The Truth About Merits:How to Gain or Lose Them - P10/13 July 7, 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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Master, that’s all the questions that we have for you today. You mentioned earlier that you had a list, would you like to share that with us?

Sure, sure, okay. That’s all you have, and are you all satisfied with my answers? (Yes! Yes, Master.) Okay, good. Now, there comes the list. Because sometimes during meditation I will find out something and do research something and so, if you want, I’ll run it out for you. Okay. Okay! Here comes! Spiritual “dos and don’ts.”

Okay, first, I talk about loss. Sometimes I talk about loss and gain, so it’s not like made in an order or anything because I wrote it quickly the way it came. Understand me? Yes. Yes, Master. Now, mistakes, for example, loss: go out shopping, lost 200 spiritual points; go to a meat-eating restaurant, lose 300 spiritual points; eat stuffs with animal’s’ (products), minimum lose 700, maximum 1,000; eat from someone else cooking for you, lose 50 points even; when you cook for yourself, even then you lose 20 points. All this is deduction from your spiritual merit, okay, understand this? Yes, Master.

Nothing in this world is free. So that’s why you ask me why you have to earn merit. We have to in order to cover ourselves, even. Yes? (Yes, Master.) When we cook for someone, we gain 40 points. See? So now, you asked, like, you asked how much you gain when you open a Loving Hut restaurant, then you can multiply it for me. Okay, for example, you asked me about adopting and raising animals? (Yes.) Okay, for example, here, I have it even. Looks like I knew. Before you asked all these questions, this list already exists, okay? I didn’t write it because of you.

I wrote it because it came through meditation. Sometimes people ask “in the air,” or when you meditate at home, you asked and I caught it here and I wrote it all down, the answers, here. For example, raise one vegan dog, you will gain 4,000 to 6,000 points per year; help to cook and care for one veggie dog, you gain 1,000 to 2,000 – like, for example,

if I have a dog and one of my assistants living here helps to cook and care for him, he will gain 1,000 to 2,000 points per year; raise one veg dog, take care overall with, you know, above assistance, you will gain 4,000 to 6,000 point per year; raise one bird, with veggie, gain 3,000 to 10,000 per year – more for birds, I mean, take care overall, and then you gain up to 10,000 per year; help feed or care for birds, like live-in assistant or helper, you will gain yourself, even if it’s not your bird; you just help my bird, for example – you will gain 2,000 to 3,000 points per year; clean house for an enlightened Master, you will gain 20,000 points per year.

Because you kept asking me before, how is it compared to, being Master’s assistants or working in Supreme Master TV, right? Yes, Master. You did, right? Yes, Master. I heard something like that. Okay. So, for example, you clean the house for a Master, you earn 20,000 points; wash clothes for Master, you earn 5,000 points – these are yearly, yearly income; wear your clothes when somebody else washes for you, you lose nothing, you gain nothing.

It depends on what kind of job. It’s not like always doing some and then you gain some or you lose some. It’s not always. Yes, I’m surprised why somebody else helps you wash clothes or you let somebody else wash clothes, you don’t gain, you don’t lose. Okay now, watch TV – you keep asking me – bad and violent, watch one hour of bad and violent TV, you lose 300 spiritual points; watch one hour Supreme Master TV, you gain 800 spiritual points. I just say about spiritual, I don’t say “spiritual point” anymore; when I say “point,” you know it’s “spiritual point,” yes? Yes, Master. Work for Supreme Master TV one hour, you gain 3,000 points,

“struggle or smooth” – your words, quoted. Recommend Supreme Master TV for one person to watch, gain 20,000 points. Write Heartlines even to Supreme Master TV, gain 3,000 points. This is all you have asked me before. Yes, Master. How did I even know? I wrote all this before you even asked me today, before I know your questions. Okay?

Now, now Loving Hut – also many of your questions – now comes: open vegetarian Loving Hut, gain 30,000 points per year; work for Loving Hut, earning money, gain 6,000 points; work in Loving Hut for food, gain 10,000 points; live in and work for Loving Hut, gain 5,000 points. Because you see, when you work there, you live there, you are deducted, you can see that? (Yes.) Can you? When you earn money from Loving Hut, working for Loving Hut, you’re deducted 4,000 points, you see that? And you’re living there, you have boarding and lodging, then you lose 5,000 points, yes? If you work there for food only, you gain 10,000 points.

My God, that’s so exact. You ask me how much, now it is all here. Because I can’t remember all this, when it comes through meditation, then I wrote it down quickly, understand me? Yes, Master. And when you ask me, I don’t remember anymore, okay? (Yes, Master.) Now, you ask me about vegetarian express – like a veg mobile car, right? (Yes, Master.) – you earn about 4,000 points per year; work for mobile car, you earn 1,000 points; veg lunchbox types earn 3,000 points; helpers for veg lunchbox, 1,000. Now, design SM clothes gain, one year, 4,000 points; help with designing or, sewing clothes, SM design clothes, 1,000 points; design SM jewelry, 10,000 points – that’s even for me; help with designing jewelry, 2,000 to 3,500 points – these are per year, all these are yearly; if otherwise, I will state it.

Work with the Loving Food – that’s another company of ours – gain 2,000 points per year, with no money you gain 2,000 points; if you earn money working for Loving Food, you earn 800 points; if you live in and work for Loving Food – means you already have boarding and lodging, right? –(Yes, Master.) Then you earn 300 points. Now you asked me to compare – how do I know? – look at this here: waterian, breatharian, solarian, raw, one meal, vegetarian cook. Look here, waterian people, they don’t gain anything, they don’t lose anything, zero-zero; breatharian, gain nothing, lose nothing, zero-zero; solarian, also gain/lose nothing, zero-zero point; raw vegan, one meal, lose 10 points; and cooked vegan meal, one meal, lost 20 points.

Even if you cook for yourself or you buy it yourself, okay, you lose it, but if you are breatharian, waterian, solarian, you don’t lose anything, but you don’t also gain any spiritual points with that. I’m surprised too; I thought we’d gain something if we are breatharian. Normal vegetarian restaurants, they gain 5,000 per year. One acre of organic vegetarian farming, gain 30,000 points per year. Are you clear? (Yes, Master.) Good, but somebody has to cook and make a vegetarian restaurant, no? Otherwise you all go become organic veg farmers, earn 30,000 points per year, my God – apart from money. Meditate – now you asked many things also concerning meditation.

Now, the initiates of the Quan Yin Method, of the Light and Sound method, one hour, they earn about 100,000 points. That’s on the Sound, 100,000. On the Light is the same, 100,000 points. I mean, this is just average, okay? Yes, Master. Now, you’ll probably ask how much I earn if I meditate one hour. How much, Master? Yes, Master. Okay, 5,000,000 points. That’s if my dog doesn’t bother me, if you don’t bother me, if the assistants don’t yell at me. For Master, it would be 5,000,000 points in samadhi.

That’s how the Master gains spiritual merit quick in order to give to disciples. It’s like that, because the Master meditates and gains some merit, spiritual merit points, as well, okay? Okay, now, concerning clothing and cloth: hand weave cloth, one meter, gain 100 to 500 points – depends on what kind of cloth; own one weaving company, with machine, earn 20,000 to 100,000 points per year; sewing clothes, one shirt, one trousers, more or less, 500 to 2,000 points; one pair of shoes, vegan shoes, gain 200 to 1,000 points.

Now, if you own a clothes store, you gain 20,000 points per year, a clothing shop. You want some more? Yes, Master! Okay. Building – it’s running from eating to building! – building, help to build a brick house, for example, 100 square meters, gain about 10,000 points; help to build one car, like a 4-seater family car, earn about 10,000, a medium car; help to build one ship for about 100 passengers, you earn 10,000 points; help to build a mobile home, four persons can live in, 8,000 points; help to build an electric car – anything to do with building one electric car – 2,000 points plus; anything to build a 100-seat airplane, 20,000 points.
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