Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio - P3/3 April 26, 2011    
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*I'm very concerned these days about the possibility of war between India and Pakistan,and at the moment,see this as one of the most troubling developments in recent decades. There are other "hot spots" in the world of course,but these two countries are armed with nuclear weapons mounted on hundreds of missiles pointed at each other,on standby alert,ready for launch in minutes.
There is the same danger of false alarms,radar errors or mistakes as there were between the US and USSR for many decades,you know,a flock of seagulls (Yes.) being misinterpreted on radar as an incoming attack when it's not. (Yes.)
Even a small number of cities being attacked would impact the environment around the world. We would all be affected. (Yes.) It would cause a global food shortage,a famine and be a major setback for the vegan diet in the world. All the smoke in the atmosphere would make global cooling the issue instead of warming.
A year without a growing season would mean crops failing. People would be trying to feed themselves anyway they could and nations would no longer wish to export rice or other foods,if they could no longer feed their own populations. (Right.) As I see it,the vegan movement,and a positive vision for the future of humanity,are linked to peace in the world,preventing major wars. We're all going to be affected by any major war like that. (You're right.) What can we do to work for peace in the world?
Yes,James. I'm asking the same question. (*Right.) Yes,well,you know,I don't understand this. Because… I don't understand war at all. I also don't understand how people can make war with each other,yes.
How can they not stop all this senseless killing?Because the person you kill looks exactly like you. Maybe a little bit different in color of the skin,but he's you,he's human. So how can they not see the light and keep creating darkness,these war-makers?Yes. There are many causes of wars,but I think it all boils down to ignorance,James. You know,people are being given false promise,or brainwashing or false interpretation of doctrine,and 『the blind lead the blind,and both will fall into the pit.』
The people who make war for any reason are really pitiful people,because they have been misled,I think. I am sure they have been misled,misinformed,mis-educated since they were young,already. But,despite all that, if everyone,or the vast majority,now turn at least back to benevolent lifestyle,then the war-like atmosphere,war energies,will die down,and peace will be emerging like a miracle. Because the killing,injuring energy will disperse with time.
If we choose to go in the opposite direction,then we will arrive at a different destination,that's for sure. You see?If we want to go south,we have to go south. We cannot keep going north and then expect to see the southern city. Of course,if we keep going forever,maybe. You see,all the meditators should intensively meditate for peace and a vegan world. 
It will help to some degree,more or less,depends on one's level. I,myself also,right now meditating day and night,trying to inject some more spiritual blood into the deficit energy bank of the world. But I am not always free even to do that all the time. I do as much as I can.
I minimize every other activity,unto the minimum,so that I can meditate as many hours as I can. I should meditate like,at least,13hours a day - thirteen,one,three - but sometimes I couldn't make it,maybe 10hours,maybe 11,maybe less. You see,because I'm not always free,with all the demands of the world.
I can do maybe 60of the intended retreat every day,and I'm not very pleased with it. I'm worried about the world,to tell you the truth. But everybody who knows meditation should intensify their effort,with the goal to create peace on this planet,and a vegan diet,a vegan planet. Vegan planet is a peaceful planet,you see?(*Yes.) One thing leads to another,yes. (*Yes.) Hopefully,we will make it,James,with everyone…
*A diet of kindness leads to kindness in the world.
Yes,everybody must help.
*Yes. Well,your book ends on a very positive,hopeful note about the future of humanity entering into a Golden Age,or what some have called Sat Yuga or Eden on Earth,the Golden Era. Will we see the beginnings of a Golden Age during our lifetimes?We're all waiting. Will we see this happening,(Yes.) or clues or the beginnings?
Yes,we see some. (*The beginnings.) We see some,and we hope to see more,James. I mean,we see some in some corners,but the other corner is still boiling. It's just like a house is burning and you have been able to douse it out in some corners,and in some other corner,is still burning or still smoldering.
But we hope to have more,James,if we deserve it. (*Yes.) But it all depends also on humanity's direction,now and in the future. As more and more people join the vegan trend,the more and more hope we will have,see?  
As we have discussed before. Right now,we hope that humans wake up fast,and fast,and realize the house is burning and know that organic vegan is the sure and quickest way to cool down the fire and save the world. If we look into all the religions of the world,all the old prophets,masters,they all say to us the same,『Like attracts like,』 『Sow the seed of love and compassion,and then you will have it yourself.』
So we hope our planet and people will survive,first of all,by turning back to their own compassionate nature: be vegan. That means love for all beings.  Then Golden Age,not invited,still comes,if we continue with our benevolent,vegan,compassionate lifestyle. Even if we don't invite the Golden Age,it will crawl into our house. So I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction and I hope I'll be of some help to your listeners. And thank you for all this.
* Well,certainly it is my pleasure to be speaking to you today and to be reading your new book,『From Crisis to Peace.』(I'm glad you like it.) And spreading the word about this,and yes,we can all step in there,personally,individually,we can all have our own individual Golden Age.
That's right.
*You don't have to wait for the rest of the world: we can jump in right now.
That's right,that's right. You know,to me I have my Golden Age all the time. (*Right. Right.) To most of my Association members,they also think they are in the Golden Age because they meditate a lot and they feel calm and peace,and whatever they wish comes true. So they think they're in control of their life and everything goes well for them and peaceful. Yes,so we can have our own pocket Golden Age. That's right,James. It's a lot of things that we could discuss,but we all have our other things and time (*Right.) so maybe next time.
*Right. Well,it's been great speaking with you today,and it's great having this opportunity.
Great to see you. (*Yes.) Great to see you again,James.
You look younger than last time I saw you.
*Well,I hope I am going in the right direction. Yes.
You are. You are. But you're very busy,very busy. (*Yes!Well…) Doing researching and writing for radio and hosting the radio.
*Yes. We're trying to keep up with everything and…
You are faring well?
*I do believe in what I am doing,and that's what keeps me…
Yes,I know. That's why,yes. That's what keeps you going. (*Yes. Yes.) Yes,you have to believe in what you do,otherwise there's no sense of doing it. (*Yes.) Like a job,it's not.
*Right. So I fast or, I… don't spend much money and just...
Understand,understand. Don't go out and no vacation,nothing.
*You know me well.
Yes,almost like what I'm doing. It's just that I am also a frugal person. (*Right.) I only spend what's absolutely necessary. For myself,you know,just one or two meals a day,simple vegan. It's not much that I spent on myself. Everything is for the world,for others.
*Yes,I always have felt led to do radio and to read,you know,Kabir poetry,(Yes.) and all of these beautiful saints of the East. And so…
Yes,but you must meditate also. (*I do.) Must meditate. Yes,(*Yes. I do.) so that you can balance out the karma (retribution) that you take in while you're doing this,because you don't do this… (*Yes.) Nothing is for free in this world. (*Right.) If you want to do something good for the world,you know,the price we have to pay,spiritually - I mean,spiritually. So do take care that you meditate enough. (*Right.) Four hours if you want to stay above the water.
*Yes,good to know.
One hour on the Sound at least,and three hours on the Light. Okay?Or half and half. If you can do two and two,it's good. I'm only telling you as a friend,not as a guru. You know all this already,but because you do more for the world,you have to meditate more,James.
*Just to keep this magical,you know,keep the Divine grace coming?
Yes,otherwise you'll be in deficit.
*Yes,yes. I see what you're saying.
Yes,okay?Remember that. Saving others is good,but you have to also be able to swim back. All right?
*That's the thing.
Yes,four hours,meditation. Okay,love?(Yes.) Well,if you don't believe me,you go ask your guru,and they'll tell you the same. Did they tell you?Four hours.
*Well,two. Four hours is a good goal to have.
You must try. (Yes,four hours.) Not two-and-a-half hours. Two-and-a-half hours is for ordinary people (*I see what you're saying.) who is doing nothing for the world,just taking care of their own self or families and job. (*Yes.) But for the person who wants to do things for the world,at least four hours.
*That's a good principle to follow,you know.
Not principle. It's a must.
You have to do it because otherwise you'll be depleted. (*Yes,I see what you're saying.) Because if you want to spread this to the world,that means you will be saving some souls,and the bad karma (retribution) will be more on you than normally,do you understand?(*Yes. Yes.) I guess you are not so often in contact with your master,so I am just trying to remind you.
*Right. Yes,that's a very good thing,to increase the amount of meditation.
Yes. So that you stay well and balanced and healthy and even-headed. Because if you keep giving without earning enough,then you'll be in trouble. Just like money,James. (Exactly.) Yes,if we spend more than we earn,then we'll be in trouble. See what I mean,yes?(Right.) Meditate more,okay?(Right.) It's not good enough that we do good and then we will be good,no. Maybe in Heaven later,but in this lifetime we must balance the spiritual energy and the world energy that surrounds you. The more you want to help the world,the more you have to meditate. That is the problem. But the more we want to help the world,the more we're busy already. You see what I mean?(That's true,that's true.) That's paradoxical,but what to do?
*That's true.
Okay,James,your master doesn't tell you that if you,for example like,his contact person or his representative,they have to meditate more?Or the person who helps the master in the ashram to do correspondence and all that,they have to meditate four hours at least. Didn't your master remind you?
*No,I haven't heard that before. Of course,the teacher that initiated me years ago passed on.
Passed on. But you have other masters,yes. Okay,now if your master has passed on,then you have to contact with the successor of your master,(*Right.) to be more refreshed and reconnected. Okay?(*Right.) Your master will take care of you anyway even if he passed away,that's for sure,yes,but physically,intellectually,we need sometimes to be refreshed,you know,be in contact,supported spiritually,mentally,psychologically,okay?
*Right. That's why I am always very friendly.
With whom?
*With you.
With me.
*I'm very friendly. Very open.
You're a friend. That's good. It's good,it's good.
*…from Light and Sound,Light and Sound teachings.
Yes,must meditate on it,okay,because that's our essence,that's our God Quality. God Quality is manifested in this world as the inner Light and Sound,the lightless Light,the soundless Sound. And this will help us to be able to overcome all troubles in this world and to stay balanced and spiritually uplifted.  At the same time that we want to help the world,we must also continue to help ourselves. Yes,(*Yes.) you can visit the successor of your master,or talk to your master,also fine,but meditate more.
*Good advice for me,yes,four hours,four hours.
Try to make it.
*Really,I will. I will remember.
Try to make it. Yes,really true,one hour on the Sound at least,(Yes.) and then the other,Light. You try to make it another 3hours. (*Yes.) Yes,otherwise if you don't have to do radio,you don't have to try to help the world,then you don't need to meditate so much; two-and-a-half hours,as your master said,is enough. (*Yes.) Normally,yes.
*That's the standard,yes. (The standard. Yes.) Yes,the standard,but yes,I agree that,yes,we do need to build up that spiritual charge and live in that level of grace in order to change the world for the better,help people,help others.
Yes,but you have to be strong,you see?(*Yes. Yes.) Have to be strong. That's why the more you give,the more you must strengthen yourself,yes.
*Right. Right. Good advice.
No,no. It's not an advice,it is a must,James. Your master didn't know you were going to do radio and help the world,so he didn't tell you,of course.
*Right,that's true.
Yes,but if you ask the successor of your master,he will tell you the same,the same as I told you. We need more energy to give,you see what I mean?
*That's right.
Yes,that's what it is,James. If you push just a car of 20kilograms and you don't have to use so much energy,but if you push like 50kilograms,then you have to use extra energy,see?Same. If you want to help the world,you have to stay connected,more strong,strong,taking more from the bank,you see?- because you want to spend more,(*Yes,right.) like money,you want to spend more,then you have to take more from the bank in order to have it.
*Have enough spiritual charge,blessings.
* (Yes,definitely.)
Your bank account must be more in abundance in order to give,otherwise you might be in trouble. Nothing big deal,maybe sick or ill,or in financial difficulty or (*Very true.) cannot talk or whatever. Okay,be strong,right. Thank you for inviting me today.
*Absolutely. Well,thank you for your assistance and for speaking to me today. It's great to share these goals of (Yes.) Vegan Law and working for good.
Yes,we are friends. (*I'm working for the good.) We are friends. (*Absolutely.) we are friends,we do the same stuff. That's what friends are,you know,look in the same direction.
And I wish you all the luck,okay?And I pray for you.
*I very much appreciate this.
Pray your master to bless you more so that you can continue your noble work. I'm sure he's blessing you,but you have to take the blessing. Sit four hours so that he can bless you more. (
*Right.) Understand,love?Yes,sit. (*I do. That's a very good,very good…) Sit so that you can receive more,and then you can be stronger in here. All right.
*Right. I believe Gandhi said something like that once,too.
(He did?)
*『I have so much to do today that I have to meditate more.』
*Gandhi said something,yes,to link meditation with doing things in the world.
Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes. The more we meditate,the more wisdom and strength we have,then the more efficient we are in whatever job we do. Well,especially like your job.
*It's all Divine grace.
* I live with Divine grace.
Yes,that you are right,you're right. Okay,James,see you then.
*Namaste (I greet you in God).
Namaste. Be blessed,be loved.
Pray to your master to help you every day,yes?Don't forget him.
*No,no. Thank you.
Thank you. Bye.
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