MUSIC & POETRY Loverlorn in the Evening & The Two Phoenixes (In Aulacese)    
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Soaring birds’ wings are returning to the cozy nest, where they have lived many days in sweetness. Reminiscing the moment of parting and reluctant footsteps, one pines for those green days of youth.

One earnestly longs to find old friends, but wind-swept birds are hard to be seen. Absent is the blue birds’ cheerful singing in their soaring days, fading in a far-off distance of a thousand directions.

On the road away from the homeland, one embraces the wind and mist; the heart alone carries this yearning. Silently it anguishes for the day of return to find the thread of love that has been severed.

Evening birds calling for the wind is like the sound of a lost person’s heart. An ambrosia taste lingers images of homeland. As steps are paused, the traveler feels such agony.

Soaring birds’ wings are returning to the cozy nest, where they have lived many days in sweetness. Reminiscing the moment of parting and reluctant footsteps, one pines for those green days of youth.

One earnestly longs to find old friends, but wind-swept birds are hard to be seen. Absent is the blue birds’ cheerful singing in their soaring days, fading in a far-off distance of a thousand directions.

On the road away from the homeland, one embraces the wind and mist; the heart alone carries this yearning. Silently it anguishes for the day of return to find the thread of love that has been severed.

Evening birds calling for the wind is like the sound of a lost person’s heart. An ambrosia taste lingers images of homeland. As steps are paused, the traveler feels such agony.

An ambrosia taste lingers images of homeland. As steps are paused, the traveler feels such agony.

You’ve just enjoyed “Day of Return,” a well-known song composed by Mr. Hoàng Giác s in 1947 and presented by famed singer Elvis Phương, with dance accompaniment by Hà Thành Dance Company and choreography by Mr. Kiều Lê. It was performed at the 1000 Years Thăng Long – Hà Nội Grand Celebration in October 2010.

O Đà Lạt, farewell, my sweet O Lâm Viên, high waterfalls, and distant hills O singing pines and trembling Golden Stream You hear not in someone’s footsteps a promise to return?

O Đà Lạt, farewell, my sweet O Cam Ly Waterfall and the romantic Love Forest The lonely listen to melancholic laments Someone separated from the beloved dreams of a morrow when love is fulfilled.

As I travel, drifting to places far and wide The indifferent world forgets to wait for an old love Tomorrow when rainfall veils one’s sorrow Searching for one’s first dream, whereto do fluttering flowers and butterflies go?

O Đà Lạt, farewell, my sweet O flower aroma and fragrant peach-lips Hear you not one’s sobbing heart? Someone separated from the beloved beckons for love to be fulfilled. Someone separated from the beloved beckons for love to be fulfilled.

Those who have been to Đà Lạt and visited the beautiful sceneries there would often feel wistful at the time of departure.

O Đà Lạt, farewell, my sweet  O Lâm Viên, high waterfalls, and distant hills  O singing pines and   trembling Golden Stream  You hear not in someone’s footsteps   a promise to return?  Once there and ever mesmerized by the flora, mountains and forests, upon saying farewell one quietly promises to return one day to satisfy the heart’s yearning.

O Đà Lạt, farewell, my sweet  O flower aroma and fragrant peach-lips  Hear you not one’s sobbing heart?  Someone separated from the beloved   beckons for love to be fulfilled. 

I travel with footsteps dragging everywhere The world so indifferent where all longing for old love is forgotten Then come rainfalls hiding one’s sorrow First dream searched: where are the fluttering flowers and butterflies going?

O Đà Lạt, farewell sweet heart O flower scents, O full lips of romantic girl Can you hear the sobbing of one’s heart?

Someone hampered calls for his deep romance!

Loneliness and isolation often accompany the moment when the day comes to an end. The transition between light and darkness evoke even deeper melancholy.

It’s chilly today; the sun goes to sleep early.  I miss you, O love! I miss you.  The gray atmosphere and chilly wind further increase the desolation of unspoken feelings and memories about a time of yore.

The gray sky’s as if about to melt into tears.  It’s all over! There’s nothing left, my dear!  Naught remains but deep yearning in the midst of a quiet evening.

Alone, I listen to the whole evening  slowly entering my heart of desolation. 

It’s chilly today; the sun goes to sleep early. It’s chilly today; the sun goes to sleep early. I miss you, O love! I miss you. Nothing is as sad as tender evenings, when sunlight gradually merges in darkness.

Trailing wind glides over entangled grass.

A few pieces of the dazed night hide among branches. Clouds follow the birds to a green mountain in the distance Flock after flock, harmoniously they fly in silence.

The gray sky’s as if about to melt into tears. It’s all over! There’s nothing left, my dear! No more breeze on the balcony and moonlight on the veranda No more dew drops and leaves falling intimately above us. It’s the end of jealousy and sulking. What happiness it was when we could be in sulks with each other!

Alone, I listen to the whole evening slowly entering my heart of desolation. I miss your voice, your image, your picture. I miss your voice, your image, your picture. I miss you, I miss you so much, my love! I miss us in those days that are now oceans away Miss your lips smiling at the horizon Miss your eyes gazing at me attentively.

Wind after wind, waves of longing and affection come and go O memories, why beckon me still?

It’s chilly today; the sun goes to sleep early. I miss you, O love! I miss you. Nothing is as sad as tender evenings, when sunlight gradually merges in darkness.

Trailing wind glides over entangled grass. A few pieces of the dazed night hide among branches. Clouds follow the birds to a green mountain in the distance Flock after flock, harmoniously they fly in silence.

It’s all over! There’s nothing left, my dear! No more breeze on the balcony and moonlight on the veranda It’s the end of jealousy and sulking. What happiness it was when we could be in sulks with each other!

I miss your voice, your image, your picture. I miss you, I miss you so much, my love! I miss those days that are now oceans away Miss your lips smiling at the horizon.

A Journey through Aesthetic Realms: Music & Poetry will be back in just a moment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms: Music & Poetry.

Love, dreams and union are the eternal wishes of lovers, for whom life is full of beautiful poems, and the world is as fresh as grass and flowers, smooth as sweet nectar.

The two fell hopelessly in love;  Both dared not move!  Just the stirring desire to embrace  Each other in their very souls!  But farewell and separation are always like the end of a sad movie. One leaves and the other stays, in a windy and foggy landscape. One goes far away to the end of the horizon, and the other returns home with deep sorrow. The world closes at night, and many pages of life are blurred by teardrops. Somewhere, there is only a silent prayer, as if to comfort a lonely, suffering soul.

But sadly, it's not so.  Where is the gorgeous phoenix now?  Why things happened the way they did,  She does not know...  Lonely and cold,   She hides away her soul,   Praying with silent tears!... 

Once upon a time, A male phoenix, Gorgeous and passionate, Romantic and kind, Met a beautiful lady of his heart!

The two fell hopelessly in love;

Both dared not move! Just the stirring desire to embrace

Each other in their very souls!

Then the beauty finally said: “I must go!” Then the gorgeous panicked,

Ran to her place, Saying:

“Please do not say so!... I love you.”

The lady phoenix said: “I love you too.” Then they'll live “happily ever after,”

That's what anyone would guess.

But sadly, it's not so. Where is the gorgeous phoenix now?

She does not know...! And the tears flow Like the water of Chao-phraya

In the season of flood!

Why yesterday is so far And today so different from days past,

Why things happened the way they had,

She does not know...

Lonely and cold, She hides away her soul, Praying with silent tears!...

Once upon a time, A male phoenix, Gorgeous and passionate, Romantic and kind, Met a beautiful lady of his heart!

The two fell hopelessly in love; Both dared not move! Not a word of love uttered. Time slipped by quietly. Desperately they waited For love to be declared. Yet silent he still was! But later that love blossomed, too. As beautifully as that dreamt of by lovers.

But sadly, it's not so. Where is the gorgeous phoenix now? She does not know...! And the tears flow Like the water of Chao-phraya in the season of flood! Why yesterday is so far And today so different from days past, Why things happened the way they had, She does not know...

Lonely and cold, She hides away her soul, Praying with silent tears!...

Once upon a time, A male phoenix, Gorgeous and passionate, Romantic and kind, Met a beautiful lady of his heart!

The two fell hopelessly in love; Both dared not move! Not a word of love uttered. Time slipped by quietly. Desperately they waited For love to be declared. Yet silent he still was! But later that love blossomed, too. As beautifully as that dreamt of by lovers.

But sadly, it's not so. Where is the gorgeous phoenix now? She does not know...! And the tears flow Like the water of Chao-phraya in the season of flood! Why yesterday is so far And today so different from days past, Why things happened the way they had, She does not know...

Lonely and cold, She hides away her soul, Praying with silent tears!...

On the occasion of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture titled “The Hotel Called Life” in Fresno, California, USA on June 23, 2001, a performance program was held the following day at the Fresno Convention Center, organized by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. With Supreme Master Ching Hai as the guest of honor, famed Aulacese (Vietnamese) artists specially presented songs adapted from poetic verses composed by her. During that time, we had a chance to speak with singers Mỹ Huyền and Hoài Nam.

I feel very happy and honored. I feel there’s love, love among humans, and such enthusiasm. I also put my whole heart in the two songs that I performed. Respected Master, I have never had the honor to speak with you, but I believe that you are a person of greatness, someone who is noble, compassionate and loving toward all. I would like to respectfully wish Master abounding peace, safety, and health.

This is the first time I came to Fresno to sing. In the depth of my heart, before arriving here, I imagined a different atmosphere, like very formal, similar to the shows that I’ve performed in all these years. But when I set foot here, my thinking was completely different. It’s because when I came here and met the brothers and sisters, although I don’t know their names, my fellow countrymen, I feel so lighthearted because the kindness between people is just overflowing. As we live our lives, we can’t be thinking that we know everything already. Every day we’re learning new things.

Today, I see young people who have been living here for a long time, but they have an awareness about human love, which makes this world much more beautiful. I think it must have been because Master helped shine on you, meaning bringing you enlightenment. I don’t know much, but I’m speaking from my heart. I appreciate it so much. This world has lots of suffering already, we need to have many more of these gatherings, we need more such friendly and loving faces. I feel that it’s like a tranquilizer and a gentle medicine for... I’m moved to tears as I speak now. What I’m saying is true to my heart. I learned of Master through TV and radio. The first time I heard of Master was 3 years ago.

By chance, when I was driving, I turned on the radio in the car. I listened to Master’s lecture and felt that it was very close to our ordinary lives. Master didn’t use any lofty terms at all. Master talked as if having a conversation, yet that reached me deeply. I listened and I liked it. I’m saying this honestly with the conscience of a human being.

Since that day, I enjoy listening to Master so much. I listened to Master’s lectures on the radio, then later I learned that Master’s lecture is on every Saturday, and I have never missed it. I’m in bed, sleepy, but after I listen to Master, I feel better. Then I could sleep some more. I’d like to thank Master. I’m already old, no longer a young person.

But at least, better late than never, meaning that I was able to meet an enlightened Master. Although Master’s words are very simple, but I feel that they help my heart to be so light. Honestly speaking, I will continue the rest of my life with a light and carefree heart, unlike before. That’s what I would like to say to Master.

In today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms: Music & Poetry, we have enjoyed the song “Farewell Đà Lạt,” by singer-songwriter Duy Khánh, with vocals by Duy Khánh and Hồng Vân. Next was the poem “Lovelorn in the Evening,” recited by Supreme Master Ching Hai and written by poet Xuân Diệu. The poem was set to music by composer Chu Minh Ký and presented by singer Bạch Công Khanh.

Our program concluded with “The Two Phoenixes,” a poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with recitals by artists Hữu Phúc and Nguyệt Lan; it was excerpted from CD “The Dream of a Butterfly”. This poem was adapted to music by composer Nhật Ngân, with vocal performances by singers Mỹ Huyền and Hoài Nam, excerpted from DVD 743 “Buddha’s Sadness”.

Poet Xuân Diệu was born in 1916 in central Âu Lạc. As a member of the Self-Reliance Literary Group, Mr. Xuân Diệu was a pioneer in the New Poetry movement, acclaimed for his romantic verses. His poetry collection “The Star” received the 1954-1955 literary award from the Vietnamese Writers’ Association. Xuân Diệu also wrote short stories, essays, and literary reviews. In addition, he translated the works of eminent poets around the world such as Victor Hugo, Sándor Petőfi, Nicolás Guillén, and Rabindranath Tagore. Some of his illustrative works include poetic collections “Poetry Poetry,” “Fragrance Sent into the Wind,” “Xuân Diệu’s Collection,” and the short story “Yellow Pine Pollen.”

Singer-songwriter Duy Khánh was born in 1936, a native of Quảng Trị, central Âu Lạc, into a noble family. In mid 1950s, he won first place in a singer contest sponsored by Radio France Asia with the song “Peaceful Moon.” After that, he began to perform for many radio stations, on stage, and worked with the Hoàng Thi Thơ entertainment group.

He was well-known for such songs as “Day of Return” and “Humble Village.” He recorded with legendary singer Thái Thanh in song cycles “The Mandarin Road” and “Mother Việt Nam.” Duy Khánh was also acclaimed for the songs that he composed himself such as “If You Go to Huế,” “Sending Love to the Central,” and “The Road Back to Motherland.”

The song “Humble Village” was performed by Mr. Duy Khánh during the benefit concert “Traces of Previous Lives and Love Songs” in December 1996 at Long Beach Terrace Theater, California, USA. On January 15, 2003, when singer-songwriter Duy Khánh was treated at a hospital, our Association members visited him, bringing love and gifts from Supreme Master Ching Hai to this talented and gentle artist.

Mr. Duy Khánh expressed the following to Master. Respected Supreme Master, today your disciples came to visit me. Though still very young, they are very kind and represent Master to visit me. I’m so touched. I can see that in any situation, Master always helps many people. I’m very moved. I’m sorry that Master is on travels and not here, thus I don’t have the honor to see Master.

All this time, I’ve paid attention and found that you are a very benevolent person and that you have assisted many people. I thank you, Master, for sending your disciples here, and for supporting me materially and financially. I’d like to emphasize again that I wish very much to see Master again some time. I’d be very happy.

Composer Nhật Ngân was born in Thanh Hóa, Âu Lạc. He came to know music through the guidance of Catholic priests. He has been writing music since 1959. Mr. Nhật Ngân has composed hundreds of songs. Some of his well-known songs include “Taking You to the Other Shore,” “I Won’t Be Home This Spring,” “Awakened from a Dream,” and “Happy Days Quickly Gone By.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai personally presented composer Nhật Ngân with a souvenir gift during the “Traces of Previous Lives and Love Songs” benefit concert, organized by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association at the Long Beach Terrace Theater in December 1996. Composer Nhật Ngân has also joined our Association to visit artists in Âu Lạc with New Year gifts and Supreme Master Ching Hai’s love. He wrote the following letter to Supreme Master Ching Hai:

Anaheim, February 1, 2000 Respected greetings, Master. Ever since I had the opportunity to work with your Association during the Long Beach concert through the song “Passing by Your House,” which I set to music and later on to be able to join the concert organizers to Âu Lạc to present gifts to the artists there during the spring of 1997, I have had many good impressions about the humanitarian work of Master and your Association.

In recent years, though I didn’t have the good fortune to see Master, but through contacts with some Association members, I received as gifts some of Master’s poetry collections, published by your Association. From these poetry collections, I found the inspiration and was able to complete 12 songs. Respectfully yours, Nhật Ngân

Composer Chu Minh Ký was born in a Christian family in southern Âu Lạc. Besides writing songs, composer Chu Minh Ký is also talented in translating song lyrics from other cultures. Mr. Chu Minh Ký has composed many poems which were aired on Supreme Master Television’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms: Music & Poetry, with vocal performances by admired singers such as Ngọc Ánh, Quỳnh Lan, Hoàng Quân, Quốc Đại, and Xuân Phú. Supreme Master Ching Hai has fondly sent gifts to composer Chu Minh Ký with her best wishes.

Hồng Vân is among the most famous poetry reciters in Âu Lạc and also a well-known folk singer since the early 1970s. Hồng Vân’s sweet and gentle singing and reciting voice lingers in the hearts of listeners through such poems as “The Hues of Antigone Blossom,” “Words of a Courtesan,” as well as folk songs like “Song of the Mountain Pass,” and “Song of the Black Horse.”

As affinity led her to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poetry, she has cherished and expressed Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poems so movingly and with such spirit, poems such as “Why Am I Still in Love?” “Waiting for You,” “Asking My Love in Yonder,” and “How Can I Forget...”

During Christmas 1996, the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association organized a benefit concert in Long Beach, California, USA in support of Aulacese artists residing in their homeland.

Up to this time, Supreme Master Ching Hai continues to lovingly send New Year gifts to Aulacese people in need, including artists. During those occasions, our Association members had the pleasure of visiting Ms. Hồng Vân. She had sung in dedication to Supreme Master Ching Hai a song entitled “The Moon River” to express her gratitude for Master. Ms. Hồng Vân said, “Though we are thousands of miles apart, I always think of you as a highly revered Master.”

Singer Mỹ Huyền is the beloved daughter of composer Thu Hồ. At age 9, she joined the Fatima Catholic children’s choir and was selected many times to perform on television. After becoming a professional singer, she was encouraged by her father to study the 16-string zither with musician Bửu Lộc, thus she is able to perform skillfully traditional tunes such as Lưu Thủy and Kim Tiền.

Ms. Mỹ Huyền also writes songs, some of which are “The Lonely Lover 2,” “The Silent Lover,” and “Missing You Forever, Mother.” Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly presented singer Mỹ Huyền a souvenir gift during the benefit concert for artists in Âu Lạc in 1996, Long Beach, California, USA.

Singer Mỹ Huyền shared: I remember the day of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s benefit concert. On that day, lots of people came to show support. In a solemn and warm atmosphere, for all the artists present as well as everyone in the organizing staff, and in particular my father and me, we felt that it was very intimate and touching. That concert was so magnificent in such a peaceful atmosphere. I would say it was one of elegance and intimacy. I must say I admire very much what Supreme Master Ching Hai has done for humanity. I remember my father also came up on stage to thank Master for her virtuous deeds. I also sang during that evening. I felt very happy and touched.

Singer Hoài Nam won first place for his performance of “Love for My Homeland” by composer Phạm Duy and “Reunion in the Ocean” by composer Phạm Đình Chương in a singing contest organized by well-known musician Ngọc Chánh.

In 1997, in a survey by Người Việt (Vietnamese People) Daily News, Hoài Nam was chosen by audiences as the most admired male singer. With fond appreciation, Supreme Master Ching Hai has warmly sent gifts to singer Hoài Nam with her blessing wishes.

Bạch Công Khanh is a young singer born in 1990. He won second place in the 2009 School Singing Voice Contest. Some songs that he is known for include “O My Hometown,” “The Aulacese Bamboo Tree,” “Alone,” and “Dream of the Crane.” Besides singing, Bạch Công Khanh is also involved in films.

Nguyệt Lan was born in southern Âu Lạc . She is married to Phạm Đức Thành, a talented and famous monochord musician. She is a skilled poetry reciter and can perform both modern music and Aulacese folk opera. Nguyệt Lan is admired by audiences for her sweet and uplifting singing voice. Supreme Master Ching Hai has affectionately sent gifts to artist Nguyệt Lan.

Hữu Phúc was born in Tây Ninh, southern Âu Lạc. He shared that he was fortunate enough to be introduced to the sounds of folk music at a very young age; as such, he is able to perform both modern and traditional music. He also can recite poetry. Hữu Phúc often sings traditional and folk songs. He was a winner in a singing contest in Montréal, Canada, in 1991. Poetry reciter Hữu Phúc was presented with gifts along with conducive wishes from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Thank you for watching today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms: Music & Poetry. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Vegetarian Elite. May you and your family be graced with Heaven’s miraculous blessings Respected Master, ladies and gentlemen, I came from a Buddhist family. Therefore Buddhism has been absorbed in my blood quite a bit. I’m not sure how I could have the affinity to stand here today and speak to Master, to you ladies and gentlemen, and the practitioners. First, this is a great honor for me to see Master in person.

Together we lend our caring hands Rejoicing with the two harvesting seasons of corn and potato So life is as fragrant as golden rice grains, O love!

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television on Saturday, March 12, 2011, for a special program in memory of actor La Thoại Tân, a multi-talented artist who was acclaimed as one of the Âu Lac’s (Vietnam’s) comedy kings, featuring jokes that were presented to Supreme Master Ching Hai and guests at gatherings with media personages, writers, and artists in the United States.

Remember you still the mountain and river of Hương Bình? Those green days of youth, with lingering affection

Returning to the flower garden to offer her a sweet briar Songs of loving affection make her cheeks rosy

The pulse of life is peaceful and joyous Together we walk as our shadows merge.
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