To Mom, with Love - Mother's Day Stories & Special Dedication to Supreme Master Ching Hai - P2/2    
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Greetings loving viewers. Today is Mother’s Day as celebrated by millions of people around the world. Since time immemorial, mothers have been treasured and respected for their unconditional love, as representatives of God’s grace on Earth. A mother’s care is a miracle that brings out the best of who we are; her faith is like wings for us to soar; kindness and peace are a mother’s gift to the world. To many people who have met her, Supreme Master Ching Hai is like a great mother sharing immense love for one and all.

I love her [Supreme Master Ching Hai]. I’m calling her “Mommy Heart.” We had a special treat to meet her. I guess a brunch, and she had us up to her room and she cooked for us. I mean, it was a spread of food and there’s so much more backstage that she brought, and she wants everybody to take a bag of food home.

It was an honor to meet her. My consciousness is elevated, it really is.

God bless you, and I love you, “Mommy Heart.” I’ll never forget you.

On today’s program, our Association members share just some cherished memories of being in the presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai, who is to them a most beloved spiritual Mom. First, let’s hear from our Association members from Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai is more than a mother for me. Many times, I had the opportunity to be near her and each time, she demonstrated her Divine motherly affection to me. One night, at a vegan barbecue supper, after a meditation retreat in Formosa (Taiwan) with her, she asked that all African people there at the supper to come to her table. And she affectionately calls all the people with Black color, chocolate, “choco.” That night, Supreme Master Ching Hai served us herself, we sang, danced in the Divine atmosphere that emanated from her.

She gave us drinks. Yes, she told us sweet stories, yes, we ate food.

She embraced us one by one, she said, “I want to embrace you.” I can never, ever forget that. We must thank Master. (Thank you Master.) Master, thank you so much.

Happy Mother’s Day, Supreme Master Ching Hai! And Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world.

In those early days, not many of us knew how to cook. But after Master taught us some cooking skills, we started to apply them. Following Master’s instructions step by step to add oil, ginger and other seasonings, we were able to make some fine dishes that both smelled and tasted good. Even those who had never worked in the kitchen before could say, “Hey, I can cook now!”

While Master was cooking, it didn’t matter whether she was cooking for the honored guests or for us disciples, she would always decorate the dishes beautifully. When we had the 7-day international retreat in Cambodia, we couldn’t get flowers as easily as in Formosa (Taiwan) to express truth, kindness and beauty through our presentation of dishes.

Finally, I saw some leaves, so I took them back and rinsed them and put them on the dishes. When I saw Master walking over, I hid the leaves quickly, because they didn’t look as nice as flowers. But Master had already seen me from a distance. She noticed that I was doing the decorations. So she asked me to take out the leaves that were hidden and started to do the decorations herself. And she did it exactly the way that I had done. I realized that Master was trying to let me know that she knew I was doing my best, and that was good enough.

I remember distinctively once where after a conference, she [Supreme Master Ching Hai] gathered some children around her, she sat on a chair, she started telling jokes. One really had the impression that I was a child myself at that time, who was listening to these jokes, that it was a mother with many children and who was telling them jokes with love to make them laugh, to make them happy. I have always felt a lot of love from her, lots of very positive energy, and she attracted people around her, she truly gave them something unique.

A love that is truly universal, that is without discrimination and truly the kind of love that a mother only can have. Whoever you might be and whatever you might do, she will continue to love you always and it’s also this facet of a spiritual mother also. It’s that she incarnates this vision of God that we can have, that we can hope for also. Thank you, Mom [Supreme Master Ching Hai].

As our French and Formosan (Taiwanese) Association members just revealed, Supreme Master Ching Hai is a mother with many talents, a joyful spirit, and generous warmth.

There was an international retreat of all the contact persons in each country, and thank God I could be at that retreat and meet Master. I saw her passing by, beautiful, gorgeous, because really, she is a very beautiful person, not just beautiful inside. During every minute she was worried about us… that we would lack nothing, whether we had food, if we had goodies, that we were not cold, because it was December in Paris and it was cold.

She told jokes, dressed like Santa Claus, she served us, attentive to all our wishes and all our smallest things, really like a protective mother. So for this, on this Mother's Day I wish you the best, Master, I love you and that I'm very, so very grateful to you for everything I feel, every protection that I have from you. I love you!

Happy Mother's Day, cherished Supreme Master Ching Hai!

The following is an experience of our Aulacese (Vietnamese) Association member on what it was like being in Supreme Master Ching Hai’s physical presence for the first time. In 1989, my family and I became refugees in Hong Kong. I came to the detention camp, and in summer 1990 I met Master. When people were informed that Master Ching Hai would come to visit the camp, everyone was anxiously waiting… like children longing to see their mother. When the camp gate opened, I saw Master appear with a staff, and on the staff there was a small gourd and Master’s whole body was covered with light, which was a yellow and white color.

And then you [Supreme Master Ching Hai] touched my forehead. Then I felt such a power from your [Supreme Master Ching Hai’s] hand transmitted to my body, with a cool feeling, just like… like in a hot summer day and someone poured a bucket of cold water over my body, it made me feel so comfortable, I felt so at ease and happy. Respected Master, I am so grateful to you because you gave me the Truth, the path and the meaning to live, and all the love which you grant me.

The touch of an enlightened Master has often been described as extraordinary.

The next story is from our Canadian Association member that took place in Cancún, Mexico during the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited to attend. At the time, members of our Association were also in Cancún joining efforts to advocate the vegan solution to climate change.

It was only about a month after initiation that I unexpectedly found myself on a plane to Cancún. The thought of seeing Master in Cancún had never crossed my mind, and I can tell you that to date, seeing Master was the best gift I have ever received. I was actually standing kind of behind everyone, because I’m a little bit taller. Once she came quite close to me, there was a second where eyes met. And then she kept scanning, and then she took a second and did a double-take and looked back at me.

And before I knew it, she had reached her arms out over the crowd of people, and she put both of her hands behind the back of my head and she drew me close to her and she touched our cheeks. And it all happened so quickly. And then when she let go, I was just like shocked and surprised, and I fell forward onto my knees and I just started bawling my eyes out, and I couldn’t stop. I just remember the drive on the way home and being so, so content.

It was like every cell in my body had just relaxed, and I’ve never felt so content in my whole life, and it was just the greatest gift. Master, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for seamlessly merging our hearts together. You are truly, truly the best Mother on the planet, despite having so many kids!

The enlightened Master’s touch, whether from her physical or transcendental body, is unforgettable. Our South Korean Association member illustrates: In 2005, my husband and I went to Dongbaek Island to take a walk. We were walking on a road when I felt extremely sharp pain on my ankle as if two bones hit against each other. So I went to a hospital to have an x-ray and found the cartilage had been worn out completely and only the thread-like part was left. And the doctor said that I had to have an operation.

Then I lay down on the operating table like this and the huge light shone upon me like this. I was anxious and fearful. So I began reciting Master’s name. After repeating the name for about five minutes, a broad bright light on the right side… I was lying like this, and the light came down from this direction like this and wrapped this part of my body. And I became comfortable just like you relax when tension is relieved. And on this side, over my right ear was Master’s transcendental body standing like this and stroking my hair with her left hand, and caressing this part of my hair like this, saying, “Baby, it’ll be all right.”

That moment, I felt like, “Oh, Mom has come!” And I became relieved and comfortable. Master said to me, “Don’t worry. I love you, babe! Don’t worry.”

And I said in a half-conscious state, “Thank you so much, doctor!” And the doctor said later that she had never seen such a patient as me before, because I thanked her even before I came out of anesthesia. I recovered so fast, and it felt like Heaven during my stay at the hospital. I have never said this experience until now. Whenever I look at Master’s picture, I think of that experience once in a while. I carry that touch and that feeling deep in my heart with me.

And tears well up in my eyes whenever I think of it. This is just one of innumerable cases across the globe, in which Supreme Master Ching Hai was seen miraculously appearing through one of her infinite manifestation forms, often to give urgent help or comfort.

As a world humanitarian, Supreme Master Ching Hai also extends material comfort to disaster victims and the less fortunate, while inspiring our Association members to do the same in their communities. The following is a letter from Supreme Master Ching Hai to our Association members, dated February 2006:

“Dearest ones, Knowing your generous and loving services to mankind and animal friends all over the world, I am touched and happy as if you give me big presents. I am also quietly doing the same where ever and whenever possible “with you.” Please continue to alleviate your co-inhabitants in whatever way you can. If you need monetary assistance to do so, as the amount is sometimes too big: you know the headquarters has my authorization to supply… Together, we are making the world a better place! …I am proud of you and thanks for being “Good kids.” Love always”

All of us know that the love of a mother is infinite. All of us know that Mother [Supreme Master Ching Hai] is an ocean of love and beauty. All of us feel our Mother [Supreme Master Ching Hai] in every moment even when she is not next to us. Some time ago, a sad incident happened in Iran. A magnitude 6 earthquake happened in the south of Iran.

With some people, I went there to help. And Mother [Supreme Master Ching Hai] sent funds to provide necessities for the affected people. The weather was very hot and every moment it was getting hotter. But we were there with the love of our Mother [Supreme Master Ching Hai] and were helping. Mother [Supreme Master Ching Hai] wasn’t there, but she sent them her love as a present. And I want to say that I love you forever, my Mother [Supreme Master Ching Hai].

My beloved Master, Supreme Master Ching Hai, I thank you for all the motherly and sincere love and compassion that you give to the universe and to all beings.

Like a mother who guides her children to their independent adulthood, Supreme Master Ching Hai is a committed spiritual teacher. Through imparting the Quan Yin Method of meditation, Supreme Master Ching Hai has assisted thousands of disciples – from Australia to India, Sweden to Syria – to embark on their own journeys of self-Mastery.

Hi, Master.

We love you so much. We thank you for all you have given us. Thank you for being compassionate to human beings, animals and helping the planet. We hope you’ll stay with us as long as possible. Thank you Master.

I would like to say thank you so much because I felt you are a light that shone my way at a certain moment. So, thank you so much. I hope you’ll stay and help us at all times. Thank you.

On Mother’s Day, I wish to thank you, Master, for all the best things in life which you gave to me, that is the love inside me now; my peace, freedom, happiness; my realization of accepting all living conditions; and most of all, thank you for the Quan Yin Method.

I am extremely thankful to my beloved Master Ching Hai for the initiation, guidance, and ongoing support she has bestowed upon us unconditionally. Light and Sound meditation leads us to our true Selves. With Master Ching Hai’s grace, lots of my problems, anxiety and bad karma disappear as do the droplets of mist disappear on seeing the Sun. All Hail Master Ching Hai. With best wishes and thanks.

Through practicing the Quan Yin Method of meditation with Supreme Master Ching Hai, lives have been transformed profoundly. From Ghana:

Through Master’s teaching my marriage has flourished. Master, I say a big thank you.

Through your [Supreme Master Ching Hai’s] teachings, I have stopped the killing of animals. I have developed love for animals and plants. Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Master, thank you!

I first met Supreme Master Ching Hai and her teaching during her European lecture tour in Prague in the Czech Republic in 1999. Immediately after the lecture, I gained the so-called Convenient Method, and I had such a strong experience during the meditation that I was absolutely sure that Master is my best friend and she lifts me up. Since then I can feel that she has taken care of me also in my private life to enable me to walk the right path. I love her very much and keep my fingers crossed for her.

So far, I only know that she [Supreme Master Ching Hai] just keeps on giving without asking for anything in return. Master, thank you so much. I love you and Happy Great Mother’s Day. May Heaven always bless you with happiness, peace and health.

Joining in the sentiments of our Malaysian and Czech Association members, next, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s students from Italy, Hungary and the United Kingdom further explain how her love has benefited not only themselves but their families as well.

Mother’s Day, it’s very, very special for me. I really, really loved my mother. Now because she’s gone, there’s another mother there I hang onto, and that is Supreme Master Ching Hai.

About 14 years ago, I was told that I had cancer by some doctors, and I was so much into fear and discouraged about life. And something came up within me which started to give me some courage. I did not know where it was coming from. One day it happened that I saw Supreme Master Ching Hai’s free lecture.

I heard that if you get initiated, and you practice the Quan Yin Method, and you’re sincere with that, then not only you’re going to be liberated from this lifetime, but five generations in your life, in your family will be liberated, will be saved. So at that time, I said to myself, “Wow, this is great. I could not do very good in my life, but this is great if I can do that for my family.” So I just dive in, and after that it’s history, I never looked back.

I have two adult children. They are the head of their own families. The last 14, 15 years, they saw the changes in me. They saw the result that I was ill and I become healthy. I started to become more patient with them. I start to live life totally differently. So then they start to pay attention.

And now, they come to my place, they expect vegan food. They get vegan food, and they enjoy it. Master Ching Hai, with the love and compassion and patience, she teaches me what I need to know right now, in this lifetime, in order to be a better person and to assist whomever I love, whomever I care for them to live a better life, what Master Ching Hai calls a noble life.

Cherished Master, thank you for taking my mother home. She lived with me for a period of 18 years. She was a pious Christian and raised her five children in faith, love and honesty. It is due to her wise words and example that I have heard your calling.

Beloved Mom [Supreme Master Ching Hai], thank you for accepting me as a disciple eight years ago. Thanks to your love and care, my mother passed away very quickly after three arduous days at the age of 86. I always see the signs of you standing by me, but in these arduous times, even these signs have multiplied. When I was about to arrange my mother’s funeral, I looked up in the sky and saw a marvelous heart shaped cloud. I even got confirmation during meditation, that you,Supreme Master Ching Hai, already took her Home to Heaven. Cherished Master, thank you for all the grace you shower upon me in my life.

I became one of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s disciples in the summer of 2009. Prior to that, the summer was very difficult and there were family problems, and I did not know where to seek, look for help. Just shortly after that I became aware of Supreme Master Television. After initiation, the life in the family became much more harmonious where everybody was benefiting from this meditation without them having to do it. I am very grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s blessings on our lives and on the lives of everybody on this planet which she is trying to save.

In fact, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s love extends not only to her students and their loved ones, but to all humankind and all beings on Earth. Our South African Association member observed:

One weekend we spent some time talking to Master about the possibility of humans living underground. Later, she invited a few of us to continue the conversation at her house. At her house, I inquired from her about the possibility of my initiated wife and child doing better or worse with the coming changes. After Master’s response to my question, I realized in a very profound and personal way how much Master truly cares about the humans and other beings on the planet.

And we sometimes tend to think too narrow, for example, about our family or things like that, where Master is always concerned about the whole planet and the beings on it and even broader than that. Her love is so vast and her compassion is so deep that sometimes one can only cry in recognition of such an incredibly loving force.

At this urgent time of climate change and conflicts on Earth, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been in tearful prayer for all God’s children, while sacrificing and endeavoring ceaselessly toward their inner and outer protection.

And I love you all. I count on you to save the planet.

This is for you, and this is my new music.

(Thank you.) I put “To Mama.”

Mama Ching Hai.

Because you’re the world’s mama right now. You’re taking care of everybody.

She’s [Supreme Master Ching Hai] like a mother. She’s an Earth Mother to the world.

I hope our future is in her dreams and in our dreams and that we have a better, safer, cleaner world.

Over the years, our Association members including Supreme Master Television staff have had the joyful privilege of learning from and working with Supreme Master Ching Hai, by her loving guidance and infinite patience. We have been deeply touched countless times to be graced by her meticulous caring and encouragement, such as through letters, gatherings, gestures, and heart-to-heart connection. The following is one such occasion in a videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in the US on April 27, 2011.

As your guide, I am responsible for you and all our Association members. I have to let you catch up now with more intensive meditations, prayers, to help yourselves foremost. Then you can be able to help the world with your Divine energy.

You have served the multitude through television and other means. Your hearts were full of love and dedication and that has touched Heaven. I am also profoundly touched. I am very proud of you. I felt I have not wasted my time to teach such good, good students like you are. I am very proud of you and I feel whatever I have done is really worth it.

Thank you, Master. We love you. (We love you.)

I love you, too, very, very much. I’m very grateful to your love, and your help. I can only pray that Heaven bless you manifolds, for your spiritual development and all that you love and cherish. Together, we will try to meditate for this planet.

Yes, Master.

Planet vegan, planet peace.

I love you so Only I know I wish you do Just like I know

One day you will Know what you are That you are love That you are pure

That you’re Divine That you’re God’s child The only love Of the whole Heavens

We are forever grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for the boundless happiness, tender love, indomitable hope and wisdom your presence brings to our planet and the universe. We respectfully wish Master vibrant health, youthful beauty, and a peaceful heart on this Mother’s Day, and every day of your sacred mission of love. May our world elevate into a brilliant future of lasting harmony.

To all the dedicated mothers, we join the globe in indebted appreciation and prayers for your well-being as you carry out your noble responsibilities. May Heaven bless you and yours. Thank you, gentle viewers, for your company today. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom on Supreme Master Television. Happy Mother’s Day!
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