A Day in the Life of an Israeli Jewish Family - P2/2 (In Hebrew)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Hebrew and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Welcome cordial viewers. Today, we continue our program, titled “A Day in the Life of an Israeli Jewish Family.” Yesterday, we followed the Binder family in Hod HaSharon, Israel as they were getting ready for work and school. We watched as the family came together again for a hearty vegan dinner.

We saw how Jewish people give thanks to God for blessing the Earth that nourish through every meal.

“Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe who brings forth bread from the earth. Amen Next, the Binder family is expecting a guest from abroad. Mrs. Binder gets the door as the guest enters. Israeli Jewish people are known for their warm welcome of guests. Their hospitality is said to be a heritage from the Hebrew forefather Abraham. He would sit outside waiting to invite any traveler passing by for a rest in the shade of his tent, and to prepare his guest a nutritious, tasty meal. The tradition carries on. At the Binders’ home, the Mrs. Binder prepares to treat their guest with a specially made vegan cake and some hot tea.

Because in Israel, many keep kosher, it is easier for vegans to find food that has neither meat nor dairy. And here we have, for example, a cake that appears to be dairy but it’s not, it’s suitable for vegans. And it looks very tasty.

Here we'll put some tea, sugar. Brown sugar is good, right?

Everyone is present to entertain the guest, including the gentle family dog. Mr. Binder and his children sing a few fun songs for the guest’s pleasure.

The post comes today, in the red van and… letter with a stamp, maybe it's from my dad, maybe from Tel Aviv, maybe… Alef is a tent, Beth is a house, Gimel it’s a big Camel, What is Dalet, this is a door which opens everything.

Hallo, hallo…

Alef Beth Gimel Dalet…

Hei is splendor Vav is a rose that bloom in my gardens, Zain Hait, both of them it’s a lily bouquet Six and seven years old, Alef Beth Alef Beth, talk with chalk and color, Alef Beth Alef Beth, and emerging in a dodge ball dance, Alef, Alef Beth, 22 letters, Alef Beth.

Music and singing is an important part of Jewish family life. Also very important is remembrance of God in daily life. In a Jewish family, it is the father who is responsible for observing the prayers. Besides being a loving provider for the family, the Jewish dad is a leader and role model in the family’s social, ethical and spiritual life.

In Judaism, you have to pray three times a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. It’s better not to pray alone but pray with ten people. If you do not have ten people, some of the prayers you cannot say. When you do the morning prayer, you also have to wear tallit (prayer shawl) and tefillin, I will show you how it’s done.

Like all Israeli Jewish fathers, Mr. Binder wears tefillin and tallit in the morning prayers. These are signs of remembrance that God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.

You are allowed to put on tefillin and tallit only when you are 13 years old. And also the prayer is always to the direction of Jerusalem. So all the synagogues in the world are always directed to Jerusalem.

Again, this is called tallit. This is what you put on when you get married, and this is kind of, again, gives you the responsibility of a family. This, you start when you are 13. According to the Judaism when you are 13, this is only when you start to be responsible for your acts. When you are not 13, any mistake or any problem that a kid does, it actually debits his father. When the boy become 13, there is a big ceremony called Bar Mitzvah, and he gets his tefillin, and from this time on, he is responsible for his own acts.

In the Torah, you have 50 chapters, and each week is dedicated to a specific chapter that you read on Saturday. During the week, you read part of the chapter. So after all year, you complete the Torah and then start again in the next year.

“Praised are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who has made us holy with the mitzvot and instructed us to wear tefillin. Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe whose mitzvoth adds holiness to our life and who gave us the mitzvah to wrap ourselves in tzitzit.”

And this is kind of the bonding between the prayer and his God. The tallit is usually used only if you are married; to show you are married and you have a family and you are in charge of the family. And the prayers are meant to keep the connection between the prayer and God. And this all resembles the time when we had the temple in Jerusalem.

On weekday mornings, Mr. Binder also attends the Shacharit, the traditional Jewish service of morning prayers at the synagogue. Synagogue mean a place to learn together, referring to consecrated spaces that can be used only for the purpose of prayer. Earlier in the day, Mr. Binder stopped by the synagogue for Shacharit before going to work.

Blessed are You, our Lord, King of the Universe, One Who sets free prisoners. Amen.
Blessed are You, our Lord, King of the Universe, One Who straightens bent ones. Amen.
Blessed are You, our Lord, King of the Universe, One Who spreads out the earth upon the waters. Amen.
Blessed are You, our Lord, King of the Universe, One Who prepares the steps of the strong man. Amen.
Blessed are You, our Lord, King of the Universe, One Who fulfilled all my needs. Amen.

And especially to me… it’s like that. I was talking after Gal and Almog…


I don’t know…

Yes, but it doesn’t matter…

…and they’re orange.


No. here, here, this is good, this is good. One more.


Ah, let’s see.

Yes, that one.

Yes, that one. Here, it got hit.

Here’s the other one… stop, stop, stop.

Now let’s take… It is now evening at the Binders’ home. After the nice dinner, it’s time for the family to relax and enjoy one another’s company.

Arial also likes to play with his dad.

The dog Grace enjoys a massage from Michal in the living room. Michal then takes Grace out for a walk around the neighborhood. Other families are also out taking a stroll with their children. Michal and Grace are joined by Michal’s mother as they enjoy the cool early afternoon breeze.

How about a stop at the outdoor market for some fresh fruits and vegetables?

The tomatoes and avocadoes also look very fresh.

Later, the children play a game together before going to bed.

We thank the Binder family from Hod HaSharon, Israel, for your hospitality and kindness in inviting us to your home. We wish you, and all the Israeli people much peace and happiness, in God’s merciful grace.

Gracious viewers, thank you for your pleasant company today. Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May we all live together harmoniously in neighborly love.
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