Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era - Washington DC Climate Change Conference P6/10 November 8, 2009 - USA    
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Mr. Pelletier (m): Sometimes it takes an impending catastrophe to make us change and become much greater than we were before. Is this what's happening with climate change? Is it,in fact, an opportunity for us to make an unprecedented leap in evolution?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Good question,sir, good question. You see,we should not have waited until we have a catastrophe like this,or impending catastrophe,to change. But,nevertheless, you're right. It's possible that when we're faced with such a great upheaval, then we will change and we'll make a leap into the next level.

Especially now, we still have a little time to change; it's just that we need to act now, you see,to profit from this so-called catastrophic future awaiting us. We have to act now for all of humanity. Because along with our own survival and health, there is an entire planet that is in trouble, and everyone needs to be vegan to save it. It's a very simple solution that we might overlook. Because if we all change to vegan,put down the animal products, then we would have a dream world - that I promise.

Because like begets like. We forget that the Bible told us that “as we sow so shall we reap.” That means if we create peace,compassion and harmony,then that's what we will get. Now,the impending catastrophe that you mention,it might be motivating us to change, the whole humanity. But to benefit from this opportunity, more people must act now. All of us must. We face a very dangerous future if global warming continues.

In fact, distinguished scientists and other United Nations members have been meeting throughout this year in preparation for the December Copenhagen summit, where they hope to reach agreement on a treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was just here in Washington D.C., making an historic address to the US Congress, and asked the United States to help to lead in halting climate change. I would ask the same even though I am not a Chancellor. I'm sure many of you are aware of the increasing number of global warming effects noted worldwide,so I will share just a few from the world and from the United States.

1. In the Arctic,North Pole, so much ice has already melted that scientists are forecasting an ice-free summer within as little as 3-6 years, which would be the first time in one million years - first time in one million years! Meanwhile,Greenland is shedding 85 million tons of icebergs each day due to warming,and at a rate that is increasing by 7 percent each year. The West Antarctic Ice Shelf is also melting, with 3.3 meter sea level rises forecast that would threaten cities like your country,New York, Washington,D.C., and San Francisco. And if all of Antarctica and Greenland were to meaning the ice - then the sea levels could rise to as much as 70 meters,which would be deadly or disastrous to most lives on Earth.

2. Glaciers across the globe are shrinking more quickly than researchers ever expected, leaving rivers and lakes gone,disappearing or drying,with no water for crops and billions who face food shortages due to water shortages, as well.

3. Due to rising sea levels, islands are sinking as we speak,with Tuvalu,Tonga and some 40 other island nations having to plan their whole country's migrations. They are being forced to join the already 20 million climate refugees today. The International Organization for Migration stated that there may be 200 million climate refugees by 2050.

4. According to researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America, worldwide the number of the most destructive Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has doubled over the past 35 years.

Category 5 storms yield the highest level of destruction in major cities. Their intensity and duration have also increased by 75 percent since the 1970s. One of these storms whose effects can still be seen and felt was the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, which devastated, especially,areas of New Orleans, with people who are still recovering their homes and their lives today. I am so sorry the American people have had to suffer through such tragedies.

Now, in the United States: 1. Close to a million acres of pine forest have been lost in the Rocky Mountains due to beetle infestation from global warming. Similar also in Canada but,due to the time limit, I cannot report to you everything,so now we just report about United States.

2. In the state of Montana, the famous glaciers of Glacier National Park are now expected to disappear within a decade.

3. According to a new study by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Colorado River, which supplies water to seven Western states,is going dry. Famous river.

4. In fact,researchers say that the US West is facing a devastating drought crisis as snows from mountains are releasing vast reservoirs of water.

5. The sea level in North Carolina,USA, rose three times faster during the 20th century than during the previous 500 years.

6. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that for the first time on record,in 2008, six consecutive tropical cyclones made landfall on the US mainland. The North Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean are the two areas with the strongest hurricane trends.

You may ask,what is the main cause of this damage and destruction to the environment? Perhaps surprisingly,it's not the coal industry or cars or planes or trains or boats or ships. It's methane, which is produced primarily by the livestock industry. A new and just-published report by the respected Worldwatch Institute states that livestock is the largest single contributor to greenhouse gases, responsible for more than 51% of the total emitted.

This report factors in an atmospheric heat-trapping effect of methane that is 72 times - 72 times! - larger than CO2, when averaged over a 20-year period. Furthermore, just days after the Worldwatch Institute report was released, NASA announced that methane actually contributes much more to global warming than previously understood and it traps 100 times the atmospheric heat over 20 years.

And the largest source of methane is? You know - livestock. Now,facts such as these have caused people like esteemed climate expert Lord Stern of the United Kingdom to state in an interview that “Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world's resources. A vegetarian diet is better.” So I quote exactly what he said.

Now,the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported that livestock raising is the single largest human use of land, the biggest source of water pollution, the number one cause of biodiversity loss, and the top producer of human-caused methane and nitrous oxide. In fact,the United Nations has named livestock as one of the biggest environmental problems of our time with 90% of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest since 1970 being for cattle and growing animal feed.

Lush forests are being turned into barren fields at a rate of 36 football fields per minute - 36 football fields per minute! - of rainforest are being destroyed as we are speaking. If you can imagine how big that is, how detrimental that is to our world... the rainforest is the lung of our planet; it's the health of our co-citizens. And as the trees are felled and plants become more exposed and dry, they even emit carbon dioxide rather than absorb it. This is another danger that is attacking us.

Next,meat consumption is a very serious threat to human health. You ask any scientist, they'll tell you this. You ask all the responsible doctors, they'll tell you this. In fact,one of the doctors is sitting there; Dr. Greger, I saw him there. Now,bacterial infections from food-borne illnesses originate largely in animal products,causing widespread illnesses, disability and even death for thousands of Americans each year. The top four bacteria are E. coli,salmonella, Campylobacter, and listeriosis.

Studies have shown that bacteria from contaminated raw meat can remain even after washing a working surface. And it only takes a few cells of E. coli, for example, to kill a young child. Just a few cells of E. coli to kill a young child,a young,little,tender child. Imagine that, just a few cells.

Add to that,the leading causes of death in the United States, like from heart disease, cancer,diabetes,obesity. Every year,heart disease kills 632,000 Americans; cancer kills 560,000 Americans; stroke kills another 130,000 Americans; diabetes kills 72,000 Americans - just from meat eating. And we cry over war-related deaths. Who cries for these hundreds of thousands of Americans who die because of that piece of meat? Who cries for those young,helpless, innocent,little children who die just because of meat-related E. coli, just a few cells of it? So,ladies and gentlemen, meat is the worse killer than any war, don't you agree? Yes or no? Audience: Yes! Thank you! Thank you!

Then there are more diseases related to the production of the meat, like swine flu,which Dr. Michael Greger just explained very clearly, originates from animal farms. And the next pandemic, which could emerge any day now,any minute, could be worse for us, could be worse than swine flu. So,sir,to solve this,we do need to move quickly, and of course we know what to do,right? Yes? Be vegan. You know,yes or no? (MC (m): Yes,we know. ) Thank you. Wonderful people. Wonderful! You make my day.

There is an advantage of time here,because one aspect of methane is that it dissipates in around 12 year's time, whereas carbon dioxide, CO2,stays in the atmosphere for up to thousands of years. So,we remove the livestock-generated methane, and the planet cools fast! You see the logic? Yes. From many scientific studies,the health benefits of the vegan lifestyle are already clear. And there are entire communities such as Village of Peace in Israel, where thousands of vegan residents are free of diseases,such as high blood pressure, diabetes and even cancer.

In the country of Ghana, there is a similar program where after becoming vegan for more than 20 years now,the villagers, the entire village,don't have malaria anymore; and you know how malaria attacks those countries in Africa. And the previous high infant mortality rate went down to zero. Before,high infant mortality rate… zero. I also applaud this program.

So please pray with me, Mr. Pelletier, that everyone does wake up in time. Pray. I pray day and night that the divine manifest in the physical realm and wake up the leaders of our nations,wake up the religious heads, wake up everybody in time so that they understand the urgency of our situation, and that they understand the solution of solving this dangerous crisis that is facing us. That is,we have to turn back to our caring and compassionate nature inside our heart.

That's very simple. We are that. We are compassion. We are merciful, we are caring. So,we just have been cheated. We have been misinformed up to now, so we did not know it. Being vegan worldwide is the advancement of compassion that will uplift and unify all cultures, bringing tranquility to humans and animals alike. The inner peace that comes from replacing killing with respect for all life will spread like a wave across the globe, elevate human hearts,and create a harmonious Eden on Earth. That will bring us all to a lasting Golden Era. Bless you. Thank you. I am positive we will do it. Yes? (Yes!)

We can make it - just a little change, just a little change. Just a little piece of animal meat- change to vegetable protein. We have plenty nowadays. We have vegetarian sausages, we have vegetarian… all kinds of chicken, shrimp look-alike - taste better! Thank you. I love Washington,D.C.! I love Washington people, you are so elite! Thank you!

MC(m): Our next questioner is Mr. Bob Lebensold, producer and radio host of a program called "Environmentally Sound” on WVOX Radio in New York. In fact, Mr. Lebensold and Supreme Master Ching Hai know each other,because he's recently interviewed her on his program. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right.)

Bob (m): Hi,Master!

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hi,Bob!

Bob (m): It's good to see you again. Good to be with you again.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: How are you,Bob?

Bob (m): I'm great. I'm great. It's very nice to be here. I'm glad your people invited me. You have a great crew here,great staff.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Good audience. They are so good.

Bob (m): Yes,very good. And very pretty.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I feel such a loving and supportive atmosphere. Okay,go ahead,Bob.

Bob (m): Okay,my question is: I still don't quite understand what you mean by "Leap to the Golden Era.” What does the term "leap" actually mean? What makes it happen? And what does the Golden Era mean to us here on Earth?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You don't know “leap,” Bob? I am sure you know. You just ask so that you can have some interesting things to talk on your radio show, right? Leap.

Bob (m): Well,actually, I asked that because I would like to understand what this is about. It's called Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era. And I would like to know just how you see it - what it means in your terms- because you are the inspirational spark for this whole gathering.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: All right,sir. Aye,aye,sir. I will comply.

Bob (m): Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you for your question. Very thought provoking. I shall try my best to explain what is meant by “Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era.” The leap is the big jump that could bring humankind from one incorrect way of life to a better way of life, to the next,higher level in a short time. You see,one small step from everyone in the right direction can result in a big leap in our evolution as a human race.

And that small step is very simple. It's just: no killing. Abiding by the principle of “live and let live,” adhering to the universal law where we grant life to beget life. Because like attracts like; that,we all know. This,of course,includes adopting a vegan diet. Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful in their heart; it's just that we all have been misinformed, misunderstood for a long,long,long time. We thought meat was good for us,we thought dairy was good for us, we thought fish was good for us,we thought eggs were good for us... It's all wrong. It's all the opposite. It all has been proven that these things that we have been told that are good for us - like meat,fish,dairy,eggs, whatever animal products “are good for us”- is all wrong. It's the opposite of what is good.

It has been bringing us suffering,sickness and tremendous loss of finances from tax payers, for curing disease and related business. So,we have been misled, for a long,long time. Now,we have to do research. We have to listen to the wise doctors and scientists. We have to see the result of their research: that meat and animal products are really,really poisonous for us. We have to stop now, especially stop for our children's sake. We can't keep poisoning our children anymore; they are helpless. The poor children, they rely on us, they think we know better,but it's not our fault either.

We just need to turn around. Why it's not our fault? Because we have also been taught that way. And our grandparents, our great-grandparents have also been taught that way. And for being too busy, too busy for daily survival,working, we have no time to do research,so we did not know that these things are truly poisonous to us. And above all, it is eating up our planet. It's not just killing people,it's not just killing animals, it's killing our planet. And we have to stop it in order to save our world. We just turn around, that's it. Just walk the opposite way, the right way without causing any more suffering; no taking more lives, but loving and protecting all creatures. That's the leap that all humanity needs. Thank you.

We will feel completely different after we make this leap. We will feel evolved to the higher level of consciousness automatically. Just imagine we are big,strong, intelligent and able. We are able to plant all kinds of stuff to eat, and we should not use our might, our intelligence, our capability,to harass, to molest,to torture, to cause suffering and to murder those little, helpless,innocent animals who have never done us any harm.

According to the law, they are innocent. And if we kill innocent beings,we are the ones who should be punished. I am sorry if I offend you, but this is the truth. And I am sure you understand it. Thank you. Through our leap in this evolution,we can leave this existence of want and fear,toward a true life of peace and love and enlightenment - from the vicious cycle of killing,suffering, and violence to a circle of loving kindness, protection,and happiness.

Can we imagine a world where the meek ones never have to fear the strong? Where there is no more violence,no fighting among neighbors, near or far, and no child has to die of hunger,thirst or illness every few seconds, every day,while their mother watches, completely helpless with her heart drowning in sorrow. As I am speaking, many children are dying somewhere. Every few seconds, a child dies of hunger. We cannot keep doing this. We cannot wait longer. We have to save these lives - not just the lives of animals,but the lives of our children, even if it's not our children… other people's children.

Meat causes so much suffering because it causes hunger and war. We use up all our cereals, grain,soy and good resources,and land and water to support the meat industry,and therefore the world is short of food and water. So,in order to save lives we have to stop the meat industry. The way we are living right now is a deeply degraded condition of what we really are. We are the children of God, which is all loving and kindness. We are the heirs of Heaven. We've just forgotten.

Can you imagine a God who comes here to Earth and kills everything in sight to eat? Sorry,if there is a God like that,I don't want to be Hiers child. Would you like to be the children of that kind of God? Tell me yes or no? (MC (f): No!) Okay,no. Thank you. Thank you. You are so kind. Now,if God is all merciful,all compassion, all loving,and we are the children of God, then don't you think we should walk like God's children on Earth? We have to walk the way of love and compassion. We have to represent our Father if we want to glorify His name. We always pray every day,“Hallowed be thy name… in Heaven as well as on Earth,” but what do we do to hallow Hiers name?

We have to represent Hirm. We always pray to God because we believe God is merciful,protective, compassionate and loving. And we are the children of God, we must represent these qualities. We are those qualities: we are loving and kindness. We have just been misled,misinformed,and we have forgotten. So please just remember. These qualities are deep inside us,so we know there must be something better than what we see around us. We do have examples through our history of human beings whose lives were so uplifting that they continue to shine until today - not only spiritual teachers, but philosophers like Plato, statesmen like Socrates, the mathematician Pythagoras,and the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson of America. They were all vegetarian.

Are you surprised? No, you are not. You don't look surprised to me. So you knew all that. All the great people,they are vegetarian or vegan. So,if we study them carefully,we will see that at the basic core of the civilized life they taught is the vegan diet. The vegan diet is one of the first single greatest acts of compassion,of not harming another life, and not damaging the environment even. If we compare a meat-based diet to a vegan diet, it takes around 14 times as much water, 6 times as much grain, 10 times as much energy, and over 20 times as much land, while often destroying precious rainforest. Being vegan is good business in terms of virtuous merit,as well as preserving the only home we have.

The less damage and harm we inflict upon the planet and her inhabitants, the less we have to pay. We are paying dearly now,and we will pay much dearer if we don't stop the meat/animal industry. The more we exert our loving kindness and protection towards all beings,the greater we will be in the world, the greater will be the feeling in our heart as well as in the Kingdom of Heaven. That's why great Masters and other illuminated souls of the past all taught us, one and the same,that if we don't wish to be harmed,we must not impose harm on others. You look in all religions, all say the same… this sentence, this same meaning. Whatever is good for us, we should do for others; that whatever we sow, we will reap,without fail.

That's why they did teach us not to eat animals and to be vegan. If we make this leap, a very small change in the diet. Instead of meat, instead of animal protein, we choose vegetable protein,which is first class anyway. Animal protein is second class,why? Because they have eaten the first class vegetable and fruit and then we eat their flesh. That is second class. We are humans, why do we choose the second class stuff? It doesn't befit us. So we have to make this leap. Thank you. My God! You are so kind. We have to make this leap, ladies and gentleman, because if we do, the Golden Era will be here in no time heralding a time of peaceful living, without the perpetual loss of lives- early deaths in the tens of billions each year! My God! Tortured and murdered for our fleeting pleasure, which we could always replace. Meat is replaceable.

There are so many wonders of earthly life that we have yet to experience and discover! So much scientific knowledge to be revealed and explored, and invented,and incredible technologies to be discovered and developed. There are better social systems. These are things mostly beyond our present level of logic or even our imagination; but,they can only be achieved through tapping into our wisdom and creative power. In order to open this wisdom,we must first remove the harmful, obstructive substances that block and suppress it, like meat,dairy,fish, poultry and all animal products. These things obstruct our intelligence, delay our progress, not just spiritually,morally, but technologically as well.

Finally,besides our personal reasons of wanting to welcome a golden era, we also have the planet to consider,which as I'm sure you know, we are at risk of losing anytime now. So,this leap in consciousness is also to save our planet and all other beings that deserve a harmonious world to live in. If everyone makes this leap or shift, we can save our planet. I promise,with all the honor that I have, and God be witness. At the same time, we elevate ourselves, which has been long,long overdue. Thank you,Bob,for making me talk so much!

MC(m): Thank you, Supreme Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The Washington people are very polite. They are very polite, educated people. Thanks so much.

MC(m): Thank you for explaining the truth so clearly and for encouraging us to do the right thing.

Supreme Master TV (m): Alex,what are your impressions of the conference that you saw today? What are you taking away from it?

Alex Arndt (m): I have a much better understanding of who Supreme Master Ching Hai is, because I've known her, I've seen her,but just getting to really look into her eyes today and see her compassion and her emotion was really special for me. Just a spectacular conference! I loved it! Thank you.

Alex Arndt (m): Hallo, my name is Alex Arndt, singer from the Sonic Paradigm. Be veg! Go green! Save the planet… today!

Joe(m): Supreme Master Ching Hai's a very humanitarian woman, she's very accomplished. I sense a sense of love and peace in her talk, and a humanitarian philosophy. So I thought that was good.

Supreme Master TV (f): So what are you going to take away from today?

Mavis (f): More awareness about how to help the environment and how to eat healthier. So,just a wonderful event to be more aware of the environment.

Supreme Master TV (f): And did any of the speakers make a particularly big impression on you, or what really made an impression?

Ashley (f): The Master, Supreme Master. The way she spoke was really,elegant and she seemed to accomplish a lot,with her prestige and humanitarian works and everything that she's involved with.

Supreme Master TV (f): And what was your impression of her?

Mavis (f): Definitely with the Supreme Master: her presence. Seeing her just so, calm and,I don't know, just her presence was wonderful, to be around,and just welcoming and peaceful. I'll definitely go to the website and see how I can make a change in my diet,because the food was delicious. And I'm interested in you know,being a vegetarian and stuff.

Sam (m): I definitely learned a lot about just the mass amount of awareness that this issue has. As soon as I got here and I realized that all these people were here pretty much because they are vegan, it was a different… it was almost like I'd walked into something that was bigger than myself.

Francesca (f): I found her (Supreme Master Ching Hai) message overall pretty appealing to the audience. I mean,she really got down to a level that I can relate to as a college student. Unlike grand philosophers who seem to be on this great pedestal,like knowledge and whatnot, she was more at our level. Really she could joke and she had this kind of view on the world that we can all share, younger generations.

Be veg! Go green! Save the planet!
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