World Premiere of “The King & Co: Part 1” An Epic Saga Written and Directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai - Ep. 1/9    
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The King & Co. – Part 1

A man without wine is like a flag without wind. Wine entering the mind is like a tiger entering the jungle… The breeze blows gently. Wine guzzlers are junior gods. God resides all the way in Heaven. But I’m here with a wine bottle, fine music, and beautiful women.

Servants, bring me the wine! Hmm! Excellent wine! This is indeed “good wine in a sparkling cup.”

Here are the jade lutes, beautiful women, and celestial music...

His Majesty has arrived.

Oh no! Woe to me! The wine causes me trouble, making me late for the Court’s meeting.

Long live His Majesty! Long, long live His Majesty!

Be at ease.

Our gratefulness, Your Majesty.

How come your face is so red?

Because I was bleeding, Your Majesty.

How come your royal appearance is so pale, Your Majesty? Are you sick?

Perhaps because His Majesty just eats simple vegetables. Or too many national affairs?

Nah! What national affairs? I’m just smoking dope to lose weight.

Why would you want to lose weight?

I heard that being skinny is fashionable. It’s to get a slender waist!

Your Majesty, please stop doing dope. You’ll get addicted, and it’ll be hard to quit.

And it’ll harm your health too.

In times of escalating prices, smoking dope will make you bankrupt in no time.

The following are stories about the harms of addictive drug use.

Story #1

The first story is about a drug addict who, sadly, beat up his wife and children for drug money.

Hi Daddy. You’re home.

Never mind. Why aren’t you in bed by now? And you too. Get to bed, quick.

What a mess!

Darn it! Not a single penny!

And you too. Why didn’t you get them to bed?

You just got back? Why do you always yell and scream every time you come home?

What yelling! Why are you still working at this hour? When will you be done?

I have to deliver these clothes tomorrow. Poor kids! They’ve just finished helping me. They were waiting up for you.

Poor them! Poor them! What about poor me? Where’s the money? Give me some to buy a cigarette. Hurry up!

You know already. Our family doesn’t have much money. If I give it all to you, how will I feed the kids?

Have you had enough of life? You wanna die? Wanna die?

I beg you. Don’t hit me. I beg you, please.

You wanna die or what?

I’ll give it all to you.


I’ll give you everything.

Give it to me!

Oh children! My husband comes home only to get money for drugs and beats up his wife and kids. Children, will we even have a tomorrow?

Ah! This spot is terrific. Ah! It’s a heavenly moment for me now.


We're going on a field trip.

Dear! Oh dear!

Please wake up!

Try to wake up, sweetheart!

Son, call 911 for me! Quick! Quick!

Don’t die, please!

Mom! Mom! The doctor is here! Mom!

Come here to Mommy.

Halo, halo! A man about 30 years old has died from addictive drugs.

Story #2

This second story is about an underage girl. She was a good student but was lured into using drugs. She became an addict and dropped out of school, facing tragic and unfortunate situations.

Story #3

This third story tells of a high school student who was lured into using free drugs at school. After that, he wanted a higher dose each day and became addicted.

Sir, do you have the drugs? Please give me some. I don’t have any money. I’m addicted already. Please help me.

You’re pulling my leg, man!

You ain’t got money?

I don’t have any money.

Then don’t do drugs.

Help me, please. It’s all because when I was in school, you tricked me into using free drugs. Now I’m hooked.

I told you already. No money, no drugs. If you want drugs, go steal some money! Then come back here and see me.

Go steal some money! Go steal some money!

Ah, good. I’ll have both money and drugs.

Robber! Robber! Robber! Robber! Robber!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Someone there?

Someone there?

Hey, you, stop!

It affects everything, don't you know? It makes your mind blurred. It shrinks your brain. It clogs your nerves. It makes you hallucinate. It makes you go crazy when you don't have it and become addicted to it. It breaks your family love, relationship. It drives your girlfriend, boyfriend away. It makes you become a criminal sometimes. How do you have peace in this chaotic state of mind in order to practice spiritual even?

You have to be first calm and normal. We have enough confusion with work, with war, with disaster, with relationship already. Do not create more confusion for yourself and damage your only vehicle to reach God. This is the body, the temple. Keep it well, in order, healthy, because you must use it. Drug is no, no, no, no.

Even if prices aren’t escalating, you’d still face bankruptcy.

You should have said “national budget deficit.”

Oh, yes! I meant ... national budget deficit, Your Majesty!

Ouch, ouch! This nation is mine. National “treasury” or national “trousers” are all mine. It can be “spent” freely. Who can do anything to me!

That’s right, Your Majesty. Not only this land’s treasury, but the land’s spade, soil pick, garden hoe, and weeding hoe are also all yours.

What is it? If there’s deficit, we still have the treasuries of our lesser neighboring countries. We’ll just send lots of troops to take over, then we’ll have dollars to spend right away. What’s the worry?

That’s so true! Your Majesty is extremely wise!

Your Majesty, what you said is contrary to the sages’ ethical principles.

What’s contrary about it?

Your Majesty, if we want to invade neighboring countries, we must have good reasons. We can’t make war with other countries just because we need money for dope. Please safeguard the dignity of a wise king and of our nation. Otherwise, we’re no different from bandits.

Your Majesty, this is in “Angle-lay.” I can’t read it.


Yes, Your Majesty. “Angle-lay” in French (Anglais) means English.

Let me call the “Angle-lay” translator here.

Must be veg; shouldn’t kill animals. Global warming. Be Veg and Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

I think global warming is a very urgent matter. Convey my order that from now on, every mandarin and citizen must strictly undertake all measures to ward off this danger. Whoever can come up with bright ideas will be greatly rewarded. Whoever violates the law will get his head chopped off.

We shouldn’t be chopping heads because that violates the “non-violence” principle. While the world is full of disasters, we must do good and bestow grace to create merit.

Why should we do good?

Your Majesty, the royal flyer mentions “non-violence,” and also “Be Veg, Go Green!”

“No more killing. Be healthy and loving.”

What in the world is eat “glass bottle”? (“Ăn chay” – eat veg – sounds like “ăn chai” – eat a glass bottle.) How can you possibly chew a glass bottle? You want to die or something?

Eating veg means eating plants, legumes, fruits, and not eating animal flesh.

Save over 70% of the Amazonian rainforest from clearance for animal grazing.

Consumes 1/3 fossil fuels of those used for meat production.

Yes, that includes not killing humans, not waging war with other countries.

OK, OK! How about “go green”? What’s that all about? Can we choose another color?

Your Majesty, “go green” means not polluting the environment, not cutting down trees and deforesting to raise cattle for meat. We must also plant more trees to absorb CO2 and produce oxygen, and drive cars with low or zero CO2 emissions.

URGENT QUIZ To save our planet, we should:
1 - Be Veg?
2 - Drive Hybrid Vehicles?
3 - Plant More Trees?
4 - Change to Sustainable Energy?
5 - Pray?

Your Majesty, we should do organic farming to reduce CO2.

Organic farming = Saving the world

Organic is not just necessary for farming in ways that doesn’t hurt other life and doesn’t harm our health, organic is becoming necessary to face the climate catastrophe and organic is becoming necessary to face the exhaustion of non renewable fossil fuels. The place for non sustainability is coming from factory farming, from feeding grain to cattle, growing soya bean in the Amazon to either run cars or create factory farms.

And that is leading not just to more use of nitrogen fertilizer, which is causing global warming, but is using to increase methane emissions, which is also causing global warming. So, definitely an absolute fazing out of factory farming and a minimizing of meat eating. When you work with nature you produce more food and this is the science I do.

Productivity of ecological systems is much higher, productivity of diverse systems is much higher. So, if we have to address the food problem, the hunger problem, working with nature is the solution, working against nature is a recipe for hunger.

Organic food and produce are grown and handled according to strict sustainable procedures, with limited chemical input or we could even use no chemical input at all. Organic food also GM-free (free of genetically modified organisms).

Organic farming reduces toxic farming run-off and pollutants that contaminate our water, soil and air. So, organic farming is healthier for farm workers, the surrounding communities as well, and for natural wildlife.

Now, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) considers 60% of all herbicides, weed killers, or 90% of all fungicides - that means mold killers - and 30% of all insecticides - that means insect killers - are potentially cancer-causing for humans and animals of course. Organic farming keeps harmful chemicals and pesticides out of the food that we eat and the beverage that we drink.

And it’s easy, it’s simple, cost and water effective. And it’s ecologically, economically sound.

Also we must save water as much as possible and recycle trash into useful items, wasting nothing at all.

What are you doing?

I was planning to recycle this piece of paper, Your Majesty.

Be veg, go green... “Go green,” I can OK right away. But “be veg,” I need to think about it.

Your Majesty, the time is so very urgent! Your Majesty shouldn’t think too long and run out of breath! Please tell everyone to undertake the best solution: they must be veg to protect the planet before it’s too late.

So many islands have sunk under water already. Many coastal cities’ land has been eroded. Two thousand more islands are sinking, and 18 islands - for what we have known, maybe more, but we don’t know - 18 islands including small nation islands already gone, disappeared under water, sometimes 6 meters under water already, and another 40 are or at risk of sinking, or uninhabitable or begins to be uninhabitable because they cannot cultivate anymore because the land became inundated with salty water already.

I want to plead with all the planet people. Please stop killing animals. Please have compassion. Please turn to vegetarian diet. Please be vegan. That is to save yourselves and your children.

So, organic vegan diet is the answer.

We all gather here today to discuss an important matter that greatly affects the survival of our world, and that is global warming, Now, I’d like to ask all the heads of state for your opinions so that we can cooperate and solve the issue. I’d like to ask representatives of your esteemed nations to begin.

In recent decades, we have destroyed so many forests…

…raising animals for food is…

…untold suffering for animals…

… and the lack of food, which makes billions of people go hungry …

…our world has had more and more natural disasters…

…so much methane which is the main cause of global warming …

…avian flu, swine flu, mad cow disease…

…humans haven’t stopped waging wars…

…world have lost harvests…

…measures to protect animals’ rights…

I often watch Supreme Master Television and hear Supreme Master Ching Hai say that switching to a compassionate vegan diet and organic farming is the best and fastest solution to stop global warming.

We agree. Be organic vegan. So, we should abolish livestock farming, and at the same time, subsidize organic vegetable farmers.

Eat bottles (Ăn chai)… Ah, ah… Be Veg (Ăn Chay), Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Quick! Stop them!

Your Majesty, did you lose your head?

Do you know what you are doing, Your Majesty?

Do you remember your name, Your Majesty?

Do you remember where you are at?

Do you remember what the Queen and the Prince look like?

Have you lost your memory, Your Majesty?

Did you forget that you don't remember?

Do you recall what happened?

Have you lost your head, Your Majesty?

Quick! Quick! Use the Triple-Power Magic Fan!

His Majesty has arrived!

Hey buddy, why are you jumping up and down like that?

They left me behind again.

Really? All right, climb on up! I’ll give you a ride.

Officer! Thank you, Officer!

Let go!

Get up here.

Oh, thank you, Officer. Thank you.

Why are you holding me so tight? Put your legs down. Sit firmly, all right?

If you don’t eat veg, then you will regret it.

Why do we have to eat water chestnuts? (“ăn năn” – regret – sounds like “ăn năng” – eat water chestnuts) No, no! “Ăn năn” means regret. Got it?

Eh, eh, you goody mandarins shouldn’t coerce His Majesty.

Yeah, yeah, don’t you people coerce His Majesty!

All right! Quiet down! Court dismissed. I’ll go back to smoke some dope, then I’ll think about it.

Yes, please go back and sleep, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I have an urgent matter to report! I have an urgent matter to report! Your Majesty!

Who is this stranger?

Please tune in for more thrilling turn of events in upcoming weeks to find out who this unkempt stranger is and what he wants.

Warning: 1) The characters and plots in this film are not 100% fictional.

2) The actors and actresses whose faces, legs, arms or body parts appear in this play are all starlets yet to rise to glory or refusing to retire! (The old-ish or middle-age-ish starlets here are in the same boat!)

3) The technical and camera crew had never once touched the equipment for this kind of project, not even a single peek! (but perhaps they had glanced on TV) (There are a few who graduated with a degree in coffee-making or crepes-frying… something like that. Occupations of the remaining ones are undetermined.)

4) About the king’s throne (fake stuff!), palaces, and other dwellings – it is not known where these were bought or rented. As for the costumes and furniture, from afar it is impossible to determine their exact measurements!

5) As for the actors short and tall, big and small, talented or terrible, good-looking or unappealing – it was hard pressed to be choosy. (They all left for Hollywood!) The judges’ selection criterion: “Better than nothing!” (sigh!..)

6) Every day, humans and the dog swing by the studio to eat until full, rehearse half-baked and perform once in a while, then they all go home to sleep, their whereabouts uncertain!

7) The names of the actors and actresses are clearly made-up. (Don’t even think about getting their autographs!)

8) Golden Ring = a metal magic head ring that Master Xuan Zang used to control the “monkey brain” of Sun Wukong the Monkey King. (screenwriter played on words)

9) Director (in Aulacese: Đạo Diễn) Chop Herbs: Has got some “Đạo” (meaning Tao); as for “Diễn” (meaning acting), we haven’t tried him out!

Conclusion: Screenwriter aka top-notch director is washing her hands of all responsibilities, completely free. Watch at your own risk! (Hee…hee…)

CREDITS: The King & Co Part 1

WRITTEN and DIRECTED BY (remote control): Madame T.H. (Top-notch director) DIRECTOR: Chop Herbs (So-so class director but nearby!) PRODUCER: Supreme Master TV Ginger Group MUSIC COMPOSER: Uncle Three Drummer SET DECORATION: Sister Tomato and the Veggie Group DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Brother Popping Light

CAST: King Pre-Junkie Post-Yogi: Wayward Trần Goody Mandarin #1 – Prime Minister: Enlightened Đặng Goody Mandarin #2: Gentle Lý Goody Mandarin #3: Upright Đặng Goody Mandarin #4: Great Enlightened Nguyễn Goody Mandarin #5: Just Enlightened Đặng Goody Mandarin #6: Seven Crosseye Bùi Goody Mandarin #7: Wee-Enlightened Nguyễn Goody Mandarin #8: Labouring Lý Goody Mandarin #9: Blessed Trần

Kiss B. Mandarin #1: Crooked Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #2: Tigerwhisker Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #3: Infidel Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #4: Shady Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #5: Fibbing Lý Kiss B. Mandarin #6: Toady Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #7: Sparsewhisker Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #8: Catwhisker Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #9: Copycat Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #10: Sans Courage Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #11: Bully Trương Kiss B. Mandarin #12: Disloyal Bùi Kiss B. Mandarin #13: Traitor Phan

Wishy Washy Mandarin #1: Almost Enlightened Trương Wishy Washy Mandarin #2: Yet to Practice Trần Wishy Washy Mandarin #3: Braggart Trần Wishy Washy Mandarin #4: Frugal Bùi Wishy Washy Mandarin #5: Bla Bla Lý Wishy Washy Mandarin #6: Busybody Lý Palm Fan Advisor: Yesman Phan Translator: Knowman Trần Majestic Admiral: Judo Võ Mighty General: Kung Fu Trịnh

Deaf Maid #1: Ear Royale Lê Deaf Maid #2: Royale Ear Bùi Lisping Maid: Homely Betty Royal Attendant: Brother Five Parasol Vendor Gruff Guard: Brother Three Scar Chubby Guard: Brother Eight Ennui Palace Maid #1: Dreamy Lute Palace Maid #2: Wine Pourer Lanky Soldier: Seeking Phan Maltese #1: Hulla Maltese #2: Baloo

Drug Stories: Drug addict man: Brother Five Life Wife of drug addict: Sister Six Sorrow Two children: Child actors - Acceptance and Patience Drug dealer #1: Brother Two Heartless Drug dealer #2: Lost Moral Tô Paramedic: Brother Eight Resuscitate Teenage drug addict girl: Young Stray Foot Jogger: Sister Shake Shake Teenage drug addict boy: Young Lost Way Old woman: Mrs. Three LaMent Policeman: Brother Seven Loyal Owner of house: Mr. Earn Buck

Meeting of International Leaders: President of the United States of America: Hector Benson President of China: To Become Coal President of Brazil: Horado Watson King of Saudi Arabia: Hadi Aladdin President of France: Chocolate in the Cup President of Ghana: Adika Okeke Prime Minister of Australia: Anthony Curry G8 International Guards: Leaf Village Tae Kwando

Martial Artists International Reporters: Sour Tomato Newspaper Reporters International Cameramen: Nhà Bè Ironsmiths International Photographers: Thị Nghè Bridge Glass Cutters Spear Soldier #1: One Knife Điền Spear Soldier #2: One Metal Sword Spear Soldier #3: Long Sword Tào Spear Soldier #4: Steel Baton Tài Policeman: Public Alert Kiều

VOICES: Brother Three Stutt Brother Two T-terring Mr. Eight Veggie Uncle Two Guard Brother Four Mouth Brother Five Haggard Brother Three Lettuce Brother Four Opera Brother Six Goody Brother Seven Overbite


ART DIRECTOR: Brother Three Muscle

EDITORS: Brother Four Dopey Uncle Four Tofu Brother Two Ricegrain Uncle Seven Soysauce Brother Three Hammer Brother Two Mallet

SOUND DEPARTMENT: Brother Seven Deaf Brother Eight Buzz Brother Five Hard of Hearing Uncle Seven Fiddle Uncle Three Monochord

MUSICIANS: Camelia Trịnh Guitar Hứa Blue Cloud Tạ Rose Blossom Hà Snow White Bùi Clear Moon Cao Wholesome Human Trịnh Gratitude-keeping Trương Protocol-performing Tạ Saintly Wisdom Trần Trustworthy Tô

VISUAL EFFECTS: Sister Four Nearsighted Brother Six Glass Bottle Brother Ten Carpenter Tèo Ice Cream the Kid Brother Six Pedicab Brother Two Mason Brother Eight Painter Brother Three Plowshare Brother Seven Buffalo Nose Brother Four Frog Eye

CAMERA OPERATORS: Mr. Bushy Beard Brother Three Rock Sugar Brother Sulfate Water Buffalo Brother Three Scruffy Brother Four Dopey Uncle Seven Soysauce

LIGHTING DEPARTMENT: Brother Three Beard Brother Four Bald Head Brother Eight Crosseye

MAKE-UP: Miss Three Sponge Cake Sister Five Sticky Rice Cake Sister Six Banana Fritter Sister Four Skeleton Miss Nine Soya

HAIRSTYLISTS: Sister Seven Beignet Mrs. Eight Cucumber

COSTUME AND WARDROBE: Miss Three Sponge Cake Mrs. 5 Stick

Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In today’s Enlightening Entertainment, with great honor Supreme Master Television is pleased to present the world premiere of an epic saga abounding with creativity and insight, elaborately produced over a period of time with wholehearted dedication and effort.

Brilliantly written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual master, humanitarian, artist and author of #1 international best-selling books, “The King & Co.” is a tale that reflects the challenges of the age, right in this urgent time of our planet. It interweaves ancient and modern settings, with tragic as well as comic plots, combining thrilling adventures, loyalty and tender affection among people, along with profound spiritual reminders.

The story centers around Đại Ngôn royal court with mandarins of all kinds, from virtuous to corrupt to indecisive, each unique; a king who must rule over his kingdom and, in international relations, also has great global reponsibility; a handsome prince on his way to re-discover his True Self; an innocent country girl with a pure, loving and courageous heart: their fates are intertwined with one another.

“The King & Co.” also presents fact-based messages about the four most dangerous silent killers of the planet, namely, meat, addictive drugs, tobacco and alcohol, in hopes that worldwide citizens will become more aware about the poisons that are destroying this and future generations.

Despite her very busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai personally wrote and directed via remote control “The King & Co.”, showing her deep concern for humanity and all beings on Earth. From start to finish, every detail, including the characters’ names, selection of songs to accompany the dances, gestures of each character, appropriate make-up styles for actors, and even their stage names, was all under her meticulous guidance.

The 6-part series “The King & Co.”, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, will be aired over nine weeks. This creative work is derived from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love, inner source of creativity, and perfect wisdom. We invite you to share this special gift and enjoy “The King & Co.” on today’s program.

You’ve just enjoyed part 1 of “The King & Co.”, written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Please tune in next Thursday for part 2 on Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May your life be graced with noble love and joy. We bid you farewell for now.
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