Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: The Third Princess - P1/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Last week, we presented the conclusion of "The King & Co." written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

After the premiere of “The King & Co,” enthusiastic responses have arrived from diverse parts of the globe via letters, recordings, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other means of social networks.

That was sooooo funny & educational at the same time! I love it! ~Susan

“The King & Co” includes an important message: alcohol, smoking and addictive drugs are the main causes putting the Earth in peril and we should swiftly save the Earth from these harmful substances. And it highlights the importance of the vegan diet in how to save the Earth, which is in a dire situation. It was a touching drama which renewed my determination that we need to respond promptly.

Once again, I’d like give my sincere thanks and respect to the people who contributed to the production of this series. It’s extraordinary that this amateur production crew made such a great drama with amateur actors and actresses. I think their amazing ability came from their vegan diet, from the life-saving movement to save the planet, and from their love. Due to this loving energy, I believe they gained heavenly wisdom and were able to make this beautiful, great series “The King & Co.” I think we have no time to delay if we want to save our home, the Earth. All of us need to take action promptly. And the prompt action must start from each one of us.

We need to remember that every piece of cigarette each one of us smokes, every glass of wine each one of us drinks, every syringe of addictive drug each one of us injects, and every egg and chunk of meat and cheese each one of us eats at every meal, are all destroying the planet and driving it into ruin when we’re supposed to live in it happily. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

I’m staying at the hotel of the train station today. During that time, I’m glad to have watched “The King & Co.” written and directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a series which is very funny and entertaining. This series presents the disadvantages of meat, tobacco, alcohol and addictive drugs in an understandable, fruitful, and mindful way. I am very satisfied to understand all this.

I learned that it would be beneficial if I tell my children, friends and relatives about the harms of these toxins and not using these toxins would help save our planet. It was perfectly directed. If people watch this series written and directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, they will understand that the prohibition of all toxic substances will contribute considerably to saving the planet, as I understood it. Thank you.

I like the Queen and the Banana Pudding Lady. They are so "beautiful" and "charming." Wow! What a surprising creation! I laughed a lot. They are really worthy being mothers of the subjects. The King and the Prince are so "lucky." Thank you. ~ Hanh

I like Banana Pudding Lady too ... She is really charming ! ~ Betsy

My name is Ganbaatar Tsogtmandal. I work as a director at the Ulaanbaatar Mongolian central railroad station. Our railroad station has 17,000 workers and about 80 independent subsidiaries. It is such as big family. Ulaanbaatar railroad station is a golden gate of Mongolia, all people coming in and leaving the country pass by here. 20,000 to 30,000 people pass through this station daily.

I’ve just watched a very nice movie which was written and directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai via remote control. I understood many things while I was watching. We have several waiting halls in our station. There are about 7 or 8 halls; and passengers wait for their train there. There is a television in each hall. We also have a hotel with 50 beds. We have televisions there too. This movie was on all those TVs. All guests who have arrived and are relaxing here were watching this drama. Our workers also watched.

I started supporting Supreme Master Ching Hai’s activities about 2 or 3 years ago. Now there is a big public LED display in our train station outside. We display all movies about SOS activities and events as well as interviews, discussion of international scholars about saving our green world. I am opening a vegetarian restaurant on the second floor of the station. And also I am organizing a vegetarian party in the restaurant downstairs next week. I am accomplishing such works. The reason I am doing all this is that this recent “The King & Co.” movie influenced me a lot. So, I think I will continue my cooperation with Supreme Master TV.

Many workers already have become vegetarian in our station. As I noticed, if high officials become vegan, then their constituents as well as other people would also see that and become vegan to follow their examples. Then this would be very pleasant. Therefore, our Mongolian people, especially high officials, top civil servants, and business owners should become vegan and then urge their workers to follow their examples. I am appealing to all managers and high officials to be good examples of veganism.

Just watched today’s episode, so well-knit. Really impressed. All actors are professionally cute, no "amateur." Director is super! Good and creative combination of editing stuff of various times in one episode. The embedded scrolls of the harmfulness of meat etc. are extremely important educationally. ~ Shanna

This TV series provides an epic portrayal of the most common social issues in the most dramatic and refreshing ways. The script is highly literary, interweaving the story of the King and his company with the story of the Prince and Miss Golden Ring. The storyline is focused on the human tragedies caused by cigarettes, liquor, meat and addictive drugs – a great reminder and food for thought for the viewers.

On top of that, every episode is intriguing and funny, sending a precious message through pure entertainment. It is such a gem. I am looking forward to more programs like this in the future. Thank you. Hao Ai-Li Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan)

Hi there! Thanks for airing this comprehensive movie, “The King & Co.” I love watching it. We really get informed about the harms of meat, alcohol, addictive drugs and tobacco. Hope everybody can heed the precious and urgent warnings featured on this epic saga.

I would also like to thank the top-notch director "Madame T.H." Supreme Master Ching Hai. Without her love and blessing, none of these would exist. We must always keep her unconditional love in our hearts, and try our best to follow her wisest words. So, now and ever after, let´s Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Peace to all Theo from Sao Paulo, Brazil

Oh, that was the end! Hope there will be more educational and entertaining movies like that for us to watch on Supreme Master TV in the future. ~ Vui

Halo, viewers. I’m very touched. It’s a very amazing film. The meaning of the drama is very deep, especially it shows clearly and humorously how meat, tobacco, addictive drugs and alcohol are harmful to people and bring so much negativity into the daily lives of people. It is a wonderful series. Thank you very much.

Just finished watching the final episode of “The King & Co.” and absolutely loved the ending! The final scenes were so beautiful and heartwarming. Thank you Supreme Master Ching Hai for taking us to the heavenly realms. ~ Lefki

Our sincere appreciation to worldwide viewers who shared thoughtful words and wonderful support for “The King & Co.”

We apologize for many more other viewers' heartfelt comments, which cannot be shared for lack of space and time. If possible, we'll try to air them later. Supreme Master Ching Hai sends her gratitude to all supportive viewers in the name of the whole “The King & Co.” group.
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