is lead an ethical life, and bring the abolition of animal exploitation into our daily lives, by becoming vegan. It is perfectly possible, we can carry on… have a lifestyle and optimum health and happiness and also let the animals be happy, which is very important.

Our sincere appreciation, Sharon Núñez and all others who have contributed to the making of “Pig Farm,” a film which is a voice for the pigs all over the world trapped in the horrific meat production system. We echo the call of Animal Equality that we must quickly end the ghastly nightmare for pigs and all the other tortured animals by embracing the loving plant-based diet.

For more details on Animal Equality, please visit

Thank you for joining us on today’s Stop Animal Cruelty. Enlightening Entertainment is coming up next, after Noteworthy News. May humanity always be in tune with the highest vibrations of consciousness.
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