Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E. P1/8 October 11, 2009 Taichung, Formosa    
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You are watching Words of Wisdom Rebroadcast of Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E.” Taichung, Formosa (Taiwan) - October 11, 2009

B(m): Greetings honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to the climate change conference, “Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E.,” which stands for LOHAS, Organic, Vegan, and Eco-friendly. Greetings too to our worldwide viewers who are joining us today live through Supreme Master TV's 14 satellite platforms, IPTVs, Cable TVs, and internet TV via Let's care for this planet and protect the environment today through this conference. I'm your host, Buddy Cunanan.

S(f): Global warming and climate change have become serious worldwide concerns. The issue of climate is no longer just a one-day news event but now has a serious impact on everyone's daily life.

B(m): Yes, very true. You know, there are so many terrible, terrible disasters that have happened. From the 2003 European heat wave to the 2004 south Asian tsunami, to the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, to the recurring wild fires in California and Australia, the terrible Typhoons Pepeng and Undoy that devastated metro Manila and many parts of Northern Luzon.

S(f): And, of course, the disaster caused by Typhoon Morakot in Formosa (Taiwan) this August, and lately as well - Typhoon Parma, which did not land in Formosa (Taiwan) but caused a lot of disaster in Yi Lan, which made us feel like we are facing the climate change.

B(m): Indeed. You know, disaster relief; making arrangements for refugees; victims of energy and food crises; collapsing ecological stability; international, regional, and local cooperation - all of these are happening around us.

S(f): Today, we are extremely honored to be able to invite many researchers and experts to join our conference. And through panel discussions, they will thoroughly explain the main causes and effects of climate change and make concrete suggestions, in four dimensions - LOHAS, Organic, Vegan, and Eco - to address this global crisis.

B(m): Yes. This conference is a product of so many groups and people coming together to protect the Earth and protect the environment. And so we have 29 co-organizers who have helped make this conference happen. At this juncture, I'd like to say a special thanks to Chung-Hsing University for providing Hui-Sun Hall, this beautiful place where we can come and meet and talk about this very pressing issue of climate change and global warming.

S(f): Yes, it's really such a beautiful place. Now, we would like to invite Dr. Shaw Jie-Fu, the President of Chung-Hsing University for his opening remarks.

SJF(m): Greetings to all the distinguished guests! First of all, I represent Chung Hsing University in welcoming everyone to this very meaningful conference. Although this conference is called an academic forum, it's been carefully designed so that everyone in the audience can clearly understand and accept the very important message of this conference regarding climate change. I think everyone understands very well that climate change caused by global warming has started to impact the entire world.

It has also become a focus of many important international conferences. The nonstop droughts, floods and food shortage problems in recent years are closely connected with global climate change in one way or another. Formosa (Taiwan), in particular, had a record rainfall this August. Typhoon Morakot caused very serious damage. This is a very obvious example. In our conference today, we have invited several prominent scholars including Professor Liu Shaw-Chen and Professor Liu Chong-Ming. They will give us excellent explanations on the topic of climate change. Chung Hsing University has been established for 90 years. It is the oldest established university in Formosa (Taiwan).

Currently, Chung Hsing University consists of including the College of Agricultural and Natural Resources, College of Life Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Science, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts, and College of Social Science & Management. We are one of the top research universities funded by the initiative of the Ministry of Education, “Five-Year Fifty Billion NTD.” And we've made outstanding accomplishments, especially in the areas of agricultural science and engineering. In the area of agricultural science, we've reached the top one hundred list in the world on which we rank the 85th.

Therefore, in the agricultural field, we have outstanding scientific personnel and resources. For a long time, we have been making every effort in agricultural research and education. In the meantime, we apply our research to real life. That's why we've created the first organic and eco-friendly campus. We have also set up an organic farmers' market so we can serve as an excellent bridge to reach the consumers. Our hope is to make major contributions to sustainable development. Lastly, I'd like to thank the organizers, as well as other co-organizers. They have worked hard to make this event happen. Lastly, I wish everyone good health, all wishes fulfilled, and a successful conference. Thank you!

S(f): Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Shaw. Chung-Hsing University is a “green” university in Formosa (Taiwan). And its campus is so eco-friendly and pleasant. I think this is the environment that we should have on this planet.

B(m): Yes, I agree. Going green these days is something considered special. However, years and years ago, it was a normal thing for our ancestors. Unfortunately, about 200 years ago, man started living more luxuriously, started expanding his life, creating more pollution and exhausting more resources, and making climate change more serious. In fact, scientific studies show that the pace of climate change today is faster than what they had originally assessed or predicted.

S(f): That's right. Before we start the conference, we would like to introduce to you a video about climate change. Now please watch “Practice the way of L.O.V.E.” to halt climate change.

If you knew our home could be completely destroyed or our lives are seriously threatened, would you let it continue going on? As a result of climate change, disasters like Morakot are not that unusual now. So we have to be prepared for the worst. And we are drafting a piece of legislation called Homeland Planning Act, which will divide the country into different regions. Some may have to be evacuated. But this is very difficult in this country;we attach a lot of importance to the factor of global warming.

Dr. James Hansen(m): Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies    You don't notice that there's a crisis but, in fact, we are at a crisis point now because we are very close to passing tipping points in the climate system that would have very undesirable consequences.

T. Colin Campbell There are a couple of individuals - very significant people - who have been making this report, and looking very carefully at the numbers. and their conclusion now is that the contribution of livestock production to global warming is more than 60%. It's not 18% which was first suggested three or four years ago, it's not even the 50 -some percent suggested a short while ago.

For the past years, the livestock industry continues to expand. Where are the expanding lands and huge amount of grain coming from? Amazon deforestation increased 69% due to the demand for meat during August 2007 and August 2008. The livestock sector is by far the single largest anthropogenic user of land. Deforestation is playing a major role in climate change. More than 300 experts stated, “If we lose the forests, we lose the fight against climate change.”

A more urgent crisis is happening in the permafrost. Gases like methane are being released from the permafrost and the sea floor. As the gases will be released in huge quantities, the situation will be out of control.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The permafrost layer is melting each day. And the methane gas, or other gases even, is releasing into the atmosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Methane and nitrous oxide are made by livestock raising, livestock keeping. They are far more poisonous, far more dangerous than CO2.
Another gas implicated in several mass extinctions in the Earth's history is hydrogen sulfide. This colorless and highly toxic gas deadens our sense of smell, and at higher concentration, causes blindness and eventually death. Livestock and chemical fertilizers seriously pollute the water People use targetless fishing trawlers, promptly destroying the ocean ecology.

The ocean area lacking oxygen grows. Hydrogen sulfide then results in a dead zone. In the past, according to paleontologist Peter Ward, “Hydrogen Sulfide in the oceans and atmosphere turned the sky green and choked off oxygen for plants, animals and marine life.” He further warned that global warming caused by human activities “could reproduce the same hydrogen sulfide situation that killed more than 90% of life during the Permian period.” Our home is being destroyed and our lives are facing serious threats. We need to curb climate change.

Dr. James Hansen The point of no return is when you get to a place where the dynamics of the system takes over, and then you can't do anything about it. It's too late.

Q(m): There are many things that people can do to reduce their carbon emissions, but changing your light bulb and many of the things are much less effective than changing your diet.

Dr Rajendra Pachauri Q(m): Meat production and consumption, it's hugely intensive in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.

Maneka Gandhi(f) Unless we change our food choices, nothing else matters, because it is meat that is destroying most of our forests, it is meat that pollutes the waters, it is meat that is creating disease which leads to all our money being diverted to hospitals. So it is the first choice for any body who wants to save the Earth.

Q(m): And if you eat less meat, you will be healtier, and so would the planet.

Q(f): There's where the climate problem is: our meat consumption!

VO (m): Earth, our one and only Home. Earth nurses all of life with love. It's time for us to be guardian of our Mother Earth. To protect our Home and all the coinhabitants with love.

The lifestyle of loving the Earth is called LOHAS.s LOHAS: Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability

Q(m): But you don't have to have a farm to do organic plants. You can plant tomatoes in pots on your balcony. You can put potatoes in them. You can have these shelf pots that you can plant all your herbs in. You can plant your lettuces. Try something. Just experiment.

VO (m): In one of the longest studies ever conducted on organic farming practices, research by the US-based Rodale Institute has found that organic soil management not only minimizes fossil fuel use, it can also reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide by removing it from the air and storing it as carbon in the soil. Scientists at the institute estimate that if organic practices such as planting cover crops, composting and crop rotation were implemented on the planet's 3.5 billion tillable acres, nearly 40 percent of current CO2 emissions could be absorbed.

Q(f): We've realized that it is good to plant trees that we can absorb some of the carbon dioxide. We have learned enough to know that the breeding of hundreds and thousands of animals for food is terribly damaging to the environment. So more and more people are eating less meat or no meat.

Howard Lyman Q(m): I do what I do today as a hard-core vegan for the love of the animals. I know that no animal has to die for me to live.

Q(f): Just connect to the Earth, feel the Earth, feel the vibration of the sun, the sky, the clouds, everything around us, run all the way through us, and go right in through our feet to the heart of the Earth.

Dr. Rima Morrell, Animal Communicator Living Ark Animal Sanctuary Founder Q(f): Please, for the sake of all the animals, be veg, go green, look at the flowers and Save the Planet.

B(m): Ladies and gentlemen, this video is a reminder for all of us to respect and cherish lives and to halt climate change in order to preserve the beauty and the harmony of this planet.

S(f): Yes, let's work together with love and change our daily living and attitudes so that we can end the crisis of global warming. Now, we have special video greetings from important people around the world for this conference.

B(m): Yes, first, we have Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, the Chairman of IPCC, and the joint Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize 2007.

Dr. Pachauri (m): Let me, at the outset, convey my greetings to all you participants of this extremely important conference in Taichung, Formosa (Taiwan). I'm deeply grieved at the terrible disaster that took place in Formosa (Taiwan) as a result of Typhoon Morakot. This obviously affected the lives and property of so many people and my deepest sympathies for those who lost their loved ones and who have lost all their belongings and possessions.

Now, I really don't want to link any single incident, any weather-related event to human-induced climate change, because that would be scientifically wrong. But I do want to emphasize that as a result of climate change, events like this are likely to increase, not only in number and frequency, but also in magnitude and intensity. So I would like to appeal to all of you to spread the message across the world that we have to bring about major changes by which we can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses.

There is, of course, a lot that we can do in industry, in transport, and in every economic activity that human beings carry out, but what is going to be critically important is for us to change our value systems and to change our lifestyles. An important element of changes in lifestyles is to be able to alter our diet. Unfortunately, the world has gone into a pattern of excessive consumption of meat protein. And you'll find that wherever incomes go up, people start consuming more and more meat, more and more animal protein.

Just to give you an example, the first time I went to China was in 1981 and at that stage about the only meat that people ate was pork or some amount of poultry products. But today, with the increase in prosperity of China, you'll find a lot of people eating more and more meat. And China is not alone. This is happening in other parts of the world also. I find that even in India, which is essentially a vegetarian society, a great move towards eating much more meat, much more poultry products and so on.

So, we know that the emissions of greenhouse gases associated with the cycle of meat production, poultry production and all forms of animal food that we consume, is extremely high. And one means by which we can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses is to see that we cut down on meat consumption. And the result would be that not only would we be healthier, but so would the planet. It's now proved beyond doubt, medically as well, that those who live on a vegetarian diet certainly avoid some of the worst diseases that are now associated, and are known to be associated, with consumption of animal products, with poultry and so on.

So, my submission would be that we should eat much less meat, and if possible, we should eliminate the consumption of red meat completely, because red meat, that's beef, lamb, mutton - is associated with the highest levels of emissions of greenhouse gases of all forms of food. So, if we really want to save the planet, if we want to live a healthy and contented life, I would like to submit that moving towards much lower consumption of meat would be in the interests of human beings and it certainly would be in the interests of the planet.

So I would like to appeal to you to consider this carefully, and you would find that when you make such a move that you'd actually feel much better. And my slogan is: “If you eat less meat, you would be healthier, and so would the planet.” I hope all of you will deliberate on all aspects of climate change and particularly on the importance of bringing about lifestyle changes. So I hope you have a productive and very pleasant conference. Thank you.

S(f): Thank you, Dr. Pachauri, for your loving concern for Formosa (Taiwan) and your dedication in saving this planet.

B(m): Next, we have Mr. Philippe Roch, the former Director of the Federal Environmental Office in Switzerland.

Mr. Philippe Roch Independant Consultant Former Secretary of State Former Director of the Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland in French:
I am Philippe Roch, Former Director of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Secretary of State, who participated in all international negotiations on the environment during 13 years.

We have tackled some questions on climate change and human rights, which is an extremely interesting issue. Allow me to remind you also that if we want to ensure everyone's development and human rights for all, we must course share what we have, we must also stop wasting. However, we must not forget the one who gives us all our resources. That's nature herself, the ecosystems, who nowadays suffers extreme damages from overexploitation, destruction of the forests, the sea, etc., and that, obviously, in order to share with one another, we must have something to share and it's really nature who gives us all we need, and we must absolutely respect her as our mother.

Therefore, I am of course delighted to know that you will be having a videoconference on the environment, the theme of which is to protect our own home with love, and I think that this is the fundamental element. Once we understand that we live in a big “house,” all together in one big family - all the humans, and with all the living beings, the animals, the plants - then our relationship with the planet will change, and we will respect her, and we can no longer destroy her.

S(f): Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Philippe Roch, for your encouraging words. Next we will have Mr. Gilberto Natalini, the City Councilman of São Paulo City, Brazil.brazilian city councilman GILBERTO NATALINI message Original in Portuguese My name is Gilberto Natalini, I am a doctor and also the Councilman for the city of São Paulo for PSDB.

I am currently in my third term as Councilman. It is very important that conferences like these are organized throughout the world since the situation now is very tough, very complicated. Planet Earth is suffering extremely serious changes in relation to its climate issues and I would like to wish the participants of this conference great success, a fruitful discussion, and many positive proposed result for the improvement of Earth's conditions.

The Brazilian government owes the world a firm position in respect to fighting the deforestation of the Amazon and of our forests. The increase in our deforestation is due to, among other things, the advancement of animal agriculture's frontier in Brazil. This means the destruction of forest for livestock raising , livestock to supply the market. What happens in Brazil is wasted land and wasted water by the livestock industry. This is as much to supply the national market as the foreign market. I believe that sustainability measures are needed and are fundamental in the world today.

And we work very hard so that they are passed in our city and country. I also believe that organic agriculture is a very important way, very healthy for the protection of human health as well as the protection of the ecosystem. Since pesticides are great destroyers. I will give you here an example: huge groups of widgeons in Lake Feia in the region of northern Rio de Janeiro state were decimated by the use of pesticides and plantations around the lake.

And finally, the issue of eating a diet high in vegetables, the vegetarian lifestyle- this can also be an extremely important measure. But then we face the cultural issues of humanity, people from many countries of the world who have been consuming animal flesh for millennia. There must be a whole process of education, a process of discussion so that people can can change their habits. I want to ask Dr. Pachauri and Supreme Master to dedicate themselves, and I am sure they will dedicate all their efforts so that this meeting can be successful.

I also want to ask all participants of the conference to support the sustainability cause, to defend the planet and help us, particularly in developing countries and the poorer countries so that people over there can overcome the misery, end poverty, and defend the planet. This is our sincere wish on behalf of the city of São Paulo and all its citizens. Thank you very much.

B(m): Thank you, Mr. Gilberto Natalini and all the speakers again for your time and sincere efforts to halt climate change. Many thanks to all our esteemed guests of this conference for sharing with us their great and exciting viewpoints.

Water waste: not only land and food, but water is also required in huge amounts. Just one hamburger costs 625 gallons of clean water, or, it would cost you about 45 showers. A month and a half or two months without taking a shower, for one pound of hamburger beef alone. Imagine that! On a side note, one cow in his lifetime before slaughter, uses enough fresh water to float a large naval ship. Imagine that again! Just one cow.
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