SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich and the Lost Pyramids of Bosnia - P3/3 (In Bosnian)    
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Today’s Science and Spirituality will be presented in Bosnian and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Around the globe, pyramids have dotted the line of human history, sparkling as jewels of spiritual, intellectual and cooperative achievement for ages. From South America to China, from India to the Middle East, pyramids remain as inspirational as they are enigmatic, many thousands of years after their creation.

Perceptive viewers, today on Science and Spirituality, we present the conclusion of a three-part interview with the Bosnian-American pyramid researcher and author, Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich about the Bosnian pyramids. There are five pyramids, all in the same area: the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of Dragon, the Temple of Mother Earth, and the Pyramid of Love.

Dr. Osmanagich, called “Bosnia’s Indiana Jones,” has devoted his life to the exploration of ancient civilizations. He has written 10 books about the advanced societies of long ago such as the Mayan civilization which flourished in the Americas. These texts have been published in the United States, Turkey, Croatia, Estonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dr. Osmanagich has created a non-profit research organization called The Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation whose mission is to facilitate archaeological excavation of the pyramid sites in Bosnia’s Visoko Valley. Excavation work began in April 2007.

As we learned last week, scientists from a number nations, including Russia, Croatia, and the UK have conducted tests and concluded that an energy beam or ultrasound frequency is being emitted from the peak of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun . The beam is estimated to have a radius of 4.5 meters. Dr. Osmanagich says that a machine was placed inside the pyramid thousands of years ago and is the source of the beam.

He also says that such technology is not extraordinary as the distinguished 20th century Croatian-American inventor Nikola Tesla once demonstrated it is possible to create free energy. One of the goals of Tesla’s unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project was to extract free energy from the atmosphere and the Earth on a large-scale and then transmit it wirelessly to users.

With this energy beam, it means that you have an energy source which is free, with a huge intensity. And look what we have today. We have to build very expensive power plants, nuclear plants, with so many problems. When we transport the energy, we lose 70% (of it). When we sell it, it’s so expensive. But the whole system is based on such expensive energy. Not to mention gas, oil and so on.

Here we have the possibility to get free energy forever. It means that we can finally make a society with equality. People will have more time to be happy. One hundred and twenty years ago, one brilliant scientist called Nikola Tesla from Croatia, he made an experiment in his lab, the so-called Tesla coils, some type of (electrical) transformers. He moved the energy in a wireless way 120 years ago.

And, at that time, there was a town called Colorado Springs (USA) with 20,000 homes. He brought light to 20,000 homes in a wireless fashion from his lab. So he was using the ionosphere as the source of the energies. So he tapped (the energy) there. And, the planet, the Earth, he used as the condenser. So he was using everything that was freely available, and he managed to give the free power to the people for one night.

Apparently, it seems that the interest of some corporations was that we not have the free energy, but the energy that they can sell. So all his patents and all his works were forgotten or put to the side. Now, we have the second case, the Bosnian pyramids that reminds us that there is a source of free energy.

Dr. Osmanagich believes that being inside the Ravne tunnels, a series of underground passageways and chambers near the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, helps to heal the body. He now explains further.

Under the five pyramids in Bosnia, we have discovered the network of the tunnels and chambers and lakes. When you enter there, you feel so peaceful. It’s calm, the air circulation is perfect. The people who built it, they had such advanced engineering skills and you feel so much better when you are inside. People who have problems with asthma, when they get in there, they finally breathe normally. People who have some other problems, they simply feel much better, just by being there. So we wanted to find out about this phenomenon.

So we had instruments that can measure the negative radiation. In this room right now, we can feel on a subconscious level, several (types of) negative radiation. The first is the cosmic radioactivity. We don’t see that, but it hits the surface of the planet constantly and it’s negative; damaging our body. Then you have negativity from the inside of the planet. Number three, you have water flowing underground. Whenever you have underground rivers, you have negative energy coming up attacking your body.

Then there is some phenomenon called Hartmann grids. We are surrounded by so many sources of negative radiation. We have several instruments to measure them. Once we entered the tunnels, the results for all this radiation was zero. In other words, no cosmic, no underground water negative energies, no Hartmann grids. No negative radiation.

Dr. Osmanagich has personally experienced an improvement in his own health from spending time in the Ravne tunnels.

Our cells do not need to fight that negative radiation and they can do their job that they were originally assigned to, meaning they’re supposed to balance the energies in our body; to balance and harmonize all our body organs and to fight toxins. And, what we are going to do, in the summer of 2011, we are going to measure 100 volunteers, their state of health before entering the tunnels and after. I was the first one, who was tested before and after.

Before they measured 65 points in my body, all the body organs, the (blood) pressure, the blood, everything. One of the things they found out was that whenever you have organs in pairs like the lungs, you have a left and right side. Usually one organ works better; the other one is a little bit slower. In the case of my lungs, my left side works better. Why? Because when we breathe, we don’t breathe properly. We should breathe much deeper instead of what we do. So the left side is better than the right side.

I went to the tunnels. I came back after a couple of hours. What happened? The cells did not have to fight radiation, so, they were communicating in the body. They were taking the energy from this side to the right side. So they were acting very diligently. Now they were doing their job.

Volunteers with the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation are removing material from inside the Ravne tunnels and discovering new passageways. Dr. Osmanagich now shares his thoughts on why these tunnels appear to have been purposely closed off at one point in history.

The second civilization that came there for some reason, they decided to hide whatever is behind those tunnels, because they need to lead somewhere. And it seems that they systematically cleaned those tunnels of bones and artifacts and tools, because we find almost none. So it is a big mystery at this point. Why would somebody use hundreds of thousands of tons of material to fill everything up? (Why) bring millions of small blocks from the river beds in order make those drywalls?

So it’s a mystery after mystery in Bosnia.

We are abusing our planet by rapidly depleting its precious gifts such as fresh water. Dr. Osmanagich advocates we change our ways by learning how the past civilizations lived as well as by rediscovering our own inner self-nature and divinity.

Today we rely on technology, cameras, computers, cranes, and automobiles. People in the past had different ways, how to build, how to erect, and how to transport (things). They’ve created such ingenious structures like the pyramids. You see how we live today. We behave like we are the conquerors of the planet. We destroy everything in front of us, the plants and the animals. Who gives us that right? We are supposed to live in harmony with this planet. Today, we act 99% as materialistic beings, only after money. That’s why we live in such a stressful environment, because we create such an environment.

If we want change, change will not come from the outside. It comes from within. First we need to change ourselves. We need to learn how to live in harmony, how to balance our spiritual and our physical aspects. Once we do that, we start working in our environment, in our surroundings and that’s how we change the world.

Dr. Osmanagich encourages volunteers to come to Visoko and engage in research work on the pyramids and the tunnels beneath them.

The discovery in Bosnia is the world’s cultural heritage. It belongs to the whole world, not to one man, one foundation, or one little country. So far, archaeological research has belonged to the elites. Only archeologists could go to the important archaeological sites and only selected archeologists could go to the most important sites.

In our case, we proclaim to be open to everyone. Whoever wants to become a part of the project, they are welcome to come to Bosnia. They can come and work with us – one shift, one week, or two weeks, and they will get a unique experience. So when I say it belongs to the world, really anyone can come and see what we have and be part of it, so they can be volunteers, or researchers, or scientists, or alternative scientists or tourists; it is open for everyone. We need to raise our consciousness, people need to be aware of such a wonderful archaeological site.

Thank you Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich for speaking to us about your intriguing discovery in Visoko and our appreciation goes to your foundation for helping to uncover a part of humankind’s fascinating ancient architectural legacy. We look forward to hearing of many more amazing discoveries at the Bosnian pyramids in the years to come.

For more details on Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich and the Bosnian pyramids, please visit the following websites:
Books by Dr. Osmanagich are available at

Thank you, respected viewers, for your company on today’s program. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May Heaven forever abundantly bless us all.
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