The Premiere of Supreme Master Ching Hai's Books:The Dogs in My Life & The Noble Wilds - Aulacese edition P2/4 Aug. 15, 2009 - Thailand    
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We would like to introduce our first guest speaker. Musician Phạm Tạ Thanh Tâm will share her personal feelings and thoughts after she had read Supreme Master Ching Hai's books, 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 Let's welcome musician Phạm Tạ Thanh Tâm with a big round of applause.

PTTT(m): Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, ladies and gentlemen, I was extremely happy to receive a very meaningful gift from a friend - the two books "The Dogs in My Life" and "The Noble Wilds" from Supreme Master Ching Hai. Unlike normal illustrated books, the more I read them, the more I was attracted by the vivid images and stories about the life, affection,and thoughts of the dogs in Supreme Master Ching Hai's family together with the wild animals in the beautiful Lake Amoura area.

I was so moved when seeing the father and mother swan protecting their children from danger and teaching them to be independent, plucking their own feathers to line their nest for the comfort of their children. Their tender love overwhelmed me with feelings of affection; it made me think. Being immersed in the worldly life with everyday worries has made many people oblivious of the fact that we have the lovely animals as our friends. And what made me more amazed was when I discovered that they all have their own names and their Noble Quality is quite high.

Could that be the reason that makes them so noble? Not having a life of freedom and self contentment like that of the fellow co-inhabitants in the wild, each dog in 『The Dogs in My Life』 has his/her own pain and a sad past. I was moved to tears when I read about their previous sufferings. With their sorrowful past behind them, they now live happily in the arms of the one whom they respectfully call their Gentle Mom, Supreme Master Ching Hai, and live happily and harmoniously with friends of similar background in a cozy family.

The lives of these dog friends make me think of children who are hungry, homeless,and don't have enough warm clothes during the cold winter. They were so fortunate when they were adopted and taken care of by Supreme Master Ching Hai. I also have a beloved dog. I love dogs, but I must admit that I never realized that dogs also have emotions,thoughts,and concerns about the past, present,and future,like Supreme Master Ching Hai has understood. After I finished reading 『The Dogs in My Life,』 I understood that when loving someone, giving him or her the most favorable conditions is not enough; one has to have a sincere heart and inner insight. From today, I will treat my dog exactly like the way Supreme Master Ching Hai loves Lucky, Benny,and Goody.

And if there is a chance, I will adopt more dogs to have more friends so that they can live blissfully in love and happiness instead of spending their life in suffering and in need. I will no longer be indifferent to the expressive eyes and loving gestures that the animal friend is offering to me. With my deepest respect, I would like to extend my deep gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai for what she has done for humankind,for our noble animal friends. Thank you for bestowing upon the world the two precious gems, 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds』 so that we are able to gather here today to admire these two wonderful books. Cherished readers, this is an invaluable book. Please give yourselves and your friends this gift. Thank you very much for your kind attention.

MC (f): Thank you,musician Phạm Tạ Thanh Tâm.

MC (m): Next,let's invite Mr. Trần Thành Tú to share his impressions of these wonderful gifts to the world given by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Mr. Trần Thành Tú is part of the Design and Display Department at the Vietnam Natural Museum. Let's welcome him with a warm round of applause.

TTT(m): Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, ladies and gentlemen, today, I am greatly honored to join in the premiere of the Aulacese edition of two of Supreme Master Ching Hai's books 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 As a researcher of nature and an ardent animal lover, I was empathetic after reading these two books written by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I was drawn by the beauty of nature, moved by the inner feelings,affection, and animals' voices as portrayed in Supreme Master Ching Hai's two books. The dogs in Supreme Master Ching Hai's big family probably have their sorrowful past, but their lives have been transformed since then. These dogs have received tender loving care and share their life with Supreme Master Ching Hai whom they refer to with such an adoring name: Mom.

Back to the lake,the pearly Lake Amoura area with beautiful natural sceneries,swans, ducks,squirrels, birds,and coots,gave me a truly wonderful feeling when I experienced the harmony between nature,humankind and animals,amidst the natural environment. Those represent the family's loving affection, and lessons about the『cultural』eco-systems.

As for me, I have had an opportunity to do research on the Night Heron This is a very timid bird that lives in the deep forest, next to streams, and this Night Heron is listed as a highly endangered species. And each species has its own language, emotions and aspirations just like we do. Presently, the Night Heron is facing a risk of extinction within Âu Lạc (Vietnam) due to the huge impacts of current activities that degrade the environment, such as deforestation. The survival of wild animals in nature is in a dire situation,which requires the joint efforts of all communities.

This is the message that I would like to convey to everyone: We are currently living in nature - that's what nature has bestowed upon us. And whatever we see in nature today is a reflection of how we have treated nature. We should voice our concern and take practical actions as we face the risk of the extinction of many animal species and the degradation of the eco-system. And the wild animals need proper treatment from human beings. Similar to humankind, they also need a clean environment and happy life. They also need affection, to be able to live with each other, and share hardships, and they need a safe and peaceful life. Let's listen and hear all the things that the animals would like to tell us,just like how we would feel among humankind.

Certainly,it is also a benevolent message which Supreme Master Ching Hai would like to convey to all of us when she wrote the two books 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 I am truly happy to see that the animals in 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds』are joyfully living peacefully among loving friends. This is also my wish for all wild animals on this planet. Once again, I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai and everyone.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you Thank you.

MC (f): Thank you, Mr. Trần Thành Tú, for sharing the wonderful message of love and compassion that you have for our co-inhabitants. MC (f): Our next guest speaker is Dr. Ngô Đức Vượng. Dr. Ngô Đức Vượng is a researcher on plant viruses. He taught at the National University of Hà Nội and Đà Lạt University. He is the former Deputy Director of the Research and Applied Center for Bio-energy. Let's welcome Dr. Ngô Đức Vượng with a big,warm round of applause.

NDV(m): Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, ladies and gentlemen, prior to coming to this conference, I read the book 『The Birds in My Life』 and I've just watched the video about the two books 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 But,the title alone is enough for the books to move me deeply. From Supreme Master's books,I have drawn some lessons for myself as follows.

First of all,it must be an extraordinary soul, a profound and immense love to be able to converse,understand, and interact with these small beings -which people refer to as animals - with such equality, respect and utmost tender care. And this,each of us has to reflect,ponder, and contemplate on a lot to fully understand and put into practice. The evolution of every species progresses from fear to love. True love can dissolve all fears and propels the evolutionary process. Therefore, human beings have an extremely important role in promoting love to help speed up the evolution of all species.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Excellent,sir,excellent.

NDV(m): Without a deep understanding and quickly carrying out this role,then we are at fault with nature, with the universe, with all beings and our own spiritual progress. Love is a magnificent energy in which both the giver and receiver benefit greatly. A pure and sincere love is irreplaceable. It can exert a harmonious and positive influence and is a power that is capable of healing all diseases, including bad habits. In this regard,I have experienced and discovered that love has an extraordinary power.

Science and humankind have not yet fully realized the significance of love. In observing nature, we find that every animal species, including vicious kinds such as tigers,panthers, lions,snakes,crocodiles, etc.,may be friendly and affectionate toward one person,yet they may be indifferent or even become so fierce, so violent to another. To me,if animals are fearful or aggressive, it's the humans' fault, not the animals.

I'd like to recount a story. Animals are very sensitive. I have a dog at home that barks at anyone who eats dog meat, especially the dog butchers. He would bark fiercely and forcefully, regardless of how hard we tried to control him. Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,it's like that. However, with guests who are kind and moral, especially spiritual practitioners,although it may be the first visit, he would welcome them with great joy,like seeing a very friendly care-taker. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes.)

One time,when I came to Thái Bình for a lecture, a neighbor took me to the district executive's home. As we got there, he was so scared and told me,『Professor, inside the house, he has a big and fierce German shepherd. Everybody is afraid of that dog.』 I told him,『Don't worry, come with me, it's all right.』 As we opened the door to get in,the dog was indeed as big as a calf. I placed my hand on his body to send a message: 『You're such a big, healthy dog, and I am happy, I came to visit you.』 His tail wagged happily.

After the conversation ended and I came out, the dog was very happy. And after we got out, he hurriedly shut the door tight and sighed:『Gosh, what magical power do you possess to be fearless toward a dog like that?』 I told him that I had no magical power whatsoever, but I teach bio-energy. I said I have no magic, but just know-how. When we think good of the dog,it's like we send a positive message to him and he recognizes it. And I told him from now on, he should always think good of this dog, then he wouldn't be mean to us.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Bravo.

Every animal is so sensitive to other animal's and human's thoughts and affections. That is their survival and defense mechanism. Not just animals, but plants also. Plants also know how to love. There is plenty of evidence. Take,for example, the experiment of scientist Hoffman. He gave elderly retirees 20 tomato plants each to take care. To the male elders, he showed them clearly, using science and technology,i.e. mineral standard, micro-quantity, macro-quantity,how to water them enough water.

To the female elders, he suggested that they don't need to do it scientifically,instead, when they wake up every morning, they should caress and talk to the plants: 『Did you have a good sleep last night? Do you need water?』etc. At harvest time, the tomato plant yield by the female elders was 150% higher than that of the male elders. Why is there such a phenomenon? Because the universal law is love and mutual support in order to survive.

All the planets can sustain and move along their orbits mainly because of their attractive and repulsive force and they never collide and destroy each other. Human existence is considered a microcosm within a macrocosm. So,anyone who is generously extending love to all beings is in fact abiding by the supreme law of the universe and is blessed by the universe. That person is certainly at a higher level of evolution.

Conversely,people who spend their life in hatred and envy, who kill others and eat animal flesh is acting against that law and will be punished by the universal law. Thousands of years ago, Eastern studies concluded, 『Harmony with Heaven ensures survival; acting against Heaven brings destruction.』 Anyone who lives according to the universe will survive; those who contradict definitely will be destroyed. Supreme Master Ching Hai: Correct. Beautiful, beautiful.

NDV(m): The message of the universe is: love and support each other. Love is the face, the shape of the universe, it's the complete experience of our life within the supranatural universe. Love is also the message Supreme Master Ching Hai conveys to us, to everyone on the planet through her books. I sincerely thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for giving us this conference. I sincerely thank you for your kind attention. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you,Doctor, thank you.Excellent. Thank you. Thank you so much.

MC (f): Thank you, Dr. Ngô Đức Vượng, for your kindness and love and the wonderful understanding between yourself and our animals co-inhabitants. MC (f): Next,let's welcome Mr. Nguyễn Đắc Quý. Mr. Nguyễn Đắc Quý is a project development manager. Children and our co-inhabitants always have a special place in his heart. Let's welcome Mr. Nguyễn Đắc Quý with a warm round of applause.

NDQ(m): Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, ladies and gentlemen, I am one of the fortunate readers familiar with the two original English books of Supreme Master Ching Hai, 『The Dogs In My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 Today,to be able to hold in my hand the Aulacese (Vietnamese) edition, I feel so close to them. My first impression is that the books are meticulously presented. All vivid images taken at certain angles feature the author, Supreme Master Ching Hai, with lively moments in the worldly life.

The writing is so simple,clear and easy to understand, which helps readers to thoroughly perceive the author's deep affection towards the animal co-inhabitants. That affection is like an invisible thread which connects the human spirit to that of the animals, erasing all boundaries between species. Here,we can easily feel the immense love among the harmonious souls without any boundary. The dogs and swans, without using any spoken words, are still able to show their tender affection through their eyes and loving gestures towards the gentle Lady - Supreme Master Ching Hai.

And now,please allow me to tell you two of the many moving stories which I read from these books so that together we can experience the tender love of Supreme Master Ching Hai for her pets and all species. These stories will speak for what I would like to say, for the affection I would like to share, and for my own deep gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai and her pets. The first story depicts the fate of two dogs adopted by Supreme Master Ching Hai from a rural area in Europe. One afternoon in September 2005, Supreme Master Ching Hai traveled by helicopter to a farm that looked unclean and not pleasing to the eyes.

In front of the old and shabby guard shed, she saw two little long-haired European-bred dogs tied by a short chain less than 2.5 meters long. And at the opposite end of the concrete pad laid a short-haired bigger dog, which looked like a cross-bred German Shepherd. The dogs were living in the harsh condition of malnutrition,filth, and stench due to their abandonment. Shocked and heart-broken by what she saw, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately asked for the identity of the dogs' care-takers and why they were left in such inhumane conditions. Deeply saddened upon witnessing their suffering, she decided to do something to transform their life into a better one.

Supreme Master Ching Hai told her attendants to check with the dogs' care-takers and request better treatment for the dogs. She also instructed in a letter that if the care-takers were not interested in the dogs, then they should not raise them anymore and instead take them to an animal shelter so that they could find a warm living environment with good care and love. She reminded the attendants to visit the dogs regularly during the next month to supply them with proper food and water. But every time the attendant came, he was unable to find their care-taker and the guard shed was always locked and deserted. Not only was the dogs' situation not better, it got even worse. When winter came, the temperature started to drop below 0°C.

It was heartwrenching to see the three dogs now reduced to only two: one small dog and the bigger dog. The other small dog had apparently died from starvation and being exposed too long in the freezing cold. The two surviving dogs looked even more emaciated and filthy than before. Not long after, Supreme Master Ching Hai was so happy upon learning that the attendant was able to contact the care-taker and purchased these two dogs. She told the attendant to immediately take them to the best veterinarian in the area for their overall check-up.

After the treatment, their health was gradually restored. The bigger dog had to go through an operation due to an infected wound caused by the metal collar cutting into his neck. As per Supreme Master Ching Hai's instructions,these two dogs were given nutritious vegan meals full of protein,vitamins and were taken outside for walks five times a day. Furthermore, with her devoted care, these two dogs are now living in a clean, warm environment filled with comfort and love.

Through her loving concern and care towards the abandoned dogs who had no one to rely on, and through her tender love to the Little Swan Princess and all animal friends residing in the village of Amoura, we can experience some of the boundless love of Supreme Master Ching Hai towards all species. Indeed,she is the incarnation of love and infinite compassion. Love is the bridge connecting all souls in which no boundary can separate. Each one of us can follow her loving example. Hopefully, humankind will treat all co-inhabitants with love, sincere concern and care. I hope you will have moments of upliftment when you read 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 I sincerely thank you very much for your attention.

MC(f): Thank you, Mr. Nguyễn Đắc Quý. Our sincere thanks to our guest speakers for sharing with us their admiration for Supreme Master Ching Hai's two books 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you,yes. Thank you, thank you.

MC(f): The next part of our program is the question-and-answer session with our Guest of Honor, Supreme Master Ching Hai, the beloved and bestselling author, spiritual teacher, humanitarian,gifted artist, and talented musician. Supreme Master Ching Hai will speak to us via live videoconference. We are very honored and humbled by this special privilege to have Supreme Master Ching Hai answer our questions. Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big round of applause to welcome Supreme Master Ching Hai, the bestselling author of the book 『The Birds in My Life.』

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you. Thank you.

MC(m): Thank you,Master, for joining us via this live videoconference for the celebration of the book premiere of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) edition of your two books 『The Dogs in My Life』 and『The Noble Wilds.』 We are very honored to have you answer some of the questions that our guests have regarding your books.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. First,I want to thank all these kind,gentle souls who have been expressing their heartfelt feeling with our animal friends in my books. May you be blessed by all our noble animals and by God. Thank you.

MC(f): Thank you,Master. Dear Master, modern folk opera artist Châu Thanh,due to some last minute delay, could not attend the event today. We would like to read the question on his behalf.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,please.

MC(f): Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, what qualities do our animal co-inhabitants have that our human beings should learn from? When you're connected with these co-inhabitants telepathically, do you share with them your deep concerns for the survival of the planet?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,yes. Please tell the artist Châu Thanh that I did. In fact,I talk to the animals almost as much as I talk to humans, sometimes even more so because they understand quick and they have the same feeling and I'm always close to them. Even not physically, we can always get in touch by the universal language of telepathy. Because animals indeed have many noble qualities, like unconditional love, self-sacrifice, no prejudice. They are selflessly protective of others. They live without ego. Seeing these noble qualities in the animals, we can learn from their amazing examples.

We have also these noble qualities too. But it is a matter of how much we develop them,how much we desire to show it. As for your second question,yes, most of the animals are themselves already compassionate and concerned for the planet, not so much in the sense of physical survival, but they are concerned, in particular, for humankind who has yet to awaken to their loving selves. Just like one of our first guests,he has said that love is very powerful.

We have this powerful love within us, more powerful than weapons, more powerful than anything we can imagine. He made me cry when he talked about love with his sincere feeling. We all have this powerful love in our heart but only when we remember and develop our love then can the planet have a chance to survive. When we communicate telepathically with the animals, we feel they have so much harmony and peace and so much love that make us love them more in return. They are bearers of love. They emanate only love and it's only love that I see in them, through them,around them,and from them; and that's why I love them so much.

And the animals share this love with all the world; if only we just pay attention. The caring that I feel for the planet is heartfelt, and the sensitive animals, who are my friends, do know that I love all beings. They told me so. I wish the best for this shared abode. I often tell them, of course,my feelings when I don't have anyone to talk to. I could always talk to the animals no matter how far away they are. In my spare time,in my quiet time of isolation from the world, in the night when all things are quiet and most humans are asleep, I often pour my heart out to the animals, telling them how much I care for them and how much I would do anything to stop their suffering,and how much I love the people of this planet and how much I want to protect them from harm, from the ignorance of their own greatness.

And for that,I live my life for the humans and for the animals. I tell them everything. Some things that I could not even tell humans, I would tell the animals because they know it is true. They even know before I tell them,but I just tell them because we are friends and friends tell each other about our heart feeling, our sorrow, and our passion, our concern for others. And the animals understand me more than many humans that I know because they have the same feeling. We are like in love, looking in the same direction all the time. That's why I love the animals so much. And if any of you know what I know about the animals,you will also love them so much. You would never want to harm even one of their feathers. You would treasure them, respect them, want to protect them at all cost. The day will arrive when we humans and animals can live together like family members.

Talking about family members,for example, one day, my bird Mirabeau, the white cockatoo, he kind of fancies the blue bird named Laguna. But Laguna is befriended with Rainbow,the yellow and gold Macaw and they both are an item. They're loving each other so much. So Mirabeau sometimes getting frustrated and once he was a little bit agitated,a little bit more aggressive, so I said to Mirabeau, 『Mirabeau,we are family and if she says `no' it's no. So please make peace with Laguna right now.』 So,you know what the white cockatoo named Mirabeau did? On my piece of land, there are many olive trees and you know the olive branch means peace,so in the Olympic Games, you see all the winners, they have a crown of olive branch around them. Do you remember? MC(m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So now, I said to Mirabeau, 『Peace. Make peace with Laguna.』And then he went to an olive tree, plucked an olive branch like this,and brought it to Laguna in front of her and cooing something. And he never showed aggression since to Laguna. That is my bird with the peace olive tree story. Can you imagine? I never taught him this; he did it all by himself. Probably he watched television - I leave the television on for them to watch whenever possible - and then he understands that the olive branch means peace,so he went and plucked one and gave it to Laguna.

There's another story, also concerning family love. The two dogs that I have rescued from Europe, one small and one big. The big one named Zolo and the other one named Hally. They had a little issue with each other from the beginning already, although Hally loves Zolo and Zolo tries to be very gentle with him, sometimes they have a little problem because the little one likes to be the boss of the big one. So he rides on him like a horse oftentimes until the big one kind of had it and sometimes he turns around and growls at him.

And I was worried that it might get into a worse situation so I always have to tell him, 『Zolo. Family, remember? We're family.』 And immediately,Zolo would stop his aggression in mid-air and then calm down right away. And then of course Hally also,the small guy also would leave him alone. Every time I mention『family,』Zolo wags his tail,smiles,and whatever problem he had with Hally or anyone, he stops in his track. He loves family. The family that he never had or maybe the family that he had to leave behind before this farm family got him and chained him to the post of the cement day and night, summer and winter. So every time he hears the name『family,』 he stops his aggression, he stops his agitation immediately.

So you see,if we can love each other like family like this, that will be very good. Even animals,dogs, can understand, we should understand. And I didn't speak to him in his native so-called language. I spoke English and he understood perfectly everything I said. So it is we, the humans,that need to learn a little bit more about this universal language of love, of cooperation,of peace, of harmony. Thank you. Please thank Mr. Châu Thanh for his beautiful question that inspired my answer. You made me cry today, all the speakers and the questioners. It's a crying day. MC(f): Thank you,Master for your guidance.

VOICE: In the face of the planetary crisis of climate change,the 『Global Warming: Yes, There is a Solution!』 videoconference was held in the capital city of Lima,Peru on September 12.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: One fact is clear: if we stop meat consumption and livestock raising, we will also eliminate one of the most heat-trapping gases, which is methane.

VOICE: Tune in to Supreme Master Television this Saturday,December 12, for our program, 『Global Warming: Yes, There is a Solution!』 on Words of Wisdom.
Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, 『Global Warming: Yes, There is a Solution!』 on Words of Wisdom.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The wisest action would be to fix the situation we have now and prevent further damage, then we won't even have to worry about the future. All the leading scientists we have spoken to tell us one and the same: that we must handle it now, not tomorrow.

VOICE: Tune in to Supreme Master Television this Tuesday,December 15, for part 3 of our program, 『Global Warming: Yes, There is a Solution!』 on Words of Wisdom.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, 『Global Warming: Yes, There is a Solution!』 on Words of Wisdom.
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