Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: The Heavenly Lamp - P1/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs. Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the Lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship
As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun?
Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice?
But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance?
Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled?
Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss?
Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “The Heavenly Lamp” recounts the tale of the fairy Bạch Giáng Tiên who was chastened for transgressing divine laws. Only when those who loved Bạch Giáng Tiên could help her find the light of wisdom would she be liberated from the regressive bindings that she herself created.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the modern folk opera “The Heavenly Lamp,” written by playwright Bạch Mai and presented in 4 episodes,
with performances by Vũ Linh as Hữu Lương the student, Ngọc Huyền as Bạch Giáng Tiên the Fairy and Hữu Nhân, Thanh Thanh Tâm as Liên Hoa Fairy, Chí Linh as Deity Dương Tiễn, Đức Lợi as Hữu Sinh, Minh Long as King, Linh Châu as Ten Great Monks, Tào Thành as Prime Minister, Minh Thâu as Pampered Young Nobleman, Trung Quang as Giant Heavenly Dog, Đức Vinh as District Chief, Hồng Nhung as Mẫu Đơn Fairy, Vân Hà as Hồng Nương Fairy, Bạch Mai as Fabric Seller, Bạch Thu as Hồng Loan a village young woman, Bạch Lan as Hữu Phùng, and other artists.

The sky, clouds, Jade Emperor and Celestial Palace have been in creation for thousands of years. In the heavenly throne, the majestic Jade Emperor is attended by the fairies. There are rainbow dance, graceful dancers, and melodious music. Celestial singing is accompanied by sounds of flutes and lutes. Seven beautiful fays gently move in the rainbow dance and present to the dragon throne divine peaches and golden ambrosia. In the celestial court, saints and fairies enjoy the singing and dancing. Melodious rhythm accompanied by sounds of flutes and lutes.

Melancholy night mist penetrates deeply and chills the heart of the one away from his homeland. Alas, rank and fame make people lose their dignity. From the examination grounds, I came home in bitterness and shame, feeling pity for my fate in poverty. The loss of my parents makes me more weary of rank and honor.

The dishonest and greedy only covet silver and gold, disregarding righteousness and kindness. Mind not people’s sneer and scorn, don’t be attached to them, stay firm in your determination.

Hữu Sinh, brother! It’s not that I covet rank and title, but I’m fed up with people who change their hearts. All my hard work in studying ended up in vain for worthless people.

With diligent study, you’re well-versed in literature and poetry, and mastered the skills of martial arts, yet you’re unable to reach the dragon cloud.

Master, what happened?

Please tell me everything.

Sinh! At the archery competition, I got three arrows right on target, while other candidates missed one or two. When it was time to present the essay...

O fellow villagers!


Come see the competition!

Let’s go! Quickly!

Hurry up!

How exciting! There, over there!

Where? Show me.

The Capital’s examination opens today after ten years. In this day of glory, one just wished to repay his country with his talents. Thousands of people were eager to see the competition. There was a handsome and intelligent man. His name is Hữu Lương, his archery skill extraordinary. The Prime Minister envied him and schemed a wicked plan to bury a talent.

There! That’s what happened.

My god! And you didn’t give him a few blows so that he’d have a taste of bitterness and give up his corrupt way? To be honest with you, if I had known about this, I’d have jumped in to give him a good blow.

You’d commit a royal offense by doing so. It’s not simple to beat up a court official. I’m too disheartened. Besides, I don’t want to go back home, but I want to spend the rest of my life here with the graceful and kind fairies who aren’t wicked at heart, especially the graceful fairy in white. Her face is as lovely as a flower, her lips a fresh rose.

Goodness! It’s a bronze statue, not a human being. Why are you smiling and joking with a ghost?

A mindless statue is better than some worldly people, who move and smile yet are without conscience. Am I right, O extraordinary fairy in white? I wish to join you in matrimony.

Wake up, master! I’m so worried.

Go quickly to the forest to find food!

Yes, I’ll go to the forest. But, you must stay calm here for me. Look, this ancient shrine is for worshipping. We’re just standing and admiring it. Don’t say anything inappropriate, or the fairies will get angry and scold you.

I understand. All right, you should go now!

Yes, I’m leaving. Remember to be careful. Don’t say anything inappropriate, master.

A love vow of a hundred years. The wind wafts in fragrance of a youthful love. A soul in a beautiful dream, dazed, awakened at dawn, I feel melancholy.

You’re so beautiful!

Who are you?

I’m a student with bad luck. I failed the examination and very much resent this ungrateful life. False virtue and empty talk make me weary of the way of the world.

But, dwelling in the far-away celestial abode, I can’t converse with you about worldly matters. It’s hard for a fairy to live with an earthling. Please let me go.

I’m already mesmerized by your beauty. Come closer to exchange our vows.

I’m a fairy. I can’t stay on Earth.

The earthly world is poetic and very charming.

If you wish to see me, play a flute.

Play a flute?

Now I bid adieu, for I can’t stay here long.

I’ll wait for you to exchange our affection.


Anyone for brocade? This brocade was woven in Giang Nam. Silk from Giang Bắc are made with golden threads.

Please buy some for me; I’m alone and poor.

You’re very pretty. Now, the golden silk seller! Give it to me, I’ll help and buy from you.

Please take a look at the beautiful and soft silk.

No need for checking, I’ll take it all. And money too if any – give it to me right away.

Wait, why are you asking for money? How peculiar!

We’re robbers. Everyone knows about us.

What! Robbers? Oh god! Help! Help me, anyone!

Be quiet! If you scream, I’ll kill you now. Give me your money!

Sir, I only have a silk pillow, which you already took. I... I don’t have any money. I’m very poor, sir. Please spare my life and acquire merit.

Be quiet! You’re poor? Then give me the jewelry you have now. Otherwise, don’t blame us.

No, no.

Give the bag to me!

No, I won’t.

This girl is doomed. Watch me!

Help! Anyone, help me!



Hold it!

Run! Run, man!

Woe to you!

Thanks for saving my life. This bow is to express my gratitude.

Stand up, miss. Don’t humbly pay your respects. Where were you heading all alone to get yourself in unexpected trouble?

I have no family. I lost my parents and lead a wandering life. I travel from place to place, selling silk to earn a living, enduring much bitterness. A life in hardships, I care not for tomorrow, leaving it to my luck. Wind and dew weigh down my shoulders.

Listening to you, I feel pity for the fate of a woman who is all alone in a heartrending situation. Having neither parents nor husband, whom do you rely upon for a living?

I wander to sell silk, unaware of possible troubles. I unfortunately encountered the bandits on the way. But now I’m empty-handed and down-and-out, I don’t know what to do.

I live nearby with a single older brother. If you don’t mind, please follow me. Look, the sun is about to set. You’re a young woman all alone in this desolate, deep forest; I’m afraid you will encounter mishap.

I thank you again for your kindness. You said you have an older brother... and who else?

There are just us two brothers, but please don’t worry. We’re not the flirtatious kind of people. Despite our poverty, we’re learned people. So we value kindness, righteousness and are well-taught in morality.

You two already lead a hard life, having me will distress you even more.

Don’t worry about it. A frugal life with simple food is also fine. Look, it’s getting dark, miss! All right, please follow me.

Thank you, benefactor.


Watch out.

I’m dazed from a secret yearning for her. Missing Giáng Tiên, I feel as if in a stupor. Like a bird flying to a distant land, know you not that I’m waiting? I was advised to play the flute for a meeting with Giáng Tiên. Melodious flute music resounds in the sky in hopes to reunite with someone.

Hữu Lương!

Giáng Tiên! I’ve longed for you, and now we meet. Heaven and Earth are far apart; I’m surprised to see you again. O Giáng Tìên, I forever love you.

Your genuine love makes it hard for me to dwell peacefully in the celestial abode. The fairy flute’s earnest sound sent me into a dream. I’ve come to join you in a harmonious melody.

Please don’t leave me. Without you, I can hardly live in peace.

Despite all suffering and danger, I vow to tie a lasting bond with you.

I vow a faithful love to you.

Seven beautiful fays gently move in the rainbow dance and present to the dragon throne divine peaches and golden ambrosia. In the celestial court, saints and fairies enjoy the singing and dancing. Melodious rhythm accompanied by sounds of flutes and lutes.

O Giáng Tiên! Goodness, Giáng Tiên has fainted.

How strange! Could it be she’s seriously ill?

Let me check. It’s all right. Go back to your duties. Giáng Tiên is just tired, nothing serious.

But why doesn’t she regain consciousness? This makes me so worried. Since the day we set foot on Earth, Giáng Tiên has been mooning about. She seems to keep a secret that makes her sad with illusory hope.

We’re so worried that we asked her to share with us, but Giáng Tiên just sighed and refused to reveal.

I understand clearly now Giáng Tiên’s plight. She has fallen in love but forgotten that she dwells in Heaven. She can’t tie a matrimonial knot.

What is she to do then? Giáng Tiên has sinned.

Wait for me to arrange everything.

Please have pity on Giáng Tiên.

Be at ease, sisters! Giáng Tiên! Wake up, dear!

Oh, Liên Hoa! Sister! I’m sorry for becoming unconscious and troubling my kind sisters in the Celestial Palace.

That’s not important. I want to ask you why you fainted. (I...) Giáng Tiên, why are you so foolish? As a heavenly being, why get entangled with earthly stuff? What bad karma (retribution) makes you sink into sentimental romance? What happened has tainted the palace. The Fairyland now has a pregnancy.

O sister! Please let me explain it thoroughly. When we came to Earth to have fun before, Mr. Lương secretly fell in love with me and dreamt of joining me in a conjugal bond.

Your words astound me. How could Heaven and Earth be together? I pity your carrying an unborn child already taken form. Brother Dương strictly abides by the penal law. He won’t tolerate your serious misconduct.

Even if I must die, I won’t ever lament. I vow to faithfully return his affection.

O Giáng Tiên, I understand well how you feel, but think again. As a heavenly being. how can you lead an earthly love life? An earthling and a fairy can’t expect a union. Heavenly saint Dương Tiễn is strict, iron-willed, and cold. A word from him sends storms everywhere. You’ll have to go back on your promise to your old flame.

No. I can’t just fail in my vow of marriage as we both have made a joint promise.

Then Five Thunder Genies will never give way. Your form will be shattered like water flowing along the current.

I accept that my life be ruined. Ill-fated, I shall live with my own sorrow in the Celestial Palace. O Hữu Lương, a tragic love – a boat can’t stay with the pier.

Don’t sorrow, suppress your grief, so that our elder brother won’t suspect. I’ll find a way to get you out.

O elder sister, have pity on me because falling in love, a woman is committed to a lasting bond.

I’ll replace you during the Deity and Fairy grand ceremony. If you escape to Earth, you can fulfill your vow of a harmonious marriage.

I bow to you for giving me a chance to life.

Don’t linger and endanger your departure.

Farewell, gentle elder sister Liên Hoa.

Giáng Tiên, my dear!

Seven beautiful fays gently move in the rainbow dance and present to the dragon throne divine peaches and golden ambrosia. In the celestial court, saints and fairies enjoy the singing and dancing. Melodious rhythm accompanied by sounds of flutes and lutes.

Liên Hoa Tiên, my younger sister!


Why is the rainbow dance in disarray? There’s something unusual. What is the reason?

Elder brother! Please stay calm. Lessen your wrath, so that...

What now? So that I may clarify matters. Then why don’t you say it? Instead, you just hem and haw!

The recent rainbow dance was void of Giáng Tiên’s presence.

Where’s Giáng Tiên? Didn’t she know the festival is today?

Giáng Tiên has been gravely ill since yesterday.

Stay calm, elder brother. Lessen your wrath. Let me explain. It’s not worth your concern. We’ll visit Giáng Tiên in her room.

In the Celestial Palace, during the Deity and Fairy festival, when the rainbow dance commences, we’re here to take care of it.

All right then. Let me go visit Giáng Tiên and cure my fairy sister of her illness.

O elder brother! Giáng Tiên isn’t feeling well. She’s in deep sleep in her chamber. Please do not disturb her.

How can I be at ease when Giáng Tiên is lying sick? Liên Hoa, explain it! I feel rather suspicious.

How can I say it now? There’s nothing suspicious.

I suspect that there’s some mishap. Let me use my heavenly eye to view the earthly world. Goodness! What’s left of a fairy! She’s having a romantic affair on Earth. Heavenly soldiers!


Quickly descend on Earth and bring Giáng Tiên back here to be punished! (Yes.)

Please wait. O brother, Giáng Tiên was caught by the web of her bad karma (retribution). Please have great mercy and forgive our sibling. Don’t let the heavenly soldier get to Giáng Tiên; otherwise she won’t be able to reunite with her loved ones. She has fallen in love and built a family with the poor student Hữu Lương, a handsome gentleman proficient in both literature and martial arts. Giáng Tiên left the celestial abode to fulfill her marital obligation. The impure matter is now exposed; you need to let it go.

If you judge Giáng Tiên, you’ll also get implicated. When Holy Mother finds out, the rudder must be responsible for the wrongly steered bow.

Enough! Be quiet! Don’t be insolent and threaten me! I’ll personally discipline the heartless one.

Elder brother! O brother Dương, how have you the heart to sever a deep tie with your gentle younger sister?

O Liên Hoa, it’s the first time a heavenly general is emotionally overcome by resentment and grief when Giáng Tiên chooses to indulge in worldly pleasure and destroys her thousands of years of spiritual practice. The Five Thunder Genies won’t spare her life. My tears shed out of overwhelming love for her, but it’s hard for the celestial law to tolerate Giáng Tiên. Her pregnancy taints the celestial abode. Put her in the Thunder Wind Tower to be purified.

Then her child will be bereft of motherly love. Please have great compassion to let mother and child unite.

The day he comes to the Celestial Palace and take down Thunder Wind Tower, their deep love will be fulfilled. Heavenly generals! Heavenly soldiers!


Prepare your iron armors and gold swords. Bring Giáng Tiên back here for punishment!

Elder brother!

Autumn evening wind chills the frail shoulders. I lull you into a peaceful dream. Go to sleep, child, in my tender arms. You’re the joy of a Heaven-and-Earth loving bond. I lull you into a fairy dream.

O Giáng Tiên, I’m overcome with happiness. When I’m with my gentle Giáng Tiên, I’m mesmerized. Our innocent child in his peaceful sleep looks so angelic and carefree.

O Hữu Lương, to fulfill my love vow of previous lives, I left the celestial abode without regret. I wish to be a dutiful wife. During the day, I weave fabric to provide for my husband’s academic endeavor. At night, I comfort my child to sleep, finding bliss in family life, so that you can focus on your studying.

How grateful I am to my Giáng Tiên!

I’m only afraid that our marriage won’t last.

What prompts you to talk about separation?

Because it’s hard to live in peace away from the Fairyland.

Giáng Tiên! Why are lightning and thunder upon us? I worry for our young and innocent child.

O master, dark clouds are circling but it’s not about to rain. It blusters as if there will come a hurricane.

I’m also nervous and worried while comforting our child. O mistress, you’re a fairy, do you know what’s going to happen?

O Hữu Lương, my prediction has come true. Deity Dương Tiễn has come to take me away.

Who is Deity Dương Tiễn?

He is a divine being in Heaven. He’s my eldest bother and the uncle of my son Hữu Nhân.

If he’s an uncle, why is he wreaking havoc? If he’s an elder brother, why is he punishing his sister?

O God! The case of our mistress the fairy is Heaven’s affair. Don’t talk nonsense, or you’ll be reprimanded.

O Giáng Tiên, you should stay calm. If disaster should come, we’ll endure it together.

That’s impossible. Whoever errs must bear the painful consequence. An earthling can’t go to the Fairyland.

Elder brother!

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next time.
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