Memorable Moments: Supreme Master Television in the 4th Year - P2/3    
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G’day Mate!


Beloved viewers! Welcome to the second part in a special three-part program: “Memorable Moments: Supreme Master Television in the 4th Year,” on the occasion of our channel’s Anniversary.

Yesterday, we presented highlights from our past year’s programming that honored beautiful cultural traditions, peace, and benevolent actions.

Since inception, Supreme Master Television has put great emphasis on raising awareness about the urgent state of our planet’s health, in particular climate change… …as well as the simple but fundamental solution to this crisis that is supported by numerous scientists, environmentalists, spiritual leaders, community advocates and government officials.

That is to live harmoniously and compassionately with nature and our animal co-inhabitants. And adopt the loving organic vegan lifestyle.

Today we feature experts from various disciplines who have shared their thoughts on our programs regarding the importance of taking action now to save our planet as we are living in a very critical period in history.

There is no single country immune to climate change. From Antarctica to the Arctic, all countries are threatened by the effects of climate change.

I think what is different is that what we are feeling at this moment is this temperature rise. It is happening very fast and since it is very fast, nature has no time to adapt to it.

In the end, it is our duty as the global community to save our own civilization and the only planet that we call home.

If we don’t solve the problem with global warming and the emissions, we won’t have a planet to live on. So it is a matter of survival.

In the paper “Livestock and Climate Change,” published in World Watch Magazine in 2009, the authors, who are World Bank environmental advisers, estimated that greater than 51% of human-caused global greenhouse gas emissions are from a cycle of producing and consuming animal products. These experts thus concluded that a world-wide shift to a plant-based diet is necessary to halt the warming of our planet.

Well, I mean, that’s really quite a significant observation. And basically it means that we need to reduce livestock in general, and so eat less meat.

This is now a well-known fact - livestock production and the consumption of livestock products is extremely intensive in the emission of greenhouse gases, and in fact, in the use of all natural resources.

Changing your light bulb and many of the things are much less effective than changing your diet because if you eat further down on the food chain rather than animals, which have produced many greenhouse gases, and used much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything.

When you eat one calorie of beef, you need five or perhaps 10 calories of vegetables to feed the cattle first. So if you would directly eat vegetables you would save in food production.

The government should also take the lead and encourage our people to eat in a healthier way. Eating in a healthier way means using less oil, eating less meat, etc., and to eat more vegetables, fruit and grains, etc.

Let’s be vegetarians, protect the environment and save the planet.

Besides being the precious home for countless sea life, the oceans are Earth’s largest carbon sinks. Upsetting the natural balance of the marine environment produces far-reaching impacts on the livability of our world. Many scientists and environmental experts have issued strong warnings that the continued consumption of marine animals and polluting of the oceans will ultimately destabilize and destroy the life-giving seas.

We will lose species from the sea. We will lose or greatly degrade the ecosystems within the sea. So there are some very serious and severe penalties that we will face if we don’t do something about the crisis today.

We have to abolish commercial fishing; it’s taking too much out of the oceans without returning anything.

The dead zones are increasing in number and they’re increasing in size. With all the fertilizers and run-offs and pesticides, it’s killing the oceans.

We have an impact from global warming that is causing the coral bleaching of reefs. We have the pollution of rivers, lakes and seas made by people themselves and also by the quantity of industries we have today, which makes it difficult for oceans to be able to fulfill their natural role as regulators of the planet’s climate.

We are undoubtedly at a crucial point and humanity’s survival is at stake. Every action of every person on our planet contributes to the direction we will go.

So for the future of ourselves, our children, and millions of species on Earth, we ask that everyone please stop eating animal products….. …and enjoy healthy and delicious plant-based foods instead!

It’s good for the animals, good for all of us, and good for our world. All of Heaven’s creation rejoices together with this peaceful path.

We’ll return after this brief message. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Hi, we’re “Truth on Earth.” Be Veg, Go Green, 2 Save the Planet!

Be Veg, Go Green, 2 Save the Planet!

Supreme Master Television, this is Harvey Guillen and I’m wishing you a Happy 4th Birthday.

Halo, I am Dr. Fred Alan Wolf. And I want to extend my hearty congratulations and good wishes to Supreme Master Television on four years of successful presentations of questions which interest human beings.

Welcome back to “Memorable Moments: Supreme Master Television in the 4th Year,” featuring excerpts from our past year’s shows concerning the state of our planet.

This is our one and only home.

It is precious and needs everyone’s protection. Future generations are counting upon us! Yes, truly our world is fragile and needs gentler care, a point that Supreme Master Ching Hai has emphasized time and again, as in the following January 2009 videoconference in California, USA.

Climate change is impacting the everyday life and survival of our species and all other beings.

We have no time to lose. The time to act is now!

Don’t forget that we have a very beautiful home here for us and for our children. And for grandchildren, great-great grandchildren, it’s a beautiful place, physically speaking, and it has all conditions to sustain life. And it offers us so much, so much. So much fun, so much beauty, so much love.

We have exquisite flowers. We have exotic birds. We have incredible animals. We have amazing trees, mountains, and great bodies of water which sustain so much life and energies and nourishing all beings, and it’s such a beautiful place. If we just walk out everywhere and look at the trees, imagine one day they’re all gone! And smell the flowers quick before, maybe they be gone soon.

Touch the grass because maybe they will be also gone soon. Imagine if all this beautiful scenery, vegetations, humans, animals, imagine if they are all gone. How would you feel? So we have to protect this beautiful place we call Earth, because this is the home of not just us, but many other species; and the environment, beautiful flora and fauna. It’s really an incredible place.

Over the past five years, we’ve actually given over a million children the chance to plant trees.

We have an aspiration actually of seeing twice as much native woodlands in the UK than we have now.

What you will see has all been done naturally. There are no chemicals; the ink is natural, the pigments of the ink are natural. There are no heavy metals in that pigment. Our varnishes are all natural. We do not have petroleum products.

If I can live underwater in this container that was made from scrap material for two weeks, then we can all do something a bit better on the surface, to live in a more sustainable way.

We could also live in buildings which absorb pollution generated by the world of today so that it is an architecture with zero carbon emissions, which creates more energy than what it consumes.

The absolute best thing you can do is, to quote (Mahatma) Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see.” Take those actions, inspire somebody else. If somebody else sees you doing some composting or some recycling, they’ll go, “What are you doing? Why are you doing that?” Well, that’s an opportunity to talk.

Youth across the globe are speaking up about humanity’s collective future. They deeply desire to see fundamental changes made right now in how we treat our Earth so that they will have a splendid, clean, sustainable and green place to live during their lifetimes as will those who come after them.

We are going to be the generation that is living on this planet. So we need to save the planet now because this is our home and this is the only place we have to live.

Please put your contribution towards our environment, because it’s very necessary at this time for our climate.

So now it is the time to act.

It’s about time we come together. It’s about time we realize that we all depend on each other to survive.

For the survival of our planet, we truly need to stop all the killing and environmental destruction. Supreme Master Ching Hai has personally penned and recited her heartfelt verses to plead with humanity to “Please Wake Up!”

O world, wake up and behold Rivers and mountains are in tumult Burnt forests, eroded hills, desiccated streams Whither do the poor souls go in the end?

O world, wake up and behold Rivers and mountains are in tumult Burnt forests, eroded hills, desiccated streams Whither do the poor souls go in the end?

O great Earth, lessened be your agony For these tears to wane with the persistent night. O seas and lakes, cease not your melodies Allowing hope for a morrow among humanity...

Let’s unite to save our world!

It is truly within our reach if we try!

We can and we will do it! We can and we will do it!

With Heaven’s blessings, we will move into a shining new era where love and harmony prevail and our Mother Earth is healed.

Respected viewers, thank you for your loving presence on our program marking the 4th Anniversary of Supreme Master Television.

We will present the conclusion of this three-part series tomorrow on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms and invite you to join us then.

May Heaven’s grace forever be upon all beings on our planet.

Hallo, my name is Patricia Tulasne. I am an actress. I'm vegan. For your 4th Anniversary, I wish you much happiness. I would like to thank the people who listen to the channel, who make a respectful food choice and who accompany us on this path, the path of happiness. Thank you.

Hi, I am Larry Sullivan. Thank you so much for helping to create a more compassionate world. Happy 4th Anniversary, Supreme Master Television.
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