Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: A Golden Lesson - P2/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs. Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the Lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship
As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun?
Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice?
But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance?
Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled?
Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss?
Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson” was adapted from a Buddhist story. “A Golden Lesson” is an invaluable lesson about the law “what you sow, so shall you reap,” to remind people to be prudent and wise in their action, speech and thought, so that they can enjoy peace and happiness in this lifetime and in the future.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the Aulacese modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson” written by the late Venerable Thích Thiện Hoa,
with performances Châu Thanh as King Đột Quyết, Phượng Loan as Second Queen Hoàng Hoa, Tâm Tâm as General Thanh Lan, Khánh Tuấn as General Hoàng Cái, Hữu Tài as Eccentric Elder, Hiếu Liêm as Lý Bá, Bích Thủy as Commander’s Wife, Chiêu Linh as Prince Phương Tùng, Thanh Liêm as Commander, Thanh Phong as Young Man, and other artists.

An eccentric elder went to various places to sell a lesson which he called valuable. As the King was passing by on his sight-seeing tour, His Majesty agreed to buy this lesson for 1,000 gold taels. When the commander mandarin discovered that the lesson was actually a very ordinary statement, the King was embarrassed and accused the commander of plotting against the throne. He ordered the commander’s arrest, then sent someone to end the mandarin’s life.

Upon learning of her father’s wrongful death, General Thanh Lan brought her troops back to the royal court to question King Đột Quyết. During this time of instability, Second Queen Hoàng Hoa schemed with her paramour Lý Bá to seize the throne for her son, Prince Phương Tùng.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. Farewell for now.

It’s me who is afraid. But don’t worry, love. Commander Thanh Phong has died by the hands of Đột Quyết. I heard that his daughter, General Thanh Lan, will bring her troops here to make the King pay with his life.

If Đột Quyết dies, the country can’t be without a king. And you hope that Prince Phương Tùng will become King because the First Queen has no son to succeed the throne, right?

If my son is King, I shall be the King’s mother. By that time, you can come to me without the need for that secret tunnel, but by the publicly recognized way.

I’ve also heard that General Thanh Lan is mobilizing her troops in the Western frontier. Through the tunnel, I hurriedly entered this palace to discuss with you a plan for the future.

A plan? Is it a plan to help Phương Tùng safely become the King of Nhục Chi?

You believe that King Đột Quyết will easily die by the hands of Thanh Lan? You only see the present but not the future. It’s not that easy because you’ve overlooked a great general. That great general is Hoàng Cái, stationed at the Southern frontier.

Thanks to your reminder. now I remember and feel uneasy. I’m afraid that there are many storms ahead. O God! I’ve yet to savor my joy, yet now comes the sorrow. How can I manage it?

Hoàng Cái is a talented general. Thanh Lan is far too inferior in martial arts to resist him and will face utter defeat.

My dream is now shattered. My son is not yet fated to be King.

I believe that after saving King Đột Quyết from General Thanh Lan’s deadly pursuit, Hoàng Cái will stay at the royal palace for a while to safeguard the King. It’s then that you must act according to this plan.

Causing division?

When Đột Quyết has no one to protect him, it’s not too late for you to act.

Great! Absolutely great!

“Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” This old man really deserves to die! I wouldn’t expect him to dare trick me. Such a lesson, yet he dared say it’s priceless, demanding 1,000 taels of gold, and even acting like he didn’t care. How arrogant! He dared say it’s a priceless lesson, when it’s only an ordinary phrase for kids. I’m a king. I’m a king who sits on high, with unsurpassed power. I wouldn’t need this lesson.

As a king, I can bestow life. I can order death. I’m likened to Heaven’s son. My will is God’s will. One word of mine can move rivers and fill up the sea. Why should I care about the consequences? I can have any consequence I want. See! I ordered Commander Thanh Phong’s death because he was the only person who knew of this lesson. An invaluable lesson of 1,000 taels of gold, yet on that piece of paper is just a sentence of vague meaning. Thanh Phong loudly declared that I was tricked. Anyone who insults me cannot be forgiven and must die.

A golden lesson! It’s because of you, I ended one human life. And that person happened to be a high-ranking official. “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” Commander Thanh Phong is dead. What consequence will come to me? That’s right! General Thanh Lan demands my life to pay for her father’s death. She’s taking her troops here from the Western frontier. Nhục Chi’s capital will become tumultuous. It’s all due to my extremely thoughtless and ignorant act. When anger fires, it turns me into a fool. This lesson is taught here already. Yet I didn’t understand it. It’s too late now to repent.

In the other world, forgive me, Elder Official, for I am a king, yet morally inferior to that of an ordinary citizen who is grateful and kind. I’m a king who thinks only of himself and shamelessly killed a high-ranking official. Now I realize that due to my dull, deranged mind, I let bad karma and a vicious heart take over. I forced a loyal subject to die to cover up my mistake. I’m aware of my mistake, when I grasp the meaning of the golden lesson. Is it too late now to wake up from my ignorance? No.

From now till thousands of lifetimes, mindful living is always miraculous. Be mindful to see the causes and effects, to clearly discern good from bad, and black from white. Awakened, I realize now I was wrong. May I live in peace always. May I walk not in the sea of suffering. May I have compassion, understanding, and love always. “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” It’s indeed a golden lesson. Had I practiced this teaching, I wouldn’t have to live in fear and anxiety now.

Respected Royal Father, please find a way to escape because at the front gate General Thanh Lan’s troops are beating the drums and waving flags

Royal Son! Go inform the royal family to avoid harm.

All palaces of the inner citadel have closed their doors. I’m concerned for your life, so I hastened here to inform you.

How about the officials and soldiers? Doesn’t anyone wield his sword, stopping the rebels to protect the royal family?

Respected Royal Father, Thanh Lan’s troops are heading to the court, yet the court officials all seem to side with the rebels, letting them blow their own trumpet.

I’ve created all this myself.

I hurried here to inform you, Royal Father. Now I shall go out to check on the situation. Please hasten away to escape bloodshed. I take leave now.

The water has come up to my feet. It’s better to bend than be shattered.

Where are you, Đột Quyết? Turn yourself in! Why isn’t there anyone in sight? Has the benighted King escaped already? Could this be Heaven’s will to help me sit on the throne? I’ll be the Queen. I’ll be the Queen.

“Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” The benighted King ran off; how come he still left this behind? He wanted to teach me or what!

If he truly believed in this saying, he should have taught himself first. He wanted to teach me the law of retribution, while he himself didn’t practice that principle. Besides, this lesson isn’t working. While bringing troops here to put him on trial, I thought only of defense. I didn’t dream of the consequence that I’d sit on the throne. I aimed for one thing yet I was led to another. How can one truly predict the consequence? So why bother to ponder about it?

Let not the next cart tumble like the previous one. Noble Lady Thanh Lan, remember that.

So you haven’t time to escape?

To put it correctly, I didn’t want to be a coward, running away from the effect of my action.

You’re worthy of a king. But you killed, so you must pay with your life. Đột Quyết, watch me cut your head off!

General Thanh Lan! Listen to my explanation.

Don’t try to justify. It’s useless! The throne is waiting for me. The officials are ready to take my order. Benighted King, you must die!

What is it? Whose troops are cheering?

O Royal Father! Rebellious subject Thanh Lan, you dare set foot in this inner palace to constrain my Royal Father? You must have heard the soldiers’ cheering just now?

Royal Son, are there reinforcements?

O Royal Father, it’s good news! General Hoàng Cái has brought his troops back to the King’s rescue. The sky is filled with high-rising flags proclaiming the great cause. It’s a reality, not a dream.

Thanh Lan, did you hear it clearly? Hoàng Cái is unbeatable. Drop your sword; I’ll pardon you. Or else, you’ll find it hard to escape death. Look at the golden lesson again!

The lesson teaches: “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” Don’t you use the teaching to change my mind! Benighted king! Watch my sword of vengeance.

Noble lady, please lessen your wrath and hatred. Don’t act rashly and commit a royal offense.

Prince Phương Tùng, stay out of it. Or else I’ll kill you both.

General Thanh Lan, stop it!

Oh, the savior is here! My Royal Father will probably be safe now. I must go inform my mother. I’m leaving now.

General Hoàng Cái, thank you for not disappointing me by taking the troops back here to my rescue.

Hoàng Cái! I advise you to let me revenge my father.

Please understand, as a subject, I must be loyal to my lord for my entire life.

One should serve a virtuous king, a saintly lord. This benighted king who killed a loyal subject for no reason is not worthy of your sacrifice.

I wish you’d let me explain, Noble Lady.

Enough! All your pleading is just deceitful words to get you out of danger. To revenge my father, I’ll never walk the same path with you.

But how could you forsake the king-subject relationship? Scornful words will remain generations later.

I’m not a coward who clings to life regardless. I really regret the loss of a loyal and kind subject.

No one knew that upon learning of her beloved father’s tragic death in prison, a general like me who had been to battle fields without concern of life and death, would be tearful and overwhelmed with grief for a deep affection. My father was blamed for attempting to take over the throne and sentenced to death. Would anyone believe in such a groundless accusation to an elderly loyal subject? The unjustified killing has created controversy. An unethical person cannot govern people. A tooth for a tooth, only then will I feel contented. I’ll kill the benighted king and rule over the country.

Thanh Lan, your intention is revealed now: “To kill a benighted king to rule over the country.” It’s obvious that you and your father had planned to revolt.

Before I came here, I didn’t think of it, but I do now.

Thanh Lan, remember the golden lesson. “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.”

Listen to me, everyone! The winner is king, losers are bandits. Don’t speak unreal and vague things hoping to sway my heart to change the situation. General Hoàng Cái, I know that you’re a brave general, acclaimed for your exceptional martial arts. But I must fulfill my filial duty. Even death wouldn’t deter me. So benighted King, defend yourself! Swords have always been indifferent.

Thanh Lan! Do you regret what you did?

No. I have nothing to regret. If today I won, tomorrow your place would be the execution ground and my seat would be the high throne. Now that I’m down and out, do unto me what you wish.

Soldiers! Take General Thanh Lan to the execution ground!

Wait! Take Thanh Lan to the guest house to wait for my order.

Your Majesty! A woman rebel who attempts to assassinate her lord for the throne must serve her death sentence. Such a grave sin must be judged at the execution ground. Soldiers, carry out the order!

Wait! I already told you to take her to the guest house without delay. Take her away!

Your Majesty, my rescue duty has been completed. Now, I’d like to return to the frontier post.

Look! Why are you in such a hurry? Stay with me here for a few days. For your favor of saving my life, I have yet to say thank you. Besides, during this time, I need you by my side very much.

For what, Your Majesty? I think the King is as brilliant as the sun; His Majesty’s judgment is never wrong. Who could be more powerful than the King high above? I’m useless as a subject by your side. Please let me return to the frontier post, O Wise King!

Those were words of reproach, weren’t they? I didn’t treat Thanh Lan the way you wanted. Does anyone realize that deep in my soul I regret the loss of a loyal subject?

Your Majesty needs to punish a rebellious subject without mercy. Please do it for the court’s and people’s sake!

For days, I’ve felt great sorrow.

O Your Majesty, treasuring life is an important virtue of a King. But to eliminate a wicked person is to bring peace to people. That action is actually more meritorious. How do we justify the pardoning of Thanh Lan? I’m anxiously waiting for an answer. I really want to bring the rebel to the execution ground, as it is said that to kill the weeds completely, one must totally pull their roots out. Is it advisable to do otherwise? It’d be too late to regret later.

Do you believe that I’m deeply regretful for the wrongful death of a loyal subject?

Do you mean Commander Thanh Phong, Your Majesty?

Yes. He had always been a loyal subject, who never attempted to seize the throne.

So, why did you kill a person without a justified reason to create hatred and cause chaos in the court?

It all began with an eccentric elder coming from afar, who was selling a lesson worth 1,000 taels of gold. That lesson has but a couple lines: “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.”

Is it that simple, Your Majesty?

I paid 1,000 taels of gold just for that. I was embarrassed at being deceived by the eccentric elder. Only the Commander knew this story, so I silenced him by killing him to avoid people’s mockery.

If Commander Thanh Phong was to live, the truth about the lesson might be disclosed, so Your Majesty killed him and announced that he schemed to take over the throne and deserved the death penalty.

Hence came the story of the General Thanh Lan’s revenge for her father and her thought of sitting on the throne.

Your Majesty, now I understand why you spared the life of Commander Thanh Phong’s daughter. In retrospect, General Thanh Lan isn’t different from you, taking action without considering its effect. The eccentric elder’s lesson is indeed priceless. A thousand taels of gold are not yet comparable to it. If this lesson is taught to the multitude, those who apply it will be at peace, the country will be prosperous, happy and peaceful. From now on, we should keep this lesson in mind so as not to make any mistake in our lives.

Kind official, you worry too much. It’s not so difficult to memorize such a short phrase.

Because it’s so simple, we make light of it and do not pay attention.

I think memorizing it alone is not enough. The most important thing is to put it into practice.

Yes. One must practice it. Speech and action must go together to bring good results. Your Majesty, in the beginning, the best way to make the lesson always noticeable by everyone is to have it written on all items.

Great! It’s a great idea! I must order to have it carried out immediately in this royal palace.

Yes, it must be put into practice right away.

I didn’t expect that Hoàng Hoa is so faithful. She quietly had this secret tunnel built so that she and I could revive our love of old. King Đột Quyết almost doesn’t visit her palace anymore, making it so desolate.

Excuse me. May I ask you something?

Who are you? Why are you coming to this royal garden?

You probably know Commander Thanh Phong in the court?

He was a great mandarin, but he already passed away.

I’m his wife. I don’t know what he did that the King had him imprisoned and beheaded. In resentment, my daughter disregarded her role as a woman, brought her troops here for vengeance, but she hasn’t returned home since. I’m worried that she may be harmed.

I thought you’re a stranger, but we’re acquainted. For your peace of mind, Thanh Lan is now safe in the court.

My daughter is safe in the court? How is that so? She has forgotten to take revenge for her father and lives happily with the murderer?

You seem to still nurture hatred in your heart?

I thought my daughter has already fulfilled her father’s wish and her mother’s earnest plea to kill King Đột Quyết by all means.

Obviously, your vengeful spirit is so mountain-high that you defy death to speak your mind even if you’re in the royal court?

I wouldn’t come here if I was afraid of death. And if for some reason, my daughter has been convinced by the King, I wouldn’t give up the revenge.

Could it be God’s will?

Sir! What do you mean by that?

To be honest with you, I’m a confidant of Second Queen Hoàng Hoa, presently residing in the court. Second Queen also harbors the same hatred and is determined to get rid of King Đột Quyết. If you agree to lend a hand, then your vengeance can be soon fulfilled.

It’s probably the Commander’s miraculous spirit that helps arrange our meeting here. So what should I do for my husband’s spirit to be happy and liberated?

Currently, Noble Lady Thanh Lan is put to good use by the King, and she always obeys General Hoàng Cái. You just need to advise Thanh Lan to turn against them, poison Hoàng Cái, and kill the King. The country of Nhục Nhi will be without leaders. By then, you’ll have been avenged and live your whole life in glory.

Where is my daughter now? I need to see her.

All right, I’ll help you.

Upon learning of her father’s tragic death, Thanh Lan courageously mobilized her troops and was determined to take revenge. Now what made her accept to be a dim light obscured by the shining evening star of Đột Quyết?

O Mom! Why don’t you stay home to wait for my return? Instead, you traveled long distance alone, undergoing much hardship to reach the court.

Waiting for your return or waiting for me to languish from anxiety because of no news from you?

I bow to you, Mom! Please forgive my grave sin. I’ve inadvertently let you long for me. But, Mom, it’s all because...

Because of the temporary bit of vain glory that you’ve forgotten your great responsibility: to kill the enemy to please your father. And you were unfilial, causing me to feel heartbroken.

Please let me explain, Mom.

I’ve heard it all already.

You unfilial child!

O Mother!

Thanh Lan! Did I hurt you very much?

No. O Mom, slap me more. I feel no pain at all.

If it doesn’t hurt, why are you shedding tears?

In my childhood, whenever I made a mistake, you spanked me gently, but I felt pain, because you were full of vigor then. Now, you’re getting old, your strength has waned, so you slapped me, yet I felt no pain. O Mom, I love you so much! I realize that someday you’ll leave me forever. Momentarily overcome by sorrow, I shed tears. My tears are for you, not for me.

I pity my daughter who never neglects her filial duty. Yet, I’ve doubted her dutifulness. O Thanh Lan, I’m anxiously waiting. Turn your piety into action. Don’t just talk about it and make me suffer.

Can you forget it, Mom? The past has gone, please don’t bring it back. Is there anyone who doesn’t make a mistake?

So, they have poisoned your mind.

O Mom! It’s not so.

O God! I’m surprised that you’ve changed your heart so quickly. We’re weighed down by a family enmity, yet you have the heart to let me shoulder it all alone.

Pity me, O Mom! I never wanted you to stay awake late at night in sorrow all by yourself. It’s just that I have realized: one cannot avoid retribution, if she still follows the wrong path. I’m still alive, thanks to the King’s practice of the golden lesson. My father had unfortunately passed away. We cannot change his fate. Killing the King wouldn’t bring my father back to life, but you and I will only create more hatred. The golden lesson is indeed priceless, One who practices it enjoys lasting peace and happiness.
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