World Premiere of “The King & Co: Part 5" An Epic Saga Written and Directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai - Ep. 7/9 (In Aulacese)    
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The King & Co – Part 7

How come the altar has both Buddha and Jesus? Well, you’re a newcomer, so you don’t know. The King’s father was a Christian and the King’s mother was a Buddhist, so by tradition, His Majesty worships both.

10 Buddhist Precepts
1. No killing.
2. No stealing.
3. No sexual misconduct.
4. No lying.
5. No using intoxicants. etc.

10 Commandments from the Christian Holy Bible
1. Thou shalt not kill.
2. Thou shalt not steal.
3. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
4. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
5. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox nor his donkey, nor anything that is thy neighbor's. etc.

Ah, so that’s what it is. But I heard Master Thiên Hậu say that “Jesus and Buddha are both OK.” So, why worship both and take up so much space?

Eh, don’t talk too much, you’ll get yourself in trouble! What people worship is none of our business.

The King said that it’s safer to worship both: If Buddha doesn’t help, then there’s Jesus; no need to worry!

Yeah, that makes sense, eh?

The King always makes sense!! Don’t you know that?! Well, be quick; His Majesty will be here soon to worship. Halt! Turn right! Turn left!

His Majesty has arrived. Long live the King! Long, long, long live!

You may leave and wait for my order.

Order obeyed.

I, Emperor Tiên Nghiện Hậu Thiền, successor of the late King to carry out Heaven's will, am earnestly praying to Buddha and Jesus for blessings to save Prince Tiên Thiền. He was wrongly accused and is imprisoned, awaiting his death in Sinh Gà Bổ.

The Prince is a filial son, a gentle young man who loves people and animals. He has never done anything wrong. If death is unavoidable then it is I who deserve it. Please let me die in his place. And if with God and Buddha’s grace, both father and son safely escape this calamity, I will repent and vow to keep a vegan diet, practice meditation, abstain from alcohol, meat, addictive drugs, and do good deeds for the rest of my life. Please witness my sincerity with this bow. Buddha be praised. Amen.

And one more thing. O Divine One above, please keep the Queen at her parents’ home a little longer so that I can quietly work on rescuing the Prince, because if she comes back early and finds out, then I’m finished!

What??? You think I don’t know? How longer were you planning to hide from me? Still standing there and denying? Eat the plate then! You even hid something like that from me. Eat to your fill!

Airport, Country of Đại Ngôn

How come it's taking so long? How many hours have we been waiting? Go in, go in, go in, go in. Touch to see if he's still alive or already dead. Geesh! What kind of driving is that?

Attention please, attention: Due to extremely bad weather, all flights are delayed for the next 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days until the sky is clear. Please go back home safely, eat and rest; we’ll see you again. Attention please: Due to extremely bad weather…

Court, Country of Sinh Gà Bổ You can’t base on this suitcase and take away a human life. It proves that the cocaine is his.

Death sentence! Take the criminal away! Take him away! I object! I object! You deserve it!

7 Days Later – Airport, Đại Ngôn Where are the body guards? Body guards, body…

Your Majesty, your lowly servant is here.

Go to my office and check email for news of the court officials and the Prince, then report to me quickly.

Order obeyed. O God, how can this be?

Your Majesty, the mandarins urgently reported that the weather is extremely bad… I believe that is due to global warming; therefore everyone must be veg…

…do good deeds, go green, 2 save the…

Stop it already! Just report news from the mandarins. About global warming and being veg, I know very well from watching Supreme Master Television.

Your Majesty, I’m sorry. The mandarins reported that the weather suddenly turned bad, so all flights were postponed to a few days later, and according to the Ducky Channel’s weather report, things may be delayed for another week.

Oh God! My son’s life will be gone by then! Summon the Secretary Mandarin here immediately.

Order obeyed.

Go quickly! Ouch, ouch...

Long live His Majesty! Long live, long…

Never mind, be at ease. I want to know how communications with Sinh Gà Bổ turned out.

I’ve tried my best to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs over there, but because of bad weather, all lines are either having trouble or kaput. So until now, I haven’t been able to send anything to Sinh Gà Bổ. Please forgive me, Your Majesty.

Oh no! God help me! My son will be dead for sure. My dear son!

Please allow me to leave to keep on trying; hopefully we can get through. My son, O Crown Prince! O Crown Prince, my son!

Execution Grounds, Country of Sinh Gà Bổ

Quick! Bring them in.

Hurry up.

Be quick! Why are you so slow!? Quickly, take him out there! Make him kneel. Kneel down!! Blindfold them for me! That guy also, blindfold him! Make it tight. Get ready!


Our final reminder: All passengers for Air Force 2 flight departing for Sinh Gà Bổ, please board at gate A107.

Quick, quick. We've got it. You two, pull the red box over here. Come here! Be careful. Open it. Why do we have to open it, Boss? It’s our new law to inspect all red boxes. Where’s the key? You had it this morning and now don’t have it? No problem. Here, here, let me open it. Oh! There's a pig climbing the tree! Over there! He went to the other tree.

It’s all right. No problem. Close it again.

Royal Palace, Đại Ngôn

Go green, do good deeds… Be veg, save the planet…

and must be veg, go green too. Encourage everyone to be veg. Go green, do good, be veg. His head is bleeding.

Your Majesty, the Prince…the Pri…

What about the Prince?

His Royal Highness… was…executed…

Oh God! My son!

That was close!

Your Majesty, Your Majesty… Wake up, Your Majesty… That was close! Call the Red Cross ambulance.

Call the ambulance!

Call 9-1-1. Call the police…

Summon the General…

Call the Royal Physician immediately.

Halo, halo… Emergency room… This is… apartment… Royal Palace… Rat Boulevard #77…

Execution Grounds, Sinh Gà Bổ

Squad A, go fetch these bodies! Squad B, collect those! And you, come here! Inspect thoroughly, then report to me. Do it quick! So stinky! There’s blood everywhere, so filthy!

Wait, where’s the body of prisoner number 7?

Spread out and find it for me.

It’s the criminal from Đại Ngôn .

Exactly… But…how come… the corpse…is gone!

That’s impossible! Go check it out. Don’t be ridiculous. Search carefully for me.

How strange!

How did it disappear?


Such thing never happened.

According to our country’s laws, a criminal’s dead body must be left at the execution grounds for 3 days to admonish people. Could a corpse walk away by itself?

What are you guys doing? What ghost? No ghost here. What are you doing?

Just fetch the remaining bodies. I’ll report it to the superior. Collect them. Do it quickly. It smells terrible.

Yes, yes.

Hey you, come report to me.

There must have been some animal that came and took it away.

If it were an animal, there would be footprints in the mud, but there are none here.

Remote Countryside, Sinh Gà Bổ

I… Where am I? Am I still alive or in the nether world?

Your Highness is awake, Your Royal Highness! I’m… I’m so happy.

Oh, Miss Golden Ring… Am I dreaming or this is real?


You’re conscious and staying in my home. The wound is not that serious. The doctor said you’ll recover in a few days. I’m sorry, Your Royal Highness. Ahem.

Prince Tiên Thiền has regained consciousness – thank God and Buddha.

Congratulations, Your Royal Highness.


Please be at ease. Thank you both for saving my life.

But you have to rest to regain your health. You shouldn’t move too soon or the wound would bleed more; it’d take longer to heal.

Please don’t mention words of gratitude, Your Royal Highness. It’s only our duty. Fellow practitioners here all love you and contribute their efforts to protect you. Your Royal Highness can just stay here; our house is in the remote countryside, very safe.

Your Royal Highness, please have some steaming hot banana pudding freshly prepared by gentle Miss Golden Ring.

How is it possible that I’m still alive?

Please have some pudding to regain your strength, then I’ll tell you everything from beginning to end.

This is the banana pudding which you like very much. Today I sprinkled some extra roasted sesame seeds to make it more aromatic. Ah! It’s broken! Oh how sweet it is, the pudding bowl of romance – I fall in love with both the pudding and its cook…

This is the last spoon. I’ll bring you tea at once.

Please don’t bother, gentle miss. I’ll go to the kitchen to prepare the tea. What to do? What to do now? What to do?

CREDITS: The King & Co Part 7

WRITTEN and DIRECTED BY (remote control): Madame T.H. (Top-notch director) DIRECTOR: Chop Herbs (So-so class director but nearby!) PRODUCER: Supreme Master TV Ginger Group MUSIC COMPOSER: Uncle Three Drummer SET DECORATION: Sister Tomato and the Veggie Group DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Brother Popping Light

CAST: King Pre-Junkie Post-Yogi: Wayward Trần Yogi First Prince: Divine Trần Queen Careen Citadel

Literary Mandarin #1 – Prime Minister: Enlightened Đặng Literary Mandarin #2: Gentle Lý Literary Mandarin #3: Upright Đặng Literary Mandarin #4: Great Enlightened Nguyễn Literary Mandarin #5: Almost Enlightened Trương Literary Mandarin #6: Seven Crosseye Bùi Literary Mandarin #7: Bla Bla Lý Literary Mandarin #8: Labouring Lý Literary Mandarin #9: Yet to Practice Trần Literary Mandarin #10: Blessed Trần

Martial Mandarin #1: Stumbling Lâm Martial Mandarin #2: Rumbling Huỳnh Martial Mandarin #3: Protesting Lưu Martial Mandarin #4: Disgruntled Lương Martial Mandarin #5: Countryless Võ Martial Mandarin #6: Avaricious Tạ Martial Mandarin #7: Contraband Phạm Martial Mandarin #8: Shifty Phan Martial Mandarin #9: Bullheaded Bùi Martial Mandarin #10 : Fugacious Trương

Kiss B. Mandarin #1 Crooked Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #2: Tigerwhisker Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #3: Infidel Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #4: Shady Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #5: Fibbing Lý Kiss B. Mandarin #6: Toady Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #7: Sparsewhisker Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #8: Catwhisker Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #9: Copycat Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #10: Sans Courage Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #11: Bully Trương Kiss B. Mandarin #12: Disloyal Bùi Kiss B. Mandarin #13: Traitor Phan

Eunuch A Willowy Peach Eunuch B Slender Bamboo Palm Fan Advisor: Yesman Phan Majestic Admiral: Judo Võ Mighty General: Kung Fu Trịnh Deaf Maid #1: Ear Royale Lê Deaf Maid #2: Royale Ear Bùi Lisping Maid: Homely Betty Royal Attendant: Brother Five Parasol Vendor Body Guard #1 Hunching Lê Body Guard #2 Underweight Ton

Lanky Soldier Seeking Phan Shorty Soldier Three Inch Tào

Supreme Master Thiên Hậu Celestial Galaxy Airport Police Officer 1 Troublesome Đinh Airport Police Officer 2 Disorderly Lưu Porter Soldiers Brawny Cao Strong Mã Porter Khương Athletic Tạ Robust Đặng Tigerlike Trương Muscular Võ Hefty Lăng Airport Worker 1 High Ranker Airport Worker 2 Tall’n Great Airport Security Officer Nitpicking Trần

Tourists Travel Đoàn Judge Mindless Thẩm Prosecutor Unjust Lý Defense Lawyer Silver-tongued Mã Court Police Officer #1 Managing Quách Court Police Officer #2 Investigating Trần Court Secretary Unschooled Trương Witness Sightless Văn Jury Appraising Thẩm Convicting Chung Sentencing Phan

Judge Chu Magistrate Trần Righteous Ngô Impartial Lý Good Cause Tôn Supreme Judge Investigating Lục Mediating Ôn Just Bao Public Gallery Viewing Đoàn Execution Squad Leader Executing Lã Execution Squad Bowing Lâm Kowtow Dương Action Trần Doing Lê Convicts Grave Lăng

Body Collection Squad Corpse Bạch Cadaver Âu Interring Mai Remains Lâm Bygone Mai Deceased Lê Miss Golden Ring (Miss Banana Pudding) Flatty Bành Mr. Ring Mr. Elder Kim Mrs. Ring Mrs. Elder Kim Banana Pudding Customers Eight Bowl Tào Portly Tạ Fatty Văn Chubby Tô

Mandarin Holding Incense Burner Incense Lư Flag Carrying Soldiers One Flag Hoàng Two Flag Hoàng Escort Guards Bodyguard Phùng Escort Trần Protecting Lưu Cavalier Trương Guarding Bảo Sentinel Đoàn Convoy Tống Martial Lâm Palanquin Carrying Soldiers Carriage Man Rickshaw Man Service Man Stout Mạnh Hardy Mạnh Staunch Hùng Attending Lê Serving Tạ

Fruit Carrying Maids Sweet Apple Bùi Red Plum Trần Pomegranate Bạch Sour Lemon Nguyễn Sweet Flavor Huỳnh Fragrant Lê Plum Pear Đào Custard Apple Na Fan Carrying Maids Service Hàn Lassie Tô Flower Carrying Maid Yellow Flower Girl

VOICES: Brother Three Stutt Brother Two T-terring Mr. Eight Veggie Uncle Two Guard Brother Four Mouth Brother Five Haggard Brother Three Lettuce Brother Four Opera Brother Six Goody Brother Seven Overbite


ART DIRECTOR: Brother Three Muscle

EDITORS: Brother Four Dopey Uncle Four Tofu Brother Two Ricegrain Uncle Seven Soysauce Brother Three Hammer Brother Two Mallet

SOUND DEPARTMENT: Brother Seven Deaf Brother Eight Buzz Brother Five Hard of Hearing Uncle Seven Fiddle Uncle Three Monochord

MUSICIANS: Camelia Trịnh Guitar Hứa Blue Cloud Tạ Rose Blossom Hà Snow White Bùi Clear Moon Cao Wholesome Human Trịnh Gratitude-keeping Trương Protocol-performing Tạ Saintly Wisdom Trần Trustworthy Tô

VISUAL EFFECTS: Sister Four Nearsighted Brother Six Glass Bottle Brother Ten Carpenter Tèo Ice Cream the Kid Brother Six Pedicab Brother Two Mason Brother Eight Painter Brother Three Plowshare Brother Seven Buffalo Nose Brother Four Frog Eye

CAMERA OPERATORS: Mr. Bushy Beard Brother Three Rock Sugar Brother Sulfate Water Buffalo Brother Three Scruffy Brother Four Dopey Uncle Seven Soysauce

LIGHTING DEPARTMENT: Brother Three Beard Brother Four Bald Head Brother Eight Crosseye

MAKE-UP: Miss Three Sponge Cake Sister Five Sticky Rice Cake Sister Six Banana Fritter Sister Four Skeleton Miss Nine Soya

HAIRSTYLISTS: Sister Seven Beignet Mrs. Eight Cucumber

COSTUME AND WARDROBE: Miss Three Sponge Cake Mrs. 5 Stick

Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In today’s Enlightening Entertainment, with great honor Supreme Master Television is pleased to present the world premiere of an epic saga abounding with creativity and insight, elaborately produced over a period of time with wholehearted dedication and effort.

Lovingly written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual master, humanitarian, artist and author of #1 international best-selling books, “The King & Co.” is a tale that reflects the challenges of the age, right in this urgent time of our planet. It interweaves ancient and modern settings, with tragic as well as comic plots, combining thrilling adventures, loyalty and tender affection among people, along with profound spiritual reminders.

The story centers around Đại Ngôn royal court with mandarins of all kinds, from virtuous to corrupt to indecisive, each unique; a king who must rule over his kingdom and, in international relations, also has great global responsibility; a handsome prince on his way to re-discover his True Self; an innocent country girl with a pure, loving and courageous heart: their fates are intertwined with one another.

“The King & Co.” also presents fact-based messages about the four most dangerous silent killers of the planet, namely, meat, addictive drugs, tobacco and alcohol, in hopes that worldwide citizens will become more aware about the poisons that are destroying this and future generations.

Despite her very busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai personally wrote and directed via remote control “The King & Co.”, showing her deep concern for humanity and all beings on Earth. From start to finish, every detail, including the characters’ names, selection of songs to accompany the dances, gestures of each character, appropriate make-up styles for actors, and even their stage names, was all under her meticulous guidance.

The 6-part series “The King & Co.”, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, will be aired over nine weeks. This creative work is derived from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love, inner source of creativity, and perfect wisdom. We invite you to share this special gift and enjoy “The King & Co.” on today’s program.

During a royal court meeting in the land of Đại Ngôn,

the King stated that he had been using addictive drugs to lose weight! The virtuous mandarins quickly advised the King to stop his drug abuse.

A dog suddenly appeared with an SOS flyer about the dire situation caused by global warming and the solution of “Be Veg and Go Green 2 Save the Planet!”

A vegan literary mandarin invited the King and court officials to his residence to enjoy vegetarian food.

While the King and his officials were feasting, a guard rushed in to report urgently that the Prince was being jailed at the border with the death penalty pending. It was because an attendant mistook the King’s cocaine for face powder and put it in the Prince’s suitcase.

On his way to visit his girlfriend, His Royal Highness was unexpectedly detained by the Sinh Gà Bổ airport personnel.

The King was extremely worried and conveyed order to immediately inform the Embassy to rescue the Prince. Nevertheless, the ambassador was still on vacation. When a martial mandarin raised his doubts about the Prince’s innocence, the attendant explained that His Highness was a noble person who never used addictive drugs. He also revealed that the Prince was a vegan and practiced meditation as taught by Supreme Master Thiên Hậu. After listening to the mandarins propose various plans, the King chose to try peaceful talks with neighboring country Sinh Gà Bổ to save the Prince.

We now invite you to enjoy “The King & Co.” – Part 5.

You’ve just enjoyed part 5 of “The King & Co.”, written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Please tune in next Thursday for part 6 on Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Next is Words of Wisdom. May your life be blessed and in harmony with all beings. We bid you farewell.

After the premiere of “The King & Co,” enthusiastic responses have arrived from diverse parts of the globe via letters, recordings, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other means of social networks.

Great! Will it be available on DVD for sale anytime soon? ~ Hannah

Hi, my name is Russell. I’m from Brisbane, and I’m here watching the premiere of “The King & Co.” I must admit I found the program quite confronting, and it really educated me about some of the problems that we’re facing with alcohol at the moment. So, well done!

The film made us aware and gives us informative recommendations. Some parts were horrendous but factual, yet from those we can understand many things.

It's getting more interesting each week! I'm watching previous episodes again and again. Could watch forever. Can't believe they're all amateurs. And I love the music, keep humming all day : ) P.S. Will there be a season 2? Hope so! ~ Daina

Hi, I am Emre Emirli. I'm from Istanbul, Turkey. If you want to highlight a serious matter I believe the best way to make the point is with comedy. The characters in “The King & Co.” and the way they were portrayed by actors in the show were hilarious and it gives a strong message, which is: Don’t do drugs. Every time you remember those funny faces and gestures of these actors, you will get the very same message, and the message will always be on your mind.

I will recommend to my friends who smoke and drink to watch “The King & Co.” Cool!

Thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television, too. I've learned much from this film. Eating bloody meat causes diseases in humankind. Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking and injecting addictive drugs cause diseases. To animals, fish, or all sentient beings, we have to be respectful and take care of them because they have feelings too. I thank Master again for all that she teaches us through these shows. Let’s take care of our planet, so that we can live a peaceful life on it. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Everyone must watch it and learn something new! Thank YOU SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI! LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! ~ Paula

I very much appreciate watching this epic saga. I wish everyone would watch that film. The film tells us that humans' bad habits can be switched to good habits. I learned that omitting bad habits is efficient and necessary for our lifestyle.

Our sincere appreciation to worldwide viewers who shared thoughtful words and wonderful support for “The King & Co.”

We apologize for many more other viewers' heartfelt comments, which cannot be shared for lack of space and time. If possible, we'll try to air them later. Supreme Master Ching Hai sends her gratitude to all supportive viewers in the name of the whole “The King & Co.” group.


A meat-free vegetarian diet drastically reduces carbon footprint.

Over a one year period, per person: Emissions from a meat-based diet is equivalent to driving a mid-sized car 4,758 km.

Emissions from a vegetarian diet is equivalent to 2,427 km - nearly 50% less.

Emissions from an animal-free vegan diet is equivalent to 629 km – 1/7 the amount of a meat-based diet, or 87% less.

Emissions from an organic vegan diet is 281 km – 94% less emissions than that of a meat-based diet.


Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

For more urgent details, please visit:
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