Vegetarian Elite Haiti’s Own King Wawa:A “Oneness Kingdom” in Music & Arts - P2/2 (In Haitian Creole)    
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Today’s Vegetarian Elite will be presented in Haitian Creole and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hungarian, Haitian Creole, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Nepali, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Thai.

I don't eat animals, and also I don't drink, I don't do drugs.

I never liked meat. I never like anything from it, especially cow. I don’t like the smell of the milk. I was never interested in that. I influence a lot of people, sometimes without saying anything.

Halo, sunshine sweethearts and vegan hip-shakers! Welcome to another groovin’ episode of Vegetarian Elite.

Today, we continue our feature one of the Caribbean’s musical stars, Haiti’s own King Wawa. A versatile artist, King Wawa is an accomplished singer, percussionist, guitarist, songwriter, and painter. His mission is to inspire, uplift, and bring joy to people. His given name “Wawa” means king of kings and reflects his noble nature.

The essence of his music stems from African traditions; however, King Wawa truly draws inspiration from the cosmos itself. Recently, Supreme Master Television had the honor of speaking with King Wawa in California, USA. During the interview, he spontaneously sang a powerful song about love and respect for all life, reminding us all of the importance of living as a true human being.

We’ve got to save the animals now
We’ve got to save the land now
We’ve got to go vegan oh to save the land
We’ve got to go vegan now if you’re a true human
Oh, we’ve got to go vegan now, to save the land
We’ve got to be true human now To save the animals.

In part 1 of our interview with King Wawa last week, we learned about his immediate transition to vegetarianism in his childhood after witnessing an animal being killed. This harsh experience led King Wawa deeper into art, and he was able to transform the negative event into a positive one by painting the animal back to life.

On today’s show, King Wawa shares his views on the vegan lifestyle and how it benefits humans, animals, and the entire planet.

I just think my spirit, or the spirit of the universe, my family and the people who appreciate what I do to bring it. I am basically a vessel. It just goes through to me and I put it out. And I just hope when someone likes what I do, and I like what you do, we both each way we’re doing it, and then I think it’s a good combination to keep, to help humanity and to help the world to go forward. And this is my passion – music and art and to help people out – whatever I can do. And I’m trying to do as much positive deeds as a human to do positive things, to people, to myself.

One of these positive deeds King Wawa performs every day is simply in respecting other beings. His humility and reverence for life enables him to view animals and humans as equals.

The animals, they were there before us. And then they use the animals for all kinds of abuse – to serve, to carry people from chariots, people ride them in the circus, and the chicken in cage, the dogs, and all these things. And my spirit, this is like they’re older than us. (Right.) You have to give respect, like you have to give respect to them like in the family when you grow up in the Caribbean, the elders had to get respected, they get respect.

Do humans really need to eat the flesh of other beings and drink the milk meant to nourish animal babies to survive? Should we consider how animal agriculture negatively affects our environment? King Wawa explains his points of view.

I don’t think it is necessary in order to survive to kill the animals, (Right.) because they have a lot to do with the environment, and it has to do with people. And then a lot of people eating animals; one person can eat about 51 animals a year. If we eat meat every day, that’s about 51 animals, and probably more than that, we eat a year. And then when you do that, it’s not an advantage for the Earth. Because the animal basically is one of the main things on this land to help the ecosystem.

King Wawa compassionately empathizes with the animals who go through the suffering of factory farming. He asks us to consider how animals in these terrible conditions must feel.

And I am just telling people, if somebody take your kid… Put it this way, just look at the picture, and then that little cow going to turn into grinding meat and the cow going to be just slaughtered, going to be put in confinement. And they’re going to force them, the cow, the mother cow to get pregnant again unnaturally, and then to create babies again, and that the circle going on, unnaturally.

So now, I’m just saying to people those are beings, everybody is a being like us. Imagine somebody doing that to you, somebody doing that to your child. The cow has tears as we do, they got feelings as we do, they speak, they sense, they got emotion also as we do. If you see an animal with 4, 5 kids, they got feelings, (They’re protective, yeah.) they know what’s going on. I hope the people in the world can understand that just for that.

So much confinement Cows are in the cage Can’t you see what they’ve done to Millions of animals now? Oh can’t see you what you’re eating? Oh flesh and blood! We’ve got to go vegan! Oh to save the land, Be a true human now. To save the land If you want to be healthy You have to go vegan.

We’ll be back in just a moment for the conclusion of our interview with Haiti’s own King Wawa. You are watching Vegetarianism Elite on Supreme Master Television

My name is King Wawa. I am from Haiti. Right now you are watching Supreme Master Television. Be Vegan, Go Green 2 Save the Planet. This is the word for today, and for tomorrow, and forever.

Although there are many reasons why one may choose to adhere to a pure plant-based diet – from moral ethics to physical health – King Wawa points out that veganism is something that benefits ourselves and the multitude.

And also eating vegan it’s more healthy. It’s healthier, you feel free, your body is light, you can run, you can jump, you don’t have to worry about high blood pressure, you don’t have to worry about obesity, you are just normal. People think if you don’t eat animals, we don’t get enough protein and things like that. They always say okay, they are looking for protein, if you eat cow you got more protein.

Watch what the cow eats! The cow is a vegetarian! (Yeah.) So the argument is kind of, people are just brain washed from way back then. People don’t give any chance, don’t give any chance to renew their mind, and go to a different direction. [Veganism is] the way to eat, the way to survive. And not only that, you are helping not only yourself, your health, you are helping the environment. And you will be happier.

Oh watch your blood pressure
Watch your stomach now
Leave the animals alone Oh to save this nation
We’ve got to go vegan now
If you want to be a true human now
If you want to be revered
Save, save, save the animal now
Oh leave them alone
Can’t you see baby calf become cheese Mother cow become cheese.
Can you imagine they take your child
They grind it into meat
Oh so much pain, for a mother cow
Even the pig is one smart animal Like the dog
They try to destroy the planet
We’ve got to go vegan

Have you been able to impact the lives of those around you towards being vegan?

Oh a few of them, a few of them. Some of the tell me, “Oh how can I do if I’ve been eating meat for as long as I exist.” And I say, “You know what, you just wake one day and just don’t eat meat, just wake up one day you just stop.” (Decide.) Just that one day, it’s not that hard, it’s up there. And I say, “What if there are no animals? What if they pass a law, there’s definitely a law that says, ‘from now on nobody eat animals,’ what are you going to do?” (You just do it.) You just do it!

So it’s not that hard. It’s not a challenge. One of the things also when you’re vegan, you don’t have to worry about going to the doctor that much. You don’t have to worry about being sick. You got to check yourself, but sugar, your liver, your kidneys, because all the heavy meat goes to your system, especially you are eating heavy and your metabolism is slow. So therefore, you’re going to store all those, all the food, and you’re going to eat again and you’re still storing.

So if your metabolism is slow, that’s when you’re going to get big. therefore the best way, if you want to worry about that, you just eat properly, light, and green got all the vitamins, nuts, and grain, all those things. So therefore I think that’s probably the best way. Me, I just want people to leave the animals alone. (Right, yeah.) Leave them alone, you know. They don’t bother you, why you want to eat them?

You’re impacting a generation of children in Haiti, and they’re looking to you like a role model. So they’re hearing about veganism. (Yeah, yeah.) You’re changing the world.

King Wawa has played at numerous top name music festivals and vegan events including the 2010 benefit concert “Soul Food-For-Thought” held in San Francisco, USA. He walks a path of spirituality and harmony, who seeks to share the good news about veganism wherever he goes, including in his homeland of Haiti.

The music I’m doing and the consciousness and the people around, when people see you, they probably will definitely, you know, going to follow you. Because when I go any place, and people come around me, they eat the way I eat. (Yeah.) So therefore, if I got 15 people around me, they eat the way I eat, so therefore they understand it. So people going to eat the kind of way they can find food.

But if you create the food for them, like Loving Hut, you create so they can physically find the food, it would be definitely a good thing to do. The food will be there. So that’s a start. I influence a lot of people, sometimes without saying anything. (Right.) They know me. But I do spread the news, and that’s one of the reasons I wanted to go to Haiti to spread that news because Haiti definitely needs that help.

And then, I would like to open, the idea just came to my head the other day, a Loving Hut in Haiti. (Oh wow!) I want to do that. It is something I definitely would like to do that. I need the help because I know it would pick up just like that. And I have the plan in my head the places to do it. It’s just a matter of putting it together, if the vegan association people can help me to put it together.

And I think people in Haiti would definitely love it and would pick up so fast just like that, because Haiti needs it. (Yeah.) Yeah, not only in one place, a lot of places, with good price and with good places, you know, it will happen. It will happen, but I just need some help to do that.

We’ve got to save the animals now,
We’ve got to save the land now,
We’ve got to go vegan oh to save the land,
We’ve got to go vegan now if you’re a true human,
Oh, we’ve got to go vegan now, to save the land,
We’ve got to be true human now, To save the animals

We certainly wish King Wawa many blessings from the Heaven for all his future endeavors of sharing love through music and spreading the lives-saving way of veganism. May his shining soul be forever protected to do noble work.

Selfless viewers, thank you for joining us on Vegetarian Elite. Coming up next is Between Master and Disciples. May a rainbow of happiness be forever at your doorstep. God bless.

For more information about King Wawa’s music and Haiti Relief Fund, please visit

This is King Wawa here. You are watching Supreme Master Television. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save The Planet! This is the word for today, for tomorrow, and forever.
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