The Greenest Heroes Gala - P6/11    
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For two decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been raising awareness about climate change, and the vegan solution. She has launched international global warming awareness campaigns, and she’s participated in over 27 climate change conferences in 13 countries.

She’s also the guiding light behind Supreme Master Television, a constructive television station airing from 14 satellite platforms and reaching hundreds of millions of households around the world. This global television station offers programs with subtitles in 42 different languages, and features current news on climate change as well as its solution, the organic vegan diet.

To give people the opportunity to experience for themselves how delicious the plant-based diet can be, Supreme Master Ching Hai has inspired Loving Hut, the fastest growing chain of vegan restaurants in the world.

And now, this evening Supreme Master Ching Hai is releasing her latest book, I love the title of this book, “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer,” which represents the culmination of many, many of these efforts to share this crucial message.

Her new book presents clear, concise scientific evidence, showing how raising livestock is a primary cause of climate change, and how the vegan lifestyle, free from any animal products, is the solution.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, we thank you so much for your efforts and for your devotion in preparing this very important book. We pray that this life-changing book meets with the same outstanding success as your three previous works, and that your message about the organic vegan solution spreads quickly throughout the world. Would you do us the honor, Supreme Master Ching Hai, of coming to the stage to share a few words about this new and critical book?

Thank you, darling.

Beautiful woman.

Hi guys! My God! What a beautiful program. Did you enjoy so far?


Some more are coming, so I make it quick. I have prepared something, but I’m not sure what you want to hear. Here’s a choice, okay? First is like I greet you and I love you and I thank you and all that stuff, yes? And the second one is, I share with you my spiritual diary, how to earn more heavenly reward. Which one you want?

Or you want both? Or you don’t want any?

Who is the first, raise hand? First, oh… Okay, who is the second? Who are both?

Well, okay, I have 20 minutes anyway, I make it fast.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, respectful greetings to all of you present… like a machine. Okay, now, it’s serious now, okay? My most respectful greeting to all present in Cancún. And I want to thank the government of Mexico. And I want to thank the United Nations for all that happens in Cancún and in the world, all the charitable things they do, all the upliftment for many different countries in the world. And I love Mexico, if you want to know. I came here many times.

I was here like 10 days or 12 days ago, before you came. I thought I’d come and take quick all the fresh air before they all coming here. No, I just came here to pray. To pray before you came so that everything will go smooth, and that all the great leaders of nations and governments will make the rightful decision to save our planet. I’ve been praying.

Thank you, thank you, you are all my heroes. You are my heroes.

Because many of you came from such a long, long way, with changing airplanes and different languages and different food and different all kinds of things. When I was at the airport, I met one person from Uganda. His airplane delayed, and then he could not change his airplane even, because his luggage is with the other airplane, etc. etc. and he was stuck in the airport. And he didn’t know, the person who supposed to come pick him up did not come because he was delayed. And then he was stuck in the airport, etc. etc. Now, that’s just one of the examples that the inconvenience that you all have to go through, maybe more than that.

And I humbly thank you very much that you have come here. The fact that you have come here, sacrifice the time with your family and your dogs, your pets, your children, and go through a lot of trouble and bureaucracy and protocol to come here, that shows… testifies your love for our planet and all that thrives thereon. Thus, you want to save the planet, and we all appreciate it. Now, our planet is so beautiful, don’t you think so?


Yes. I tell you a secret, maybe you won’t believe it, but I tell you anyway. I’ve been to other planets in my spiritual time, while I meditate. Many planets are not as beautiful as this. I want to tell you the truth. This is beautiful. Yes. Some planets are better, more beautiful than ours.

Some planets are more spiritually developed, or more technologically developed, but not all of them as beautiful as this, okay? And even some of them envy our planet. Many things we take for granted, for example, apple trees, apricot fruits, they love because they don’t have them there. Please appreciate our home. I just want to tell you that so that you appreciate our home and try to save it.

We can save that. We can save all that we wanted to save because we have the power. All of us, all of us have the power to do that.

Well, you have been told already that animal raising is the number one cause of all the illnesses and all the disasters in our world. So if we stop that, we’ll be okay. Yes, then we’ll have a beautiful planet still, and peace, and no disease, and rich, and no hunger, no war no more.

We appreciate the government subsidies that go into different sections of the society, but I think the best, the most beneficial use of subsidies is to go to the organic vegan section.

That will save lives. Yes. Save not only animals’ life, but our lives. Because if you do the research, you know all the horrible things that happen to us through the meat, dairy, and eggs, and fish, etc. I’m not threatening you, you please look onto the internet, like Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, for example. That’s one of them. He will tell you that you have cancer, heart disease, etc. etc.

I don’t want to spoil your dinner, so we just stop there. All that disease that we don’t want to have, all the shortened lives that we don’t want to have, all the sufferings for our family’s members and children that we don't want to have, we can avoid that. I guarantee if you switch to vegan diet, God is my witness.

Thank you. You see, We should subsidize life, benevolence, love and compassion, not death, not war. We have to stop the wars between human, and between humans and animals. Thank you. You see, we are the children of God. Everybody told us that. All the bibles tell us that. The Buddhist tells us that we are the future Buddha. We have Buddha within us. We have to awaken it. The Christians told us that we are the children of God. So we have to behave like one. Sorry, it’s not the time for politeness. I tell you the joke to prove it.

When I was younger, I tried to learn Italian. Learn, don’t try the Italian embassy, please don’t try. I can’t. I tried to learn Italian. And I remember this joke forever. It was a picture of the two gentlemen standing in front of a burning house, the doorstep, inside the door. With their hair all smoking up and their bodies all black and clothes are on fire, one says to the other at the doorstep, “After you, please.” And the other one says; “Please, after you.”

What I mean is, if we are too polite and don’t tell each other the truth and the correct solution, that we might lose our home.

Okay, we have only one planet. Please, do save it. You have the power. I count on you. Can I count on all of you, please? (Yes.)

Lovely. Now, okay. Thank you, all of you for coming and thank you for being concerned about the planet. It’s urgent, okay? I really mean it’s urgent. We should have this kind of conference 50 years ago, at least.

Okay, now, I am going to tell you something about the spiritual diaries, you know, just a part of it. Concerning us, and concerning your life and the planet. It’s our concern. We’ve all heard that a human’s life is precious. Have you heard it? Buddha said that it’s easier for a turtle, a turtle to go all the way from the bottom of the ocean up to the surface and to meet one random little piece of wood that’s passing by with a little hole in it. It’s easier than to become a human, means to have a human birth.

But you heard like that, but you don’t know how precious it is. I am going to put it here mathematically, so you know how many. It’s like money, you know? You are all zillions, zillions of zillions-aires just being a human.

Not in terms of money but in terms of spiritual points. Heaven does count points. you know? Even sometimes my Association members, they sit and meditate. You know, they sit like this.

Sometimes sleep on each other’s shoulders. I know all that, but I still tell them, “It’s okay. Even if you sit, you try your best, but you cannot concentrate and you cannot even go into samadhi.” Samadhi means a state of like, how you say, theta, something like that, very quiet, tranquil, all peaceful inside and outside. Nothing can disturb you at that time. They call it samadhi in Sanskrit. Now even if they sit like this, they would have points.

It’s just like in our world we have business, everything is in a unit of money or possession. Heaven does have points to classify who is who, yes. Now we humans are very, very precious. I put it precisely – 9.2 zillions of zillions spiritual points to get a human body. Yes, go ahead. Applaud yourself.

Congrats yourself. You are really precious in the eyes of the whole universe. I wish you know what I know. Now, 20 zillions of zillions to live a full 100 years, after the 9.2 zillions to be born as human, you need twenty zillions of zillions, yes? -because after zillion I don’t know if we have any more units or not, so I say zillions of zillions, to live a full 100 years. Okay?

Now, we have 400 zillions of zillions to get to Third Level of spiritual heaven. We have different heavens, yes. Many of us, if we don’t practice anything or we’re not even vegan or vegetarian, but we don’t do anything wrong in this life, we just live honestly and we eat meat or anything because we don’t know the harm of it, then we go to the First Level of heaven. We call Astral heaven.

It’s beautiful. It’s almost like here. It’s just more friendly, peaceful, lovely. Everything you wish, comes like that. Okay, that’s just even the first one and people who die, they call it clinically dead for a few minutes, they go to this heaven, come back they cry many months because they don’t want to come back here, after knowing the Astral heaven.

Imagine, some people go higher than that? To the Causal heaven, Second Level, and the Third heaven, and the Fourth, and the Fifth. We stop there. Only purer beings live above the Fifth Level. Alright, we are lucky if we go to the Third Level already, or the Fourth Level. After the Third Level, we don’t ever have to come back to the suffering level of the planets, like our planet. Our planet has pleasure and has sorrow.

Are you alright, love? Yes? You okay? Can somebody give him a stand or something? Or a chair. Okay, now, comes more here. I just give you a little bit, you know, not the whole of my diary, of course, that would take forever. These things I have researched during my meditation, and you never heard this before. So this is, how you say, premiere. Not even my Association members heard this, so I share with you today as an offer for Mexico and Cancún, and to you because you are good, good, good.

Alright, now, there are some extra things here. If you want to be a human and live a 100 years, that’s okay already, yes? Zillions of zillions already. Now if you want to be rich, like a millionaire only, not billionaire yet. If you want to be a millionaire while being a human being, you need an extra 300,000 zillion.

And if you want to be healthy all your life, you need another 350,000 zillions of spiritual points. Normal people, if you want to have a mental equilibrium all your life, mean invincibility, mental invincibility, you need another, oh my God, I could not even read my writing. Any pharmacist around here? I should be a doctor. My God, writing like this. 60,000 zillions to be mentally invincible, yes. To be physically invincible, I told you already. Now, we need… you want some more or not?

(Yes!) Okay. Seven hundred thousand zillion if you want to be a king, or queen, yes. There are prices to pay just like everything else in here. Just spiritually, just more difficult to earn these marks, points, than to earn money. Well, it’s not always easy to earn money, but this is even more difficult. Well, it’s easy actually. It’s easy if you know how. I’m not going to tell you because you won’t want it. You just want to save the planet and that’s all right with me.

Now if you want to be a president, for example, of the United States, don’t tell Mr. Obama this, you need 530,000 zillions, apart from everything else I told you before. If you want to be a prince or princess, or prime minister, for example, you need 460,000 zillion.

Okay, I make it fast. If you want to have like 150 IQ, like Einstein, you need 220,000 zillions. If you want to have good looks, like me, for example, it’s a joke for you to laugh at my expense. If you want to have a good looks, for example, like Mariana Tosca over there, then you need 200,000 zillion extra.

If you want to have a good voice, like you know, You know whom before, right? Then you need 183,000 zillion. If you want a good relationship with the world, with the people around you and whomever you meet, then you need 270,000 zillions. I’m stuck again. What’s this? If you want to be born in a peaceful nation, then you have 240,000 zillion to earn extra.

If you want to have a good marriage, don’t complain if you don’t because it’s all your fault, okay? A good marriage needs 230,000 zillion. If you want to have good children, also don’t complain if you don’t, it’s all your fault. Good children, need 350,000 zillion. If you want to be famous, like you know whom, then you need 170,000 zillion to become famous in this life. Okay?

While spiritual masters are different. Yes? Different. This is for average people, okay? For the people who are practicing, for example, like the method that I share, they have more benefit. There’s just more connection, so you can get more from the bank of the universe. Quicker, quicker, faster, yes. And the more you have, the more interest you earn.

For example, yesterday, if I meditate, I will earn like 300 zillion, for example. Today I would earn like 600 zillions because of the interest. The more I have, the more I am given. This is the point, yes. So, how do we get all this? You want to know or you don’t? So I just go then?

Okay, please. Okay, I will, I will tell you. Well, we have many blessing. As you and I are sitting here, you are not aware of so much blessing you have from the deities of the Heaven, from the angels that surrounding the good people. If you are good people, you don’t kill. I’m not talking about vegetarian yet.

Even if you don’t kill directly yourself, the animals, if you just eat the meat because you don’t know, because you buy it from the market, they make it like a piece of chocolate, then, you are not a very, I don’t know what I call it, sinful, please excuse me. I don’t know what else, I am just stuck with word. For example, even if you don’t eat vegetarian, but you are a good person at heart, you help people, you live your honest life, you truly are sincere and clean, then you have…

Okay, the five precepts, for example, you don’t kill, you don’t steal, you don’t tell lie, you don’t have extramarital relationship, you don’t take intoxicants, like drug, alcohol, etc., you keep your life straight like this, you have five angels always around you to protect you. Can you imagine? Would you ever thank them?

The more discipline you keep, the more angels you have. And these are real things. Right, so these are things we can earn, you know? For example, like 100 is the scale, 100%, then the angels normally would bless you 5%. The deities will bless you 5%. All this blessing, all over. If we don’t do anything wrong and if we even eat vegan, we get more from that. More and more all the time. If we meditate, we get even more than this.

For example, one person who doesn’t mediate gets 5%, but the meditate person gets like 15%. Why? Because the vibration is higher, and then it meets with more level of higher blessing, you see? Because they are on the higher level of consciousness. So the higher we go, the higher blessing we get. The higher it is, the more blessing, the more abundance, yes? We have to just get there, then we get it.

Now, a high level master, a saint, for example, would bless you 500%, for example. Normal saint, who, for example, a monk in India, he meditates, he eats vegetarian, he meditates on any other method, it doesn’t have to be my method, he would even bless you 30% by his own merit, automatically. But most people waste it. That’s the problem.

We get all this blessing, but we waste it every day, because we don’t do the right thing, and we don’t remember. We have to remember, at least feel conscious of your blessing every day. And thank them. Even if you don’t know about it, just feel conscious, be conscious. Every day try to feel that you are blessed, you are protected. And thank whoever blesses you. All right?

Now, okay. There’s more to come. There’s more to come. Even UFO people, you know UFO people? Yes, extraterrestrial. They bless you from 10-60% every day.

If the Master is higher than the Fifth Level, he would bless the disciple like 4,000% spiritual blessing. And bless, yes. But because this master is powerful, for example, this master on the Ninth Level, which is rare, yes? Most masters come here from the Fifth Level, yes. And Fifth Level can bless you a lot already.

Yes, many thousands, but if the higher master, for example, the highest one, for example, Jesus status and Buddha status, they would bless you 4,000% every time, every day, spiritual point. Like for example, if you’re near them, or if you are in the same world with them, of course, the nearer the more blessing, yes? They would just bless you 4,000% per day without you doing anything.

But the thing is, the people who are not vegan and who are not meditating, they get only 3% out of it. Because everything else have to deduct, deduct for animal karma, bad retribution, deduct for everything else and 3% left. That is the problem. We deprive ourselves of the benefit of so many blessings that’s all over us. More to come. Yes, you want some more, or you’re bored already?

A Ninth Level of master on Earth remotely even blesses his or her disciples 30,000%, if a direct disciple.

Yes, yes. And if nearer, of course, more, even. That’s afar, that’s remote blessing. Nearer, more. But I am not telling you, because what’s the use! Okay, now, even, oh my God, where did I lose my stuff? Pardon! Okay, so you thought that’s all we have? Or not? You think we have more blessing somewhere else? Yes or no? (Yes.)

You are right. My God, you’re so wise! Now, the animals bless us no end. Example only, we don’t have all life here. Average… I can’t even read my… just… I need a pharmacist. Average people only, there are exception. For example, normal dogs would bless you… Just for example, I forgot, I will read it later on. The information comes so fast, you know, I just wrote it down, but I don’t remember everything, okay? I don’t make it up. This is all, look at the notes I made in the dark night with a little flashlight or something. So I can’t read it. That’s why.

Now, for example, your dog will bless you 3% everyday. But my dogs bless me 6% or 8%, because they are vegan and I love them, and they respond to love. They don’t just give to anybody, not even their owner. If the owner doesn’t love them, they don’t give. And, for example, I have caretakers who help me to take care of the dogs, when I am not home and the day when I am not available. They don’t bless them that much. They bless them, yes, 1%, 2%. Stingy. Okay.

But they bless me 8%, 6%, depends on the size and the long term vegan or not. The longer the dogs are with me, the higher the percentage of blessing. I am surprised. Now, even… This is a vegetarian dog, bless you 3%. If a non-vegetarian dog, they bless you less, like 2%. Now, because they have to be deducted, that’s all. It’s not like they keep it, but deduction. If we eat animal, our merits have to be deducted and given to that animal, yes.

Now, a medium bird, for example, will bless you 4%. A parrot, for example, big parrot, blesses you even more, 8%. Mine, yes, mine. Vegan parrots, yes. Now, a turkey that you… I am sorry, I don’t talk about that, that some people have for dinner, if you are with them, if you raise them in your yard, he or she will bless you 5-10%. I mean spiritual points. For example, today you earn only 100 spiritual points by something, he will give you 5 more, or 10 more, to add on top, every day like that, can you imagine?

Ten days, then you have 100% without doing anything. Just to keep an animal, a turkey. A chicken even, so small and helpless, blesses you 2-6%, 6% or 10%, because you give them vegan, then they have more power to bless you. A rabbit, from 4-6%. Now, the cow, a cow will bless you, give you 7-15% of spiritual point.

But this is not just like 100, and he gives you 15. If you have 400, this will be four times more, do you understand me, yes? (Yes.) The more merits you have, the multiplied of the blessing from the animals and angels and deities and saints and sages and spiritual practitioners.

A pig, a pig even, would bless you 5-10%. He gives you 5-10% spiritual points daily, if you raise him with love. The lamb would give you 5-10%, the same. A horse will give you 6-15%, etc. etc. An elephant will give you 40% of spiritual merit, the grown-up one. A seal on the sea, would give you 13%. A goat would give you 5%. A tiger even, imagine! You think tiger can bless you, yes or no? (Yes.) A wild tiger. Yes? (Yes.)

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Why does he eat other animals? That’s his job. His job to balance the population of the jungle, so that it’s not overwhelmed and coming to harm humans when they don’t have food. Okay, that’s his job. But nevertheless, because of his job, he can not bless you so much. But he blesses you 2% even if you are near or if you live near the jungle where tigers are. But take my advice, don’t go and live near the tiger and blame me if anything happens.

Oh my God, that’s incredible! Even a lion blesses you 1%. Even the way he eats meat, the way he lives, he still can bless you 1%. Imagine all this blessing we have! Okay, we have all the blessings, of course, from the Earth that we walk on. If you walk barefoot, in a clean area, in the sand, beach, for example, you have 5% blessing. Just to walk barefoot.

Okay. If you work for Supreme Master Television , oh, no, that’s not for you, not for you. Work for Loving Hut, no, that’s not for you, either. Sorry.

Okay, cutting trees at the rate of incredible speed harms us, harms our planet. Trees are also a source of great blessing. A tree about this size, that you could put the arm around it, for example, the pine tree in the forest, one tree alone blesses you 15% spiritual points daily, by just being there. And even the small plants, when you walk in the garden, or you sit in the garden, you meditate, you have more spiritual points than sitting on concrete in a small room somewhere.

And I talk about the benefit of the sun already, so I am not going on here. If you want, you can re-run Supreme Master Television and research about the thing that I told before. Now, even the moon blesses you 40%. The stars bless you 40%, the visible one will bless you 40%. The invisible one, means the faraway stars, bless you also, but less. You just make calculation. Now, there are some bonus of blessing here, my God.

You see how blessed we are. We live in blessing, we breathe in the blessings, we walk on the blessing, we swim… even the sea blesses you. How much percent? Probably I didn’t bring it here. The sea blesses you so much, so much, the sea water, yes? And the sun. The river water, the wind, the air blesses you also, like 10, 15%.

We are swimming in blessing. We are walking in blessing. We’re looking everywhere, it’s a blessing. Please, be conscious, so that you get more blessing, so that you can live your life more in peace and make a better decision for you and for all of us, for everyone.

Please, just be conscious. And when you’re very busy working in the office, sometimes you feel very stressed, very tired, just take deep breath like this and then out, a couple of times. Do this any time. It will give you more energy, strength to go on. That costs nothing. Costs just not even a second to do that.

Or exercise, you know. Do something on the chair and just kick around from the chair. Do something, yes? And take in deep breath. Be conscious, be aware that all the blessing that you’re taking in.

Breathe in all the best from the universe, and breathe out to spread that blessing and positive power into the world, okay? In, the best; out, the blessing. Okay, there is some extra here, extra blessing for you.

For example, if you meditate, normal meditation, it doesn’t have to be my method, my method gets more. It’s not because I advertise, but because I tell the truth. If you meditate on Light, for example “om,” “om mani padme hum” or breath, on the breathing, Vipassana, Hatha, Raja Yoga, you get 5% more spiritual blessing point. If you are a breatharian, and you meditate, you get 30-70% spiritual point.

Do you know what a breatharian is? No? The one who lives by air, and by love of God alone. No food, no drink, all his life. We have a show every week about these people. Some are already passed away, some are still alive, walking among us. Now, if you are a vegan, we talk about vegan, no more vegetarian. I don’t like cruelty to cows.

Now, if we eat, if we are vegan, for example, and eat only one meal a day, vegan, then we get like 40% more spiritual points. Suppose you earn 100 points, if you are a vegan and eat one meal a day, you earn 40 spiritual points more. And if you eat twice a day, two times a day, you earn 20% more. If you eat three times a day, vegan, you earn 10% more. Okay?

Average, Quan Yin practitioner. Well, it’s not for you, but you want to know? You want to know? Okay. It’s my Association member.

For an average Quan Yin practitioner, means our Association member who meditates every day, you have 30-40% more extra, apart from vegan meal and all that. Okay?

I think we can go on forever. Even fox blesses you. Squirrels bless you, beaver blesses you, ducks bless you, swan blesses you, even shark, you know. Sharks bless you, geese bless you 15%, bee, even bee, you know, the bumble bee, bless you 1%. My God, so small, the bee! Not only he gives you honey, he blesses you 1%! Little one! Please take care of the bee. Even a butterfly blesses you 1%. Even a fly blesses you 0.5%.

Wild birds bless you. Seagulls bless you 8%. Seagulls, 8%. Crocodiles, even, bless you 2%. A wild hog blesses you 8%. Turtles bless you 15%. A wild cat 6%, 2-6%. A fox even 4%. Okay, we can go on forever. No wonder, the Lord in the Bible says that, “I created all the animals to be your helpers.” Now we understand?

Okay, I’m done.

Is that 20 minutes or 20 hours? Okay.

You should have put the calendar in front of me, so I know when to stop. Thank you very much, and… And I love you all.

You’re my brother and sister, and you’re doing a great job. I count on you to save the planet.

What she [Supreme Master Ching Hai] was saying about the points process, I really think there is something to that. I really do. And she said something very interesting about how every time you harm something in some way, that you're actually creating a deficit in the world. And I had never been able to verbalize that before, but that's exactly what it is.

When you do harm something, you are creating a deficit, which is why you really need to put the energy into making up for the harm that you’ve created, but in essence, putting the energy into perhaps not taking the path of causing harm in the first place so that there's no deficit to be paid. She was incredibly inspiring tonight and very, very funny, very funny tonight! Her sense of humor really shined through.

It’s a great honor to be here with you, within this event, this magnificent event. And with the Supreme Master, it’s incredible that I have learned about the blessings.

You can receive all these blessings. And thank you for the blessing that you are giving us, to Cancún, to Mexico, and all the world to be together for just one idea, the idea to get better the world. And we know that together we’ll do it. So you be conscious, one, in our family, in ourselves, then within our own country and then with all the world we’ll commit for the best of us.

She [Supreme Master Ching Hai] is a wonderfully inspiring individual. I remember I saw a presentation she made in London where she talked about the importance of biodiversity protection as well as climate protection. And I think what’s very impressive is this movement has really managed to look at all the different aspects: water, resources of the world, all these things in a very holistic manner. There have been a lot of religious leaders who have become active in various ways on the climate issue.

But what I found very impressive was the holistic approach that she was taking. And tonight was just a wonderful celebration. It was a happy event. And you can see people smiling and I think the whole spirit of that was extraordinarily positive. I think it’s one of the most positive events I’ve seen. There’s a kind of spirit of agreement and goodwill. That’s something that I hope will carry into the final week of this COP.

She’s obviously studied for many years and meditated for many, many years. As a studier of Kabbalah and Buddhism, I personally for myself, you can see all roads ultimately lead to Rome. Because what she’s really talking about is metaphysics, the laws of the universe, that when you go against the laws that, you know, diet, vegan, you’re talking about energy, creating energy and the light.

And the light needs, the more light revealed, the greater resistance, a diet of meats, where toxins are coming in and death and these animals that are going through fear, we are ingesting that. When you ingest, when you take in alcohol and drugs you’re ingesting all those poisons and toxicities, you can’t be at a conscious level and you can’t as conscious as one would be.

So she says you can look at it like money. You can look at it like you are going to get this amount of points, this amount of points. So I understood it on a massive level. And it was great that she broke it down. I had a great time with how she broke it down.

You hang with the crow, you get maybe 2 points, I mean, it’s really the blessings and how you let it in. And I really appreciate it. It’s a great reminder as always. And every day to wake up and be very grateful and it’s always hard to remember. That’s why we have teachers to remind us.

If you understand metaphysics, and you understand the Big Bang Theory and you understand the laws of the universe and energy and how it’s channeled and our vibrations in our natural state, I mean, it’s just a great gift to become attuned to.

Her [Supreme Master Ching Hai’s] awareness is very keen. It’s very astute. You know, she really sees a lot. And it’s all interconnected as she told us this morning. And she doesn’t like to be preachy though, she says if someone wants an idea, she’ll give them her thoughts, but she won’t push, which I think is cool. But she has very keen insight. We support people in this movement for instance who can affect others, in the way Supreme Master does. And by supporting her, we support the movement.

Tonight I’m a changed man, really. Before I’m not really spiritual. When she mentioned the five factors of being a spiritual person, I was really impressed. And in me, I’m telling you particularly, I’m changed. I’m going to change when I get back home. I used to eat meat. I like meat a lot, but with what she told us tonight, I must confess I want to stop eating meat. I want to try what she has asked us to try so that I can develop my spiritual life as well.

Hallo, Supreme Master Ching Hai, this is Taylor Dayne. It was a pleasure being here this evening, and I'm honored to be interviewed for your station. And of course, giving my little experiences, and I will keep on the path. Thank you for all your messages tonight!

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

We enjoyed your lovely presence today for Supreme Master Television’s rebroadcast of “The Greenest Heroes Gala.” Please join us Saturday, March 12 for part 7 of our all-star event for a sustainable world. Stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom. May Providence grace bountiful blessings upon you for endeavoring to lead the most compassionate way of life.
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