Shining World Compassion and Hero Award: True Human Spirit in the Animals’ Hour of Need    
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Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Today we celebrate the noble deeds and true, loving spirit of officials from Greene County, Indiana, USA and Chen Shueh-Jen founder of the Gangshan Aranya Dog Sanctuary in Formosa (Taiwan). In the United States, more than 70 dogs were rescued from a mobile home in Indiana by the county health department and the Indiana State Police. Let’s hear from Marilyn Crays, a public health nurse for the health department, and Shane Smith, a former deputy for the sheriff’s department on how they first heard about the dogs’ perilous situation.

The way that we usually hear of these incidents is a complaint. Usually neighbors in the area. We had several that had notified us about the dogs in this area.

Prior to the health department getting contacted, I believe the same people that were complaining also contacted the sheriff’s department with the large number of dogs that these two people had. The dogs started getting out of the kennels and running throughout the area where they were kept at. Then again, I was contacted by the health department to do an escort with them out there in case there were any problems.

What officials found when they arrived was heart wrenching and deeply saddening.

I really did not believe that somebody actually had 100 dogs in a trailer. And when we arrived, and I saw many dogs on the outside, and they were in cages, (there were) very few, very few dog food bowls anywhere to feed these animals. A lot of them looked like they had scars on their bodies, and they just looked very weak. Some of them did also look sick. The main part that I noticed was when we came up on the front porch area, there was a horrible odor. The smell just permeated. It almost made you ill it was so bad.

And then when the front door opened, it was just unbelievable. They had chicken wire fence and all these dogs that were in the living room and had some in the kitchen. They lived in the bedroom, in the back part of the house, and they had even new puppies back there. The dogs were allowed to do whatever they needed to do in the home. There was feces everywhere and a urine smell. The cleanliness level was not very good at that time either.

The inside of the trailer was, we felt, at that time unlivable, and we were going to have to make a decision for their health and safety. We gave them 30-days to get the trailer cleaned up and everything they needed.

The Monroe County Humane Association, a local non-profit animal welfare group, aided the vulnerable dogs as well.

We were able to just work with these people and talk with them and they understood that maybe that situation wasn’t the best for all of those dogs. So they actually signed them over to us.

Then we came back about a week later. We rescued all the dogs, brought them back to the temporary shelter where people cared for them. For about three days they received vet care. They were all treated and then we transported them to various shelters, in Indiana as well as Michigan (USA) and Wisconsin (USA).

For their caring efforts to restore the health and wellbeing of humans and animals alike, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored the Greene County Health Department and the Indiana State Police each with the Shining World Compassion Award, accompanied by a letter of appreciation. The following is a brief excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s letter to the Greene County Health Department:

We applaud and honor your loving efforts and faultless expertise in helping to achieve the very best arrangements for these beautiful dogs. You make our world a better place through your caring dedication to the wellbeing of both people and animals. Thank you so much for the shining example of love in action! With Great Honor, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai

It is an honor to receive this Award for something that we don't think about every day, that we're going to go out and rescue dogs. But it's an honor to be honored for doing our work on a daily basis. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

Supreme Master Ching Hai also contributed US$10,000 to the Monroe County Humane Association to assist in the purchase of veggie dog food and medical care for the rescued dogs.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We are truly touched and humbled. This is what we do and we don’t expect anything in return and so this was really humbling and we’re touched that she felt that we were deserving.

As we know, advocating for the animals is a lot of work. And a lot of times we don’t have all of the resources we would like to. So this really makes a difference.

Next, we travel to Formosa (Taiwan) for a Shining World Hero Award presentation to Mr. Chen Shueh-Jen of the non-profit Gangshan Aranya Dog Sanctuary, for his quick thinking and actions that saved the lives of many canines when Typhoon Fanapi hit the island. Let’s now hear from Mr. Chen about what happened when the typhoon struck the area and his efforts that night.

On the night of Typhoon Fanapi, there was very severe flooding, about 400 centimeters high. I moved all the rescued dogs to the top of the big dog cage over there. Its location happened to be the right height. The flood water rose up very quickly. It was really scary. I kept swimming all night, probably the whole night till dawn. Those dogs that I was able to rescue were all saved.

For his heroic, compassionate act of safeguarding the dogs’ lives in their time of need, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Mr. Chen Shueh-Jen with the Shining World Hero Award. The following is a reading of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s letter of gratitude to the gallant Mr. Chen:

Dear Mr. Chen, It is with great pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your courageous rescue of hundreds of our beloved friends in the animal kingdom – the intelligent, kind hearted and loyal canines.

Earlier this year a severe storm caused major flooding across Formosa. Gangshan Township was among the worst hit, and unfortunately your sanctuary was flooded to a height of four meters. You were alone at the time when the flood hit, choosing bravely to stay with hundreds of frightened, wet, cold and despondent dogs as their protector with rapidly rising waters.

It was a critical and difficult situation. Immediately thinking of the 400 residents’ needs and using great initiative, you stacked up their cages to create a higher ground and encouraged them to seek refuge above the waters! It was dark, making the work dangerous and hard, and along the way you received many cuts and bruises. Showing great love and concern for their wellbeing you swam around looking for food to uplift their spirits.

After dramatically and successfully rescuing almost all of them, it was then two long days in freezing cold conditions before being rescued. Mr. Chen, in your wisdom you know the sanctuary’s residents are members of our extended family of living beings, and as such, you were willing to sacrifice your own life to save theirs.

Such selfless bravery and dedication for our co-inhabitants is rare, you are indeed a man amongst men, and a shining light of nobility. Sir, we hope that your lucky dogs have recovered fully and your much needed sanctuary is rebuilt better than ever before. We herewith offered our little humble part.

For your outstanding courage and selfless act of sacrifice, for your heart-felt loving care, and for being a dedicated and noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the heroic deeds of Mr. Chen, Shueh-Jen, Founder of Gangshan Aranya Dog Sanctuary. With Great Honor, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai

Thank you. It’s my great honor to accept the Shining World Hero Award, which is presented by Supreme Master Ching Hai. I really send my deep appreciation to Supreme Master Ching Hai for giving a hand to the 400 dogs at this time. On behalf of these dogs, I’d like to give my sincere thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Supreme Master Ching Hai also provided 40 packs of vegan dog food and US$10,000 to the Gangshan Aranya Dog Sanctuary. Mr. Chen was in the midst of rebuilding the Sanctuary in partnership with an organization called Animal Rescue Team Taiwan when he received this unexpected gift.

Some part of the construction had not been completed yet. Coincidently, Supreme Master Ching Hai helped us and the US$10,000 happened to be needed to complete the construction. Supreme Master Ching Hai granted the US$10,000 just in time to help us make arrangements for constructing this side. So, this money granted by Supreme Master Ching Hai was really important. It did play a significant role in completing the follow-up construction.

In addition, Mr. Chen received a selection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s books, including the #1 international bestsellers “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds,” a number of her DVDs and CDs and a reusable “Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet” bag.

Yes, “Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet.” I hope we together spread the power of love to the whole world with this common idea, and also give impetus to saving the planet through the power of love.

Our earnest thanks Greene County Health Department, Indiana State Police, Monroe County Humane Association and the Gangshan Aranya Dog Sanctuary for the life-saving service you provide for both the humans and animals in your respective communities. May your wonderful work continue to shine a beacon of light on many more souls.

Cherished viewers, thank you for joining us today on our program. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May all beings be forever graced with Heavenly light.
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