World Premiere of “The King & Co: Part 2” An Epic Saga Written and Directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai - Ep. 2/9 (In Aulacese)    
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The King & Co. Part 2

This is Bla Bla Radio, broadcasting from the capital city Dancing Chicken.

The hottest and most recent news from the Imperial Palace: According to a not-very-reliable source from the tabloid news agency, from now on all court officials must wear numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. like soccer players. The reason is that His Majesty indulges in addictive drugs, alcohol and meat; thus his memory is so fuzzy that he is unable to remember the names of his mandarins.

Long live the King! Long, long live the King!

Be at ease.

Our gratefulness, Your Majesty.

I have thought about this carefully. From now on, our people must go green to protect the planet. In accordance with the literary mandarins’ suggestions, lots of trees must be planted; any empty space of land must be used for planting.

The Prime Minister is vegan

Your Majesty, we must also plant fruit trees, vegetables, beans and all that, to sustain ourselves and prevent high price or shortage in food.

Organic vegan = Saving the world


Your Majesty, we must also dig ponds to collect rainwater for irrigation and home use in order to reduce the waste and lack of water at present.


Your Majesty, light bulbs also need to be switched to the energy-efficient type; it’s “green” as well as “bill” ($) saving. In addition, “green” cars must be used, which saves gas. Or if they use only air, that’s the best. Ride bicycles more often.

Right! It should be like that.

Or if the distance is not too far, then go by bus number 11.

Why 11?

Your Majesty, that’s using our 2 legs to walk.

What’s the matter?

But, Your Majesty, the most important thing is to encourage all people to be veg, because that’s the best and fastest way to curb global warming.

Why is being veg the best and fastest way to save the planet?

Your Majesty, it’s because raising animals for meat damages the environment the most. So many forests that provide oxygen for the planet have been cut down to grow grains to feed livestock in order to produce 1 piece of meat that we gulp down in a few seconds. It wastes numerous natural resources and energy, while hundreds of millions of people and children are starving everywhere in the world.

Oh no, that’s not good. We have to stop the breeding of livestock for meat and grow more crops to provide for everyone in the world.

Organic farming = Saving the world.

How wise of Your Majesty!

So now you’re forcing His Majesty to give up nutritious meat and fish to eat ascetic vegetarian food?

His Majesty is already all skin and bones. If he turns veg, that will be the end of him.

Not at all. It’s been proven by science and medicine that a veg diet brings health, longevity, and physical endurance, plus mental clarity. Look at the elephants and horses. They eat only grass but are big and strong like no other. There are so many renowned and wise people in the world like the scholar Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Leonardo da Vinci, etc. Also there are glamorous and handsome movie stars like Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman, Joaquin Phoenix, Tobey Maguire, etc. from past till present – we cannot mention them all.

Oh yeah! That makes sense. Then I also want to be healthy, smart, and handsome like that.

If so, our country would be very blessed. How wise of Your Majesty! Thank you, thank you so much.

But dope is also veg, no? There’s no killing of animals involved.

Your Majesty, nevertheless, drugs damage the brain and nervous system, impair judgment, and cause addiction, not fitting for a wise ruler like Your Majesty to use.

If you people take away all the pleasures from His Majesty like that, how can he live?

There are many pastimes in life that are noble and elegant. Your Majesty can watch Supreme Master Television and its many exciting shows.

Practice the Quan Yin Method. Go up to see the divine realms, learn with heavenly beings, grow more enlightened every day, and become a saint. Wouldn’t that be better?

And leave an everlasting shining example for future generations to emulate!!!

We don’t really know if that’s true or not, but His Majesty already has to sacrifice so many pleasures.

As a son of Heaven, a king must take care of his people, his country and the world; any sacrifice would be worth doing.

But nothing is really “sacrificed” here; just give up a few pieces of meat and addictive drugs.

The following stories are about the dangers of eating fish and meat.

Today, Black Soil Fish Company recalled 2 tons of products infected with ciguareta. There is currently an outbreak of poisoned...

Who’s calling? Who’s that?

It’s me, Minh. So, any special plan for this weekend?

Of course! I’m getting ready to go fishing here. Everything is loaded in the car. Want to go fishing with me?

Fishing? Too boring! Forget it! How about you go to the supermarket and buy some fish? I’ve got a grill here. Come by and we’ll eat for fun.

All right. See you later then. I’ll bring the fish there to grill.

Hey Xuân, remember to bring a pack of beers!

Sure, see you later.

See you.

Wow, these fish are great for grilling.

You’re pretty good at grilling fish!

Thank God you like my food, not like her...

These fish are to die for!

My wife never touches the fish I grill.

Are you kidding? Why?

Because the doctors whispered in her ears, saying that the mercury and dioxin in fish are very dangerous.

Say what?

Things like that!

Nonsense! What’s dangerous about fish? I can eat 100 of these guys to their bones and still live to 100! See? Nothing’s wrong. Fish meat, fish eyes, fish fins, fish tail, fish bone – I’ll finish them all, no problem.

Enough, man! You talk too much. Watch out or you may choke. Don’t blame me for not warning you.

O God! Are you joking? Is this a prank or real?

I was so close to death!

Don’t you ever scare me like that again!

I’m kinda sick looking at this piece of fish. Well, I’m done eating. Go inside and rest.

2 hours later

Hey, are you okay?

I’ve got a terrible stomachache! O God, when will the diarrhea and vomiting stop? I feel I’m in the ninth hell!

I also don’t know why my throat and chest still hurt so much, Xuân.

Ouch! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hot? It’s not hot at all. It’s cold actually.

How come the floor is burning hot?

Are you going to tell me that candle is cold too, Xuân?

Let me see. It’s cold, very cold! Strange. How come all my perceptions are upside down?

Do you think it has anything to do with the fish we ate this afternoon?

I very much suspect so.

How come my throat and chest feel like they’ve been stabbed from the inside out?

Ouch! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Mrs. Lý, you can come in now.

What you have is a case of ciguatera fish poisoning.

I told you not to eat fish.

Who would have known those fish could be so harmful! But the fish tasted normal though.

The toxin is undetectable, and unfortunately, it cannot be killed by freezing or cooking either.

Oh, gosh. How to cure this?

Actually, there’s no remedy for this. The toxin’s effects may last for years. But there can be relapses afterwards, so you need to stay away from substances such as alcohol and fish. It’s best if you stay away from animal protein actually.

That’s right. That means we have to be vegetarian, honey.

But I don’t get it, my friend ate the same fish but didn’t get poisoned also?

Reactions can start anywhere from 2 to 12 hours after consuming the fish. But your friend… he has his own problems from eating that fish… it’s a pretty serious complication.

Time of death: 21:32:47 Cause: Wounds from an ingested fishbone that perforated both the esophagus and the aorta.

Every day, when we eat meat, we’re playing a game of chance. The price is too high: our health and often our precious lives. In the end, we always lose. And here are the losses:

At least 20 million people worldwide die each year from meat- and dairy-related causes. Global cost of over US $1 trillion per year. That’s not to mention significant losses from suffering among family and friends due to the loss of parents, children, lovers, spouses, etc.

Following are the stories of three ordinary people. They belong to the group of at-risk players. Before they knew what had happened, they didn’t even have a second chance.

Meet Thủy, a sweet, good-natured 13-year-old who excels in school and in ballet. She aspires to be a world-famous ballerina one day. Her teachers believe she will succeed, and the judges also recognize her rare talent.

Please come in.

Mai is a well-to-do real estate agent, an independent woman. Her affable and down-to-earth personality wins her the trust of many a satisfied client – and quite often, many business deals.

Oh, very spacious.

It’s so beautiful.

We’ve checked out the house already; now I’ll hand you the key.

We have the key now, honey!

Please sign here.

Sure, come to the restaurant and have lunch with us some day.

Congratulations! Congratulations!

Thank you.

Lastly, we have Ðức, a born-to-be restaurant worker who is fast talking, confident, and strong. His nimble hands and great memory make him an asset to any food and beverage establishment that’s lucky enough to hire him. He has always brought in a lot of profit for his employers. Ðức is a fervent lover of hamburgers. He likes them well done for safety, of course.

It’s lunch time! I’m exhausted!

Perhaps no one could have guessed, but the lives of these 3 strangers are connected. Their vulnerable fates are tied together by a common denominator: the food that they have been consuming every day.

May I have a hamburger, please, Boss?

Sure, coming right away.

I’m terribly hungry.

Here! Take your time.

Hey Boss, this hamburger is out of this world!

Of course! Need you mention it!

I’ve eaten here every day since your grand opening until now. I haven’t skipped a single day!

For sure! My hamburger is famous as the best in town!

That’s right! That’s why I’ve been coming here for the past years. I didn’t care for the free food at my boss’ restaurant.

I’ve just arrived. Are you on the road?

Yes, I’m on my way.

Drive carefully.

See you later.

So delicious! So good! Next time I must grab another one. It’s really good!

Here is your grilled beef. Please enjoy.

Thank you.

That looks delicious! How’s your real estate business lately?

Oh my, I’m busy like a bee, sweetie, but I’m very happy because I have lots of clients.

My sister is awesome! But do you feel tired?

Well, trying to please the clients can sometimes give you a headache! But luckily I live a healthy life, no smoking, no drinking alcohol like others.

But do you eat well?

I do! I’m very careful. I only eat organic meat. They advertise that it doesn’t contain pesticides. So in general, I’m strong like an elephant!

Oh, really?

At this rate, I’m going to live for a long time.

Is the food ready, honey? I’m starving.

Almost done, wait a little.

How was your dance class today, sweetheart?

It was so much fun, Mom. You know what, the teacher praised me as the best dancer in my class.

Really? My child is fantastic!

She said that my chance of winning the award is high, Mom.

My daughter is super! Work hard at it, sweetie!

Thủy, are you okay? What’s the matter? Tell me.

Thủy! What’s the matter? Are you all right? Tuấn, call 911, son.

Sister, what happened to you? Yes, I’ll call the ambulance.

They specially only use organic meat.

I’ve been hearing your advertisement of this organic meat quite a lot now.

Well, if I know something good, I must share with you.

I probably will follow your method to live long and healthy.

Call me when you have time, all right?

Halo? Sister? Are you okay? What happened to you? Let me call the ambulance! Hang on!

This case is hopeless. The cancer is too advanced.

Hi Ms. Mai.

Hi, Doctor.

Ms. Mai, the test results show that you’re at the last stage of colorectal cancer.

What did you say? What am I to do, Doctor?

We generally advise our patients to avoid drinking, smoking, and especially don’t eat meat.

No, no, Doctor… I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. My lifestyle is very healthy; I only eat organic meat. The meat is always well-cooked to avoid E. Coli or Salmonella poisoning.

Unfortunately, you may not be aware, but cooked meat such as beef, pork, poultry, and fish creates cancer-causing chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). A true healthy lifestyle would include a vegan diet.

Oh God! I wish someone had told me all that before! What am I to do now, Doctor?

We’ll try our best with surgery and chemotherapy. But we must inform you, there will be side effects.

Thank you, Doctor.

We will try to help you.

This is not good! We must call the doctor.

Doctor, doctor, doctor! The patient is having seizure!

What happened? How’s her blood pressure?

The meat that Thủy ate the other day had E. Coli, an animal-borne bacteria so powerful that it shut down her kidneys and set off relentless seizures. Doctors have no choice but to put Thủy in a coma just to stop the seizures.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow Disease)

Meanwhile, Ðức is unaware he has contracted the human form of Mad Cow Disease from eating his favorite hamburgers. His brain is being attacked and eaten up, resulting in spongy holes in his brain tissue.

Fresh mushrooms here! Here they are! Here are fresh mushrooms, boss! Fresh mushrooms!

This dish is missing mushrooms! Why do you give me carrots and green peas? O God!

This is where I put the mushrooms. What are you talking about?

This is not the first time you made mistakes this week.

Who’s making mistakes?

If you don’t want to work then just go home.

I did it right though. I did it right!

Why don’t you go home!

What are you saying?

I don’t want you to work here anymore.

Fine, I’ll go. I don’t care.

Don’t talk anymore, just go home!

I’ll go. I don’t care. You think I need you?

Don’t come back here again!

I’ll leave, fine!

Ouch! That’s strange! Why? Ouch, I’m so dizzy. How come I feel so dizzy? Why am I here?

Are you okay?

Who are you?

Are you all right? Want me help you to stand up? Let me help you.

Get away. Where am I?

Ðức soon experiences memory loss and impaired limb coordination, the start of an unstoppable neurological deterioration whose end is always fatal.

Somebody fainted!

Amitabha Buddha be praised. Quan Yin Bodhisattva, the Goddess of Great Compassion, Great Mercy be praised! Please help my daughter overcome danger. Before my husband and I didn’t know that eating meat would bring us misfortunes, so now my most beloved daughter is in a coma. We don’t know whether she’ll be dead or alive. I promise from now on, my family will stop eating meat. We’ll eat only fruits and vegetables, and never kill animals again. God and Buddha, please have compassion to save my daughter’s life! She’s still too young.

You must take very good care of her.

Yes, Doctor.

Hi sister, do you feel any better?

The doctor said it’s very difficult to cure.

But you were so healthy!

No one told me that every single kind of meat is toxic. I advise you... don’t eat meat anymore.

Nurse! Get the wheelchair quickly. Be careful! Help him up. Quickly!

The chemotherapy has weakened her. Can she eat at all?

She can’t eat anything.

Here is his file, Doctor.

Thank you. Nurse, do you change diapers for the patient frequently?

Yes, I do, Doctor.

Give him some painkiller.

Yes, Doctor.

Please take a look at this, Doctor.

His brain doesn’t work well. This Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow Disease)...

Dead from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow Disease)?

Yes, Doctor.

Hi, sir and ma’am. Hi, children.

Hi, doctor.

I’d like to congratulate your whole family! Thủy is very fortunate to recover from this devastating E. Coli bacteria! But...

But what, Doctor?

Unfortunately, this bacteria has already destroyed her neurological system...


My child!

I’m very sorry…

My beloved daughter!

But she has to be paraplegic for life.

O God! My child! O God!

My baby! I was at fault for letting you eat infected meat... and now I’ve ruined your life.

From now on, your mother and I will take very good care of you two!

I’m grateful to God and Buddha for letting you come back to life. I’ve repented a lot.

Mom, let’s not eat meat anymore, okay Mom?

What, honey? That’s right! From now on, our family will be vegetarian.

The graceful dancer’s dream of becoming a ballerina is dashed forever. But Thủy remains grateful to be alive. From this experience, she knows in her heart that she ought to extend the same gift of life to all beings, human and animal alike.

And replace with other things that are more noble, elegant, and beneficial for His Majesty himself and for the entire country, the whole planet. That is the work of a hero and a wise king.

Take all these foods away. Don’t kill and harm animals anymore. I hereby order, from now on, all citizens must be veg to be in harmony with the law of the universe.

But fish and meat are so yummy, how can we give them up?

If you have something to say, say it out loud for His Majesty and everyone to hear. Why bother to hide it?

I just said that fish and meat are so yummy, it’s difficult to give up. Is that OK?

I understand, but that’s only a habit. If you have love for our people and country, and want to save the planet, then it’s not so difficult. Just practice a few weeks and you’d get used to it. After that the body and cell essence will be pure. Then even the smell of fish and meat becomes unbearable, much less putting them in your mouth. When you look at the animals, you will feel love toward them; you won’t have the heart to kill and eat their flesh and blood.

Besides, vegetarian food is extremely tasty and nutritious. I respectfully invite Your Majesty and all court officials to walk over to my house. My lady cooks absolutely delicious veg food.

Enough! Stop arguing with each other, or the neighbors will laugh at us. I command that the literary mandarin, whose wife is a superb cook, to prepare a cozy banquet. I and all court officials will go over to feast this Sunday.

Yes, exactly in 3 days, at noon, I respectfully invite Your Majesty and all mandarins to be guests at my house, Singing Pig Street, number 99, Alley Laughing Cow 24/7.

I already gave the OK for that. You all must also be present on that day. Court dismissed.

Your Majesty! I have an urgent case to report! I have an urgent case to report! Prince, Prince, O Prince!

Here, here, here! I have something for Your Highness. Try them on.

Very good, very good.

What are you doing? Let me go. What are you doing? I’m innocent! I’m innocent! I’m innocent!

Your Highness, O Your Highness! You probably would have to suffer an unjust death...

Who is this unknown man? Why does he cry for the Prince? Please tune in coming weeks for more fascinating developments.

CREDITS: The King & Co Part 2

WRITTEN and DIRECTED BY (remote control): Madame T.H. (Top-notch director) DIRECTOR: Chop Herbs (So-so class director but nearby!) PRODUCER: Supreme Master TV Ginger Group MUSIC COMPOSER: Uncle Three Drummer SET DECORATION: Sister Tomato and the Veggie Group DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Brother Popping Light

CAST: King Pre-Junkie Post-Yogi: Wayward Trần Literary Mandarin #1 – Prime Minister: Enlightened Đặng Literary Mandarin #2: Gentle Lý Literary Mandarin #3: Upright Đặng Literary Mandarin #4: Great Enlightened Nguyễn Literary Mandarin #5: Almost Enlightened Trương Literary Mandarin #6: Seven Crosseye Bùi Literary Mandarin #7: Bla Bla Lý Literary Mandarin #8: Labouring Lý Literary Mandarin #9: Yet to Practice Trần Literary Mandarin #10: Blessed Trần

Martial Mandarin #1: Stumbling Lâm Martial Mandarin #2: Rumbling Huỳnh Martial Mandarin #3: Protesting Lưu Martial Mandarin #4: Disgruntled Lương Martial Mandarin #5: Countryless Võ Martial Mandarin #6: Avaricious Tạ Martial Mandarin #7: Contraband Phạm Martial Mandarin #8: Shifty Phan Martial Mandarin #9: Bullheaded Bùi Martial Mandarin #10 : Fugacious Trương

Kiss B. Mandarin #1: Crooked Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #2: Tigerwhisker Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #3: Infidel Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #4: Shady Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #5: Fibbing Lý Kiss B. Mandarin #6: Toady Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #7: Sparsewhisker Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #8: Catwhisker Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #9: Copycat Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #10: Sans Courage Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #11: Bully Trương Kiss B. Mandarin #12: Disloyal Bùi Kiss B. Mandarin #13: Traitor Phan

Palm Fan Advisor: Yesman Phan Majestic Admiral: Judo Võ Mighty General: Kung Fu Trịnh Deaf Maid #1: Ear Royale Lê Deaf Maid #2: Royale Ear Bùi Lisping Maid: Homely Betty Royal Attendant: Brother Five Parasol Vendor Gruff Guard: Brother Three Scar Chubby Guard: Brother Eight Ennui Lanky Soldier: Seeking Phan Yogi First Prince: Divine Trần

Male radio listener 1: Uncle Two Newspaper Male radio listener 2: Uncle Seven Mag Male radio listener 3: Uncle Four Mart Female radio listener : Mrs. Three Noodle Merchant Radio host: Loud Sound Ngô Flying boy who visits Masters: Little Flyer Lý Flying girl with scarf: Pure Cloud High Above Flying boy who loses shoe: Shoe Seller Tí Flying boy who loses cell phone: Phone Peddler Tèo Flying woman who loses dentures: Auntie Five Dentist Flying girl who loses wig: Big Baby Hairdresser

Jesus Christ: Rise to Heaven Phạm Buddha: All-Good Lương Lao Tzu: Higher Trương Confucius: Saintly Cao Tea drinking genie: Celestial Trà Fairies and Angels: Fairy Ngô Sea Gull Hà Flying Messenger Phạm Celestial Swan Dương Cloud Fay Vũ Precious Angel Lâm Laughing neighbors: Brother Two Neighbor Miss Three Neighbor Uncle Nine Vermicelli Mrs. Three Vermicello Laughing lady in the market 1: Jello Thúy Laughing lady in the market 2: Smoothie Sương

Skinny person holding fish: Ancient Pisces Đường Grandmother at the King’s Tomb: Seventy Thái Grandson at the King’s Tomb: Elementary Tô Male commoner offering flower: Ordinary Mạnh Upper class female at the King’s Tomb: Elegant Đinh Upper class male at the King’s Tomb: Knightly Lương Skinny Seaport Police: Eyeing Cao Chubby Seaport Police: Sand Bag Lữ

Fish Story: Fish Eater 1: Seven Bowl Bùi Fish Eater 2: Stubborn Bành Wife: Miss Three Squatting Market Doctor: Kind-hearted Tạ Nurse: Virtuous Hà People in waiting room : Vegans of Wood Village

Meat-eating Stories: Ballerina Girl (E. Coli victim): Swan Vũ Mom: Autumn Apricot Vũ Dad: Splendid Vũ Brother: Skillful Vũ Other Ballerinas: Soaring Seagulls Dance Company Real Estate Agent (Cancer victim) : Ms. Three Real Estate Client Husband: Brother Eight Construction Client Wife: Ms. Four Interior Friend: Sister Six Brick Kiln Restaurant Diners: Potato-planting Leaf Villagers Restaurant Worker (Mad Cow Disease) : Brother Seven Bakery

Chef: Uncle Trương the Chef Chef’s Assistants: Assorted Assistant Cooks Waitress: Hospitable Hà Fast Food Restaurant Owner: In Time Đỗ Assistant: Ready Lê Fast Food Customers: Fast Food Group Ballerina’s doctor: Sister Eight Nurse Real estate agent’s doctor: Brother Five Dentist Restaurant worker’s doctor: Brother Four Dentist Doctors: Green Energy Engineers Group Nurses: Vegan Veterinarians Group Patients: Bà Chiểu Market Hygiene Group

VOICES: Brother Three Stutt Brother Two T-terring Mr. Eight Veggie Uncle Two Guard Brother Four Mouth Brother Five Haggard Brother Three Lettuce Brother Four Opera Brother Six Goody Brother Seven Overbite


ART DIRECTOR: Brother Three Muscle

EDITORS: Brother Four Dopey Uncle Four Tofu Brother Two Ricegrain Uncle Seven Soysauce Brother Three Hammer Brother Two Mallet

SOUND DEPARTMENT: Brother Seven Deaf Brother Eight Buzz Brother Five Hard of Hearing Uncle Seven Fiddle Uncle Three Monochord

MUSICIANS: Camelia Trịnh Guitar Hứa Blue Cloud Tạ Rose Blossom Hà Snow White Bùi Clear Moon Cao Wholesome Human Trịnh Gratitude-keeping Trương Protocol-performing Tạ Saintly Wisdom Trần Trustworthy Tô

VISUAL EFFECTS: Sister Four Nearsighted Brother Six Glass Bottle Brother Ten Carpenter Tèo Ice Cream the Kid Brother Six Pedicab Brother Two Mason Brother Eight Painter Brother Three Plowshare Brother Seven Buffalo Nose Brother Four Frog Eye

CAMERA OPERATORS: Mr. Bushy Beard Brother Three Rock Sugar Brother Sulfate Water Buffalo Brother Three Scruffy Brother Four Dopey Uncle Seven Soysauce

LIGHTING DEPARTMENT: Brother Three Beard Brother Four Bald Head Brother Eight Crosseye

MAKE-UP: Miss Three Sponge Cake Sister Five Sticky Rice Cake Sister Six Banana Fritter Sister Four Skeleton Miss Nine Soya

HAIRSTYLISTS: Sister Seven Beignet Mrs. Eight Cucumber

COSTUME AND WARDROBE: Miss Three Sponge Cake Mrs. 5 Stick

THE DANGERS OF FISH CONSUMPTION - Seafood is identified as the leading cause of all foodborne illnesses in the US each year. - Seafood is one of most common causes of food allergies worldwide, often with life-threatening acute reactions and lifelong chronic effects.

CIGUATERA POISONING - The most common seafood toxin reported worldwide, found in over 400 fish species, including farmed salmon. The tasteless, odorless toxin cannot be destroyed by cooking or freezing and, once ingested, there is no cure. - Some symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, nightmares, insomnia, dangerously slow heart rate, abnormally low blood pressure, and nervous system dysfunctions such as prickling and numbness of skin, weakening of respiratory muscles, coma, convulsions, blurred vision, transient blindness, hypersalivation, inability to swallow, the sensation as if teeth are about to fall out, and false temperature perception in which hot objects feel cold and cold objects “burn.” Symptoms can last for years and relapses occur by consuming seafood, chicken, pork, coffee or alcohol.

- In 2009, Tom Pickett, an active diver and surfer, caught and ate a tropical fish containing ciguatoxin. He was hospitalized for over two months, at times unable to talk, walk, or feed himself, and lost 50 pounds. Once out of the hospital, Tom suffered daily from fatigue, unclear thinking, unintelligible speech, hallucinations and delusions, difficulty in tasks like showering and shaving, and the constant risk of falling and injuring himself.

SCOMBROID POISONING - Some symptoms: Burning sensations around the mouth, facial flushing, sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, palpitations (abnormal heartbeat), dizziness, rash, and vasodilatory shock. - Scombroid toxin cannot be destroyed by cooking or freezing. - Within 30 minutes of eating a canned-tuna salad, a 51-year-old female physician experienced a throbbing headache worse than her usual migraines, with nausea, abnormal heartbeat, and the feeling of impending doom. She was later diagnosed with scombroid poisoning.

TETRODOTOXIN (FUGU, PUFFERFISH) POISONING - Some symptoms: Victims remain fully conscious while becoming completely paralyzed, thus imprisoned within their own bodies. The toxin in one pufferfish could kill 30 adult humans and has no known antidote. - Pufferfish toxin cannot be destroyed by cooking or freezing. - Japanese Kabuki actor Bando Mitsugoro VIII died of paralysis eight hours after eating puffer fish livers.

SHELLFISH POISONING - These toxins cannot be destroyed by cooking or freezing, and there is no known antidote. Types include: - Paralytic shellfish poisoning - Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning - Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning - Azaspiracid shellfish poisoning - Amnesic shellfish poisoning - In June 2010, 57-year-old John Saunders from the US died within 3 days of eating crab.

The toxin, known to be 1,000 times more deadly than cyanide, at first tingled his lips, then weakened his muscles, impaired his coordination, and paralyzed his body so that he could barely breathe. He succumbed on the day after leaving the hospital. His death was the area’s second fatality in less than a week due to paralytic shellfish poisoning.

MERCURY POISONING - Mercury poisoning is caused almost exclusively by eating fish. - Some symptoms in adults: Visual field constriction, memory loss, headaches, tremor, loss of fine motor control, spasticity, hair loss, and prickling of hands, feet, and lips. - Some symptoms in infants: Unborn infants exposed to mercury from their mothers can suffer blindness and deafness, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, seizures, swallowing and speech problems, and other birth defects.

- Mercury contamination in fish led to a poisoning outbreak affecting 2 million people in Minamata, Japan starting in 1956, causing more than 900 people to lose their lives, and thousands to suffer seizures, paralysis, and permanent severe neurological damage to limbs, speech, hearing and vision, etc. Cats were seen having convulsions and drowning or running into flames, crows fell from the sky, and dead fish floated on the sea.

Sohachi Hamamoto, a hardy and strong-willed resident, overnight lost his balance while walking, could not put on his shoes, salivated, and began to convulse so much that he had to be tied to his bed. He “craze-danced” like the cats and tore open his skin relentlessly with his fingernails, dying seven weeks later. - A US study found that every fish tested across 291 streams was contaminated by mercury.

MORE TYPES OF SEAFOOD POISONING - Fish and shellfish accumulate and transmit pollution and toxins from the environment to humans, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, banned insecticides, etc. - Fish and shellfish frequently transmit deadly pathogens including worms, Hepatitis A virus, norovirus, Vibrio bacteria, Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. - Researchers find that fish worldwide is contaminated with cancer-causing radioactive Strontium-90, which may date back to global nuclear testing of the 1950s.

These are just a few of the facts and real cases of fish poisoning. There are many other heart-rending cases which can’t be all recounted in this limited time.

There are many real-life meat poisoning cases worldwide. - In 2007, Stephanie Smith, a 20-year-old dance instructor in the US, was infected with E. coli 0157:H7 from eating one hamburger. After a 3-month coma induced to stop her relentless seizures, Stephanie emerged brain damaged and permanently paralyzed from the waist down.

- In 1995, 19-year-old Stephen Churchill in the UK became the first victim to die of the human form of mad cow disease. Once a smart and talented pilot-in-training, he suffered depression, dementia, loss of limb control, and within a year, death. No amount of cooking can destroy the pathogen, and all cases of this incurable illness are fatal.

- A bright and lively 7-year-old named Monika Samaan in Australia ate fast-food chicken tainted with Salmonella. Her resulting illness led to lifelong spastic quadriplegia, mental retardation, and liver dysfunction.

- In 2008, Mari Tardiff, a public health nurse, a robust athlete and young mother of two unknowingly drank raw milk contaminated with Campylobacter. Within days, she was gripped by acute diarrhea, vomiting, and Guillain-Barré syndrome that for months left her trapped in her own body, fully conscious and in agonizing pain inflicted by the infection's severe effects, yet unable to move, speak or even breathe on her own. Mari may never be able to walk again.

- The #1 cause of seizures in the world is Taenia solium, a tapeworm that comes from pork. - In South Korea, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria has been found on 75% of imported Dutch pork, 50% of Danish pork, and 50% of Mexican beef. - 92% of people infected with Listeriosis require hospitalization. One in five infected die. Foods most likely to have listeria are soft cheeses, rare meat and poultry, raw egg, seafood, hot dogs and luncheon meats.

- 98% of chicken produced in Ireland have been determined to have Campylobacter or other harmful bacteria. Campylobacter can cause bloody diarrhea, fever, heart and abdominal pain, blood infections, arthritis, lifelong irritable bowel syndrome, heart attack, and paralysis. It is the leading cause of food-borne illness in the US, the UK, and Australia. Campylobacter has been found in 59% of conventionally raised chickens and 57% of organically raised chickens in the US. In US supermarkets, 90% of the poultry sold is contaminated with Campylobacter, as is 65% of the chicken sold in the UK.

- Salmonella has been detected in 80% of chicken meat in Moscow, Russia supermarkets and in 55% of slaughtered pigs in Hong Kong. - Bacteria-laden fecal matter has been found in 92% of poultry and 69% of pork in multiple supermarkets across the US. - Salmonella, Campylobacter, and E. coli all originate in animals’ intestines or fecal matter. Even food poisoning outbreaks linked to plant foods are always a consequence of meat production.

- Cancer-causing chemicals such as heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are formed every single time beef, lamb, pork, poultry, or fish is grilled, fried or broiled. While cooked meat is laden with cancer-causing toxins, undercooked meat is a breeding ground for deadly bacteria. These are just a small sample of meat poisoning facts and cases worldwide. There are many other heart-rending cases which can’t all be recounted in this limited time.

Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In today’s Enlightening Entertainment, with great honor Supreme Master Television is pleased to present the world premiere of an epic saga abounding with creativity and insight, elaborately produced over a period of time with wholehearted dedication and effort.

Lovingly written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual master, humanitarian, artist and author of #1 international best-selling books, “The King & Co.” is a tale that reflects the challenges of the age, right in this urgent time of our planet. It interweaves ancient and modern settings, with tragic as well as comic plots, combining thrilling adventures, loyalty and tender affection among people, along with profound spiritual reminders.

The story centers around Đại Ngôn royal court with mandarins of all kinds, from virtuous to corrupt to indecisive, each unique; a king who must rule over his kingdom and, in international relations, also has great global responsibility; a handsome prince on his way to re-discover his True Self; an innocent country girl with a pure, loving and courageous heart: their fates are intertwined with one another.

“The King & Co.” also presents fact-based messages about the four most dangerous silent killers of the planet, namely, meat, addictive drugs, tobacco and alcohol, in hopes that worldwide citizens will become more aware about the poisons that are destroying this and future generations.

Despite her very busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai personally wrote and directed via remote control “The King & Co.”, showing her deep concern for humanity and all beings on Earth. From start to finish, every detail, including the characters’ names, selection of songs to accompany the dances, gestures of each character, appropriate make-up styles for actors, and even their stage names, was all under her meticulous guidance.

The 6-part series “The King & Co.”, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, will be aired over nine weeks. This creative work is derived from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love, inner source of creativity, and perfect wisdom. We invite you to share this special gift and enjoy “The King & Co.” on today’s program.

During a royal court meeting in the land of Đại Ngôn, having observed that the King looked very pale, a mandarin inquired about His Majesty’s health. The King stated that he had been using addictive drugs to lose weight! The virtuous mandarins quickly advised the King to stop his drug abuse, citing the many adverse effects such as health impairment and national budget deficit. While court officials were arguing back and forth in the tense atmosphere, a dog suddenly appeared with an SOS flyer.

After reading it, the virtuous mandarins reported to His Majesty the dire situation caused by global warming and the solution of “Be Veg and Go Green 2 Save the Planet!” The King seemed to agree and supported the “Go Green” idea. As for “Be Veg,” His Majesty said he needed to reconsider and would answer later.

Now, please join us for the first half of Part 2 of “The King &Co.”

You’ve just enjoyed the first half of part 2 of “The King & Co.”, written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Please tune in next Thursday for the continuation of part 2 on Supreme Master Television.

Our heartfelt appreciation to worldwide viewers who shared thoughtful words and encouraging support after watching Part 1 of “The King & Co.”

We just finished watching “The King & Co.” and I must say it was quite an amazing experience because there was a really broad range of emotions in that movie. We laughed, we cried, we clapped at the end. It was really, really nice. Obviously, the sad parts were really sad, seeing the devastating effects of the drugs. We really have to do something about that; and it’s great that we’re getting out there through Supreme Master Television and getting this message out. Thank you so much Supreme Master Ching Hai for doing this for the world. I wish you all the best.

I really liked it very much. Looking forward to seeing the other episodes. Every Thursday, right?

What a wonderful show! Full of humour, drama and information. All portrayed with such sophistication. I think the reality-based drug addiction scenes were exceptionally moving and emotional. The characters were dynamic and full of life. Such a creative and imaginative drama that it kept my interest throughout and delivers the message in a powerful way. I loved it and look forward to the next show! Maggie from London, United Kingdom

We can tell that they’ve put in a lot of efforts.

I thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for all her creative art works, such as poetry, drama and this series of TV shows. She tries to use different means and methods to tell us so many important and beautiful messages, which are, the only way to save the planet is to be veg and go green.

It was really funny! Why do we have to wait 1 whole week?

The show was so funny. I couldn't stop laughing. Thank you so much, Supreme Master TV, for bringing us such a funny yet educational series. I can't wait to watch them all. May all people on the planet adopt the compassionate and cruelty-free vegan diet. I love you, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I’ve witnessed someone trying to quit drugs. It’s a very painful process. This show tells us how detrimental and horrible drugs are to humankind. It’s a very positive program.

I think it’s excellent. I can’t wait to see the next episode.

Fantastic drama. I thoroughly enjoyed the cracking cast.

The costumes were breathtaking. Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for writing this beautiful, thought-provoking and inspiring story. I can’t wait till next Thursday to watch the next episode Rosemarie from the United Kingdom

I’m one of Supreme Master Television’s frequent viewers. I watched this drama with my elder sister. The message contained inside is truly amazing. In my opinion, the most essential point is that we can conserve the environment through vegetarianism. That is the fact that many people don’t know. In fact, meat eating is the biggest cause of environmental problem. I believe it is worth it to get the message out for the people who don’t know about the harm yet.

This drama seems to be light-hearted, but I can feel Supreme Master Ching Hai’s sincerity. I have a few friends who are addicted to drugs. I know drugs don’t just hurt the drug users, but also their friends.

The drama also brings up the issue of organic vegan diet. Housewives like me know that many vegetables have been sprayed with chemicals which is very harmful to the environment and our health. So it’s very important to keep an organic vegan diet.

I thank Supreme Master Ching Hai and all the working staff behind the scene for your dedication to save the planet and the world.

Brilliant! The play is serious, funny and very well put together. The harm of drugs is very well acted and is effective; credit goes to the director! Well done to all and the dogs! Diana from London, United Kingdom

The intro was too funny! Couldn't stop myself laughing... Loved that part “We need a translator for Angle-lay in French” and “Why green and not another color”! I was literally falling off my chair when the dog carried the “SOS flyer” to the dope-king's court and the Kiss B. mandarins started looking around nervously for an “Angle-lay” translator!

I thank Supreme Master Ching Hai and all the working staff. We’ve all heard that we shouldn’t use drugs. But when the message is delivered through creative and humorous stories, we will remember it better. So I think this show is very ingenious.

Hi, I’m just going to say that it was a great movie with such funny parts, with a spiritual message, and it was very uplifting. It was great acting with costumes that work just amazing. Thank you to the director and producer, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Finished watching part 1. This must be the most awesome movie ever created!!! Anticipating part 2. Too hilarious ♥

A friend of mine recommended to me a new fun drama, so we watched it together in a coffee shop. It was good for us to have a good talk and laugh together while watching funny moments, interesting scenes, and actions of the actors. It was also a very good opportunity to discuss about the lessons such as harms of drug and about environmental friendly organic farming. I would like to recommend this drama to my family and friends too.

I just saw “The King & Co.” and first of all, I want to thank you for shedding light on such an important thing that’s ruining if not killing millions of people around the world. And hopefully, your viewers will pay attention and really understand and they can get help and be better people for themselves.

I think they have put a lot of efforts into making this drama. Even though it has educational message, it’s also very interesting. The content is very positive. So I think it’s suitable for people of all ages.

Hi, I just watched this movie “The King & Co.” and I can say that it was so emotional for me. It touched my heart deeply by what meat eating can bring to the world, and also drugs consumption, alcohol consumption. There’s a lot of people who might not know this reality. So I really want to thank you the producer Supreme Master Ching Hai for bringing this message even though some of the images seem so real but people need to see the reality, and they need to know what they have to do to change this reality.

Because we can have a better world by changing our habits, eating habit, our everything in our lives. Even though it was a movie but it’s from the real world, it’s from our real life. I hope that this movie will be watched by a lot of people around the world to let them know what we should do to save our planet. So the last thing I would like to say, simple and to everybody, “Let’s do what we can do for the world and let’s Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!”

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is up next. May Heaven’s love and blessing be with you always. Farewell for now.

After the premiere of “The King & Co,” enthusiastic responses have arrived from diverse parts of the globe via letters, recordings, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other means of social networks.

I love Supreme Master Ching Hai so much. I very much like the masterpiece that she wrote and directed; it helps people understand that killing animals is not right.

I’ve just watched the drama “The King & Co.” written by Supreme Master Ching Hai. I think that series is very good and the court officials are very funny and witty, offering me many beneficial lessons. We shouldn’t drink alcohol or use addictive drugs. I hope no one will fall into that situation. I wish every family live well and harmoniously.

Part 2 to be continued on Thursday, July 29 , 2010
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