Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: A Golden Lesson - P3/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs.

Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the Lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun? Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice? But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance? Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled? Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss? Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson” was adapted from a Buddhist story. “A Golden Lesson” is an invaluable lesson about the law “what you sow, so shall you reap,” to remind people to be prudent and wise in their action, speech and thought, so that they can enjoy peace and happiness in this lifetime and in the future.

We now invite you to enjoy part 3 of the Aulacese modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson” written by the late Venerable Thích Thiện Hoa,

with performances Châu Thanh as King Đột Quyết, Phượng Loan as Second Queen Hoàng Hoa, Tâm Tâm as General Thanh Lan, Khánh Tuấn as General Hoàng Cái, Hữu Tài as Eccentric Elder, Hiếu Liêm as Lý Bá, Bích Thủy as Commander’s Wife, Chiêu Linh as Prince Phương Tùng, Thanh Liêm as Commander, Thanh Phong as Young Man, and other artists.

Please join us next Thursday for the conclusion on Supreme Master Television.

An eccentric elder went to various places to sell a lesson which he called valuable. As the King was passing by on his sight-seeing tour, His Majesty agreed to buy this lesson for 1,000 gold taels. When the commander mandarin discovered that the lesson was actually a very ordinary statement, the King was embarrassed and accused the commander of plotting against the throne. He ordered the commander’s arrest, then sent someone to end the mandarin’s life.

Upon learning of her father’s wrongful death, General Thanh Lan brought her troops back to the royal court to question King Đột Quyết. During this time of instability, Second Queen Hoàng Hoa schemed with her paramour Lý Bá to seize the throne for her son, Prince Phương Tùng. Regretting his wrongful action toward the Commander and realizing the value of the golden lesson, the King decided to remain in the royal palace, accepting the consequence before General Thanh Lan.

Fortunately, General Hoàng Cái returned in time to the King’s rescue. The King granted Thanh Lan clemency and ordered to have the lesson engraved everywhere so that all citizens could practice it together.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. We bid you farewell.

Why do you keep mentioning that lesson? What does it say?

“Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” We can’t run away from the consequence.

I’ve once heard those words in my dream. Should I believe in that lesson? But regardless of the outcome, Thanh Lan, I want you to lend the Second Queen a hand to kill the King and get rid of General Hoàng Cái.


If you disobey me, I’ll bite my tongue to end my life.

Don’t, O Mother!

All right. I’ll die right here to please you.

O Mother, I agree.

I already told you. What we can’t accomplish today, we’ll continue tomorrow. Why do you keep arguing with me? It’s almost the third watch, and I have to rest.

Respected Mother, I just need to engrave the golden lesson right here, and that’s it. I need to engrave it here, close to you so that you can see it easily.

It’s just words. Yet the King and General Hoàng Cái over-emphasize it.

It’s done, Mother. Let me tell you this. Not only in your chamber that the golden lesson is engraved on everything, but even in my room and those of the officials in the court and of people all over the country, everywhere must be engraved with this phrase as a reminder.

Those words are lecturing everyone. The more I see them, the more I’m irritated. The egg is never wiser than the duck anyway. What’s the purpose to have that lesson engraved everywhere?

You don’t seem to be happy at all.

And you’re very happy, right?

How could I not, Mother? Thanks to this lesson that Lady Thanh Lan’s life was spared by my father. Thanks to this lesson that the court officials are no longer hating each other. And General Hoàng Cái also agreed to stand side by side with the King to look after national affairs.

On the contrary, those are the things that inadvertently stamp out my heart’s craving in the evening of my life. I want you to be King.

If you can’t put competitiveness out of your mind, I advise you to memorize the lesson which everyone is practicing.

That golden lesson? Due to ignorance, people believe in it, thus the King remains as a king forever. Don’t be blind and foolish to follow the deceitful way.

Desires have blurred your vision from following the bright path, and thus you’ve forgotten about tomorrow.

O foe! You keep going against my will. If you refuse to walk the same path as mine, mother and son would have to part.

O Mother, why talk about separation to rend my heart? “Even birds long for the trees when leaving the forest.” It’s manifold pity for a child to be abandoned by his mother. Disobeying my mother, I’m indeed an unfilial son. But if you taught me to be kind, righteous, loyal, and to abstain from unvirtuous ways, I’d bow my head to adhere and wouldn’t dare sadden and upset you. I can’t just turn a blind eye when you’re wrong without a single word of advice.

Go away! Phương Tùng! Get out quickly! What a foe and ungrateful son! Leave me alone to do my work!

I accept your reprimand, but please leave the court alone in peace, Mother.

Go away! Go back to your room to ponder the golden lesson to continue being an undutiful son. Go! Go now!

The citadel’s drum already sounds the third watch. Why hasn’t Lý Bá shown up yet? Has someone detected the tunnel leading to this chamber from the royal garden?

I’m here.

You made me so worried waiting for you.

I had to wait until the third watch to come near the tunnel entrance.


Need you ask? I’d be in trouble if someone was watching.

What? Who’s watching you? Has it been discovered?

I’m not sure yet. But we should be cautious of General Hoàng Cái. He seems to be suspicious.

What? General Hoàng Cái knew about it?

I told you that nothing is obvious yet. He’s probably just suspicious.

It’s already dangerous that he feels suspicious. What to do now?

We just have to be cautious. But there’s nothing to panic about.

What do you have to do to protect me? As long as I still live with this secret affair, my life is as if being hung by a thread. I’m like sitting on fire, unable to eat or sleep well. I’m a nervous wreck at any slightest commotion. Why do you look so dumbfounded? We can’t give up, waiting for the disaster to strike, can we?

Of course, we’re going to find a way, and we must escape this blind alley quickly.

But how can I escape it when I’m just a Second Queen? Although leading a life of material comfort in the palace, I’m powerless. I can’t even decide my love life which has been going on stealthily in fear each night.

I’m not any different! There were nights as I sat listening to the night herons’ calling out in distress, I suddenly found myself shedding tears. I cried for myself and for you as well. What a tragedy we must endure!

Every time the northwesterly wind brings chill, I see myself in the mirror with more gray hair and realize that I’m getting old. Springtime comes and goes. Yet my fate is still bound to this luxurious tomb. Even if it’s the most splendid tomb in the world, it’s still a cage of confinement. Alas! It’s just a dream to become the King’s Mother, yet it’s so unreachable.

Once set out, we must follow the course. Deep inside, I’ve never wanted to become someone who deceives his king and betrays his lord.

Lý Bá, what are you talking about? Are you going to abandon me amidst the storm?

O Hoàng Hoa, what could be happier than old love being revived? Yet my worry of our affair being exposed is many thousand times greater, for the termination of our three families would be unavoidable. Knowing that you’re not favored by the King and have been lonely in your chamber, I was heart-broken. In pity for an old flame, I came here only to express my regards. Unexpectedly, I was bound by the thread of love and fell into this dilemma now.

No! We must move forward. Lý Bá, promise me, my love. Once riding a tiger, one cannot dismount.

Realizing that, I’ve planned in advance.

This humble person Thanh Lan would like to present herself to Your Majesty.

Lý Bá, what is this all about?

Respected Queen, King Đột Quyết feigned compassion and granted me pardon. He had me stay in the court for the rewarding feast. I know that it’s just a game of deception. So I still feel pained whenever I think about my aged father dying in prison.

I know that General Thanh Lan hasn’t yet forgotten her resentment. She’s still determined to revenge despite being pardoned. To have someone to join forces with you, I brought Thanh Lan here through the secret tunnel. With her help, the success of your grand plan will definitely be secured.

You two conspire to usurp the throne; aren’t you afraid of getting beheaded as the consequence? Look at the golden lesson: “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.”

Your Majesty, I’ve thought a lot about this lesson which is engraved by the King’s order on all items in the court as well as in the public. It’s just a scheme to protect his throne of power.

I want you to elaborate further.

If everyone is afraid of the consequence of her deeds, no one would dare think of eradicating an obstacle for her own benefit. Hence, the obstacle remains forever.

It’s indeed so. A hypocrite! Hypocrisy it is! But once the obstacle is cleared, the benefit belongs to me or you?

I’m well aware of my status. I can’t compare myself to the Second Queen and Prince Phương Tùng.

Very good! I have high trust in you. Lý Bá, when can we carry out our plan to cause division between General Hoàng Cái and the King?

After we leave, you should do this.

Did you hear knocking on the door?

Yes I did, Your Majesty.

Something is going on. Retreat now by the tunnel!

Who is it? It’s you, General Hoàng Cái?

Your Majesty, please pardon me for disturbing your peace at late night. But I was informed by an intelligence report.

Intelligence report? What kind of report?

The report said that an intruder often appears lurking in the royal garden around the third watch near your palace. For your safety, the King has ordered to protect you strictly. Whatever place looks suspicious, I have the right to search for the intruder.

That’s why you dare to disrespectfully knock on my door and search my palace. You adhere no more to the limit of a subject.

It’s not exactly so. But while on duty, I happened to pass by and heard whispering in here, so I wanted to find out.

That’s right. There was whispering. It’s from me. I often talked to Commander Thanh Phong at night.

But Commander Thanh Phong is dead already.

He came back from the underworld, lamenting distressingly: O people, I had an untimely death! Give me back my life. King Đột Quyết, give me back my life! Oh, how exciting it is! How hilarious to see closely what he engraved everywhere! Look at it! He advised and threatened me at the same time. Follow it to be wiser. Study it! Remember it by heart. Remember to chant it diligently: “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” Here! He engraved it. It sounds honey-sweet. But I will destroy it all. I’ll destroy it all!

Second Queen, how come you turned like this all of a sudden?

You killed me unjustly, so I’ll return to destroy everything. “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” Here’s the consequence!

There’s trouble in the Western Palace!

You scream to scare me? I’m already a ghost. Who can do anything to me that I should be afraid of?

There’s trouble? What trouble? Mother! How come my mother is like this?

Your Majesty, I was talking to Second Queen, suddenly she cried and laughed like a mad person, and she broke all items engraved with the golden lesson.

You people visit me? Have a seat on the floor!

Why did you talk in such a way before my Royal Father?

Second Queen is indeed mentally deranged.

Is she really so?

Your Majesty, you can tell by looking at her behavior and her wild eyes.

I’ve broken everything engraved with that terrible lesson. Bring other items here for me to use, but remember not to engrave the lesson on it. I don’t like it.

She’s mentally deranged, yet speaks intelligently like a sane person.

Generally, deranged people can either be foolish or very clever.

A foolish insane person is forgivable. But a lunatic who is smarter than normal people is often very dangerous and must be controlled.

Your Majesty, she should be treated, actually.

You’re Second Queen’s relative. In your opinion, how can she be cured?

Your Majesty, mental illness may stem from different reasons. It may be caused by rising heat in the head or a result of being possessed. Second Queen was a healthy person but suddenly became insane, then she could be pestered by a bad spirit.

I’m Commander Thanh Phong who rides on the wind and enters this body to disturb the King.

Oh god! How did my mother become insane? Please find her a cure, Royal Father.

If she’s ill, there’s a royal doctor to treat her. Don’t worry, Your Highness. She’ll be fine.

What did Second Queen just utter? Which Thanh Phong possesses her?

Have you forgotten already this man’s name?

Are you the Commander?

Give back my life!

Your Majesty, it’s obvious that Second Queen has gone insane from being possessed by the spirit of Commander Thanh Phong.

Can the royal doctors cure this illness?

Your Majesty, it’s all impossible.

So, what should I do?

Your Majesty, before coming to serve in the palace, I learned to cure spirit-possessed illness. To help the royal family, I’d like to take over the task of eradicating the bad spirit.

I accept it.

O spirit of untimely death! I’ve realized that you’re enraged by injustice. You could have burnt up the entire citadel and its palaces. But now that I’m here, I forbid you from wreaking such havoc. You must give up your plan of assassinating the King. All right then. I’ll ask the King to build a shrine for you in the back of the palace where incenses will be burnt day and night. But you must not leave that place to go disturb the palace again, understand? Good.

Whom did you talk to? Why build a shrine to worship Second Queen? She’s still alive here.

Your Majesty, here is the mirror. Please look into this spirit-revealing mirror to know whom I was talking to. This person is not a stranger to you.

What? Commander Thanh Phong. Oh god!

Your Majesty, I now have no place to live, and I’m very miserable. Please help me, Your Majesty!

I’m sorry, Commander. I’ve repented since that day. But I don’t know how to atone for my mistake. Once a person dies, he’s gone forever. You probably understand why I forgave General Thanh Lan. As for you, I promise to build a shrine and a tombstone.

Your Majesty, I hope you would think about this matter thoroughly. Don’t rush to a decision. I’d like to express my thought.

Why don’t you agree with it while everything is so crystal clear, General? My mother has become mentally ill due to a bad spirit.

Hoàng Cái! You want me to be a wandering homeless forever? All right. If you’re still in the royal palace, I’ll destroy the King’s nerves.

Get out!

Prince Phương Tùng, please take Second Queen to her room to rest. I’ve driven the Commander out of her body.

I’d like to take leave, Your Majesty.

This is dangerous! I could very well end up like Second Queen. My good subject, do you know why the Second Queen destroyed all items engraved with the golden lesson?

Your Majesty, she didn’t. It was Commander Thanh Phong who did it.

Why did he do that?

Your Majesty, the Commander resented the golden lesson. It was because of that lesson that he lost his life. Besides, that lesson isn’t so valuable that you treasure it so much.

What did you say, beloved Lý? The lesson is of no value? Why is it so?

Please pardon my straight talk before I dare tell you everything.

Go ahead, tell me.

Your Majesty, the lesson that you bought from the old man at such a high price, is actually a mediocre one. It’s just for children and uneducated people to memorize for fun without true benefit. For the King who sits on high to rule over people, it’s not worthy as the golden standard to be engraved everywhere in the court.

Have you heard that cause and effect are like a person and his shadow? That is recorded, passed on, and taught by the scriptures. Should I believe in and practice it?

Your Majesty, someone who can control the ghosts and demons is unaffected by the law of retribution. Like myself, I’m capable of turning water into fire, rocks into rice, and controlling the wind at will.

Can I learn that magic?

Your Majesty, to help you secure your throne forever, I’m willing to impart the method to you.

From now on, you’re allowed to frequent my palace to teach me this skill.

At your service, Your Majesty.

In this world, if there’s prosperity there’s decline; if there’s union, there’s separation. Auspicious or calamitous events are ephemeral. Good or bad fortune is self-created. Do not be close to those who offer you unstable friendship. Being too close and too long to someone will breed contempt. When the King treats his subjects with courtesy, they respectfully repsond. If the King treats his subjects without regard, they must keep away. I’d like to take my leave now.

Eccentric Elder! Thanks to your golden lesson that Nhục Chi has become prosperous. We’ve met again not for long, why do you leave me? I’m afraid that the country will be in peril.

There are four self-destructive things in the world: First, if a tree bears too many fruits, its branches will snap. Second, a poisonous snake will inflict itself with its own poison. Third, an unvirtuous servant will be harmful to the country. Fourth, one who commits bad deeds will go to Hades after he dies. Thus, Buddha said: A vicious person will eventually harm himself. It’s like iron that forms rust. That rust will in turn destroy the iron itself.

I realize that my thinking is still shallow. My giving credence to fallacious words and slander causes you to leave.

Your Majesty, there are four things a wise person should not believe in: First is the ill-wishing friends. Second is the flattering and disloyal subjects. Third is a wicked wife. Fourth is unfilial and ungrateful children. You shouldn’t use those types of people: Ill-wishing friends always cause harm; corrupted subjects harm the country; a wicked wife often destroys the family; unfilial children always bring sorrow to their parents.

Your teachings are jeweled words. Anyone who hears them would be enlightened. Unable to keep a wise and virtuous person, I can’t be happy and at peace.

There are eight things that bring happiness. I hope that Your Majesty will remember well: First, people love and esteem enlightened monks. Second, teach people to be dutiful children. Third, be humble toward the higher and lower in social ranks. Fourth, learn to be compassionate and gentle. Fifth, help those in need of food and shelter. They’ve met with pressing destitution and are waiting for compassionate hearts. Sixth, forget ourselves and think of the unfortunate. Seventh, impose mild taxes and encourage frugality. Eighth, hatred should be relinquished, not augmented.

Remember by heart these eight pieces of advice. As stated in the scripture, Buddha said: Make good merits; sow good seeds with good thoughts. Help the poor and those in need. Thus, we can enjoy peace and happiness life after life. Meeting you again this time, I have only those words. If we have enough affinity, I’ll see you again. I shall take leave now.
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