Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: A Golden Lesson - P4/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs. Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the Lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship
As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun?
Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice?
But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance?
Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled?
Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss?
Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson” was adapted from a Buddhist story. “A Golden Lesson” is an invaluable lesson about the law “what you sow, so shall you reap,” to remind people to be prudent and wise in their action, speech and thought, so that they can enjoy peace and happiness in this lifetime and in the future.

We now invite you to enjoy the conclusion of the Aulacese modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson” written by the late Venerable Thích Thiện Hoa,
with performances Châu Thanh as King Đột Quyết, Phượng Loan as Second Queen Hoàng Hoa, Tâm Tâm as General Thanh Lan, Khánh Tuấn as General Hoàng Cái, Hữu Tài as Eccentric Elder, Hiếu Liêm as Lý Bá, Bích Thủy as Commander’s Wife, Chiêu Linh as Prince Phương Tùng, Thanh Liêm as Commander, Thanh Phong as Young Man, and other artists.

An eccentric elder went to various places to sell a lesson which he called valuable. As the King was passing by on his sight-seeing tour, His Majesty agreed to buy this lesson for 1,000 gold taels. When the commander mandarin discovered that the lesson was actually a very ordinary statement, the King was embarrassed and accused the commander of plotting against the throne. He ordered the commander’s arrest, then sent someone to end the mandarin’s life.

Upon learning of her father’s wrongful death, General Thanh Lan brought her troops back to the royal court to question King Đột Quyết. During this time of instability, Second Queen Hoàng Hoa schemed with her paramour Lý Bá to seize the throne for her son, Prince Phương Tùng. Regretting his wrongful action toward the Commander and realizing the value of the golden lesson, the King decided to remain in the royal palace, accepting the consequence before General Thanh Lan.

Fortunately, General Hoàng Cái returned in time to the King’s rescue. The King granted Thanh Lan clemency and ordered to have the lesson engraved everywhere so that all citizens could practice it together. Moved by King Đột Quyết’s compassion, Thanh Lan put aside her past enmity to join the court in taking care of national affairs. On the other hand, she secretly followed and served Second Queen Hoàng Hoa. Meanwhile, the Second Queen conspired with Lý Bá to feign insanity in order to be saved by him. Witnessing this, the King asked to learn exorcism spells with Lý Bá. Knowing that the King was on the wrong path, the Eccentric Elder appeared to advise him.

We thank you for your presence on Enlightening Entertainment. Words of Wisdom is coming up next. Please tune in on Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese film entitled “A Woman’s Wits” by playwright Nguyễn Đông Thức. Farewell for now.

Eccentric Elder! I’ve just dreamt of Eccentric Elder who sold me the golden lesson. He came to me, then left. He’s taught me many things on dealing with people. Between the Elder’s teaching and Lý Bá’s magic, which should I continue to practice?

Your Majesty.

There you are, Commander’s Lady. How were you able to get in here without my permission?

Your Majesty, knowing that I’m eager to see Your Majesty before returning to my palace, Second Queen told the royal guards to let me in.

So that’s what it is! I thought after a few days visiting Thanh Lan, you already returned to the palace. Do you need to see me for something important? And what are you holding in your hand?

Your Majesty, I haven’t planned to go home until today. Thanks to Your Majesty that my daughter’s life is spared. Your clemency has made me respect and love you even more. May God and Buddha bless the King with longevity to bring prosperity, peace, and happiness to all. And here, with my heartfelt esteem, I wish to present a miracle medicinal herb. It’s a life-enhancing herb passed down by my ancestors which will help Your Majesty gain an optimistic outlook.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I’ll always remember this true love, and this miracle herb I’ll take now. Actually, thanks to the lesson taught by the Eccentric Elder that Thanh Lan’s life was spared. I’ve had the golden lesson engraved everywhere. You can see its presence here : “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.” And here, the miracle herb you offer, I’ll take with my respect and gratitude.

Wait! Please stop, Your Majesty. Why?

Because it’s poisoned.

So you...

Your Majesty, this criminal would like to kneel at your feet to say words of repentance. A thoughtless moment darkened my mind with an attempt to kill Your Majesty to revenge. Before, my mind was obscured by a murky cloud. The cloud shrouded my nature of compassion, forgiveness, and love. So I’d always wanted to kill Your Majesty to revenge. I just wanted to alleviate my anger, without thinking of the consequence. Yet when I saw those engraved texts, my heart was suddenly stirred with anxiety. I’m like someone who has awakened from a dream and saved herself from committing a crime.

Royal guards!

Wait! I implore Your Majesty for your great mercy to spare my mother’s life. My father’s death has left my mother in loneliness. Her heart is still aflame with hatred from the loss of her husband which has resulted in this situation. I’ve exhausted my explanation that animosity should be erased. My mother wouldn’t listen and so ended up committing a serious crime. Please forgive her, my Lord. I’ll be deeply grateful to you.

Honestly, all this time, I’ve longed for the day I could set out on the hundred-mile journey to your palace to see you and express my remorse for killing a loyal subject. Now that you’re here, it’s also a good arrangement. Let’s forget our enmity all this time so that hatred won’t keep accumulating and animosity can come to an end.

I’m so happy that Your Majesty has declared the pardon so that mother and daughter can be reunited.

Thanh Lan is indeed a filial daughter, who has advised her mother to return to the righteous path.

O Thanh Lan, I’m thankful to my dutiful daughter. My hatred is now dissolved, my suffering has also dissipated.

The lesson engraved there is very precious. We should practice it wholeheartedly.

Great! Great! I and everyone should wholeheartedly practice it so that this world becomes Paradise. All right, Lady Thanh Lan, see Elder Lady off to her palace, but only for a certain distance, as you must return to the court to help me with many things.

Order obeyed, Your Majesty.

I’d like to take leave, Your Majesty.

What a golden lesson! A few words were enough to make people change their nature. How wonderful it is! So wonderful!

Long live Your Majesty!

Oh dear! We’re not at the court; how come you act so formally, adhering to rituals like that? Now, stand up, beloved subject! It seems you’re not happy; is that right?

Your Majesty, officials have been concerned lately. They know not why you haven’t been to court.

So that’s what it is. I was following the teacher’s instruction to seclude myself to learn exorcising spells. I’ve neglected court meetings, making others worried. I’m fully at fault.

A royal garden caretaker, who once was a poor homeless man brought in by Second Queen to serve in the palace, has suddenly become the King’s teacher.

Beloved subject! Don’t be narrow-minded like that. To someone who shows us beneficial things we should not be concerned of his background and should respect him as teacher. That’s a human virtue.

The world is full of wickedness, and it’s hard to discern black from white. Who’s worthy of being a teacher? Who’s half-witted? If we don’t know for certain, a person’s real identity should be researched carefully. If one believes in corrupt practice, his suffering is due to his mistake, which ruins his life.

You sound so bitter. You seem to be suspicious of something? Tell me so that I can feel at ease.

O Your Majesty, Damamuka Sutra has taught us: Even a bird would seek another branch when the one on which he lands shatters. One should not hold on to a decaying branch. If a person has an unrighteous and muddled mind, ignoring the law of retribution, forsaking good for evil, we shouldn’t follow to serve in order to avoid trouble later. Although our relationship is deeper day by day, I wish to go back to the frontier post so that Your Majesty could learn the lesson not yet understood.

General Hoàng Cái! What’s the matter? What happened? I want you to explain to me thoroughly.

Is it right to neglect the court affairs? Can one be called Wise King if he forsakes the righteous path for evil practice?

Beloved subject! Are you implying Taoist Lý Bá? You yourself witnessed his skills in exorcising spirits. Obviously, Second Queen has been cured of her illness. It’s so clear, and you’re still skeptical?

O Your Majesty, over the past few days, I’ve wondered if I should reveal a plot and expose those who are stirring the calm lake.

Someone is stirring up a calm lake? You make me feel uneasy, hearing this metaphor. Who’s behind this scheme? Is it a plan to usurp the throne? Who is that?

Because of fame and rank, someone dares play with fire, slighting the golden lesson.

Tell me, beloved subject! Who is that “someone?” Who dares play with fire and spurns the golden lesson?

That is Second Queen who commits adultery with Lý Bá. They even plan to sit on the throne.

Hoàng Cái, you shouldn’t tease people for fun. How could Second Queen commit adultery with Lý Bá and scheme against me? Why would a member of the royal family create animosity? You should watch your words; let not our relationship be severed!

If you don’t believe me, order the guards to have four horses pulling apart my body.

Oh god! Can it be true?

To discern black from white, please wait until the third watch tonight. You’ll realize what is real and unreal.

All right, I’ll wait until the third watch.

Let’s continue to have a toast to celebrate a dynasty about to collapse.

Please! After General Thanh Lan eradicates Hoàng Cái, a mighty tiger, I’ll act quickly as I’m close to the King. Without a leader and talented general, the successor of throne is no one else but Prince Phương Tùng.

By then, please don’t forget this miserable servant. I vow to look upon the new king and his royal mother as a haven for the rest of my life.

From now on, you’re considered an official of merits. If this great plan is soon materialized, then the most meritorious person is none other than Thanh Lan, a worthy female general, who knows to change her course at the right time and realizes that Prince Phương Tùng, my son, deserves to be the King of Nhục Chi.

What about your Lý Bá? Doesn’t he deserve to be at the top with you to make up for those days in hardship? He needs but a humble post for his effort in changing history.

But until today, I haven’t yet understood how did you have the spirit-reflecting mirror? How did my father’s image vividly appear on it? You even called the spirit to possess Second Queen’s body.

Our great plan is almost attained, so I’ll disclose it to you. It was just a trivial trick.

This trivial thing was all drawn up by me. I devised the deceitful play.

But the skillful acting belongs to me. You only played a supporting role. And how pitiful for Commander Thanh Phong! He was dead already so couldn’t know anything.

Then who laughed and cried by turns?

Who else but me?

The spirit-reflecting mirror was probably another game of deceit.

That was done by me. I hired someone to draw Commander Thanh Phong’s image on it. I just needed to quickly shout “Appear!” and could easily trick Đột Quyết.

O Commander Mandarin! If your spirit is indeed miraculous, please help me eradicate King Đột Quyết and General Hoàng.

So that you’d be the King’s royal mother, and I will... ... be a lifeless corpse after being executed, for you’ve committed a serious offense by colluding with Second Queen to set up a disgraceful game in the royal palace.

Stop there! O wicked ones, don’t try to escape in my presence!

So, you’ve pretended to follow me and Second Queen in hopes of this day. Oh god! I’ve miscalculated the plan.

It’s you who disclosed the secret tunnel at the Royal Garden. That’s how Hoàng Cái and the King could come here from the back palace. Heaven has ruined me by sending you as an enemy.

I’m indebted to the King who once compassionately spared me the death sentence and helped my mother to become a good person again. Repaying favor and kindness is the morals of a grateful heart.

This is cause and effect. Sowing wicked seeds will reap suffering. Heaven’s net is immense, yet nothing slips through. Even if you regret it now, it’d only enrage people more.

For the crime the Second Queen and that deceitful man committed, they deserve the death sentence at the execution grounds tomorrow.

Your Majesty!

Enough! I don’t want to hear any pleading from a lustful and wicked woman who covets high position and a dishonest man who dares deceive the King with evil tricks. Your words are just sweet talk which sounds tender and kind, but your heart I know now. You’re just the honey-tongued and vicious-hearted ilk. I want to govern with virtue and grace, using the golden lesson as the national tenet. I only want this country to avoid upheaval and suffering. If everyone realizes the law of cause and effect, how can bloodshed be possible? I’ve disseminated the golden words everywhere, why didn’t you practice? If the death of two people wakes up many thousands of people, it certainly is a good admonition. Take these two criminals to the death row awaiting their trial tomorrow! Carry out the order!

Your Majesty!

His Majesty presides over the execution grounds! Bring the two criminals to the execution grounds!

Second Queen! Lý Bá! Before beheading you two to set an example for everyone, I allow you to speak your last words.

If I say anything now, they’re just remorse. I regret that I didn’t realize the value of the golden lesson. Alas! My mind was too obscured by desire for honor and wealth that I forgot the law of retribution.

It wasn’t for wealth and position that I engaged in disgraceful and dangerous acts. If there weren’t a separation in the past, I wouldn’t have tarnished the palace with slander and deceit.

A separation? What separation was it in the distant past?

It was Your Majesty who caused the separation of lovers so that a person at this end longed for his beloved at the other end.

Don’t contrive a nonsensical tale in hopes of a pardon for your serious crime.

No. Those were words buried deep within an embittered heart for the past 20 years. When I was a young girl living in the serene countryside, love blossomed. Lý Bá and I exchanged our vows of faithfulness.

But the two lovers were torn asunder. Per a royal decree, the country girl Hoàng Hoa ascended the palanquin to go to the court.

I understand now the story of an unfulfilled love of which I was the cause. What happened today is result of that. A bad seed was sown, how can the fruit be good?

So the cause of their crime has already taken root since long ago. Lý Bá is a pitiful man. Please reconsider it, Your Majesty.

And the Second Queen’s love being revived was perhaps fated after all.

But for people to not take lightly the golden lesson, I sentence Lý Bá and Second Queen, so that people believe in the law of retribution. Headsman, execute the order!

Wait! Don’t hasten to act, headsman. Please take pity on a member of the royal family, O Father. The world tomorrow will be brighter without the sound of mourning. Please use love to wipe away the tears of sorrow. O Royal Father, let not the stream of love be obstructed.

After several days and nights in the dark cell facing your own shadow, you must have repented. I’ve tried to stop you many times, yet you still secretly committed the crime. Now you probably feel tormented, and I feel extremely disgraced as well.

Tomorrow, the earthly world will become a Paradise; peace and happiness reign everywhere. All are smiling and compassionate because they practice the ten good deeds.

Headsman, how did you know to speak these words? Who are you?

I’m the Eccentric Elder who sold the King the golden lesson not too long ago. I was permitted by the King to enter the forbidden palace. I disguised as the headsman at this place, so that I could say a few words about the Buddha’s teaching. The teaching of Tathagata has always been the Truth since ancient times. Regretfully, worldly people don’t practice it and thus suffer life after life.

Your Majesty, what’s going on?

Somehow, the Eccentric Elder was able to enter my palace. With earnest request, he returned one thousand taels of gold to the royal family and asked to be the headsman at the execution grounds in order to expound the teaching. I accepted his request, and quietly arranged everything. Therefore, this awkward situation is happening now.

O Elder because I belittled your lesson, I now must be beheaded as the consequence.

Though I must die, I’ll always remember that lesson so that it will make me a wiser person in my next life.

If I’m not mistaken, this Eccentric Elder is an enlightened sage. With sincerity, we’re awaiting the teaching from a very wise man.

Apparently, His Majesty and all of you truly believe in the golden lesson now. It means you believe in the law of cause and effect. May I ask Your Majesty to pardon the two criminals so that everyone can sit around me to hear to what I have to say?

Lady Thanh Lan and General Hoàng Cái, please untie Second Queen and Lý Bá.

If this world will be happy and peaceful tomorrow, it’s all because everyone understands and loves one another. Then hatred and killing will exist no longer. So right now, let us turn the execution grounds into a Pure Land. Your Majesty and everyone, please be seated and listen to me.

If there is hatred today it’s because we didn’t practice goodness in the past. We competed for gain and fame, thus now trouble arises as we meet again. Today, cut off all bindings of retribution, forget our hatred from our past lives. As the cause of killing is stopped, tomorrow will certainly brim with peace and joy.

What you mean is that I should pardon Second Queen and Lý Bá?

Everyone fears the sword. All like to live on. Thus, we should put ourselves in another’s shoes. Kill not and ask not others to kill.

Respected Eccentric Elder, but the offense of usurping the throne definitely provokes anger from people.

“That person slanders me, beats me, harms me, and steals from me.” If one harbors such thought, hatred can never subside. “That person slanders me, beats me, harms me, and steals from me.” If one can drop that thought, hatred will be nullified naturally.

Respected Eccentric Elder, I’m only afraid that people with a wicked heart cannot cast it aside.

In this world, hatred can’t erase hatred, only compassion can. That is the law since time immemorial.

The Buddha’s teaching is indeed infinite. From now on, I’d like to learn and practice it.

Royal Father has spared your life.

I not only spare her life, but also allow the boat of yore to return to the olden pier. From now on, Lý Bá and Hoàng Hoa are free to live together, and I consider you both as members of the royal family.

We’re grateful to the Eccentric Elder and Your Majesty a thousand fold.

Buddha’s teaching is miraculous! It has helped the ignorant return to the path of righteousness.

After all, you should remember: Of all things, the mind is the forerunner; the mind is chief. Everything is made by the mind. If we talk or act with an impure mind, suffering will follow us like the wheel following the animal that draws the cart. If we talk or act with a pure mind, happiness follows us like our shadow.

Shakyamuni Buddha be praised! The golden lesson: “Before you do anything, carefully consider its consequence.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai sent gifts and her love to the artists contributing to the modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television. They expressed their appreciation for her caring concern.

Editor Chơn Tâm Tịnh:
Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, First, I wish Master good health and would like to thank Master for your gift. May Buddha bless you with abundant health on your path of spiritual teaching. Yours truly, Chơn Tâm Tịnh

Bích Thủy as the Commander’s Wife:
I am Bích Thủy. Master’s love for us is boundless. Your gift is a great honor to me. I think that I must have some affinity with Master, so I’m very happy. We have been vegetarian for tens of years. I vowed that under any circumstance, I’d pursue this lifestyle and encourage many people to be vegetarian, to uphold goodness according to Master’s ideal so that they will feel light and carefree in spirit. Being veg is very precious because it reduces the killing sin; it’s beneficial to health and the environment. From the time of their being raised to being killed, animals endure a lot of suffering.

In the past, when my husband, Hữu Tài, had heart disease, his doctor told him to eat less salty meat and fish to curb his illness. He thought, why eat meat, just eat vegetarian, like vegetables and fruits, and probably the illness would subside. And it was indeed so, Master. After eating vegetarian for about a month, he felt very light. Then gradually, he recovered completely. So I became vegetarian as well.

Now, thanks to being veg, I work without feeling tired. In the past, after working all day in the studio, I’d come home, lying down exhausted, although we worked in an air-conditioned studio and didn’t do any hard labor. Now, we’re old but we work till late at night, then we come home, do the laundry, cook, eat and drink, yet we don’t feel tired at all. Seeing the effectiveness of our vegetarian lifestyle, many artists also like to try it. Some people have been vegetarian for a few years. Some try to be vegetarian certain days of the month.

I’m very happy, Master. I pray that everyone will eat vegetarian like Master advises, to reduce suffering in this world. With all sincerity, I respectfully wish Master good health and beauty always. I am Bích Thủy. Respectful greetings to viewers watching Supreme Master Television broadcasting worldwide. Let’s Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Hiếu Liêm as Lý Bá:
This is a great honor for me in particular and for Thanh Nga theatre company in general that Master from abroad is concerned about us. I would like to thank Master and wish Master abundant health.

We’d like to sincerely thank all the artists and professionals contributing to the modern folk opera “A Golden Lesson,” that our viewers have enjoyed on Supreme Master Television. Due to time limitation, we will continue to send you more warm words of sharing from the artists on next week’s program. We wish you and your family all the best of blessings in the love of Buddha and Heaven.
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